Monday, October 21, 2019
Ver Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples
Ver Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb ver means to see or to watch. Its conjugation is mostly regular, although the pattern varies in the past participle, visto (seen), and the first-person singular present, veo (I see). Other verbs derived from ver, such as prever (to preview or to foresee) and entrever (to partly see or to suspect), follow the same conjugation pattern. A verb that is similar in meaning is mirar, which can be translated as to look. This article includes ver conjugations in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Present Indicative The first person singular conjugation veo is slightly irregular. Normally we would remove the ending -er before adding the present tense ending -o, but in this case, the e in ver stays to produce veo. Yo veo Yo veo las noticias todos los dà as. I watch the news every day. Tà º ves Tà º ves a tu hija bailar. You watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella ve Ella ve una pelà cula con su amiga. She watches a movie with her friend. Nosotros vemos Nosotros vemos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros veis Vosotros veis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You see your grandmother frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas ven Ellos ven muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They see many interesting things at the museum. Preterite Indicative The preterite is used to talk about completed events in the past. Yo vi Yo vi las noticias todos los dà as. I watched the news every day. Tà º viste Tà º viste a tu hija bailar. You watched your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella vio Ella vio una pelà cula con su amiga. She watched a movie with her friend. Nosotros vimos Nosotros vimos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We saw many patients at the clinic. Vosotros visteis Vosotros visteis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You saw your grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vieron Ellos vieron muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They saw many interesting things at the museum. Imperfect Indicative The imperfect is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It can be translated as was watching or used to watch. Yo veà a Yo veà a las noticias todos los dà as. I used to watch the news every day. Tà º veà as Tà º veà as a tu hija bailar. You used to watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella veà a Ella veà a una pelà cula con su amiga. She used to watch a movie with her friend. Nosotros veà amos Nosotros veà amos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We used to see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros veà ais Vosotros veà ais a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You used to see your grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas veà an Ellos veà an muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They used to see many interesting things at the museum. Future Indicative Yo verà © Yo verà © las noticias todos los dà as. I will watch the news every day. Tà º vers Tà º vers a tu hija bailar. You will watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella ver Ella ver una pelà cula con su amiga. She will watch a movie with her friend. Nosotros veremos Nosotros veremos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We will see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros verà ©is Vosotros verà ©is a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You will seeyour grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vern Ellos vern muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They will see many interesting things at the museum. Periphrastic Future Indicative The periphrastic future is formed with three parts: the present tense conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive of the verb. Yo voy a ver Yo voya ver las noticias todos los dà as. I am going to watch the news every day. Tà º vasa ver Tà º vasa ver a tu hija bailar. You aregoing to watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa ver Ella vaa ver una pelà cula con su amiga. She isgoing to watch a movie with her friend. Nosotros vamosa ver Nosotros vamosa ver a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We aregoing to see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros vaisa ver Vosotros vaisa ver a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You aregoing to seeyour grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana ver Ellos vana ver muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They aregoing to see many interesting things at the museum. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The progressive tenses use the verb estar with the gerund form viendo. Present Progressive ofVer est viendo Ella est viendo a su hija bailar. She is watching her daughter dance. Ver Past Participle The past participle is used to form perfect tenses like the present perfect. Usually the past participle of -er verbs is formed with the ending -ido, but ver is irregular since its past participle is visto. Present Perfect of Ver ha visto Ella ha visto a su hija bailar. She has watched her daughter dance. Ver Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated to English as would verb. Yo verà a Yo verà a las noticias todos los dà as si no me durmiera tan temprano. I would watch the news every day if I didn't fall asleep so early. Tà º verà as Tà º verà as a tu hija bailar si no estuvieras ocupada. You would watch your daughter dance if you were not busy. Usted/à ©l/ella verà a Ella verà a una pelà cula con su amiga, pero no se ponen de acuerdo en la pelà cula. She would watch a movie with her friend, but they don't agree on a movie. Nosotros verà amos Nosotros verà amos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica si tuvià ©ramos ms doctores. We would see many patients at the clinic if we had more doctors. Vosotros verà ais Vosotros verà ais a vuestra abuela frecuentemente si vivierais ms cerca. You would seeyour grandma frequently if you lived closer. Ustedes/ellos/ellas verà an Ellos verà an muchas cosas interesantes en el museo si tuvieran ms tiempo. They would see many interesting things at the museum if they had more time. Ver Present Subjunctive Que yo vea Mi profesor sugiere que yo vea las noticias todos los dà as. My professor suggests that I watch the news every day. Que tà º veas La instructora pide que tà º veas a tu hija bailar. The instructor asks that you watch your daughter dance. Que usted/à ©l/ella vea Carlos espera que ella vea una pelà cula con su amiga. Carlos hopes that she watches a movie with her friend. Que nosotros veamos El joven espera que nosotros veamos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. The young man hopes that we see many patients at the clinic. Que vosotros veis Vuestra madre espera que vosotros veis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. Your mother hopes that you see your grandmother frequently. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas vean Pedro recomienda que ellos vean muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. Pedro recommends that they see many interesting things at the museum. Ver Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive is used similarly to the present subjunctive, but in situations that happened in the past. There are two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive: Option 1 Que yo viera Mi profesor sugerà a que yo viera las noticias todos los dà as. My professor suggested that I watch the news every day. Que tà º vieras La instructora pedà a que tà º vieras a tu hija bailar. The instructor asked that you watch your daughter dance. Que usted/à ©l/ella viera Carlos esperaba que ella viera una pelà cula con su amiga. Carlos hoped that she watch a movie with her friend. Que nosotros vià ©ramos El joven esperaba que nosotros vià ©ramos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. The young man hoped that we see many patients at the clinic. Que vosotros vierais Vuestra madre esperaba que vosotros vierais a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. Your mother hoped that you see your grandmother frequently. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas vieran Pedro recomendaba que ellos vieran muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. Pedro recommended that they see many interesting things at the museum. Option 2 Que yo viese Mi profesor sugerà a que yo viese las noticias todos los dà as. My professor suggested that I watch the news every day. Que tà º vieses La instructora pedà a que tà º vieses a tu hija bailar. The instructor asked that you watch your daughter dance. Que usted/à ©l/ella viese Carlos esperaba que ella viese una pelà cula con su amiga. Carlos hoped that she watch a movie with her friend. Que nosotros vià ©semos El joven esperaba que nosotros vià ©semos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. The young man hoped that we see many patients at the clinic. Que vosotros vieseis Vuestra madre esperaba que vosotros vieseis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. Your mother hoped that you see your grandmother frequently. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas viesen Pedro recomendaba que ellos viesen muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. Pedro recommended that they see many interesting things at the museum. Ver Imperative The imperative mood has both positive and negative forms, which are used to give commands. Positive Commands Tà º ve  ¡Ve a tu hija bailar! Watch your daughter dance! Usted vea  ¡Vea una pelà cula con su amiga! Watch a movie with your friend! Nosotros veamos  ¡Veamos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica! Let's see many patients at the clinic! Vosotros ved  ¡Ved a tu abuela frecuentemente! See your grandma frequently! Ustedes vean  ¡Vean muchas cosas interesantes en el museo! See many interesting things at the museum! Negative Commands Tà º no veas  ¡No veas a tu hija bailar! Don't watch your daughter dance! Usted no vea  ¡No vea una pelà cula con su amiga! Don't watch a movie with your friend! Nosotros no veamos  ¡No veamos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica! Let's not see many patients at the clinic! Vosotros no veis  ¡No veis a tu abuela frecuentemente! Don't see your grandma frequently! Ustedes no vean  ¡No vean muchas cosas interesantes en el museo! Don't see many interesting things at the museum!
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