Friday, May 31, 2019
Film Contributions of the Sixties Essay -- essays papers
Film Contributions of the Sixties Beginning roughly with the release of Stanley Kubricks Dr. Strangelove Or How I Stopped Worrying and love the Bomb in 1964, and continuing for about the next decade, the Sixties era of filmmaking made many lasting impressions on the motion picture industry. Although editing and pace styles varied greatly from Martin Scorcesses hyperactive pace, to Kubricks slow methodical pace, there were many uniform contributions made by some of the eras seminal directors. In particular, the Sixties saw the return of the auteur, as people like Francis Ford Coppola and Stanley Kubrick wrote and directed their own screenplays, while Woody Allen wrote, directed and star in his own films. Kubrick, Coppola and Allen each experimented with characterization, narrative and editing techniques. By examining the major works of these important directors, their contributions become more apparent.Dr. Strangelove (1964), an adaptation of Peter Bryants refreshful Red Alert, although still bearing the usual traits of a Kubrick film, is something of a departure for him in terms of editing and spacial strategies. The films run-time more or less corresponds with the fictional or represented time in the story. This direct correspondence between fictional and real time adds to the sense of temporal abridgement induced by the films insistent editing patterns. Although Dr. Strangelove employs many long takes, it contains the shortest average-shot-length of any Kubrick film. The film consists of roughly 700 shots and has a run time of 94 minutes for an average-shot-length of 8 seconds. Despite the rather short average-shot-length, Dr. Strangelove still resorts to crucial long takes to slow down the rapid momentum of the story (Falsetto, 35).Several spatial and temporal procedures are at work in Dr. Strangelove, such as the use of the long take. Conversely, the B-52 sequences, often accompanied by various versions of When Johnny Comes marchland Home, employ d ifferent editing patterns than the rest of the film. These edits reinforce the films theme of inevitability. Through editing, the B-52 sequences display a strong cinematic rhythm. The shots are chiefly shorter than the other sections of the film, and they significantly contribute to the films shorter average-shot-length, despite Kubricks deliberate use of long takes (Falset... shots, all three experimented with elements of characterization. Kubrick used both inborn and objective points of view quite deliberately in his films. Coppola took the Mafia, and humanized them more so than previous gangster movies, in addition to redefining what a sequel should be. Woody Allen took drollery back to its roots, and in the process, was able to created some of the most groundbreaking comedy since Charlie Chaplin. In addition, this return of the auteurs paved the way for many of todays cock-a-hoop filmmakers. Without Kubrick or Coppola, there would be no Quentin Tarantino, and without Woody Allen, there would be no Kevin Smith. Coppola, Kubrick and Allen have each made enduring films, and continued to do so well after the Sixties had ended.Bibliography Falsetto, Mario. Stanley Kubrick A Narrative and Stylistic Analysis. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. 1994. Girgus, Sam B. The Films of Woody Allen. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1993. Johnson, Robert K. Francis Ford Coppola. Twayne Publishers, Boston, 1977. Mast, Gerald and Bruce F. Kwan. A Short History of the Movies. Allen & Bacon, Boston, 2000.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay on Hidden Conflict in Eudora Weltys A Worn Path :: Worn Path essays
Hidden Conflict in A Worn Path In Eudora Weltys A Worn Path the conflict was not apparent at the very beginning. What was a poor, elderly sick woman doing gall(a)ivanting in the forest during the cold of winter? The reason became clear towards the conclusion of the story as the action revealed that the conflict was obtaining the necessary medicine for her grandson. When this conflict became obvious, another question came to mind. What kind of nightclub did this woman live in that she had to go all the way from her home in the countryside to the city by herself to get the medicine? The conflict being illustrated is that of an person versus society and the four problems that Phoenix faces as a result of this was her old age, her health, her grandsons health and her state of poverty. Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles... (paragraph 2). This quotation was one of many indications of Phoenix Jacksons old age. Normally, in s ociety on that point are benefits for the elderly and thoseof the golden age. in that location are various organizations that help people who are over the age of sixty-five. They also provide various services towards them such as meals on wheels. Was there not someone who could have delivered the medicine to this woman of nearly 100 years of age? Perhaps Phoenix Jackson was too shy or had too much pride to ask for a service of that nature. The doctors from the medical building knew about the condition of Phoenixs grandson and did nothing to try and help. This showed the lack of respect that was preface in the society. In todays society, someone of that age commands and deserves the proper respect. She carried a thin, small cane made from an umbrella, and with this she kept tapping the frozen earth in front of her, (paragraph 1). The bordering conflict that plagued her is that of her health. In the preceding quotation, there was one important note that readers shouldtake into consideration. The fact that she kept persistently tapping the earth in front of her could only express one thing-that she was visually impaired. She may not have been completely blind, but she had to have been substantially impaired to have kept tapping her cane in a redundant manner.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Jungle Book :: essays research papers
Part 1 Identifying1.) Protagonists- In a tarradiddle or movie the Protagonist(s) is/are the main division(s). In the story A separate Peace the protagonist is Phineas(Finny).2.) Antagonists- In a story or movie the Antagonist(s) is/are the source or force in conflict with a main character, or Protagonist(s). In the story A Separate Peace the Antagonist is Gene.3.) Setting- In a story or movie the Setting is the season & place of the action. In the story A Separate Peace the setting is at the Devon School.4.) Mood- In a story or movie the Mood is the pinch created n the passage. In the story A Separate Peace the mood is sad because jealousy ruined Gene & Finnys friendship.5.) Conflicts- In a story or movie the Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. There are two types of Conflicts Internal & External. An Internal Conflict involves a character in conflict with himself or herself. In the story A Separate Peace the Internal Conflict is Gene vs. himself. In an external confl ict, the main character struggles against an outside force. In the story A Separate Peace the External Conflict Gene vs. Finny.6.) hesitation- In a story or movie the Suspense is the feeling of curiosity or uncertainty about the outcome of events. In the story A Separate Peace the Suspense is when Gene shakes the tree offshoot & Finny falls & shatters the bone in his leg.Part 2 Elements of p dole out1.) Exposition- In a story or movie the exposition is the background information, which sets the scene for the conflict. In the story A Separate Peace the exposition is the following At the beginning of the story Gene has been out of school for fifteen years & has pertinacious to come back & visit. While visiting he saw the tree that Finny & he had jumped from into the Devon so many years a go, which brought back a lot of memories. He then remembers the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. That was the club that Finny came up with. To be in the club you had to jump off a rich ly tree limb & into the Devon. Since Finny was a daredevil, he decided to go first. Gene was an intellectual & was afraid to jump, but he jumped anyway. They were then late for supper, which had been noted by Mr. Prudhomme.The next morning Mr.
Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties Essay -- Jean Jacques Ro
license for Rousseau and Individual LibertiesThe purpose which Rousseau ostensibly gives his social contract is to devoid man from the illegitimate chains to which existing governments consider shackled him. If this is his aim, then it follows that he should be most concerned with the preservation of freedom in semipolitical society, initially so that savage man top executive be lured out of nature and into society in the first place, and afterwards so that Rousseaus fashion model for this society will prevent the present tyranny from reasserting itself. Indeed, in his definition of purpose for mans initial union into society, he claims that, despite his membership in an association to which he must needfully have some sort of obligation if the contract is to be valid, he will obey besides himself and remain as free as in advance ( 4). However, hardly a paragraph later, he appears to contradict this idea entirely, saying instead that mens union into society constitutes the total alienation of all(prenominal) associate with all of his rights to the whole community ( This apparent contradiction begs the question, what is the freedom that Rousseau envisions for man, and how does this kind of freedom continue to individual rights and protect the individual within a society governed by the general will? Rousseaus conception of freedom begins to take shape in the transition from nature to society, in which a profound shift occurs in human nature that translates into a change in the nature of freedom among the two states. Entrance into civil society, Rousseau argues, produces the most noteworthy change in man by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct (I.viii.1). That is, move into civil society allows man to exist peacefully in ... ...s him without any recourse except to accept the constant error of his ways and obey. Rousseau opens The Social swerve with the claim that he is taking men as they are, but he is in fact taking man as he wishes he force someday become, as his theory of human perfectionism betrays (I.i.1). And art object Hobbes understands that man will never bow voluntarily to coercion and will fight for his life privileged and outside of society, Rousseau thinks man can be conditioned to accept coercion as a blessing so that no force will lease to be exerted to keep him in order. And in the assist of shaping men in the image of his minds eye, he is willing himself to tolerate what he calls the most enormous abuses, from the subjection of mens very thoughts to the jurisdiction of the law, down to the right of the sovereign to execute citizens it deems a danger to its amorphous good. Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties Essay -- Jean Jacques RoFreedom for Rousseau and Individual LibertiesThe purpose which Rousseau ostensibly gives his social contract is to free man from the illegitimate chains to which existing governments have shackled him. If this is his aim, then it follows that he should be most concerned with the preservation of freedom in political society, initially so that savage man might be lured out of nature and into society in the first place, and afterwards so that Rousseaus framework for this society will prevent the present tyranny from reasserting itself. Indeed, in his definition of purpose for mans initial union into society, he claims that, despite his membership in an association to which he must necessarily have some sort of obligation if the contract is to be valid, he will obey only himself and remain as free as before ( 4). However, hardly a paragraph later, he appears to contradict this idea entirely, saying instead that mens union into society constitutes the total alienation of each associate with all of his rights to the whole community ( This apparent contradiction begs the question, what is the freedom that Rousseau envisions for man, and how does this kind of freedom relate to individual rights and protect the individual within a society governed by the general will? Rousseaus conception of freedom begins to take shape in the transition from nature to society, in which a fundamental shift occurs in human nature that translates into a change in the nature of freedom between the two states. Entrance into civil society, Rousseau argues, produces the most remarkable change in man by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct (I.viii.1). That is, entering civil society allows man to exist peacefully in ... ...s him without any recourse except to accept the constant error of his ways and obey. Rousseau opens The Social Contract with the claim that he is taking men as they are, but he is in fact taking man as he wishes he might someday become, as his theory of human perfectionism betrays (I.i.1). And while Hobbes understands that man will never bow voluntarily to coercion and will fight for his life inside and outside of society, Rousseau thinks man can be conditioned to accept coercion as a blessing so that no force will need to be exerted to keep him in order. And in the process of shaping men in the image of his minds eye, he is willing himself to tolerate what he calls the most enormous abuses, from the subjection of mens very thoughts to the jurisdiction of the law, down to the right of the sovereign to execute citizens it deems a danger to its amorphous good.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Investigating the Cause of Global Warming Essay -- Global Warming Clim
Investigating the Cause of Global WarmingMany people disagree on the issue concerning world(prenominal) warming. more or less believe that human activities, various forms of polluting, are the main cause of orbiculate warming. Others debate that not only cook humans not touched the planet by any significant amount, but that not much worldwide warming has even occurred. Many scientists think that pollution is the cause of global warming and the greenhouse effect. There is a lot of evidence to support this theory. In the United States alone, almost 15,000 pounds of greenhouse gases are emitted per person each year. From 1990 to 1997, these emissions have change magnitude by 3.4%. The burning of fossil fuels is responsible for 82% of these emissions. Since the industrial revolution first came about, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by almost 30%. The burning of fossil fuels to power vehicles, heat buildings, and to power factories is the cause of the emission of 80% of the carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. The amount of methane in the atmosphere has increased by more that 100% and the amount of nitrous oxide has risen by 15%. The burning of fossil fuels is also responsible for emitting 25% of the methane and 20% of the global nitrous oxide that is released. Some other emissions are ca utilise by the increase of landfills, agriculture, industry, and mining. There are also other greenhouse gases that do not occur naturally. Some of these gases are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). These are byproducts of refrigeration, air conditioning, and foam production. The increase of greenhouse gases causes the atmosphere to trap more heat than it would naturally. ... able to melt ice caps. I used to believe that action should be taken immediately to stop global warming so that our planet wouldn?t be severely damaged. Now, based on the evidence I have seen, I don?t think that pollution has such a large effect on the environment. Of course I do think that it is important for us to try to cut down on pollution. It will someday affect our descendants. However, I no longer think that a huge amount of money should be spent to solve this problem immediately. I think that each individual should be careful in their everyday lives to try to cut down on pollution. I think this will make our planet a better place for the future.Bibliographyhttp//
Investigating the Cause of Global Warming Essay -- Global Warming Clim
Investigating the Cause of Global WarmingMany people take issue on the issue concerning global warming. Some believe that human activities, various forms of polluting, atomic number 18 the main cause of global warming. Others deliberate that not only discombobulate humans not affected the planet by any significant totality, but that not much global warming has even occurred. Many scientists think that pollution is the cause of global warming and the greenhouse feeling. There is a lot of evidence to support this theory. In the United States alone, almost 15,000 pounds of greenhouse gases are emitted per person each year. From 1990 to 1997, these emissions have increased by 3.4%. The burning of fossil fuels is responsible for(p) for 82% of these emissions. Since the industrial revolution first came about, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by almost 30%. The burning of fossil fuels to power vehicles, heat buildings, and to power factories is the cause of the emission of 80% of the carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. The amount of methane in the atmosphere has increased by more that 100% and the amount of nitrous oxide has risen by 15%. The burning of fossil fuels is also responsible for emitting 25% of the methane and 20% of the global nitrous oxide that is released. Some other emissions are caused by the increase of landfills, agriculture, industry, and mining. There are also other greenhouse gases that do not occur naturally. Some of these gases are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). These are byproducts of refrigeration, air conditioning, and foam production. The increase of greenhouse gases causes the atmosphere to trap more heat than it would naturally. ... able to thaw ice caps. I used to believe that action should be taken immediately to stop global warming so that our planet wouldn?t be severely damaged. Now, based on the evidence I have seen, I don?t think that pollution has such a large effect on the environment. Of course I do think that it is important for us to try to cut down on pollution. It will someday affect our descendants. However, I no longer think that a huge amount of money should be spent to solve this problem immediately. I think that each soul should be careful in their everyday lives to try to cut down on pollution. I think this will make our planet a better place for the future.Bibliographyhttp//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Disappearance of Family Farms Essay
There are many things in the world that have been disappearing over new-fashioned years. These types of things include, but are not limited to encyclopedias, tape players, typewriters, and even books. Another thing that has been a huge part of history that seems to be disappearing at, frankly, an alarming and scary rate is family-owned farms. Less than one third of family farms that existed in the United States in 1935 are still remaining (Toews). Family farms are disappearing because of the expenses incurred in owning one, the concentrated die and long twenty-four hour periods the family must put into them, and because of the appeal of city life to younger generations and the development of enter throughout the United States.Family farms are expensive. And, distant what one would expect, the rewards are not too extravagant, either. The expenses are rising while the income is declining, and that is an equation none of us want to see when it comes to our own future. It was even predicted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that farmers would see the biggest decline in income than any other industry (Toews). However, if we lose all of our family-owned farms, all we have to rely on is bigger industries, which includes travel and transportation costs, chemicals, and most likely the mistreatment of animals.Good work ethic seems to be something that has become rare in America. There is an unexplainable amount of work that goes into farming, especially on smaller farms with less man and machine power to help out. Farmers, on average, spend between twelve and sixteen hours a day working. And, tying this back, they are not being rewarded properly for the hard labor they put into their jobs each and every day. They have no vacations, no holidays, and no drop or personal time. They have to be there. As younger generations look to their elders, they realize all of the suffering with little reward, and question if they want to go consume that very same path them selves.Lastly, farms seem to be disappearing because of development and the desire for the city life. Younger generations of the 21st century seem to be drawn to city life, to fast paced life with easy access to anything and everything they might need at the drop of a hat. To make these accommodations for malls, plazas, parking lots, and buildings, we need to develop land somewhere. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 3,000 acres of land are being lost due to development each day as of 2008 (Gilbert).So, wherefore should it be alleviated? It is a piece of history, something that all of us, if traced back far enough, can relate to in some way. It is healthy, for our bodies, ethics, the economy, and the environment. If we were able to afford more topical anaesthetic farms, then we could cut transportation costs and fumes extravagantly. If more people worked on farms, I can almost guarantee the work ethic in the United States would skyrocket. Also, with more people actually doing work consisting of hard labor, we may be able to cut health problems such as obesity.And, if that assumption came to be untrue, the community would still have fresh food. So, if itd be so great, why cant we do it? Its expensive. Plain and simple. Family farming is not something that will come back easily, as would a piece of apparel in the fashion industry. On the contrary, it is something we need to fight for. Buy locally grown. contribute your local businesses and economy. It may not seem like a huge step, but every little bit will count when trying to save what we have left of this farming history.Works CitedGilbert, Sarah. Top 25 Things Vanishing from America. DailyFincance. N.p., 20 Jul 2008. Web. 1 Oct 2012. . Toews, Jacob. The Disappearing Family Farm. Real Truth. 01 Jun 2010 n. page. Web. 1 Oct. 2012.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Accounting Profession
The workload of the note is measured 2 In terms of actual clients rather than attempting to measured the unattackable In terms of the billing hours or dollars. Two individual clients serviced by the truehearted illustrate the complexity of coordinating the activities deep down one local, targeted firm within the region. One client Is an independent 011 and gas entrepreneur that operates over an expanded region which may involve operations in multi-states when exploration is active. A atomic number 42 client is a construction company that has crews operating in four states on a weekly basis..The necessitate accounting and tax documents (paperwork) ND nurture change exponentially with the addition or deletion of new clients to the existing client list. A concurrent change is that of administering a database to ERM the tell to manage the required coordination between separate accountants working independently but for the same client. The firms workforce is make up of twain part ners, one non-partner associate and various other hourly personnel. The firm currently operates offices in two attitudes within a single state.The CPA Firm (CPA) partners recognized within the past some(prenominal) years that a paper intensive environment ad resulted in a firm- total system that was in danger of collapse. One of the two partners, the of age(p) partner, was assigned the specific depute of developing policies related to two interrelated purposes involving the use of technology (1) to improve the management of the processes and work (data) flow within the firms system and (2) to undertake strategic readiness to insure the firms continued growth and success by improving cost efficiencies through better usage of technology.The research group (authors of the study) used the results of an interview of a partner of a repressions law firm (in a parallel study) using the nine milestones remembered by the SEARCH (the National Consortium for umpire Information and Statis tics) during the belles-lettres review as a guide in determining the strategic planning and implementation for a typical law firm within the Justice system in order to compare research results between two different, but similar, professional firms.The milestones permitted the research group to organize its findings in a way that is consistent with other efforts within the Justice system (law firm) while also providing similar structure for a CPA that is governed by parallel expectations.However, since the law firm was a component of the Justice system the findings are grouped into fewer categories to allow the research group to structure the intent of the recommendations provided by SEARCH to a specific case study (of the CPA) regulated by professional, federal and state statutes/regulations to a professional law firm within a specific ingredient of the overall Judicial system yet regulated in a similar manner. Both types of professional firms arrive legal and ethical obligation s to protect their clients interests (manual and electronic documents, etc. 3 STRATEGIC DISASTER PLANNING The CPA notionally had a self-contained computer- found information system housed internally in one of the two branch offices of the firm. As growth of the client base grew and the firm expanded the firm added a part- time, consulting-in-nature IT support that continues today. Initially IT periodically backed up the firms data on an infrequent basis that evolved into a routine practice over time. However, no firm backup policy or procedure existed rather the IT lag simply implemented common sense and applied what experience had shown them was the service the firm needed.In short, simple use of backup tapes and disks as determined informally by the IT consultant as his time permitted. However, as the CPA continued to grow the partners began to informally create a plan for backup however, the backup was still localised and stored at one of the firms office where the primary IT o peration was housed. The easy plan established and used was to store duplicate copies of computerized files in the same physical location where the master copies were located.Experience proved to be a lesson learned. The offices of the firm are located in an area of the U. S. That is prone to hurricanes. While the offices are not located on the coast hurricane damage NAS occurred within the elite to the firm and the original partners learned that offside storage of backup copies could prove to be a wise turn tail of action in an area that has experienced hurricanes on a frequent basis. Thus a backup of computerized records with offside storage became the default plan for several years.The senior partner, upon being charged with the responsibility to improve the management of the processes and work (data) flow within the firms system and to undertake strategic planning to insure the firms mean growth and success by improving cost efficiencies through better usage of technology init iated planning by developing a firm wide identification of technology needs, policies and procedures that would be necessary for the firm to successfully survive a natural disaster.This planning effort included charging the IT consultant with the responsibility to recommend changes in the computerized firm-wide system that would permit the daily backup of all databases and other files at remote sites including alternative net income capabilities that could be used to resume netmail and there communication capabilities as quickly as possible if the main office location was down due to a natural disaster. The plan was to have alternatives that would permit the firm to resume and maintain operations from various sites within the U.S. If necessary. On no single date was the system to be backed up at only the main location by having the master and backup files physically located at the same system. The IT consultant recommendations were used by the senior partner to later on develop p lans for the CPA which addressed the backup, relocation, security, and covert in the areas of hardware, software, databases, and physical 4 structure or operational areas, and telecommunications-network links internal and immaterial to the CPA.The IT staff was requested to provide the senior partner with suggested scenarios that would describe the cause and effect of actions (procedures) that the CPA should implement. Examples provided by the senior partner included the following 0 Hardware laptop computers were to be taken home (and subsequently to evacuation locations) by individuals the laptop was assigned to by the firm. All non-removable computers, etc. Were wrapped in heavy plastic for retention from roll up and water damage (anything short of a direct destructive hit).The CPA buildings were to be secured to minimize the effect of wind and water debris and structural damage. 0 Software All software programs, systems and applications, backed up and sent to offside locations in second firm office located another geographical region of the country. 0 Databases all data backed up and copies moved to local and distant locations electronically and hardcopy. Two sets alert and kept at two different locations locally and one set sent to an off-site location in Tennessee (and not in line for hurricane damage).Telecommunications- network reviewed the backup contingency plans with vendor that was located in another geographic region to initial recovery efforts once the CPA and vendor could resume conflict and after power and other utilities were restored. Partners of the CPA were obviously kept in the loop and were advised to carry identified hardware, software, and paper files to other locations (homes and perhaps subsequently to evacuation location areas outside to the disaster area). The partners supervised t transfer of items to the second CPA location (from one gulf coast state to an midland state overnight).August 26, 2005 the path of Hurricane Strai n continued to indicate that the CPA likely would be within the projected landfall area and subsequent inland path of destruction. The change magnitude magnitude of the hurricane became obvious to the firm personnel and the disaster plan was set in motion. The plan identified those responsible for each of the planned areas of responsibility. When the decision was made by the partners-owners of the firm to implement the disaster plan there was approximately four hours remaining in the work week.CPA employees were already concerned for family and personal newsperson and the firm began to allow employees to leave work early to tend to those needs. However, a core of employees partners and one staff person remained to oversee the completion of disaster procedures. Who did what? When asked this irresolution the senior partner stated that the partners did the activities related to insuring the hardware, software, databases, 5 telecommunication-network and structural preparations were completed as quickly as possible.He commented that what most have to remember is that Hurricane Strain grew from a category 1 too category 4 or 5 within a very short timestamp. All disaster planning had been based on what disaster experiences in the past had shown would be probably. The IT consultant worked non-stop until the last items were relocated, secure, backed up and ended their efforts on Sunday, August 28th. The CPA partners at both(prenominal) locations dealt with the business end of the disaster plan implementation.Those tasks included 0 Notifying clients and carriers the CPA was battening down and would be back in touch as soon as possible, 0 Arranging to have any imminent incoming checks re-routed to the off-site inland state location (for feet and operational banks), 0 Updating voice messages for the office, 0 Making final decisions about which paper (hard) copy file needed which level of protection (covered, uncovered, removed to another location, etc. , 0 Reviewing that all electronic (soft) copy were backed up according to the plans to insure that copies were located in several locations locally and remote and the person responsible for each copy, Providing phone accomplish lists for all employees and giving out partner information to all employees (who had already been sent home to deal with personal and family assister preparations), and 0 Checking insurance policy reportage (and later following through for example, business interruption insurance has been troublesome).
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ontario Regulation 455/07 and the Demerit Point System
The Ontario Regulation 455/07 is a regulation put into place that deals with impede driving, as well as racing and contest driving. The regulation clearly outlines and defines what races, contests, and stunt driving are, covering the many different situations and scenarios that fall under those terce categories. It also outlines the many punishments that plenty be given to those who are caught racing or stunt driving.The punishments are extremely severe, ranging from heavy fines to jail time, license suspension, and thus far having your vehicle detained. The demerit point system is used to enforce safe driving, but to also discourage, dissuade, and not overly drivers who are caught breaking the law. Rather it is a system that move ons drivers to reform their actions, so as to become better and safer drivers. As the severity of the offence increases, more demerit points are given out and mess result in fines, license suspension, and even jail time.Regulation 455/07 works well in conjunction with the demerit point system. Stunt driving and pelt along are often the result of careless drivers. Rather then ruining the lives of these drivers by punishing them in a way that severely affects their life, demerit points can be used as a way to punish these drivers, yet at the same time encourage them to reform their ways, without destroying their current way of living.For the preventative of all road users, those who break the driving regulations by participating in activities like stunt driving, racing, and contest driving, should be severely punished and reprimanded and this can be achieved in many ways, from fines to jail time and demerit points. Demerit points serve as a key way to punish such actions because of the systems tendency to encourage reform rather then just punishment for the sake of punishment.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Book Review: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Essay
Just imagine part of your body being taken away from youscary right? That is on the dot what happened to Henrietta Lacks. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot explains who Henrietta was, where she came from, the howeverts that put her in the hospital and eventu each(prenominal)y killed her, and the legacy she has left in the world of science. Henrietta Lacks was born Loretta Pleasant in Roanoke, Virginia on August 1, 1920. No one knows how she became Henrietta. Her mother, Eliza Lacks Pleasant, died while giving birth. Henriettas father, Johnny Pleasant, did not have the patience to raise ten children, so he took them all to live in Clover, Virginia. Henrietta lived with her grandfather and her cousin, David Lacks. Henrietta and David had shared a bedroom since she was four, so it was not a surprise when they started having children together. Henrietta had five children in all Lawrence, Elsie, Sonny, Deborah, Joe (who later changed his pick out to Zakariyya). A w eek before learning she was pregnant with Joe, Henrietta had told some of her cousins that she had a knot inside her. About five months after giving birth she eventually went to her doctor.The doctor told her she had better go to the John Hopkins gynecology clinic. Howard Jones said he had seen easily a thousand cervical cancer lesions, but he had neer seen anything like what was inside Henrietta. Dr. Jones cut a small sample and sent it to the pathology lab where Mary Kubicek handled the now famous cells. She labeled the culture HeLa for Henrietta and Lacks and then carried them to an brooder room. Four days later, George Gey, the leader of the lab, noticed the cells were growing with mythological intensity and doubled their numbers all twenty-four hours. George Gey told a few of his closest colleges astir(predicate) the magnificent find and gave them some cultures of the immortal cells. Henrietta never knew that her cells had been extracted and placed in labs. She just went o n living her life. By September 1951, Henriettas body was overtaken with tumors. They had fully grown on her diaphragm, bladder, and liver. They had blocked her intestines and made her stomach swell. Henrietta knew she would die soon, and she did on October 4, 1951.Henriettas family did not find out closely her cells being in almost every lab until 1973. Lawrences wife, Bobbette, found that her mother-in-laws cells were taken from a friends brother who had recently conducted an experiment with them. Lawrence called Hopkins, but they said that there was no record of patient by the name of Henrietta Lacks. Lawrence, Sonny, Deborah, and Zakariyya tried to avoid all reporters after that. Deborah especially had trouble with what microscopic knowledge she had about her mothers cells. She constantly had panic attacks and got hives when talking about her mother. One reporter, Rebecca Skloot, continuously asked Deborah to talk, and eventually she gave in. Deborah and Skloot spent a lot of time together after that. They went to the home-house where Henrietta grew up.Rebecca took Deborah and Zakariyya to equal with a lab technician to learn more about their mothers cells. That was the first time Zakariyya talked openly about his mother and did not get enraged. Rebecca Skloot had promised Deborah cardinal things to see her mothers cells and figure out what happened to Henriettas sister, Elsie. Rebecca and Deborah went on a road trip to find out any information they could about Elsie. Elsie had been admitted to the Hospital for the Negro Insane because she had epilepsy and was classified as mentally retarded. Rebecca and Deborah had become good friends while they were investigating for information about Henrietta. Rebecca was devastated when she learned Deborah passed away.The authors purpose in writing this book was to in inform and explain from whom the world famous HeLa cells originated from. Rebecca Skloot stated in the book that when she first heard of the HeLa c ells, she was preoccupy with them. She intended the book to be seen and read by everyone interested in science. Skloot wrote at times very formally and sometimes very informally. She wanted to appropriate how Henrietta and her family really communicated. This book really made me start to think. In the wonderful world of science, not always do people actually look asshole the blinding facts to see where (or who) the information came from and what lengths it took to get in it.After reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks I will now think what people had to do to gain the information Im learning about. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone. I found it very intriguing and it kept my attention. There were a total of twenty seven photographs in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Every single photo told a story and helped to explain the written words even more vibrantly. Rebecca Skloot also told stories within the big one. She told about Henriettas hard life before she passed away. Skloot explained the facts behind why and how she died. The afterword of the book was very factual and had little to do with Henrietta Lacks.It answers the questions Wasnt it illegal for doctors to take Henriettas cells without her knowledge?and Dont doctors have to sound out you when they use your cells in research?. The answer to some(prenominal) questions is no, and the afterword goes into detail about the medical related laws that have been passed for patient privacy and such. Rebecca Skloots final purpose to write The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks was, I believe, to tell a story of a womans incredible part in science and history, which wasnt even her choice. Henriettas story deserved to be told, and Rebecca Skloot did an amazing job telling us about the incredibly brave and immortal Henrietta Lacks.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Succubus Shadows Chapter 17
My initial time with the Oneroi had been a mix of true and false ideates. As time went on and I in truthly had no way of saying how much of it did go on the majority of them seemed to be true virtuosos. They were either visitations of awful memories or more glimpses into my real life, meant to demoralize me and fetch me homesick.I was still torn apart, still feeling more animal than human or succubus orwhatever. Yet, the fleeting pieces of tenableness within me wondered at the sudden lack of handcrafted visions. One might argue the Oneroi were being lazy. They were just giving me recycled material, and whe neer I did see my friends in the human beings, I got the ideal that it was less a dream and more equal the Oneroi flipping me onto a TV channel to make sure I stayed distracted and gave them something to feed off of. It closely felt like they were trying to keep me busy becausewell, they were busy. entirely why? What had happened? What had Dante been about to tell Roman and the others? Was it fair to middling to make the Oneroi pull some of their concern from me? Or were these simply more mind games meant to leave me in turmoil?I kept hoping Id see a follow-up to what had happened with Dante, just the Oneroi had other separate of the life Id left behind to show me. Or, well, parts I hadnt left behind. Simone was still impersonating me, and the Oneroi regarded me to know.Adding insult to injury, she was helping M resumeie and Seth with the wedding. The three of them were out barroom shopping, and honestly, I was almost more surprised to find Seth there than I was Simone in her disguise. Hed pretty much kept away from the wedding provision as much as possible, using the pretense that he was no good at findings and was happy to let Maddie run things the way she wanted.I didnt discredit the first part of what he verbalize but wondered about the second. In my heart of hearts, the one that believed he was still in love with me, I on the Q.T. h oped he was passing it to Maddie just because he was indifferent to it all. I wanted to believe that he really didnt circumspection about the planning because he didnt care about the wedding.It was clear, however, that I cared. Or rather Simone cared. Considering my reluctance at dress shopping, you would pack fantasy Maddie might notice the sudden increase in zeal. Nope. Maddie was in like port caught up in her own bubble of happiness and welcomed my assistance.So, the three of them set off on a stripe adventure, visiting all the bakeries Maddie had compiled and ranked on a list pulled from hours of Internet research.You want it creamy, said Simone, licking icing off her fingers at a bakehouse in Belltown. Actually, it was more like sucking. This is a little too sugary. The threesome sat at a table where they had been provided with a plate of samples.Thats the tiptop, said Maddie. She was eating a bite-size piece of chocolate cake in a much less pornographic way. Mega suga r rush.Yeah, but if you get too much sugar, it just tastes grainy. You want it to slide right oer your lips. She turned to Seth. Dont you think so?Seth had detractn a bite out of a piece of marble cake. It is kind of grainy.Simone gave him a knowing smile, one that seemed to say, See? I know you better than anyone else in the world.Seth held her eyes for a moment, but his expression was unreadable. He turned toward Maddie. But we can do whatever you want.No, no, she said, not sounding too disappointed. This is for both of us. I want it to be something you like too.Seth gave her a mischievous smile. Does it matter? It all gets shoved in the face anyway.Maddies eyes went wide. No, it doesnt Dont even think about doing that.Guess you wont know until the time comes, huh? His smile had grown.Seeing him play with her made me (figuratively) squirm, but I took easiness in seeing a flash of annoyance in Simones eyes. Maddie was succeeding where Simone couldnt. That was how it should beor w as it? Maddies unwitting triumph over Simone meant she hadwell, triumphed over me. Or had she? Simone looked like me but wasnt truly me. Damn. This was all so confusing.Seth wouldnt do that, said Simone, resting her hand on his shoulder in what was supposed to be a couthie way. Maddie couldnt see it from her vantage, but Simones fingers lightly brushed the back of his neck. Not if he wants a good honeymoon.She spoke lightly, but there was a sly undertone there. Having her sex life brought up in public made Maddie blush. Seth had shifted uncomfortably, but the reason was unclear. Simones fingers? The mention of sex? Maybe both. Simone removed her hand, seeming vindicated to all the world, except Seth and me.Maddie seemed eager to change the subject from the romantic goings-on of a honeymoon. I think you should at least pick the cake flavor, she said. Im choosing so much else.I dont know, said Seth. He still seemed uncomfortable. I dont care if you do it.Yeah, but she wants you to, said Simone. Come on, make one firm conclusiveness here. You cant go wrong. Maddiell eat anything you pick.Loaded statement. Neither Seth nor Maddie acted as though they read anything into it, but I had a feeling Simone had intended it as a reference to Maddies very buxom figure.Exactly, said Maddie. Whats your favorite flavor?I bet I can guess, said Simone. Chocolate.Strawberry, said Maddie.Losers. It was vanilla.Vanilla, said Seth.Maddie groaned. Naturally. Well, theres one decision made. She rose from the table. Lets try a few other places and get the rest of this taken care of. Not much left after this. They reached the door, and Maddie stopped to discern at Simone. Oh, hey. Will you do me a favor? Will you take Seth tux shopping?What? asked Seth. No neutral face now. He was shocked.Maddie grinned. If you dont assimilate a keeper, youll show up at the church in a Billy Idol T-shirt. And its bad luck if I go with you.I suasion that was just for the bride, said Seth.I want to be surprised, Maddie countered.Of course Ill go, said Simone, putting her arm around Seth again in that friendly way.Maddie beamed, and the bakery faded awaytransforming into Eriks store.Erik sat at a small table with Jerome and Roman, and so help me they were drinking tea. Even Jerome. Roman was visible, which made me think Jerome mustiness have decided they no longer needed to fear the eyes of higher powers who might wonder why my human roommate kept tagging along with Seattles archdemon.Erik was tapping his tea cup thoughtfully. If your theory is right, it would explain a lot. These words were directed at Roman. The dream quality of the visions. Mr. Jeromes complete inability to find her.Jeromes slightly arc eyebrow was the all indication of his displeasure over the word inability.Erik continued, eyes on his cup as he pondered it all. And youre rightof all the creatures you suggested, Oneroi or Morphean demons make the most sense.Oh I thought in triumph to the Oneroi. How d o you like that, bitches? My friends are on to you. No response came. No dissolving of the dream, as I would have expected.But why her? asked Roman irritably. I had a feeling hed taken credit for the dream idea, shielding Dante from Jeromes wrath. Why a succubus? Dont they only care about human dreams?Theyre tied to Nyx, pointed out Erik. Oh, yes. My friends were smart. Smarter than Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys put together. Maybe even Matlock too.The why is irrelevant, said Jerome, speaking at last. Whether its Oneroi or Morpheans is in addition irrelevant. If somethings taken her to the world of dreams, shes completely inaccessible.Roman frowned. Why? Cant you just go in there and pull her out now that you know?Jerome gave his son a smile that almost, almost seemed genuinely amused. Youre half-human, and it shows. Greater immortals cant go there. We dont dream. Only gentleman do. The way is barred to us.Because you have no hopes or imaginings of what might be, said Erik. His ma nner and tone clearly indicated he believed such a thing to be a failing for angels and demons. You need a soul to dream.Well, if Im half-human, then Ill go there, said Roman obstinately, cutting off any retort Jerome might have given. I dream. So I can enter, right? And I can take on whatevers there. There was so much determination in his voice that I half believed he could take on an army of Oneroi right now.You have no idea what youre talking about, said Jerome. Clearly. Do you have any idea what the dream world is like?Do you? asked Roman dryly. I thought you couldnt go there.Dreams are what fuel human existence. Dreams of power, love, revenge, redemptionthe dreams of mankind are vast, uncountable. Humans dream both waking and asleep. Those hopes and fears are what put them at chance they gamble their waits and souls on dreams. You go into the world of dreams, and its like stepping into a blizzard. Every snowflake is some human imagining flitting by so quickly, you cant even see it. on the whole you see is a blur, a tangle of longings and chaos. If Georgina is there, she is one of those snowflakes. You would never find her soul.Heavy silence fell.Finally, Roman said, That was like poetry, Dad.But hes correct, Erik told Roman.More silence.Roman glanced between the two of them incredulously. So thats it? Its hopeless? Youre giving up without even trying to find her?Trying is hopeless, said Jerome. Demons might not dream the way humans did, but I suspected even he could picture what his superiors would do when they found out hed lost a succubus. Human magic could access the world of dreams, but itd do no good. He glanced at Erik, who nodded.Someone lost among all that couldnt be called back. Not even the strongest ritual could do it. Her soul would never hear anything we could muster.Romans face was a mixture of emotions. Anger. Disbelief. Andresignation. That didnt surprise me. Jeromes face did, however. He had stiffened at Eriks words, a spark of insigh t flashing in those cold, dark eyes.But you could do the ritual, correct? he asked Erik. Youre human. Youre strong enough to open the way.Erik eyed him warily. Yesbut by your own admission, it would achieve nothing. The connection you had to her was theoretically strong enough to possibly summon her back, but you cant enter. All wed have is a useless doorway.Jerome stood up abruptly. He glanced at Roman. Find your own way home. The demon vanished with a showy poof of smoke.And I vanished back into the Onerois prison. They stood there in the dark, glowing from what theyd taken from me. In dreams, though I suffered, I never felt the offensive effects they caused until I returned from them. That was when the agony, energy loss, and confusion hit me. Yet, this time, I wasnt completely lost to despair.You were wrong, I said. I tried to put some smugness in my voice, but it came out hoarse from my exhaustion. Good God. I was so, so tired. I guess dreaming didnt necessarily mean sleeping. My friends have figured it out. They know where I am.As always, One and Two were nearly impossible to read. What makes you think that was a true dream?Excellent question. Gut instinct, I said.You believe you can trust it? asked One. by and by all this time? After so many dreams? How can you tell whats real and unreal?I couldnt. I knew when the memories were true for now but the real world scenes were harder. Maybe it wasnt my gut so much as my blind optimism that believed what Id just seen was real.Two guessed my thoughts. You hope. And weve fed that hope, making you think you have a chance. So you will wait. And wait. And wait.It was real, I said firmly, as though that would make it so.Even if it was, said One, it meant nothing. You saw for yourself. There is no way to bring you back.Maybe that was the lie, I said. Maybe the rest was true. You mixed it. They figured out where I was, but you didnt show me the part where they learned how to rescue me. Theyre going to do that ritu al.They will fail. cypher can pull your soul from here.Youre wrong. I didnt even really know what I was saying. My essence felt like it was tearing apart, and really, the only thing I knew to do was to keep contradicting them.And you are naive. You always have been. Lesser immortals carry that impuissance over from their human days, and youre one of the worst. Our mother nearly used your weakness to free herself from the angels. Now it will be your downfall.What do you mean Nyx almost used it?The Oneroi exchanged glances very, very pleased ones. Your dream. Your fantasy, explained Two. The one she promised to show you if you freed her. You wanted so badly to believe it was possible, that you nearly gave in.For a moment, I didnt see them or that perpetual blackness. I was in a dream of my own creation, not theirs. The dream Nyx had sent to me over and over had been one of my future, with a home and a child and a man. A man I loved whose identity remained a mystery. Nyx had never s hown me the ending. Never shown me the man in the dream.You are so full of shit, I said. You claim Nyx shows the truth the future. But how could that vision have been true if Im similarly supposed to be locked here for all eternity? They cant both be true.The future is always changing, said One. That was true when she showed it to you. Your path shifted.Oh, come on Whats the point of having a vision of the future if it can change at any moment? Thats not a truth or a lie. Thats a guess. And I never believed her anyway. What she showed me was impossible even if I wasnt here with you two assholes.You will never know if it was, said Two. Then, he reconsidered. Actually it was possible, but you will live with the knowledge that its a future thats been taken from you.You cant take what I never had, I growled. Succubi cant have children. I could never have that kind of life.What I didnt add was that one startling thing had come from the dream. In it, Id had two cats. At the time, Id on ly had one Aubrey. Not long after, Id found Godiva, who was the other cat in the dream. Coincidence? Or had I truly been on the path to that future, only to have it ripped from me now? As always, the Oneroi could see into my heart and knew what I was thinking.Do you want to see? asked One.See what?The man, said Two. The man in the dream.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Knowledge of Programming Fundamentals
The article Future Developments Tomorrows IT Stars Will Need More Than Mere Skills published in eWeek (2004) likens the science of application development to basic reading and writing skills that all educated people postulate developed. This is not to say that all people are today equipped with the knowledge of program fundamentals. Rather, the author of the article makes the point that since writing an enterprise application requires a mere set of rules and directions such as those that car drivers are acquainted with, it is possible that every educated person in the near future will be equipped with the knowledge of programming fundamentals.By following a set of rules and directions, therefore, every person who needs to write an enterprise application or software program would be able to go steady his way. In that case, what would be the job of deft programmers? The author describes the programmers of tomorrow as masters in their science. Like master tour guides, these individ uals would be akin to the chemical formula 1 racers who can push their enabling technology to new limits. So yes, there will be need in the days to come for trained computer scientists. All the same, todays programmer must seek to be a master in the science one who knows more active the technology than laymen who merely follow the guidelines to programming.Given that the layman, too, should be able to follow specific rules to write applications, it is wise to let the computer software be divided into in operation(p) systems and applications. This makes it easier for anyone who is not a master in computer science to easily use both operating systems and applications, each with their own guidelines for operation. If applications andoperating systems were integrated, the layman would have to learn much more than he would be willing to learn about programming anyhow.Lastly, Coffee (2004) asks if knowledge of programming fundamentals would be require in the same way in the future th at reading and writing are taken for granted today as basic skills. Based on the summary of the article above, the answer to the question is Yes, every working professional who wishes to follow the set of rules and directions to write his own program in the future would be able to do so almost perfectly. However, unlike reading and writing skills that are acquired by both working and unemployed people, the skill of writing programs by following a set of guidelines is not expected to be acquired by all people.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
What Can We Learn from Luke About Jesus’ Attitudes to Women?
What can we analyze from Luke about messiah sides to women? In evidence to discuss what we can learn from Luke about messiah attitudes to women we must inaugural comprehend a little about Luke himself. According to Charpentier E (198181) Luke had been seen as the, beloved physician, which is to a fault cited in Hayes, M A. and Gearon L (1998145) whom further deposit that Luke travelled with Paul from Troas to Philippi in Greece, Paul, (Col 414) expressly calls him, the beloved physician. He was in fact Pauls medical adviser. Lukes acts were written in c AD 80.The status of women in Palestine during the time of Jesus was very emphatically that of inferiors. The women is, in all things inferior to the man, as stated by first century historian Flavius Josephus (as cited by Jesus central. com). Historically and traditionally, Jewish men did not speak in public to women even to their induce wives. However, Jesus never treated women in the expected ways of his culture at all. He talked with them, he taught them and he as well as expected and trusted them to be equal to(p) to cry the Good News.Jesus t herefore acted and mouth as if women and men were equal before Gods eyes. According to churchofgoddfw, Lukes gospel portrays Jesus as the one, who richly accepted women. Regardless of their social or marital status. It seems that Luke gives greater prominence to women passim his Gospel. It is obvious that Mary plays a central role in Lukes Infancy narrative concord to Hayes, M A. and Gearon L. Marys role in history was to be an extraordinary one. God chose her to be mother of Jesus Christ. I am the Lords servant, Mary answered. May it be to me as you have said. (Luke 134-38) Though Mary knew she was facing shame and humiliation, in faith, she willingly submitted herself to Gods will. Mary acted in great courage and faith. Jesus therefore honoured his mother throughout his life and also at his crucifixion. Mary was actually at the foot of the cross wher e Jesus compassionately let her bop that she would be c ared for after his death and resurrection. At the kindred time Jesus rejected the notion of fair sexs role in spite of appearance Luke (819-21), Now Jesus mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd.Someone told him. Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you. He replied, My mother and brothers are those who hear Gods word and put it into practice. Here it seems Jesus refutes the notion of gender-restricted roles (women have their place). However, here it also seems that Jesus is saying that they do not have favoured status because of their family or gender relationships, kind of a relationship with Him is attentiveness and regards for Gods password, concord to Gods word to women. org.Through reading Lukes Gospel, Jesus honour and valuate was not solely reserved for his mother Mary. It was extended in fact to all women, which is unannounced a s mentioned earlier. Moreover, women became disciples and followers of Jesus (Luke 81) Mary Magdalane, Joanna, Susanna and several others journeyed with Jesus on his travels and are also present at his crucifixion whilst the disciples flee at his burial and at the tomb on east wind Day according to Hayes and Gearon. They become the first preachers of the Easter message (Lk 24 1-13).It therefore seems that Luke makes a point that women are the first to come to Easter faith according to Hayes and Gearon and the first to proclaim it. According to Judaic Law, women were not allowed to bear legal go out, as cited by Jesuscentral. com. However, the fore mentioned bared witness of the risen Jesus Christ to his disciples. Luke highlights here also that Jesus revealed himself in one of his key roles according to Jesuscentral. com, as Messiah, to a adult female. The Life Light Home Study Course also highlights that Luke emphasizes, the fact that it was women that were the first resurrectio n evangelists. The fact that it was they that returned from the tomb and told the eleven. Does this therefore imply the possibility of a much greater participation of women in the era of the Church? Luke goes on further to highlight how Jesus allowed women to touch him, even women who were considered as unsporting According to Luke (840-56), Jesus touched a dead women, the daughter of a synagogue ruler, and brought her back to life, within the same verse Jesus allowed a women who had been leeding for 12 years to touch his cloak in order that she may be healed. Further to this Jesus allowed a prostitute to touch and wash his feet while dine with disapproving Pharisee (Lk 73) In addition to this Luke also has the story of Martha and Mary were Jesus taught that women were just as responsible for, growing in grace and knowledge as men, when it came to being one of his followers as cited by Grace Communion International. Therefore, Luke highlights that Jesus expected women as well as m en to learn from him.Jesus saw woman as a expert-fledged human being, which is indicated here as Mary sit down and listened learning theology, rather than assisting her sister within the kitchen preparing a meal for Jesus. Luke identifies Jesus regard for woman again as he after all taught Mary, when such behaviour was a violation of the conventional theology. Jesus thus affirmed a womens right to be a disciple and not to be concerned solely with domestic affairs. Further to this, is another fascinating account according to Luke (1310-13) when Jesus heals a disabled women on the Sabbath day in the synagogue. he showed his regard for her by calling her a daughter of Abraham. Jesus was not only faced with the wrath of the Jewish leaders by ameliorate this woman on the Sabbath. This highlights again Jesus regard for women, as he healed someone whom may have been shunned because she was a women and also she was disabled, plus to do so on the Sabbath. In the Acts women are full members of the Church. Luke specifically records that both women and men were baptized (Acts 812 1615)It seems that more than twice in His parables Jesus used an illustration with a women to illustrate the faith and resolve they were to have The persistent widow who troubled the judge (Lk 182-8) and also the women searching for the lost coin, in which Jesus states, In the same way, I tell you, the angles of God rejoice over one sinner who repents. (Lk 158-10). Jesuss attitudes towards women seem never to have been negative, rather always a positive attitude, which as stated previously is in dramatic contrast to his predecessors and the culture to which he was born into.Concluding that from the evidence cited previously, Jesus as indicated by Luke, promoted the dignity and equality of women in the midst of a very male-dominated society, according to Hayes and Gearon, scholars have reason that women played a significant role in Lucan communities. Jesuscentral. com takes this one step fu rther as to state that, Jesus was a feminist, and a very radical one. Jesus was therefore a friend of women, promoting the dignity and equality of women which is clear throughout Lukes Gospel.It seems the prominence of women throughout Lukes Gospel suggests equality. Indeed theologytoday identifies that the attitude of Lukes Gospel towards women is, not so much a totally revolutionary picture of their discipleship as it is an appreciation of their inner resources and ability to centre themselves to receive and act upon the word of God in truth. Word Count = 1354 References Charpenter, E (1981) How to Read the New Testament. London SCM Hayes, M A. and Gearon L (1998) Contemporary Catholic theology a Reader.Herefordshire Gracewing Richards, C (2002) Introducing Catholic Theology. Suffolk Kevin Mayhew The Bible Societies (1976) Good News Bible. London Collins http//www. churchofgoddfw. com/women/w_leadership. shtml accessed 22. 05. 12 http//www. gci. org/jesus/women accessed 28. 04 . 12 http//www. godswordtowomen. org/jesus. htm accessed 19. 05. 12 http//www. jesuscentral. com/ji/life-of-jesus-modern/jesus-feminist. php accessed 28. 04. 12 http//theologytoday. ptsem. edu/jul1986/v43-2-article4. htm accessed 22. 05. 12
Monday, May 20, 2019
Teaching log example
raising Level of Participants N/A event of Education Activity (1 ambulatory, group, meeting) Observation and participation in evaluative process for residents in Family Medicine. Positive Aspects of session Used a consensus approach to decision making and evaluation. Input of all who have supervised for a more fair and objective evaluation. Well run, and timely meeting. Difficulties of Session Limited context for evaluation (ex. in slightly instances, individuals had only been observed by anyone around the table 1 time). Despite this, most evaluators concord regarding residents clinical attributes and deficiencies. One sided Reflection and Interpretation of Session I found myself very surprised by this session. It was unsettling for me to discuss learners in this way even with an understanding that it is necessary to evaluate. Issues regarding personal issues were brought forth in some instances to explain a residents behavior.It was educational to me in that I learned that the residents supervisor (or faculty dvisor), is the person who later on these meetings is responsible to then deliver the message ot the teachers group to the resident in the torm ot teedback. I a unremarkably a part of this process, but only on paper. I am given an evaluation solve to fill out on individual practice of each of the residents on my team. There is a Likert scale leaf with points related to professionalism, collaboration and respect.This session has really made me think more about the way in which I am filling out the evaluation ools I am asked to fill out on a monthly basis, as I now understand better how they utilized. Being present was a very new and intimidating experience for me, as I was asked for my input at this meeting. Consideration of emerging Strategies for Managing Similar Sessions (Analysis) Strategies I might use in similar sessions would include pre-learning. Asking questions of the Resident Education director to be better prepared for what to ex pect and how I might better participate.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Range of Problems Final Essay
In developing our seek of facing sympathetic blend problems we are going to break out in categories of how I keep learned them. My definition of problems is an experience or difficulty that the client has experienced due to the problems of living in todays world. A Human Serv spyglass master provides varied roles and assumes several responsibilities to admirer with victorious care and devotion to the client to all overcome their needs first hand. Choosing to work with people is a theme that is a wonderful feeling and opportunity, assistanting makes a difference in many peoples lives. It contributes to building up values, helps inspire others for the work one is doing, gives ethical morale to agency and team of human service professionals you work with. Having unconditional acceptance for your clients and establishing a commitment to them treating them as you would want to be case-hardened pass on help bring healing and establish the relationship that you so need to get them on their road to recovery.Finally, having honesty and awareness of yourself, knowing where you are in life, where you are going volition endlessly keep you in reflection of these principles. Understanding what our system in whole has developed leave behind help us work rearively to recognize individuals situations and evaluate them carefully. There are three modules of service livery and the interactions that formulate a successful means of treatment for the clients. You will find that many Professionals, such as Psychologist, Practitioners, Doctors, Therapists, Social Workers, and Counselors will utilize these modules to help diagnose and treat individuals. The medical module was openly seen as individuals were not well or ill. Then as time evolved the psychoanalytic method developed which is what we are using today, where patients are talking to therapist and a new theory of neurosis had taken place.Mental behavior has been an epidemic people are still unsure how toapp roach, understanding the validity and hobby up with treatment and aftercare will improve as testing allows us. It is still a growing intake up today as living with problems life is going so fast and we just dont know how to slow down to deal with the way things are flying at us. The human service present focuses on the involvement between environment and persons trying to reach for balance. The public health model is focusing on geographical problems like abuse, poverty, illness is specific age brackets in categories, (children, the elderly) psychological, psychosis, ego or unexpected disasters that the client has endured or been diagnosed with. Gaining this foundation has proven to offer a course of action that will provide a standard classification to the direction of establishing the form of service to the client.A brief check into of some problems that the human service professionals face and refering the helping skills that are most liable(predicate) be used to help the client will be our subjects that we will be focusing on in the next few paragraphs. I would like to begin with a problems facing our human hunting lodge that in my research I discovered about age and gender. According to Anderson et al. (1995) (Cultural Diversity and Suicide pg. 24) males finish suicide rate four times higher than females. Males used more lethal methods (i.e., handguns), but over 40 percent of females now choose handguns as their suicide choice as well. Adolescents and young adults (ages 15 to twenty-four) and for people generally white men, over the age of seventy. Suicide is now the leading cause of ending among fifteen- to nineteen- year- old adolescents. Clinicians may focus on the suicidal clients view that life will never get better and that he or she will ceaselessly be alone and own a poor job.The professional would attempt to get the client to view these thoughts more objectively and aim to the client some thought provoking questions. Such as, If yo u were to kill yourself who would you want to find you? This question will serve two purposes first, it will indicate to the client that suicide is only one of many options and, second, to realize with whom they may be upset with (redirect their thinking). Suicide is often based on an impulsive stopping point and that this decision can be faulty based on several factors, gaining rapport with the client helped them see their options. The Professional would like to ask the client to keep a thought log, to write down their thoughts and behaviors, this will help the client feel a sense ofpurpose, hope and self-worth as well.Addiction and dependence, the seeking and searching for the drugs that effect our environments, communities, schools, our loved ones, and even our trusted medical and clergy fellowman/women. Yes, it is so very unfortunate, the craving for alcohol, crack, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and prescription drugs, marijuana that calls your anticipate in the middle of the nig ht. People cant seem to get away from it, psychologically, they are physically dependent on it. Its severity varies with the individual, the situation and the sum. The National Institute on Drug Addiction reveals substance abuse has been linked to mental health problems, illness and occupational problems. It affects their social life and their ability to function as a healthy individual. (The Truth about Drugs pg.21, 22, 35)The complexity of the assistance required from the Professional depends on the severity of the problem and the state of the client. The Professional can use the Eriksons stages developmental model to identify some of the problems with earlier stages of basic human life span. Developing a rapport with the individual, breaking the ice with the client, asking open- ended questions to get them to open up about their now situations. The helping process occurs over a period of time and there is preparation, application, administration, and certain strategies to be exp lored as a whole person. We may experience a client who has been involuntarily referred to our facility for counseling. For example, a court order was given to a juvenile because he committed a crime and he had been incarcerated.Depending on the crime judges do want them to receive counseling, to help in the social services department, or handle responsibilities related to their crimes. In conclusion we have covered the modules, some problems facing our human service clients today and the helping skills our Professionals use to assist with the road to recovery for the wellbeing of the client. Living life day to day with its problems are always going to affect each individual differently. As a person seeking a travel in human services I value understanding the core strengths of listening, communication and teaching, advocating, and making myself be aware of the responsibilities of what is best for the client.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Grade Inquiry Essay
Project settingInnovation drive home made possible for the operations of the computer easy enough in process records arranging such as, creation of data, storing, filing and retrieval of data. This Online Grade enquiry with subject evaluation and SMS conveyer is a process whereby a division head infix the ordinates of the disciples who are enrolled to the verbalise department and evaluates what subjects should they be taking after they passed their current enrolled subject for them to take their proceeding subject to the next semester after the input of data to the system. The system sends also the grades to the scholarly persons via SMS every end of the trinal exam who is enrolled to the said department before that they impart bring in first the data to the recording machine in order to send the data to the students beca expenditure the registrar mop up first the data because one of the foremost responsibilities of the registrar office is to keep the students grades data secured for their records and purposes. The head of the said department may now advantageously encode the data to the system and give the standing records to their students without a consuming a lot of time and gives cheery kind of servicing to the student. The system basically keeps all the records of the students about their grades and class subjects and it will determine if a particular student passed or fail the subject and it also display announcements like meetings and dates of signing of clearances etc.Purpose and DescriptionOur take in focuses mainly on keep in track of the students grade and subject and also sending the grade of the student via SMS who are enrolled to the said department. This system on the other hand washbowl display measurable announcement like meetings and news. By this, the head of the department can easily gives the grades of a student by just encoding the grades of the students into the system. And also if the head of the department has spe cial announcements to make to the said department, the students can easily read the announcement made by the doyen even if they are not in the school. recital of the problemGeneralThe manual submission and distribution of the grades in the department (BSBA) or in the registrar (NDKC). The time consuming of subject evaluation at the registrars office. SpecificThe students need to go directly to their respective department or at the school registrar to inquire their grades. The long processes of inquiry of grades are inconvenient, tiresome, and some instances are time consuming.ObjectivesGeneralTo get out an online grade encoding, inquiry and evaluation system. To learn a system that will lessen the registrars tasks in encoding of grades. SpecificTo develop a system that can able to send grades automatically via SMS. To develop a system that is convenient and less effort to inquire the grades of the student. Scope and LimitationsThe proposed system is concerned in sending SMS about the students grades and displays the evaluation of a student and announcement. This covers only the grade data their class subjects to evaluate and announcements to post and only limited to the following1. Send SMS about students Grade2. Displays evaluation of the student and the announcement of the dean3. Control the records of the students4. Update the records5. Organize new coming dataScopeThe request of the grades can be done through any network of mobile phones/ cellular phones. The head of the department only has the pledge to the system. The head of the department can encode grades of the students through online. The system automatically back-up the records being encoded. The device use in the system is for inquiry only.The head of the department can print the summary of grades and also the subjects interpreted by the students. LimitationsIt cannot be used for conversation.The system has no capability of handling delayed messages.If the responsible of inputting grades submit ted a wrong grade of a student, the system is not reliable of human error. The system cannot accept landline number in registration for the students as their contact number. The system can be accessed by internet connection only.Significance of the studyThis study was made to find out the use of online based system that will lessen the time for transaction, accommodation and convenience of releasing the grades of the students. The college of Business of Administration which is one of the apex departments of NDKC with high population which is fit to this project for us to cope/manage all the records about their student grades class subject evaluation and announcement using the said system. Through this project the said department can easily organize all the records of the students and keep in track in its database. The department would have a website that can easily use and can interact between the department and with their students. The system provides accessibility to the head of the department only and can update the grades and give evaluation to the subjects taken to the certain student. Students can receive their grades via SMS, view their evaluation subject and also can see what their head of the department announcements. The said department will be assured of an accurate, high performance and a high level of gage using the system. One benefit is that the students will know the announcements of their college dean and receive or to know their grades anywhere, as long as they are connected to the internet.
Friday, May 17, 2019
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay
In One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Ken Kesey tells the figment of Randle McMurphy, a refractory, pugnacious and overtly sexual man who utilizes his extroverted qualities to kick upstairs over his fellow patients in the mental intromission. McMurphys confident nature and non-conforming attitude brings hope to everyone living in the ward. Ultimately, he sparks dissent and inspires them to go against the despotic head nurse, curb Ratchet. McMurphys confidence does not waver until he realizes that go down on Ratchet willing always have the upper hand over the patients. Nevertheless, this does not stop him from concocting plans to provoke and get unloose of her. McMurphy receives m any(prenominal) harsh punishments for his actions and eventually loses the battle against the head nurse. Not only does he lose against defy Ratchet, but he eventually loses himself through the process. Additionally, in the film The Experiment, the protagonist Travis, undergoes an adversity which is compar adequate to(p) to what McMurphy faces in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. The development of both characters give way notice parallel each new(prenominal) through the similarities of their actions.Kesey depression introduces McMurphy to readers when he is brought to the mental institution. At first glance, McMurphy can be viewed as a con man. He committed the crime of statutory rape but instead of accepting a jail sentence he convinces the judge that he is not straight in the head and is thus sent to a mental institution. Most patients at the ward are unresponsive, yet when he first arrives at the institution, he introduces himself to everyone. The patients and nurses are taken aback by McMurphys feisty attitude. Unlike the an new(prenominal)(prenominal) patients, McMurphy is loud, arrogant, and capable and it is evident to everyone that he does not belong in a place like that. later on the wards group meeting, McMurphy sees firsthand how keep Ratchet abexercisings her power as head nurse. He makes a count with all the patients in the ward that he can make lose her temper. The patients warn him and insist that arrest Ratchet not one to be messed with but he still acts otherwise.In this instance, McMurphys rebellious nature shines through. It is made clear to readers that he will not allow Nurse Ratchet to win over the patients for long. He wants to give her a hard time and hopefully get rid of her. Nurse Ratchet sees McMurphys deviance and knows that she essential break him, just like she broke all the other patients so she can continue her oppressive leadership over the ward. After numerous confrontations between McMurphy and Nurse Ratchet, the patients in the ward find the incidents quite amusing. Eventually, McMurphy is able to rile up all the patients and encourage them to discover the World Series on the television. Although it was not their allotted time to watch the television, they all participate in the rebellion. Through McMurphy ac tions, the patients see that they should not view Nurse Ratchet as an oppressive and domineering force.They set out to feel hope inside themselves and begin to envision that living in the ward will not be as miserable as it once was. Nurse Ratchets patience begins to pall thin and once McMurphy physically attacks her, she quickly makes the decision to have him lobotomized and leaves him neurologically disabled. After this event, the patients can no time-consuming live in the ward. McMurphy was a friend to all and they could not stand living under Nurse Ratchets rule. She loses all control and the patients transfer to other wards or check out of the institution completely. McMurphys eventual destruction and death was not out of vain as he was able to transform the patients into believing that each person was an individual and should be able to freely express themselves. He left them with a belief that would aid them for the rest of their lives.Randle McMurphys feisty and strong-wi lled character can easily parallel many dominant male characters in films. For example, in the 2010 film The Experiment, Paul T. Scheuring directs the story of 26 men who are selected to take part in a 14 day prove where some participants act as guards and others as inmates. The guards have only one rule to follow they must make sure the inmates obey the basic rules of living in a prison. Eventually the power wielded by the guards gets to their heads. They abuse their roles and exploit and humiliate the inmates. They become great oppressors and being to forget that the inmates are only human. effect begins to ensue. The protagonist, Travis, is selected to be an inmate in the prison. From the beginning, it is made apparent that Travis is not buying into the whole prisoner concept. fair(a) like McMurphy, Travis acts out as an individual. He is not one to follow others and ceases any opportunity to give the guards a difficult time. He then begins to act out in defiant ways. He mobil izes the inmates and leads rebellions against the guards. He and many other inmates firmly decide that they will not be silenced into submission. Eventually, the experiment goes wildly out of control and is stopped by researchers. Like Randle McMurphy, Travis fights back against the oppressors. He did not like visual perception his fellow inmates get taken advantage of. Travis begins rebelling and disobeying the rules in small ways, such as refusing to eat his meals. Eventually, he uses physical force to end the tyranny in the prison.Randle McMurphy and Travis are similar characters in many ways. They both were able to unite the group of men that were facing the same adversity. They did not like seeing any of their own getting harmed. Furthermore, just like McMurphy, Travis acts in defiant ways to get into the guards heads. And finally, both use physical force to hurt their oppressors at the very end. To sum it up, they are the spark that brings hope to the ladened and lead the reb ellions against the oppressors.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Cera Sanitaryware Ltd
CERA SANITARYWARE LTD follow BACKGROUND Cera Sanitarywargon Limited (Cera), a Gujarat-based ships caller-up, was established in 1980. It is the third largest sanitary w ar company in India with a 20% market sh are. Cera is in the business of manufacturing ceramic wash basins, wash basin pedestals, bidets, pee closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures and also in the business of trading of designer. Its sanitaryware manufacturing plant is located at Kadi in Gujarat. With a crossingion capacity of 2. million (mn) pieces per annum (25,000 tonnes per annum), it is Indias largest sanitaryware plant. It also has wind farms located at Jamnagar and Kutch in Gujarat. PRODUCT PROFILE Sanitaryware o Premium order of battle o official Collection o Senator Collection o Wall Hung Basin Glass Basins Shower Range Whirlpool & clean Tubs Pozzi Ginori COMPETITORS pic INDUSTRY HIGHLIGHTS pic PORTERS FIVE FORCES CONCLUSION establish on Appendice 1 Thesanitaryware manufacturersinthenonunionizedsectorcontinue to enjoy duty exemptions, which is not conducive forhealthy opposition.CSL faces a lot of competition from the unorganized sector in Gujarat which is a cause for concern to the company. After studying the Model, we can fill up that Sanitarywarebusiness completely depends on the development and booming of the Housing and Retail Sector. Currently, the manufacture isgrowingbyleapsand borderduetohighgrowthofinfrastructure. In near future, the great phase of consolidation will start. Firstly, by providing bigr range of Products besidesserviceandcoveringmoreandmoregeographicalareabybranches and franchises. SWOT ANALYSIS Based on Appendice 2Recommendations Need to give full knowledge about product use to customers through ad in magazines, hotspaper or TV. channel. Need to make some improvement in products to satisfy its customer. at that place should be all information regarding product use, installation, product accepts, and emergenc y repair of product in exploiter Manual. Company should add sufficient technical information in other mediums of information identical website. So customer can use alternate way for information. Company should exit technical expert employee for every(prenominal) specific area.Those can personally solve the problem of customer. If company is not providing service to its customer clippingly. accordingly in that location should be provision of compensation to its customer PRODUCT MIX pic Ceras product liquifyand new trade strategies Cera has a mix of products that would cater to all demand of contractr. Cera has top end products like the Senator Collection, the Shower Temples with Jacuzzi features in them. Cera also has the Premium Collection focused at middle end users and the Regular collection which includes the Indian EWCs as well as European EWCs for the lower end customers.In Bath Fittings, the atomic number 53 Lever Bath fittings are for the elite, followed by t he Quarter turn and the half turn fittings meant forpeople looking for more economical range. 7PS Product Product of the company as is defined in companys introductory chapter is a sanitaryware product having mainlyextraordinary features like twin flush piss saving product, soft close seat cover, shower temple product. This product talks about crowing a spa foot massage and inbuilt Jacuzzi unit which give experience artificial urine waves and facility like radio and telecalling with six body jetspray.Price Pricesoftheproductandservicesofferedarecompetitivecompared to our competitors products and also provide value for m integrityy to the customers. Because as we talkedintheearlierparagraph that features provided in the products are very uniqueand are having low cost so finally company becomes best costprovider in themarket. focalize Ascerasanitarywareishavingexcellentdistributionchannelempowered by cholecalciferol dealers network and 5000 retailers all crossways India tosuppl ementthedistributionnetwork, it has10majordepotsacrossIndia.Ithas7zonalsales&serviceoffices,supported by another 28 sales offices, 7 bath studios strategicallylocated in major cities across India. To capitalize on the growth market for premium products, Cera has entered into an exclusivemarketingagreementwithItalysluxurybrandPozzi-Ginoritomarket its designer sanitaryware in India. Promotion Cera sanitaryware ltd. has forever and a day been proactive in promotional activities for increasing thebrand awareness among the consumer so the company has promotional scheme directedtowards consumer as well as its partner (dealer). Consumer lie few months ago, the company had launch (special offer) the promotional scheme applicable only in Delhi, Clair set in Rs. 3999/- for only one month. match oriented gold scheme, silverish scheme and foreign travel scheme. People In ceramic industry as goods are produced and instigate service is given to the people i. e. employees need to be highly tr ained and answer. So requires good qualified and expertise employees to this competitive industry. Cera sanitary ware has achieved a good sense of the same by employing highly qualified employees like M. B. A. nd other Marketing specialized. Physical Evidence Cera sanitary ware is providing catalogs to their customers as a physical evidence ofpurchasing the product. If customer wants to see the physical product then company has itsown display center? Cera bath studio? in metro cities of India. Process This last gradation of marketing mix ofCera sanitary ware includes following points to be done for making the product available to thecustomers. Consumerorientedfewmonthsago,thecompanyhadlaunch(specialoffer)thepromotionalschemeapplicableonly in Delhi, Clair set in Rs. 3999/- for only one month. Partnerorientedgoldscheme,silverschemeandforeigntravel scheme. Data regarding details of prospect customers are beginning(a) beingcollected by sales personnel. These personnel then make calli ng and getting appointmentsfrom prospects to explain product and services. Nextstepincludesmeetingandexplainingproductandservices. Then all the documents required for dispatching the productto client premises are collected by the sales personnel. These all documents are then submitted to Head Office at Ahmedabad. Then order is bear upon and cheque is collected and thus order of the goodsgets dispatched.STP of SENATOR COLLECTION Segmentation The segmentation of SERA products has been done as follows game End Segment Lower and Upper Middle Segment Mass Market Segment These segments are keeping in mind the income levels, taste and preferences. Targeting For the Senator Collection CERA has targeted the high end segment with unique feature like shower temples, Jacuzzi and sensor technologies. Positioning It has positioned the senator collection as a premium brand and in effect did so through its TVC ad campaign. Appendice 2 Portes Five Forces Model Rivalry Among Existing PlayersTher e are about 20-25 organized players and high percentage of unprganized players whose market share is very high. They have moderately tell apart products and they depend on the growth of the housing industry. Bargaining Power of buyer The buyer has a wide range of products to choose from and information about the products is easily available. The switching cost is very low. Thus CERA needs to increase its awareness as bargaining power of buyer is very high Bargaining power of Supplier CERA is moderately dependant on its suppliers as there is limited number of suppliers in the marketThreat of new entrants The industry entry is difficult due to high cost of set up and manpower, non availability if materials. The industry though is very attractive due to growing potential Threat of substitutes As such there is no such threat of substitutes. Appendice 1 SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS Indias first to use innate gas firing. Direct connection of natural gas from GAIL has certainly helped CERA i n better margins. However, this is only one of the several advantages. CERA has captive power plant using natural gas. CERA also has wind turbines.Thus CERA is not helpless on government electricity board for its power requirements. Others will take a long time to catch up. Further, CERA is getting natural gas on very cheap rate directly from the ONGC vegetable oil fields, which will continue to be cheap, wherein others are getting imported LNG which is three times costlier than what Cera is getting. Indias first to launch twin flushtechnology 4 liters flush WC. We have twin flush models that on an average consume only 4 liters of piss, against the others which can use up to 6 liters every flush. That quantifies to 50% of water saving.With water scarcity in urban areas, there are a lot of initiatives that have already been interpreted by Metros like Mumbai. Others will have to soon follow in order to save water. spacious product range. Capitalizing on a strong brand image and an evolving market for bathroom products, CSL expanded its product range to other related products like shower panels, shower cubicles, shower temples, bath tubes, whirlpools, bath fittings and so forth , which makes it a total bathroom solutions provider. Huge distribution network. CSL enjoys a strong distribution network of 500 dealers and 5000 retailers.To supplement the distribution network, the company has several depots and zonal offices across India. This will help the company in increasing its market share. WEAKNESSES. The company has only one manufacturing plant at Kadi, Gujarat. While its nearest competitors HSIL and buffet ware has more than one manufacturing plant strategically located across different parts of India to twain the gap between demand and supply. Large unorganized existence. Low RD for product innovation. OPPORTUNITIES upgrade domestic demand for tile, sanitary ware and table ware.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Find a multinational trading or manufacturing organisation of your Research Paper
Find a multinational trade or manufacturing organisation of your choice. Describe and evaluate the changing note environme - Research Paper Example also explored in this paper is the impact of change on the organizational structure and general performance of the conjunction. movement was assessed through a comparative analysis of the beau mondes strengths and that of the competitors. Financial reports were also used to take in the trends of performance as they relate to the various changes undertaken by the company. Introduction PepsiCo Inc., remains one of the leading solid food and beverage companies both in the United States and in different parts of the world. Over the years, the company has undergone morphological and managerial changes aimed towards enhancing its market profile and general performance. Longitudinal inquiries into the companys potential show that the company has continued to post impressive financial results as a result of strategic changes in its intern ecine systems and supply chain (Bachmeier 141). PepsiCos expansion into Asia, Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world demonstrates a determined agendum of breaking into new market segments beyond its original geographical niche. The same determination manifests itself through the mergers, acquisitions, and purchases that the company has undertaken in the course of its operation. ... A diversified range of products remains one of the strongest selling points by which PepsiCo manages to go on an impressive lead on the global market. It might be argued that some of the changes that relate to the companys change of profile are necessarily linked to market forces, which tend to favor multinationals and bid corporations. On this note, it remains evident that the changes in the processes and structures of the company had some significant impacts in terms of growth and profitability. sustained competition with other food and beverage companies on the market has occasioned a shift in performance methods with the aim of retaining its hold on the market share. The reliance on both carbonated and un-carbonated drinks has allowed the company to go steady to the respective(a) tastes of the market, which also translates into increased revenue flow. One of the competitory advantages that PepsiCo enjoys over its main rival is the diverse product range. Essentially, the performance of PepsiCo could be assessed from the perspective of the various factors that attend to the dynamics of global competition. Consistently, PepsiCo has engaged in strategic corporate social responsibility programs that are aimed at promoting healthy nutrition in the wider society. This scheme weighs into public concerns of proper nutrition in the wake of diet-related lifestyle diseases. The Business Environment PepsiCo operates in a highly competitive business environment particularly because it relates to the health and nutrition of populations. The food and beverage business environment attracts new players every year due to the high returns on capital for the successful ventures. The competitive nature of the environment
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6
Leadership - act ExampleIn order to decide on the most effective approach, the manager must regard the experience and skill levels of employees, the kind of work involved, the organizations environment and the managers inwrought or preferred style (Schriesheim, 1982). While positive leadership commonly give rewards such as independence and training to employees with an aim of increasing employee morale, negative leadership emphasizes giving penalties.A close outline of the companys concern has revealed that most supervisors in the company have preferred the application of transformational management over other management styles. The impacts of this management style theoretically include improved employee morale and process according to Bass (1998). It is however unclear whether its application in the company has and will continue to government issue positive fruits. It is in this respect that the organization seeks to carry out a enquiry to make certain(p) whether or not the t ransformational management style is effective in practice as it is claimed to be in theory with regard to this company.The question will be limited to the company and its employees and will therefore counter the involvement of other persons or parties. While mention of several management styles will be made, the research will be biased towards the application of transformational leadership vis a vis autocratic leadership. Further, the research will in the first place concentrate on determining the effects of supervisors application of transformational leadership on employees and their performances at work. In this respect, the research will focus on measuring the impacts of the management style in terms of employee commitment, absenteeism and performance as well as production turnover.In appreciation of the fact that management style of an organizations leadership has significant and measurable impacts on its (the organizations) performance, there is a
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