Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Information and Communication Technologies in Virgin Atlantic Essay
Information and Communication Technologies in Virgin Atlantic - Essay Example With emphasis on the airline industry, the emergence of internet and the subsequent development of extranets and intranets forced airlines to rethink their strategies on technological innovation and enhance their competitiveness in their market niche. The internet has proved a source of opportunity to tackle distribution costs and reengineer the structure of the airline industry (Alamdari and Mason, 2006:123). These technological innovations seek to monitor a wide range of business processes in the airlines, as well as identifying ways of improving these processes. This report examines the implementation of the online ticket booking by Virgin Atlantic Airways to achieve cost reduction and competitive advantage objectives. The report works on the assumption that the previous booking systems had flaws in efficiency and effectiveness, thus the company sort to redesign the booking process to attain some competitive edge against its competitors and increase its effectiveness and efficienc y in general (Olugbenga, 2006). Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited, famously as simply Virgin Atlantic, is a British airline headquartered in West Sussex, England. The airline, founded in 1984, has become the second largest carrier in Britain serving the major cities in the world. Currently based in Manchester airport, Heathrow airports, and Gatwick in London, the airline operates long-haul services to more than thirty destinations worldwide, as far apart as Shanghai and Las Vegas. Virgin Atlantic enjoys huge popularity, receiving top business, trade, and consumer awards worldwide. The airline has credit for pioneering a range of innovations and setting new service standards, with its competitors seeking to follow the same... This essay stresses that for Virgin Atlantic to achieve competitive advantage in the airline industry, it needs to develop and implement innovative strategies to improve the sale of ticket, as this forms the primary source of income. The company may integrate ICT tools to achieve this, including developing an efficient booking system incorporated into the official website of the company. This paper makes a conclusion that ICT may support all business functions, thus integral in the efficient operation of the entire travel industry. ICT provides tools for searching for profitable and meaningful niche market segments and identify value added components for the services and products, as well as differentiate these services and products through special media to market segments. Flexibility and cost effectiveness are among the products of ICT in this process, as they are integral in cost efficiency maximization and cost reduction. The impact of ICT on the airlines industry is persuasive, as information forms the core foundation of the daily operations and the strategic management of organizations. This is evident from the implementation of Virgin Atlantic online ticket booking. The online service has significantly improved the services of the company in all levels of management. Subsequently, there has improvement in tickets sales, with increased efficiency and effectiven ess. At the strategic level, airlines must continuously assess all the external elements of the environment, as well as customers’ needs and competitors, and subsequently adapt to them to enhance their competitiveness
Monday, October 28, 2019
Major Schools of Thought in Psychology Essay Example for Free
Major Schools of Thought in Psychology Essay When psychology was first established as a science separate from biology and philosophy, the debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began. The first school of thought, structuralism, was advocated by the founder of the first psychology lab, Wilhelm Wundt. Almost immediately, other theories began to emerge and vie for dominance in psychology. The following are some of the major schools of thought that have influenced our knowledge and understanding of psychology: Structuralism vs. Functionalism: 1) Structuralism was the first school of psychology, and focused on breaking down mental processes into the most basic components. Major structuralist thinkers include Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchner. 2) Functionalism formed as a reaction to the theories of the structuralist school of thought and was heavily influenced by the work of William James. This school focused on the functions of human behaviors and not their structure. Major functionalist thinkers included John Dewey and Harvey Carr. Evolutionary psychology is founded on the view that the function of all psychological phenomena in human evolution is a necessary perspective to their understanding. Gestalt Psychology: 3) Gestalt psychology is based upon the idea that we experience things as unified wholes. This approach to psychology began in Germany and Austria during the late 19th century in response to the molecular approach of structuralism. Rather that breaking down thoughts and behavior to their smallest element, the gestalt psychologists believed that you must look at the whole of experience. According to the gestalt thinkers, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Max Wertheimer is often credited as the founder of this movement. Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud was the found of 4) Psychodynamic approach. This school of thought emphasizes the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior. Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. Other major psychodynamic thinkers include Anna Freud, Carl Jung, and Erik Erikson. Behaviorism: 5) Behaviorism became the dominant school of thought during the 1950s. Based upon the work of thinkers such as John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and B. F. Skinner, behaviorism holds that all behavior can be explained by environmental causes, rather than by internal forces. Behaviorism is focused on observable behavior. Theories of learning including classical conditioning and operant conditioning were the focus of a great deal of research. Humanistic Psychology: 6) Humanistic psychology developed as a response to psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Humanistic psychology instead focused on individual free will, personal growth, and self-actualization. Major humanist thinkers included Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Cognitive Psychology: 7) Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, problem solve, remember, and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics. One of the most influential theories from this school of thought was the stages of cognitive development theory proposed by Jean Piaget. Later work in this field was pioneered by names like Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Comic Relief Of Hamlet Essay -- essays research papers
A Portrayal of Humor Within the Tragedy of Hamlet How does humor factor into a tragedy? Shakespeare knew the answer to this question and acted upon it quite frequently. Shakespeare has been known to write comedies and tragedies both but this does not qualify him at to not incorporate a little of each into each other. In the work of Hamlet there are many occasions where Shakespeare uses it for different effects. The main reason for the presence of humor within a tragedy is to keep the reader interested. Shakespeare uses many forms of humor including but not limiting wit, pun’s, and casual jokes. In the work of Hamlet, Hamlet is usually the character that Shakespeare chooses to bring out the humor in anything. He becomes a very diverse character in this sense considering he can make a joke out of dead people and even people he kills. Rather a charming person in the face of unpleasant events. Â Â Â Â Â To be able to understand humor, we must accept that we cannot understand all of it. Why something is funny is only determined by the reader and him or herself alone. The smile is the natural expression of the satisfaction that attends the success of any striving. Hamlet often finds humorous occasions especially after he has done something that affects another character. He takes the “inside joke'; to the limits and smiles upon the defeat of his enemies. This is especially true with the relationship between him and his father-by-marriage. Hamlet puts on the play so that he may have a reassurance that his true father was wrongfully killed by his uncle Claudius. Once the play had ended so abruptly Hamlet smiles upon the dismay of Claudius knowing that he has finally found the source of revenge. This is not so much humor in a good since but rather a cynical wit of Hamlet. Because of this sort of wit, Hamlet is considered to be a mentally sick person but Hamlet i s however sane in his actions. Â Â Â Â Â Hamlet is one to be labeled as a quite witty person. He is rather quick with his words and able to manipulate them is such a fashion to motivate the reader to seek more of this character. Wit becomes a part of him that shows itself more than ever. In a book by the name of The Psychology of Laughter and Comedy, it gives a description of two main species of wit. These are listed as harmless wit and tendency w... ... be mad and Hamlet is really trying to convince her that he is not. He knew what he was saying he just meant for Hamlet to lie his head in her lap during the play. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Hamlet is a book that allows the mind to wander and come back again in time to laugh at the frequent moments of humor. Laughter is only as good as the joke being told and Hamlet along with all the other players hold a very important role in keeping the storyline important and alive. There is only one character that seems not to have any humor involved at all. This would be the ghost of Hamlet’s true father. He is very intent with his meanings and has only one mindset. This is to revenge his murder. This kind of an omnipresent being is almost impossible to portray as humorous because it is the one person or thing that contains the entire plot of the book. Hamlet is yet a tragedy but Shakespeare successfully brings humor through the grim walls of a tragedy and allows the reader to manipulate the scene any way he or she wishes. Humor can be manipulated as well with double meanings and different viewpoints upon what is “funny'; and what is not. Comic Relief Of Hamlet Essay -- essays research papers A Portrayal of Humor Within the Tragedy of Hamlet How does humor factor into a tragedy? Shakespeare knew the answer to this question and acted upon it quite frequently. Shakespeare has been known to write comedies and tragedies both but this does not qualify him at to not incorporate a little of each into each other. In the work of Hamlet there are many occasions where Shakespeare uses it for different effects. The main reason for the presence of humor within a tragedy is to keep the reader interested. Shakespeare uses many forms of humor including but not limiting wit, pun’s, and casual jokes. In the work of Hamlet, Hamlet is usually the character that Shakespeare chooses to bring out the humor in anything. He becomes a very diverse character in this sense considering he can make a joke out of dead people and even people he kills. Rather a charming person in the face of unpleasant events. Â Â Â Â Â To be able to understand humor, we must accept that we cannot understand all of it. Why something is funny is only determined by the reader and him or herself alone. The smile is the natural expression of the satisfaction that attends the success of any striving. Hamlet often finds humorous occasions especially after he has done something that affects another character. He takes the “inside joke'; to the limits and smiles upon the defeat of his enemies. This is especially true with the relationship between him and his father-by-marriage. Hamlet puts on the play so that he may have a reassurance that his true father was wrongfully killed by his uncle Claudius. Once the play had ended so abruptly Hamlet smiles upon the dismay of Claudius knowing that he has finally found the source of revenge. This is not so much humor in a good since but rather a cynical wit of Hamlet. Because of this sort of wit, Hamlet is considered to be a mentally sick person but Hamlet i s however sane in his actions. Â Â Â Â Â Hamlet is one to be labeled as a quite witty person. He is rather quick with his words and able to manipulate them is such a fashion to motivate the reader to seek more of this character. Wit becomes a part of him that shows itself more than ever. In a book by the name of The Psychology of Laughter and Comedy, it gives a description of two main species of wit. These are listed as harmless wit and tendency w... ... be mad and Hamlet is really trying to convince her that he is not. He knew what he was saying he just meant for Hamlet to lie his head in her lap during the play. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Hamlet is a book that allows the mind to wander and come back again in time to laugh at the frequent moments of humor. Laughter is only as good as the joke being told and Hamlet along with all the other players hold a very important role in keeping the storyline important and alive. There is only one character that seems not to have any humor involved at all. This would be the ghost of Hamlet’s true father. He is very intent with his meanings and has only one mindset. This is to revenge his murder. This kind of an omnipresent being is almost impossible to portray as humorous because it is the one person or thing that contains the entire plot of the book. Hamlet is yet a tragedy but Shakespeare successfully brings humor through the grim walls of a tragedy and allows the reader to manipulate the scene any way he or she wishes. Humor can be manipulated as well with double meanings and different viewpoints upon what is “funny'; and what is not.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Classroom Management and Diversity
Samantha Formato Classroom management and diversity are two very important concepts to consider because classroom management in diverse environments can be a lot different than in less diverse environments. There is so much diversity going on now that everyone should be aware of the importance of classroom management inside the diverse environments. When I talk about diversity in this paper I am referring to ethnic and cultural diversity. There are many different strategies that can help students in more diverse classrooms feel more comfortable and be in a better learning environment.In my paper, I will be touching on five major strategies that help classroom management in more diverse classrooms. These strategies are building trust, engaging personal culture, confronting social dominance and social justice, transforming instructional practices, and engaging the entire school community. I will be talking about all of the advantages to these strategies. Another thing I will be touchin g on is the importance of classroom management in these diverse classrooms.I will also look at the differences between classroom management in less diverse environments and classroom management in more diverse environments. I will talk about my experiences observing classrooms and the differences between the classroom management strategies each teacher uses. Classroom management is a very critical part of teaching and having good classroom management in a more diverse classroom is a challenging task, but also a very important one. In more diverse environments especially, it is sometimes harder for teachers to have good classroom management.Mainly because the students in more diverse settings tend to act out more or disobey the rules. If students feel like they are in an open and trusting community at school they are more likely to succeed and listen to the teacher’s directions. Building trust, engaging personal culture, confronting social dominance and social justice, transfo rming instructional practices, and engaging the entire school community is five very important strategies that make classroom management easier. Building trust is one of the most important strategies that help classroom management in more diverse environments.Building trust entails being honest with students and having discussions about race and ethnicity with the entire class. Talking about students different cultures instead of just simply acting like they are not there. One teacher from the Apple Valley School District says, â€Å"I need to move beyond being color-blind. †The main idea of this strategy is to establish positive leaning communities in each classroom. If the students feel like their cultures and ethnicity are accepted they will feel more comfortable. Trust is such an important thing to have in a classroom in order to be able to have good classroom management.If the students feel like they can trust the teacher they will be more open and the teacher will have better control over his or her management (Howard, 2007). The second strategy is engaging in personal culture. This strategy is very important because it can be the difference between high school students dropping out of school or continuing on. The main reasoning of engaging in personal culture is to form authentic and effective relationships across differences. These relationships are very important to students who are going through school.If students feel that their teachers do not care about them they are more likely to drop out of school. Forming relationships with your students is important in order to maintain good classroom management. If the students feel like you enjoy getting to know them and that you respect them then they are more likely to listen and follow directions. If students feel like you do not respect them and could care less about them they are more likely to disobey and possibly even drop out of school all together (Howard, 2007). Confronting social dominanc e and social justice is the third strategy to better classroom management.This strategy is about making teachers aware of their surroundings and the issues that surround race and class. It forces teachers to think about race and class in a different way and causes them to better understand their students and what their students are going through. During this strategy teachers will come together and have discussions about race, class, gender, immigration, and other forms of diversity. They will open up and get a better consciousness about social dominance and diversity. This will help teachers teach their students better and make them more aware of what is going on around them (Howard, 2007). The fourth strategy is ransforming instructional practices. This strategy is crucial to having good classroom management. The main focus of this strategy is for teachers to shift their teachings to meet the diverse learning needs of students. Also, to use curriculum that honors each student†™s culture. For example, if a teacher was working in a school district that was mainly a Spanish speaking area if the teacher had to send something home to the parents they could send one paper home in English and on the back have the same paper written in Spanish. This would make it a lot easier on parents and students of mainly Spanish speaking families.This would also help classroom management because it is very important that your student’s parents understand you (Howard, 2007). The fifth and last strategy is engaging the entire school community. This strategy talks about how if you want to have good classroom management in diverse environments you not only have to involve the students, but also their parents. If the students are not getting any support from their parents it is hard for them to succeed. Teachers can help parents get more involved by sending home news letters and letting them know about any activates going on around the school.Even though this might not always get the students parents involved it still good to try. It is a lot easier to have classroom management when the students feel supported by not only the teacher, but also by their parents (Howard 21). Also students in schools with a strong sense of community are more likely to be academically motivated (Schaps, 2003). I recently observed two different classrooms, one in a diverse environment and one in a less diverse environment. The classroom I observed that was diverse is in the Northeast school district in Reading and the less diverse classroom is in the Pleasant Valley school district in Brodheadsville.The way the teachers in each of these schools manage their classrooms is completely different because of the diversity differences. The biggest difference I came across while observing these two classrooms was how serious each of the teachers has to be. From observing I realized how much harder it is to have good classroom management in more diverse classrooms. For example, in the more diverse classroom the teacher had to be very serious and the teacher in the less diverse classroom joked around a lot.The teacher in the more diverse classroom had to be serious because the students were constantly acting up. The teacher did not have time to joke around because at every moment she had to keep her students on track of what they were supposed to be doing. They constantly needed guidance. When I was observing the less diverse classroom I saw that the teacher joked around a lot. He made funny references and was all around less serious and strict. This was because his students were better behaved. They did act up at certain times, but they were always quick to get back on topic.Another thing that I realized was that the teacher in the diverse environment used all of the strategies that help classroom management and the teacher in the less diverse environment only used two of the strategies. There were a few kids in the less diverse environment that were dive rse but the teacher did not recognize them. He did not confront social dominance and justice, transform practices, or engage school community. He just acted as if everyone was the same ethnicity and ignored all differences. Which, is not always the best way to act. When a teacher acts this way even though they are teaching all of the students the same.Sometimes the students that are ethnically different can fall behind or feel as if they are not cared about. Where as the teacher in the diverse environment took advantage of her student’s differences and did all of the strategies, which helped her classroom management become better. By enforcing the strategies the classroom management becomes better because the students respect the teachers more and also usually listen better. The students and teacher benefit from using the five strategies. Keeping control of diverse classrooms is much more challenging than keeping control of less diverse classrooms.There is a big difference be tween diverse and less diverse classrooms, that is why classroom management is so important. If the teacher in the diverse environment did not use the five strategies I think it would have been very hard for her to have good classroom management in her classroom. The teacher in the less diverse environment however was able to get away with not using the five strategies because his classroom was less diverse so the students were not as hard to handle. Achieving classroom management in diverse classrooms is a very important and challenging task.Classroom management continues to be a serious concern for teachers and especially in urban and diverse learning environments (Milner 2010). Classroom management is so important in order to have a successful running class. It is easier to obtain classroom management in less diverse classrooms but there are five major strategies that help teachers achieve classroom management in diverse classrooms. I mentioned these strategies earlier, they are again building trust, engaging in personal culture, confronting social dominance and social justice, transforming instructional practices, and engaging the entire school community.Without these five strategies it would be almost impossible to gain good classroom management in diverse environments. If a teacher did not use the five strategies it is possible that his or her classroom would not have very good classroom management, depending upon if the classroom was in a diverse environment or not. Like I mentioned earlier in my paper, classrooms in less diverse environments can often get away with not using the five strategies. This is because the students are easier to manage.It is crucial however, for the teachers in the diverse environments to use the strategies. If in the future teachers decided not to use the strategies and instead decided to just ignore the differences between diverse and non-diverse environments it would cause major problems with classroom management. If a clas sroom had bad classroom management the students would suffer terribly. Some students would not care about their work, some would not listen, and some would just simply drop out.If teachers did not have control over their classrooms the students would not have anyone to listen to or pay attention to. That is why classroom management is so important. There is a way however, to help classrooms in diverse environments have good classroom management and it is to use the five strategies. If teachers in diverse settings continue to use the strategies it will help not only the teachers, by making good classroom management easier to achieve, but it will also help the students because they will learn more if they are listening and paying attention to the teacher.H. Richard Milner IV, B. T. (2010). Classroom management in diverse classrooms. Retrieved from http://uex. sagepub. com. ezaccess. libraries. psu. edu/content/45/5/560. full. pdf html Herbert Elizabeth, A. (1998). Design matters: How school environment affects children. Realizing a Positive School Climate, 56(1), 69-70. Howard Gary, R. (2007). As diversity grows, so must we. Responding to Changing Demographics, 64(6), 16-22. Schaps Eric. (2003). Creating a school community. Creating Caring Schools, 60(6), 31-33.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Looking At The Term Omnidirectional Imaging Film Studies Essay
First, allow ‘s specify the term – â€Å" omnidirectional †. The term â€Å" omnidirectional †is derives from a prefix â€Å" omni †which forms the significance â€Å" all †or â€Å" every †while â€Å" directional †is bespeaking a way in infinite. Hence, this term â€Å" omnidirectional †implies an equal sensitiveness in all directional. Normally, this term is widely used in the telecommunications field such as omnidirectional mike which is a device that can pick up sound from all around it. Other than this, an omnidirectional aerial can direct or have signals every bit good in all waies and a VHF omnidirectional scope ( VOR ) is used as a wireless pilotage system for aircraft. Due to the advancing of the engineering, the use has been expanded to other field of designs. For illustration, an omnidirectional treadmill is used as a treadmill that allows a individual to walk in any way without traveling. Besides this, there is a specially design wheel that allows motion in any way and normally use into automatons which is called Mecanum Wheel. In picture taking, an omnidirectional camera is a camera that can see all 360 grades around it. All of these executions have referred to the impression of bing in every way. Omnidirectional imagination shows a 360 grades ocular position which has a similar construct with an omnidirectional camera. This sort of imagination is of import in several countries such as security force. The security force applies this construct as a ocular surveillance which can cut down the offense rates and increase the safety of the populace as shown in Figure 1. This is due to the omnidirectional vision shows a broad angle of position which has the ability to see around 360 grades. Figure 1: The camera with hemispherical FOV for big country surveillance application The omnidirectional image is round form and must be unwrapped to obtain a bird's-eye image as depicted in Figure 2. ( a ) ( B ) Figure 2: Image taken by an omnidirectional camera with a inflated mirror. Figure ( a ) indicates the omnidirectional image. Figure ( B ) indicates the corresponding bird's-eye image. Although omnidirectional images allow increasing the field of position ( FOV ) , some jobs arise. Anamorphosis in omnidirectional images introduces complexness in image processing and reading such as optical flow calculation. Optical flow is computed from images spatio-temporal derived functions in order to gauge the evident gesture in a digital image sequence. Using appropriate gesture theoretical accounts, the pels evident gesture can be related to the camera gesture. Refering omnidirectional images, a simple camera interlingual rendition implies a complex evident gesture. Indeed, a camera interlingual rendition does non bring forth an evident interlingual rendition of all the pels in the image. Figure 3 has depicted both status explained above. Figure: Pixels gesture for a classical camera interlingual rendition ( a ) and for an omnidirectional camera ( B ) Ordinary cameras used in machine vision either have a narrow field of position ( FOV ) or have a broad FOV but suffer from complex deformation. It can be hard to undo a broad FOV image to obtain perspective projection positions accurately. Based strictly on the ideal perspective projection imaging theoretical account, it has been shown that surfaces of revolution of conelike subdivision curves are the lone mirror forms that can be paired with a individual convergence projection camera to make single-viewpoint ( SVP ) , catadioptric omnidirectional position systems whose omniview image can be unwrapped to perspective projection positions without systematic deformations. By utilizing multiple normal cameras positioned decently in relation to a plane mirror pyramid, a high declaration, SVP, broad FOV system can be built. The trade-offs, though, are the high monetary value and complexnesss involved with multiple cameras. Bulky size, weight, standardization, synchronism, and addition differences are jobs associated with multi-camera systems that single-camera systems are free of. An SVP system is worthwhile if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks for a peculiar application. The advantages of the single-camera, SVP, catodioptric household of omnidirectional imaging systems come with a monetary value. The most important tradeoff is a much lower image spacial declaration compared with normal cameras, multi-camera omniview systems, or revolving normal camera scanning system because single-camera, SVP, catadioptric systems have an enlarged FOV without a corresponding addition in the figure of physical feeling units ( e.g. , pels ) .Omnidirectional Image Scree ning SystemAn omnidirectional imagination system consisting a brooding mirror for sing object within a hemisphere field of position form a individual practical position point at the local centre of said brooding mirror, a projector for projecting a light beam toward said brooding mirror, and a variable wavelength filter optically positioned between said projector and said brooding mirror for bring forthing a form holding a spatially distributed wavelength spectrum of said brooding mirror, where a generator responsive to the hemispherical image informations for bring forthing 3-dimensional image.Field of InventionThe innovation presents a set of methods and setup for omnidirectional stereo imagination. By â€Å" omnidirectional imagination system †, we mean a system that is able to get images with a field-of-view ( FOV ) covering full hemisphere ( 180 solid infinite angle ) , at the same time without any mechanical moving portion. The FOV of a conventional camera or a light p rojector can be dramatically increased by using a brooding mirror decently placed in forepart of the camera or the projector. A brace of omnidirectional cameras is able to organize a alone stereo imagination of environing scene with 360 degree position angle. A combination of an omnidirectional camera and an omnidirectional structured visible radiation projector can besides supply a agencies to obtain quantitative three dimensional measurings of the objects around the camera system. The omnidirectional three dimentional imaging methods and setup presented herein may offer alone solutions to many practical systems that need coincident 360 grade sing angle and three dimensional measuring capableness. A figure of attacks had been proposed in the yesteryear for imaging systems to accomplish broad FOV. None of them nevertheless is able to bring forth 3D omnidirectional images. In the undermentioned paragraphs, we give a briefly study on the stake-of-the-art of current imaging systems that seek to accomplish broad FOV. Before the innovation of omnidirectional camera, a camera with revolving parts is used to capture image in all way. Although it produce high declaration of image, but it takes some clip in capturing it. Hence, some attack has been proposed in the yesteryear for imaging system to accomplish a broad field-of-view ( FOV ) . However, none of them is able to bring forth 3D omnidirectional images. Presently, there are some imaging systems are produced to seek for a broad FOV: Conventional Cameras Most bing imaging systems employ electronic detector french friess or photographic movie to enter optical image collected by its optical lens system. The image projection for most camera lenses is modeled as a â€Å" pin-hole †with a individual centre of projection. Since sizes of camera lens and the imagination detector have their practical restrictions, the light beams that can be collected by a camera lens and received by the imagination device typically organize a maize with really little gap angle. Therefore, angular FOV for conventional camera is within a scope of 5 to 50 grades. For illustration, an 8.5 millimeter F/1.3 camera lens for 1/2 †CCD ( Charge Coupled Device ) bit merely has an angular FOV of 41.2 grade. Fish-Eye Lenss Optical applied scientists had designed several versions of wide-viewing-angle lens system, called the fish-eye lens. The fish-eye lens features a really short focal length which, when used in topographic point of conventional camera lens, enables the camera to see object for much wider angle ( about 180 grade of hemisphere ) . In general, the wider FOV, the more complicated design the fish-eye lens has. To obtain a hemispherical FOV, the fish-eye lens must be rather big in dimension, complex in optical design, and therefore expensive. Besides, it is really hard to plan a fish-eye lens that ensures individual position point restraint, i.e. , all incoming chief visible radiation beams intersect at a individual point to organize a fixed point of view. This is so a job with commercial fish-eye lenses, including Nikon ‘s Fisheye-Nikkor 8-mm f/2.8 lens. Although the acquired image by fish-eye lenses may turn out to be good plenty for some visual image applications, the deformation c ompensation issue has non been resolved, and the high unit-cost remain to be major hurdlings for its wide-spread applications. The fish-eye lens technique has the advantage of following a statically positioned camera to get a broad angle of position. However the nonlinear belongings resulted from the semi-spherical optical lens mapping make the declaration along the round boundary of the image really hapless, while the FOV corresponding to the round boundary of the image normally represents a land or floor where a high declaration of image is required. Multi-Camera System or Revolving Imaging Systems Large FOV of objects may be obtained by utilizing multiple cameras in the same system, each point towards a different way. However, issues on seamless integrating of multiple images is farther complicated by the fact that image produced by each camera has different centres of projection. The cost for such a system is normally high. The image processing required by multiple cameras or revolving camera method to obtain precise information on place and AZ of an object takes a long clip, which is non suited for real-time conflict field mold and reconnaissance applications. Another straightforward solution to increasing the FOV of an imagination system is to revolve the full imagination system about its centre of projection An image sequence acquired by the camera at different places are â€Å" sewed †together to obtain a bird's-eye position of the scene. Such an attack has been late proposed by several research workers. A really interesting attack developed by employs a camera with a non-frontal image sensor to scan the universe. The first disadvantage of any revolving image system is that it requires the usage of traveling parts, and preciseness placement devices. A more serious drawback is that such systems lack the capableness of at the same time an geting image with broad FOV. Although such system can get precise azimuth information in omnidirectional position, the imagination procedure is time-consuming and the method is non applicable to real-time jobs such as avoiding hit against traveling obstructions or supervising scene with nomadic objects. This restricts the usage of revolving systems to inactive and non-real-time applications. In contrast, the innovation presented herein, called the omnidirectional camera, is capable of capturing real-time omnidirectional images without utilizing any traveling parts. By â€Å" omnidirectional images †, we mean images with a FOV covering full hemisphere ( 180 solid infinite angle ) , at the same time. As one can see, a bird's-eye camera is still non omnidirectional, since it can merely supply a wide-angle of FOV at certain clip case, non in all waies. Figure: Comparison between our Omnidirectional Camera, bird's-eye camera and conventional camerasBrooding MaterialWhen visible radiation radiation passes from one medium into another holding a different index of refraction, some of the visible radiation is scattered at the interface between the two media even if both are transparent. The coefficient of reflection represents the fraction of the incident visible radiation that is reflected at the interface. In general it must be treated as a directional belongings that is a map of the reflected way, the incident way and the incident wavelength. Mirrors surely have a distinguishable brooding quality most other stuffs do non. This is due to the alone colour, composing and smoothness the mirror has. Polished, glistening metals make good mirrors because metal behaviors electricity good. Since the electronic field inside the metal is zero, negatrons at that place will ever call off out a field that is non zero ( even if the field originates outside the metal ) . Since light travels in electromagnetic moving ridges, when it hits a mirror ( most frequently made with sprayed Ag and glass ) , the lone manner to call off out the field and put it to zero is to reflect those moving ridges back out, hence a contemplation. This procedure is similar to singing a long rope attached on one terminal. If you give a hanging rope with one loose terminal one, large shingle, the rope will beckon to the top, and so back down. This is what happens when light hits a mirror. Some molecules hold light and convert some of it to heat. These stuffs are normally black. White stuffs have molecules that about instantly let go of visible radiation after absorbing it. There is an full scope of soaking up in different colourss. Metal works good for mirrors because it reflects seeable visible radiation on all parts of the surface at the same clip. While unsmooth surfaces do reflect visible radiation ( depending on colour and composing ) , they typically reflect visible radiation in all waies. You can see this in concrete, for illustration. It seems to scintillate because it reflects light, but non in one way or ordered manner. Mirrors, nevertheless, do reflect in one way. Because metal ( including metal pigment ) is smooth, it ‘s the best stuff for mirrors.Visible Spectrum WavelengthElectromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic radiation is considered to be wave-like, dwelling of electric and magnetic field constituents that are perpendicular to each other and besides to the way of extension. Electromagnetic radiation consists of visible radiation, heat or beaming energy, radio detection and ranging, moving ridges, and X raies. Each of it has a specific scope of wavelengths. Figure: An electromagnetic moving ridge demoing electric field, magnetic field constituents and the wavelength. Figure: The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Visible visible radiation prevarications within a really narrow part of the spectrum with wavelengths runing between about 0.4 micron and 0.7 micron. The sensed colour is determined by the wavelength ; for illustration, radiation holding wavelength of about 0.4 micron appears to be violet, whereas green and ruddy colour occur at about 0.5 and 0.65 micron severally.CoatingMetallic elements are opaque and extremely brooding. The sensed colour is determined by the wavelength distribution of the radiation that is reflected and non absorbed. A bright silvery visual aspect when exposed to white light indicates that the metal is extremely brooding over the full scope of the seeable spectrum. Aluminum and Ag are two metals that exhibit this brooding behaviour. Copper and gilded appear red-orange and yellow severally because of the energy associated with white light photons holding short wavelength is non reemitted as seeable visible radiation. The huge bulk of optical constituents are made of assorted types of glass, and the bulk of those objects are coated with thin beds of particular stuffs. The intent of these coatings is to modify the contemplation and transmittal belongingss of the constituents ‘ surfaces. High-reflection coatings can be applied to the exterior of an object. For illustration, a level piece of glass is used to bring forth a first-surface mirror. Alternately, they can be applied to an internal surface to bring forth a second-surface mirror, which is used to build certain prisms. High-reflection coatings can be classified as either insulator or metallic coatings. Metallic coatings are used chiefly for mirrors. They do non trust on the rules of optical intervention but instead on the physical and optical belongingss of the surfacing stuff. However, metallic coatings are frequently over-coated with thin dielectric movies to increase the coefficient of reflection over a coveted scope of wavelengths or scope of incidence angles. Over-coating metallic coatings with a difficult, individual, dielectric bed of half-wave optical thickness improves scratch and tarnish opposition but merely marginally affects optical belongingss. Depending on the insulator used, such over-coated metals are referred to as lasting, protected or hard-coated metallic reflectors. The chief advantages of metallic coatings are broadband spectral public presentation, insensitiveness to angle of incidence and polarisation, and low cost. Their primary disadvantages include lower lastingness, lower coefficient of reflection and lower harm threshold. Today ‘s multilayer dielectric coatings are unusually difficult and lasting. With proper attention and handling, they can hold long life lastingness. Quarter-wave thicknesses of alternately high- and low-refractive index stuffs are applied to the substrate to organize a dielectric multilayer stack, as shown in figure. By taking stuffs of appropriate refractile indexes, the assorted reflected wave-fronts can be made to interfere constructively to bring forth a extremely efficient reflector. The extremum coefficient of reflection value is dependent upon the ration of the refractile indices of the two stuffs, every bit good as the figure of layer braces. Increasing either increases the coefficient of reflection. Over limited wavelength intervals, the coefficient of reflection of a dielectric surfacing easy can be made to transcend the highest coefficient of reflection of a metallic coating. Furthermore, the coatings are effectual for both s- and p-polarization constituents, and can be designed for a broad angle of incident scope. However, at angles that are significantly distant from the design angle, coefficient of reflection is markedly reduced. CVI Melles Griot is a taking provider of preciseness optical constituents and multielement optical system. CVI Melles Griot shows that: Our protected gold, Ag, and aluminum coatings exhibit exceeding broadband coefficient of reflection and are practical for many applications. Typical utilizations for these mirrors include single-use applications where the experiment itself amendss the mirror. A assortment of diameters and square sizes are offered, including an 8 †ten 8 †protected aluminium version.CoatingProtected GoldProtected SilverProtected AluminumSubstrate Float Glass Thickness 3.2 A ± 0.25 millimeter Coefficient of reflection Ravg & gt ; 96 % from 800 nm – 20 A µm Ravg & gt ; 97.5 % from 450 – 2 A µm Ravg & gt ; 96 % from 2 – 20 A µm Ravg & gt ; 90 % from 450 nm – 2 A µm Ravg & gt ; 95 % from 2 – 20 A µm Damage Threshold 2 J/cm2 1064 nanometer, 10 N, 10 Hertz 3 J/cm2 1064 nanometer, 10 N, 10 Hertz 0.3 J/cm2 1064 nanometer, 10 N, 10 Hertz Front Surface Flatness & lt ; 5I »/inch @ 633 nanometer Diameter Tolerance +0.0/-0.25 millimeter Clear Aperture & gt ; 90 % of Surface Surface Quality 60-40 Scratch-DigALoading†¦ Materials those are capable of conveying visible radiation with comparatively small soaking up and contemplation is transparent-one can see through them. Translucent stuffs are those through which visible radiation is transmitted diffusely ; that is, visible radiation is scattered within the inside, to the grade that objects are non clearly distinguishable when viewed through a specimen of the stuff. Materials that are imperviable to the transmittal of seeable visible radiation are termed opaque. When light returns from one medium into another, several things happen. Some of the light radiation may be transmitted through the medium, some will be absorbed and some will be reflected at the interface between the two media. Most of the captive radiation is reemitted from the surface in the signifier of seeable visible radiation of the same wavelength which appears as reflected visible radiation. The coefficient of reflection for most metals is between 0.9 – 0.95 and some little fraction of energy from electron decay procedure is dissipated as heat. Metallic elements are opaque and extremely brooding. The sensed colour is determined by the wavelength distribution of the radiation that is reflected and non absorbed. A bright silvery visual aspect when exposed to white light indicates that the metal is extremely brooding over the full scope of the seeable spectrum. Aluminum and Ag are two metals that exhibit this brooding behaviour. Copper and gilded appear red-orange and yellow severally because of the energy associated with white light photons holding short wavelength is non reemitted as seeable visible radiation. When visible radiation radiation passes from one medium into another holding a different index of refraction, some of the visible radiation is scattered at the interface between the two media even if both are transparent. The coefficient of reflection represents the fraction of the incident visible radiation that is reflected at the interface. If the visible radiation is normal or perpendicular to the interface, so Where and are the indices of refraction of the two media. If the incident visible radiation is non normal to the interface, R will depend on the angle of incidence. Since the index of refraction of air is really close to 1. Thus the higher the index of refraction of the solid, the greater is the coefficient of reflection. For typical silicate spectacless, the coefficient of reflection is about 0.05. Merely as the index of refraction of a solid depends on the wavelength of the incident visible radiation. This means that the coefficient of reflection vary with wavelength. Contemplation losingss for lenses and other optical instruments are minimized significantly by surfacing the reflecting surface with really thin beds of dielectric stuffs such as Mg fluoride. Mirror Manufacturing In modern times the mirror substrate is shaped, polished and cleaned, and is so coated. Glass mirrors are most frequently coated with non-toxic Ag or aluminum, implemented by a series of coatings: Tin ( II ) Chloride Silver Chemical activator Copper Paint The Tin ( II ) Chloride is applied because Ag will non bond with the glass. The activator causes the tin/silver to indurate. Copper is added for long-run lastingness. The pigment protects the coating on the dorsum of the mirror from abrasions and other inadvertent harm. In some applications, by and large those that are cost-sensitive or that require great lastingness, mirrors are made from a individual, bulk stuff such as polished metal. Technical mirrors may utilize Ag, aluminum or gold coating and achieve coefficient of reflection of 90 % – 95 % when new. A protective transparent greatcoat may be applied to forestall oxidization of the brooding bed. Applications necessitating higher coefficient of reflection or greater lastingness where broad bandwidth is non indispensable usage dielectric coatings, can accomplish coefficient of reflection every bit high as 99.99 % over a narrow scope of wavelength. Mirror Manufacturing Base Glass, which is a major mirror constituent, is really non a really good stuff for contemplation. In fact, it is merely able to reflect four per centum of the visible radiation it comes in contact with. What it has is a uniformity belongings that allows it to hold really few bumps, peculiarly when it is polished. The smoothness of glass makes it a good campaigner for a base of a brooding metal. Coating The base stuff, in order to go brooding, needs to be coated with a substance that reacts good to visible radiation. The most normally used stuffs are metal coatings such as Ag, gold or chrome. Mercury was used by mirror makers until it was finally abandoned in the fortiess due to jobs with toxicity. Modern mirrors now make usage of aluminium as the metallic coating. Mirrors that are used under high temperatures are frequently coated with Si oxides and Si nitrates which tend to be a protective coating applied to forestall scrape. Design Mirrors need to integrate surface regularity in their designs in order to go effectual. The glass sheets that are used demand to be level and lasting. For family usage, the thickness of the mirror is taken into consideration, with its strength increasing proportionally to its thickness. For heavy-duty mirrors, such as those used in scientific research, the surface has to be specially designed to retain uniformity while adding a curvature. This gives the mirror the ability to concentrate every bit good as reflect visible radiation. The design of the mirror besides specifies the sort of surfacing to be used. The features that are of import in the pick of the surfacing include lastingness and coefficient of reflection. Procedure To do a mirror, the first measure is to cut and determine the glass harmonizing to the formulated design. Diamond-tipped proverbs are normally used to make a all right coating. After this, the panels, called spaces, are placed in an optical grinding machine. This machine uses an scratchy liquid and a grinding home base to make a smooth texture on the glass. Finally, the brooding stuff is placed on the glass utilizing an evaporator, which has the ability to heat the metal used for surfacing until it evaporates onto the spaces ‘ surface. Integrity The quality control of mirrors is an of import portion of the fabrication procedure. The mirror ‘s surface is by and large inspected utilizing the bare oculus or a microscope in order to look into if there are any abrasions or variability. An infrared photographic procedure may besides be used to see if there is a deficiency of uniformity in the thickness of the metal. In some instances, the mirror may besides be placed under environmental proving wherein it is subjected to heat or cold to see how good it can defy assorted temperatures. Possibly you ‘ve been in a state of affairs where you have n't had a mirror on manus and have resorted to utilizing the most brooding surface around you. Depending on the colour, form and texture of the surface, it may hold sufficed, but mirrors surely have a distinguishable brooding quality most other stuffs do non. This stems from the alone colour, composing and smoothness a mirror has. Get downing With Metal Polished, glistening metals make good mirrors because metal behaviors electricity good. Since the electronic field inside the metal must be zero, negatrons at that place will ever call off out a field that is non zero ( even if the field originates outside the metal ) . Since light travels in electromagnetic moving ridges, when it hits a mirror ( most frequently made with sprayed Ag and glass ) , the lone manner to call off out the field and put it to zero is to reflect those moving ridges back out, hence a contemplation. This procedure is similar to singing a long rope attached on one terminal. If you give a hanging rope with one loose terminal one, large shingle, the rope will beckon to the top, so back down. This is what happens when light hits a mirror. How Color Affects Reflection Some molecules hold light and convert some of it to heat. These stuffs are normally black. White stuffs have molecules that about instantly let go of visible radiation after absorbing it. There is an full scope of soaking up in different colourss. Metal works good for mirrors because it reflects seeable visible radiation on all parts of the surface at the same clip. Silver works good in peculiar because it ‘s the closest to white and reflects a assortment of colourss better ( Cu and gold would non reflect blue good, for illustration ) . How Smoothness Affects Contemplation While unsmooth surfaces do reflect visible radiation ( depending on colour and composing ) , they typically reflect visible radiation in all waies. You can see this in concrete, for illustration. It seems to scintillate because it reflects light, but non in one way or ordered manner. Mirrors, nevertheless, do reflect in one way. Because metal ( including metal pigment ) is smooth, it ‘s the best stuff for mirrors. Mirrors that are warped or non wholly smooth give distorted images. Obtaining Omnidirectional View Using Reflective Mirror. To dramatically increase the FOV of an imagination system, there is an unusual attack: utilizing a brooding surface. The FOV of a picture camera can be greatly increased by utilizing brooding surface with properly designed surface forms. The rear-view mirror in a auto is a day-to-day illustration of utilizing brooding mirror to increase the FOV of a driver. There are a figure of surface profiles that can be used to bring forth omnidirectional FOV. Figure list three illustrations: conelike mirror, spherical mirror, and parabolic mirror. The optical geometry of these bulging mirrors provides a simple and effectual agencies to change over picture camera ‘s two-dimensional position into an omnidirectional position around the perpendicular axis of these mirrors, without utilizing any traveling portion. At the first glimpse, it appears that the omnidirectional imagination undertaking can be accomplished by utilizing any bulging mirror. Unfortunately, this is non the instance. In reexamining some BASIC of image formation, we know that an image is two dimensional form of brightness ( or colourss ) . A satisfactory imagination system must continue two indispensable features: Geometric correspondence: there must be a one-to-one correspondence between pels in an image and point in the scene. Single point of view restraint: each pels in the image corresponds to a peculiar sing way defined by a beam from that pel on image plane through a â€Å" pinhole †( individual sing point ) . Notice that although the convex mirrors listed in Figure can greatly increase the FOV, and may turn out adequate for certain omnidirectional scene monitoring applications, they are non satisfactory imaging devices. These reflecting surfaces do non continue the individual point of view restraint ( SVC ) . For a high quality omnidirectional imagination system, all the light beams coming in the omni imager caput should hold a individual ( practical ) sing point. Design of the omni-mirror that meets the SVC In this subdivision, we will discourse a desirable convex mirror surface profile that satisfies the individual point of view restraint: all the ( extensions of ) visible radiation beams reflected by the mirror must go through through a individual ( practical ) point of view. We call such a brooding mirror the omni-mirror. Let us first define necessary symbols and nomenclature. As shown in the Figure, we use an off-shelf picture camera with a regular lens whose FOV covers full surface of the omni-mirror. Since the optical design of camera and lens is rotationally symmetric, all we need to find is the cross-section map zA ® that defines the mirror surface cross-section profile. The mirror is so the solid of revolution obtained by brushing the cross-section about the optical axis. The map of the omni-mirror is to reflect all viewing beams coming from picture camera ‘s screening centre ( focal point, labeled as C ) to the surface of physical objects in the FOV. The cardinal characteristic of this contemplation is that all such reflected beams must hold a projection towards a individual practical screening point at mirror ‘s focal centre, labled as O. In other words, the mirror should efficaciously maneuver sing beams such that the camera equivalently sees the objects in the universe from a i ndividual point of view O. We choose hyperboloid as the desirable form of the omni-mirrors. A well-known characteristic of a inflated curve is that: the extension of any beam reflected by the inflated curve originated from one of its focal points passes through its another focal point. If we choose the hyperbolic profile for the omni-mirror, and topographic point a picture camera at its focal point C, as shown in Figure, the imagination system will hold a individual point of view at its another focal point O, as if the picture camera were placed at the practical screening location O. The alone characteristic of the omni-mirror is that the extension of the entrance light beam sensed by the CCD camera is ever go throughing through a individual practical point of view O regardless of the location of the projection point M on the mirror surface.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Probability of a Small Straight in Yahtzee in One Roll
Probability of a Small Straight in Yahtzee in One Roll Yahtzee is a dice game that uses five standard six-sided dice. On each turn, players are given three rolls to obtain several different objectives. After each roll, a player may decide which of the dice (if any) are to be retained and which are to be rerolled. The objectives include a variety of different kinds of combinations, many of which are taken from poker. Every different kind of combination is worth a different amount of points. Two of the types of combinations that players must roll are called straights: a small straight and a large straight. Like poker straights, these combinations consist of sequential dice. Small straights employ four of the five dice and large straights use all five dice. Due to the randomness of the rolling of dice, the probability can be used to analyze how likely it is to roll a small straight in a single roll. Assumptions We assume that the dice used are fair and independent of one another. Thus there is a uniform sample space consisting of all possible rolls of the five dice. Although Yahtzee allows three rolls, for simplicity we will only consider the case that we obtain a small straight in a single roll. Sample Space Since we are working with a uniform sample space, the calculation of our probability becomes a calculation of a couple of counting problems. The probability of a small straight is the number of ways to roll a small straight, divided by the number of outcomes in the sample space. It is very easy to count the number of outcomes in the sample space. We are rolling five dice and each of these dice can have one of six different outcomes. A basic application of the multiplication principle tells us that the sample space has 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 65 7776 outcomes. This number will be the denominator of the fractions that we use for our probability. Number of Straights Next, we need to know how many ways there are to roll a small straight. This is more difficult than calculating the size of the sample space. We begin by counting how many straights are possible. A small straight is easier to roll than a large straight, however, it is harder to count the number of ways of rolling this type of straight. A small straight consists of exactly four sequential numbers. Since there are six different faces of the die, there are three possible small straights: {1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4, 5} and {3, 4, 5, 6}. The difficulty arises in considering what happens with the fifth die. In each of these cases, the fifth die must be a number that does not create a large straight. For example, if the first four dice were 1, 2, 3, and 4, the fifth die could be anything other than 5. If the fifth die was a 5, then we would have a large straight rather than a small straight. This means that there are five possible rolls that give the small straight {1, 2, 3, 4}, five possible rolls that give the small straight {3, 4, 5, 6} and four possible rolls that give the small straight {2, 3, 4, 5}. This last case is different because rolling a 1 or a 6 for the fifth die will change {2, 3, 4, 5} into a large straight. This means that there are 14 different ways that five dice can give us a small straight. Now we determine the different number of ways to roll a particular set of dice that give us a straight. Since we only need to know how many ways there are to do this, we can use some basic counting techniques. Of the 14 distinct ways to obtain small straights, only two of these {1,2,3,4,6} and {1,3,4,5,6} are sets with distinct elements. There are 5! 120 ways to roll each for a total of 2 x 5! 240 small straights. The other 12 ways to have a small straight are technically multisets as they all contain a repeated element. For one particular multiset, such as [1,1,2,3,4], we will count the number od different ways to roll this. Think of the dice as five positions in a row: There are C(5,2) 10 ways to position the two repeated elements among the five dice.There are 3! 6 ways to arrange the three distinct elements. By the multiplication principle, there are 6 x 10 60 different ways to roll the dice 1,1,2,3,4 in a single roll. There are 60 ways to roll one such small straight with this particular fifth die. Since there are 12 multisets giving a different listing of five dice, there are 60 x 12 720 ways to roll a small straight in which two dice match. In total there are 2 x 5! 12 x 60 960 ways to roll a small straight. Probability Now the probability of rolling a small straight is a simple division calculation. Since there are 960 different ways to roll a small straight in a single roll and there are 7776 rolls of five dice possible, the probability of rolling a small straight is 960/7776, which is close to 1/8 and 12.3%. Of course, it is more likely than not that the first roll is not a straight. If this is the case, then we are allowed two more rolls making a small straight much more likely. The probability of this is much more complicated to determine because of all of the possible situations that would need to be considered.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ver Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples
Ver Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb ver means to see or to watch. Its conjugation is mostly regular, although the pattern varies in the past participle, visto (seen), and the first-person singular present, veo (I see). Other verbs derived from ver, such as prever (to preview or to foresee) and entrever (to partly see or to suspect), follow the same conjugation pattern. A verb that is similar in meaning is mirar, which can be translated as to look. This article includes ver conjugations in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Present Indicative The first person singular conjugation veo is slightly irregular. Normally we would remove the ending -er before adding the present tense ending -o, but in this case, the e in ver stays to produce veo. Yo veo Yo veo las noticias todos los dà as. I watch the news every day. Tà º ves Tà º ves a tu hija bailar. You watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella ve Ella ve una pelà cula con su amiga. She watches a movie with her friend. Nosotros vemos Nosotros vemos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros veis Vosotros veis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You see your grandmother frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas ven Ellos ven muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They see many interesting things at the museum. Preterite Indicative The preterite is used to talk about completed events in the past. Yo vi Yo vi las noticias todos los dà as. I watched the news every day. Tà º viste Tà º viste a tu hija bailar. You watched your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella vio Ella vio una pelà cula con su amiga. She watched a movie with her friend. Nosotros vimos Nosotros vimos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We saw many patients at the clinic. Vosotros visteis Vosotros visteis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You saw your grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vieron Ellos vieron muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They saw many interesting things at the museum. Imperfect Indicative The imperfect is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It can be translated as was watching or used to watch. Yo veà a Yo veà a las noticias todos los dà as. I used to watch the news every day. Tà º veà as Tà º veà as a tu hija bailar. You used to watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella veà a Ella veà a una pelà cula con su amiga. She used to watch a movie with her friend. Nosotros veà amos Nosotros veà amos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We used to see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros veà ais Vosotros veà ais a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You used to see your grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas veà an Ellos veà an muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They used to see many interesting things at the museum. Future Indicative Yo verà © Yo verà © las noticias todos los dà as. I will watch the news every day. Tà º vers Tà º vers a tu hija bailar. You will watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella ver Ella ver una pelà cula con su amiga. She will watch a movie with her friend. Nosotros veremos Nosotros veremos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We will see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros verà ©is Vosotros verà ©is a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You will seeyour grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vern Ellos vern muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They will see many interesting things at the museum. Periphrastic Future Indicative The periphrastic future is formed with three parts: the present tense conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive of the verb. Yo voy a ver Yo voya ver las noticias todos los dà as. I am going to watch the news every day. Tà º vasa ver Tà º vasa ver a tu hija bailar. You aregoing to watch your daughter dance. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa ver Ella vaa ver una pelà cula con su amiga. She isgoing to watch a movie with her friend. Nosotros vamosa ver Nosotros vamosa ver a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. We aregoing to see many patients at the clinic. Vosotros vaisa ver Vosotros vaisa ver a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. You aregoing to seeyour grandma frequently. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana ver Ellos vana ver muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. They aregoing to see many interesting things at the museum. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The progressive tenses use the verb estar with the gerund form viendo. Present Progressive ofVer est viendo Ella est viendo a su hija bailar. She is watching her daughter dance. Ver Past Participle The past participle is used to form perfect tenses like the present perfect. Usually the past participle of -er verbs is formed with the ending -ido, but ver is irregular since its past participle is visto. Present Perfect of Ver ha visto Ella ha visto a su hija bailar. She has watched her daughter dance. Ver Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated to English as would verb. Yo verà a Yo verà a las noticias todos los dà as si no me durmiera tan temprano. I would watch the news every day if I didn't fall asleep so early. Tà º verà as Tà º verà as a tu hija bailar si no estuvieras ocupada. You would watch your daughter dance if you were not busy. Usted/à ©l/ella verà a Ella verà a una pelà cula con su amiga, pero no se ponen de acuerdo en la pelà cula. She would watch a movie with her friend, but they don't agree on a movie. Nosotros verà amos Nosotros verà amos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica si tuvià ©ramos ms doctores. We would see many patients at the clinic if we had more doctors. Vosotros verà ais Vosotros verà ais a vuestra abuela frecuentemente si vivierais ms cerca. You would seeyour grandma frequently if you lived closer. Ustedes/ellos/ellas verà an Ellos verà an muchas cosas interesantes en el museo si tuvieran ms tiempo. They would see many interesting things at the museum if they had more time. Ver Present Subjunctive Que yo vea Mi profesor sugiere que yo vea las noticias todos los dà as. My professor suggests that I watch the news every day. Que tà º veas La instructora pide que tà º veas a tu hija bailar. The instructor asks that you watch your daughter dance. Que usted/à ©l/ella vea Carlos espera que ella vea una pelà cula con su amiga. Carlos hopes that she watches a movie with her friend. Que nosotros veamos El joven espera que nosotros veamos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. The young man hopes that we see many patients at the clinic. Que vosotros veis Vuestra madre espera que vosotros veis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. Your mother hopes that you see your grandmother frequently. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas vean Pedro recomienda que ellos vean muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. Pedro recommends that they see many interesting things at the museum. Ver Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive is used similarly to the present subjunctive, but in situations that happened in the past. There are two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive: Option 1 Que yo viera Mi profesor sugerà a que yo viera las noticias todos los dà as. My professor suggested that I watch the news every day. Que tà º vieras La instructora pedà a que tà º vieras a tu hija bailar. The instructor asked that you watch your daughter dance. Que usted/à ©l/ella viera Carlos esperaba que ella viera una pelà cula con su amiga. Carlos hoped that she watch a movie with her friend. Que nosotros vià ©ramos El joven esperaba que nosotros vià ©ramos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. The young man hoped that we see many patients at the clinic. Que vosotros vierais Vuestra madre esperaba que vosotros vierais a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. Your mother hoped that you see your grandmother frequently. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas vieran Pedro recomendaba que ellos vieran muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. Pedro recommended that they see many interesting things at the museum. Option 2 Que yo viese Mi profesor sugerà a que yo viese las noticias todos los dà as. My professor suggested that I watch the news every day. Que tà º vieses La instructora pedà a que tà º vieses a tu hija bailar. The instructor asked that you watch your daughter dance. Que usted/à ©l/ella viese Carlos esperaba que ella viese una pelà cula con su amiga. Carlos hoped that she watch a movie with her friend. Que nosotros vià ©semos El joven esperaba que nosotros vià ©semos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica. The young man hoped that we see many patients at the clinic. Que vosotros vieseis Vuestra madre esperaba que vosotros vieseis a vuestra abuela frecuentemente. Your mother hoped that you see your grandmother frequently. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas viesen Pedro recomendaba que ellos viesen muchas cosas interesantes en el museo. Pedro recommended that they see many interesting things at the museum. Ver Imperative The imperative mood has both positive and negative forms, which are used to give commands. Positive Commands Tà º ve  ¡Ve a tu hija bailar! Watch your daughter dance! Usted vea  ¡Vea una pelà cula con su amiga! Watch a movie with your friend! Nosotros veamos  ¡Veamos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica! Let's see many patients at the clinic! Vosotros ved  ¡Ved a tu abuela frecuentemente! See your grandma frequently! Ustedes vean  ¡Vean muchas cosas interesantes en el museo! See many interesting things at the museum! Negative Commands Tà º no veas  ¡No veas a tu hija bailar! Don't watch your daughter dance! Usted no vea  ¡No vea una pelà cula con su amiga! Don't watch a movie with your friend! Nosotros no veamos  ¡No veamos a muchos pacientes en la clà nica! Let's not see many patients at the clinic! Vosotros no veis  ¡No veis a tu abuela frecuentemente! Don't see your grandma frequently! Ustedes no vean  ¡No vean muchas cosas interesantes en el museo! Don't see many interesting things at the museum!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Installing MySQL on a Mac Is Easier Than You Think
Installing MySQL on a Mac Is Easier Than You Think Oracles MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that is based on Structured Query Language (SQL). It is frequently used in conjunction with PHP to enhance the capabilities of websites. PHP comes preloaded onto Mac computers, but MySQL does not. When you create and test software or websites that require a MySQL database, it is handy to have MySQL installed on your computer. Installing MySQL on a Mac is easier than you might expect, particularly if you use the native installation package instead of the TAR package, which requires access and changes to the command line in Terminal mode. Installing MySQL Using the Native Installation Package The free download for the Mac is the MySQL Community Server edition. Go to the MySQL website and download the latest version of MySQL for MacOS. Select the native package DMG archive version, not the compressed TAR version.Click the Download button next to the version you choose.You are prompted to sign up for an Oracle Web Account, but unless you want one, click No thanks, just start my download.In your downloads folder, find and double-click the file icon to mount the .dmg archive, which contains the installer.Double-click the icon for the MySQL package installer.Read the opening dialog screen and click Continue to begin the installation.Read the license terms. Click Continue and then Agree to continue.Click Install. Record the temporary password that displays during the installation process. This password cannot be recovered. You must save it. After you log in to MySQL, you are prompted to create a new password.Press Close on the Summary screen to complete the installation. The MySQL webpage contains documentation, instructions and change history for the software. How to Start My SQL on a Mac The MySQL server is installed on the Mac, but it does not load by default. Start MySQL by clicking Start using the MySQL Preference Pane, which was installed during the default installation. You can configure MySQL to automatically start when you turn on your computer using the MySQL Preference Pane.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Protecting the Human Rights of Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Protecting the Human Rights of Immigrants - Essay Example Immigrants come voluntarily to any nation. In fact, they often go to extreme economic hardship in order to immigrate to their country of choice. There is no homogenization among nations concerning visas, work permits and residency rules, much fewer immigration rules. Unless there is an incentive to creating and enforcing these rules, there is no way to impose or enforce compliance internationally, neither should there be. As a global group, there is very little that even the major nations can agree upon. There is even less than any group of nations would have the right to impose. The definition of what universal human rights are is anything but universal. Even if we could come to a vague agreement upon which rights should be universal, the degree to which any such rights are enforced could not be imposed. Therefore, authorities would be able to achieve individuality by the simple difference of application. The right to freedom from illegal imprisonment is one right that is close to being acceptable internationally. However, across the globe, there are main differences concerning the cultural focus of law. There is individual centred and group centred, That is, in some nations, such as America, the rights of the individual often take precedence over the rights of the group, except where so doing would violate more important rights. However, in China, the rights of the group are considered paramount about individual rights. So imprisonment of one individual is considered better than allowing that individual to interfere with the lives of the group in any way. T herefore, China jails dissenters or removes them from the area where they have â€Å"caused trouble†. Individual freedom of speech is less important than the group freedom from disturbance. So, protecting the rights of immigrants becomes even more difficult globally. One issue is women’s rights. American women take it as a given that a woman should have the right to dress any way she likes, as long as it is not publically lewd or insulting. Â
Choose one of the following and write a two-three paragraph post Essay
Choose one of the following and write a two-three paragraph post - Essay Example The main point is that men have been forced, in the past at least, to conform to a very limiting stereotype and they have been ridiculed if they dare to step outside of this narrow concept. By defining the word with a perspective of looking back in time, I would hope to encourage people to think about a different approach for the present and the future. Robert Jensen’s technical definition of masculinity is certain psychological or social traits that inherently come with being biologically male and he summarizes this in a more informal form with the phrase the tough guy. The negative aspects of this definition are quite clear to Jensen, and he describes the â€Å"toxic†effects which prevailing ideas of masculinity have on men today. Jensen stresses the cultural values attached to gender divisions, and advises that we do not need the extremes of masculinity and femininity any more, and we should concentrate instead on humanity, which can be shared by people of any gender. I think this is quite unrealistic and that masculinity as a concept is likely to last for a very long time. Rather than banning the use of the term, I would rather see it transformed with new and more positive
Friday, October 18, 2019
Visual analyzation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Visual analyzation - Research Paper Example Majority of their statues represent aged look. This sculpted head created in marble gives all the minor and major details of an elderly matured face. The facial expression are crafted skillfully in marble which gives the complete details of the face representing sheer determination, experience and power. Romans highly admired such characteristics. The face has the perfect folds and bulges which gives the head a very realistic view. Portrait of Augustus is the sculpture of Octavian Caesar who became the first Roman Emperor in 44 BC. He was the nephew of Julius Caesar and some historians mentioned him as his adopted son too. During 27 BC, he was awarded as the title of â€Å"Augustus†by the Senate. Augustus ruled over the Roman Empire for 41 years. He was known for establishing peace, tranquility and prosperity within his domain. The original sculpture is in bronze, however; the marble copy is present in Vatican Museum located in Rome. The sculpture represents Augustus addressing the troops with his hand held out. The inclusion of Cupid on the side of the sculpture represents the divine descent of Augustus (Source: The original sculpture is painted in color. The bodily portrait of Augustus highlights deeply his masculine features that represent his masculinity, authority, grace and experience which is prominent from his facial features. Th e purpose of the statue was to promote the political propaganda and to highlight the authority and control Augustus held during his times. He is depicted like god of war wearing the military clothes. The portrait of Constantine was created in 330 CE. It is about 30 feet in height. However, the head of Constantine is 8 feet high. The entire body of the portrait was made up of less precious material but the head, hands and feet are made of fine marble. The statue was at first
Stengths and weaknesses of biometrics mechanis,s Essay
Stengths and weaknesses of biometrics mechanis,s - Essay Example Facial recognition is one of the best technologies but fails perform perfectly (â€Å"Biometric technologies). Voice recognition on the other hand has facilitated hands-free technology but is easily disrupted by additional sounds. Retinal and Iris recognition are one of the safest technologies but can be latent due to database searching. DNA is also a great feature that has solved crimes in this generation. The problem with DNA is that again it takes a long time and has a sample size in erroneous rate (â€Å"Biometric technologies†). Fingerprint has been a dominant technology for years as it is used for identification. The problem with this is the fact that individuals that are disabled cannot use that technology. Hand geometry, similar to its predecessor of finger ID has been a solid technology for integration as well, but layers of debris can play in some role of giving erroneous results. Gait technology has been a prominent force that has been the driving force for signatu re recognition to drive security in which police officials use radar gun, but can never be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
SWOT Analysis of a commercial product (a new environmentally friendly Term Paper
SWOT Analysis of a commercial product (a new environmentally friendly car called Sun Top) - Term Paper Example The car is made with the ability to shift wheel engines so that the back of the car becomes smaller for efficient parking. It is therefore a space saving car. The cars can function as oxygen generators, recharging stations, and solar energy storage batteries. Opportunities The auto industry is under radical change. There are environmental concerns that require manufacturing of environmentally friendly automobiles; there are issues of increasing gas prices, and increasing economy fuel standards. These are push factors to the manufacturers to produce efficient cars that fit the consumers’ needs. There is increasing demand from the public for energy efficient, money saving, environmentally friendly, reliable and practical cars (X3). Weaknesses Electric cars reception in the market is still weak irrespective of the current market demand. Some people still consider it slow and not fit for the market. Some people are still not comfortable with the size of the cars which accommodates only two people (X3). The car still has a very low speed. The current highest speed is 130 mph, but there are other Sun Top types with 70 mph. This is not acceptable in the current market where so many automobiles have higher speeds of even 200km/h and above. The only advantage it has is its unique combination of money saving ability, efficiency, reliability and eco-friendliness. It cannot be used by families that need bigger cars to accommodate bigger numbers. Another problem is that the market is still full of other normal cars and it is not the only eco-friendly car in the market. The brand is weaker compared to other companies, such as Audi, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Lexus, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Ford, Toyota, and Nissan, all with different types of eco-friendly cars entering the same market targeted by Sun Top’s company (X2). These companies have already established market. Threats The market has increasing demand for eco-friendly cars, but there are different types being introduced in the market. There are eco-friendly cars powered by electric batteries, hydrogen, natural gas, and biodiesel that emit less polluting gases. These are cars that will compete for the same market that Sun Top’s company is looking forward to exploiting. There is also a lot of competition from the normal cars with high speed, still common in the market, and still accepted in the market. There are various companies with eco-friendly cars, that is, companies such as Audi, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Lexus, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, and many more (X2). The same companies still offer competition from the normal cars they develop and their innovative and creative abilities. Competition is not from the structure, the size and the abilities of the cars, the companies are aware of the same market being competed for and so are a source of threat because of their abilities in different areas of management. Different types of cars are also entering the market. These could be preferred compared to the current eco-friendly car being introduced into the market. This is why innovation by other companies is a very big threat. An example is the existence of driverless cars introduced by Google. Uncertainty of consumer behavior is another threat. They may choose the driverless or any newly developed cars and leave the current eco-friendly cars in the market. Marketing Strategy Target Market Sun Top is a new product
Intercultural Experience Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Intercultural Experience Assignment - Essay Example There are many different subcultures among the Latino population. I decided to try food from restaurant owned and managed by people from the island of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is an island located in the Caribbean region. The entire populations of Puerto Rico are actually U.S. citizens due to the fact that Puerto Rico is a territory of the Unites States. Officially the island’s government has a commonwealth political status with the United States. When I entered the restaurant I was greeting by a very nice woman who gave a greeting in Spanish. She was in Spanish â€Å"Bienvenidos a nuestro restaurant†which means welcome to our restaurant. I was given the menu within five minutes of my entrance. When the waitress gave me the menu she also brought some vegetables, bread, and water. I told the waitress that I was very hungry, but I did not know what to order due to the fact that I had never eaten puertorican food before. I explained to her that I was visiting their establ ishment as part of a class project in which I had to evaluate the food that I ate from an international location. She told me that I was very lucky because I had picked the right place to enjoy an exotic meal. The meal that I ended up ordering is called in Spanish â€Å"Mofongo con carne frita y caldo†which can translate to fried plantain with fried pork meat and fish or chicken stew. The meal was amazing. The fried plantain was the best part of the meal. It tasted absolutely delicious. Since the plantain it’s a bit hard it has to be dripped with the stew to make it softer to eat. The fried pork meat is a tremendous compliment to the plantain. The food was great and the price was right on the money. The meal only costs me $9.95 plus taxes and tip and it included the drink. I gave the waitress a $5 tip which represents a 50% tip for her services. Now that I had visited and eaten a unique cuisine meal from the Puertorican culture it was time for me to learn more about P uerto Rico. To achieve this task I decided to interview and old friend of mine who was born in Puerto Rico. In the following three paragraphs I am going to describe the different things I learned about the Puertorican culture based on my interview. Puerto Rico is a small island in the Caribbean Sea whose dimensions are 100 miles in length by 35 miles in width. The island with a population of 4 million inhabitants is considered one of the most populated regions in the world per square miles. The United States won a war with the Spaniard in 1898 which gave them control of Puerto Rico. Ever since 1917 the people of Puerto Rico have been US citizens. Puertorican have sacrificed a lot over the years with thousands of military solders being recruited from Puerto Rico. The official language of Puerto Rico is Spanish, but English is taught since elementary school to all the children. The educational system provides school for 12 years with the bilingual teaching of English. Most young adult s after finishing high school go to college. The college participation among the youth in Puerto Rico is higher than in the United States. A college education in Puerto Rico is much cheaper than in the United States. Puerto Rico imports that majority of its consumer products from the United States. The US marine is used to import merchandise into the United States. The Unites States and Puerto Rico shared a common military. The official currency of Puerto Rico is the US dollar. The island is poor in comparison with the United States with an income per capital of approximately $17,000 which
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
SWOT Analysis of a commercial product (a new environmentally friendly Term Paper
SWOT Analysis of a commercial product (a new environmentally friendly car called Sun Top) - Term Paper Example The car is made with the ability to shift wheel engines so that the back of the car becomes smaller for efficient parking. It is therefore a space saving car. The cars can function as oxygen generators, recharging stations, and solar energy storage batteries. Opportunities The auto industry is under radical change. There are environmental concerns that require manufacturing of environmentally friendly automobiles; there are issues of increasing gas prices, and increasing economy fuel standards. These are push factors to the manufacturers to produce efficient cars that fit the consumers’ needs. There is increasing demand from the public for energy efficient, money saving, environmentally friendly, reliable and practical cars (X3). Weaknesses Electric cars reception in the market is still weak irrespective of the current market demand. Some people still consider it slow and not fit for the market. Some people are still not comfortable with the size of the cars which accommodates only two people (X3). The car still has a very low speed. The current highest speed is 130 mph, but there are other Sun Top types with 70 mph. This is not acceptable in the current market where so many automobiles have higher speeds of even 200km/h and above. The only advantage it has is its unique combination of money saving ability, efficiency, reliability and eco-friendliness. It cannot be used by families that need bigger cars to accommodate bigger numbers. Another problem is that the market is still full of other normal cars and it is not the only eco-friendly car in the market. The brand is weaker compared to other companies, such as Audi, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Lexus, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Ford, Toyota, and Nissan, all with different types of eco-friendly cars entering the same market targeted by Sun Top’s company (X2). These companies have already established market. Threats The market has increasing demand for eco-friendly cars, but there are different types being introduced in the market. There are eco-friendly cars powered by electric batteries, hydrogen, natural gas, and biodiesel that emit less polluting gases. These are cars that will compete for the same market that Sun Top’s company is looking forward to exploiting. There is also a lot of competition from the normal cars with high speed, still common in the market, and still accepted in the market. There are various companies with eco-friendly cars, that is, companies such as Audi, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Lexus, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, and many more (X2). The same companies still offer competition from the normal cars they develop and their innovative and creative abilities. Competition is not from the structure, the size and the abilities of the cars, the companies are aware of the same market being competed for and so are a source of threat because of their abilities in different areas of management. Different types of cars are also entering the market. These could be preferred compared to the current eco-friendly car being introduced into the market. This is why innovation by other companies is a very big threat. An example is the existence of driverless cars introduced by Google. Uncertainty of consumer behavior is another threat. They may choose the driverless or any newly developed cars and leave the current eco-friendly cars in the market. Marketing Strategy Target Market Sun Top is a new product
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Chinese women and their problems during the High Qing era Essay
Chinese women and their problems during the High Qing era - Essay Example     Writing of the elite-dominated the analysis of gender in High Qing times. Sitting in the ivory towers, the intellectuals recorded their scholarly observations.  Susan extends the scope to the grassroots level. She deals with her contribution in the farm, household, entertainment by the courtesan, and the participation of women in rituals and domestic religious festivities; and above all, the important issue of women’s poetry. The sensibilities expressed by various women poets are great historical documents to the time during which these poems were written. They provide valuable information about the emotions of women, moral values, and social relations and to an extent, political judgments. Yuan Mei’s recollections of the women poets with whom he was acquainted with, were full of catkin images, especially the stories of child intellectuals who were brilliant poets. So also, Xie Daoyun of willow catkin fame was known for upstaging their male frien ds and relatives in verbal combat and poetry contests.That was a strange position, which Mann noticed and elaborated in her book, about the elite Chinese women. The patrilineal family demanded that elite women demonstrate family prestige by remaining secluded and restrict their activities. But they enjoyed a new type of freedom in the Qing constellation. They could write and reinterpret their own history. The elite women had a pragmatic approach to their role in the society. They did not challenge the familial traditions or the social structure and the question of â€Å"women’s identity†that in a way challenged men, was of no consequence to them. They exploited and enjoyed the possibilities of autonomy that was prevalent within their society.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The film versions Essay Example for Free
The film versions Essay The setting in this version is very ominous. It begins with a boy, Pip walking along a road past the gallows, which gives the audiences the feeling that danger is about because gallows were we criminals were murdered so it hints that a criminal is about. The sky is gloomy and looks like it is going to rain. You can tell this even though it is not it colour. As Pip goes into the graveyard, you can see the empty moors in the background. The graveyard looks intimidating because of the gravestones that look like people so it seems like someone is watching Pip, this makes the audiences feel like someone is watching them too. As there is no one about, it makes it more frightening because there is no one to see what happens or anyone to look after Pip. This is exaggerated because there are no people around so it makes it daunting. All together the setting is a place that most people wouldnt go to unless there was a good reason or if they did go in they wouldnt go in alone. This makes the audiences fell nervous and part of the action. There is a lot of sound in the 1946 version, the wind is howling and you can hear the trees creaking, because of new technologies and special effects some people might say the it sounds fake but it would have sounded very atmospheric at the time it was made. The sounds make the audiences feel like they are in the situations where the wind is howling and the tress are creaking. When Pip speaks his voice sounds very innocent and childish which makes the audiences think he is more venerable, Magwitch voices is dark, menacing and forceful which would send a chill down the audiences spin. The differences in the voices and the atmospheric sounds build up the tensions in the first scene. Pip is dressed in poor-looking clothes but he still looks like he is well cared for because he is wearing warm clothes, we already know from the sounds that it was cold, the wind in the trees. Magwitch is wearing rags and looks poor and scruffy. We know that he is a criminal because of the shackles around his feet. Portraying them like this tells the audiences straight away who the people are so it doesnt need to be explained. The lighting is used to great effect and helps create the atmosphere which colour does now. Although there is not any colour they are still ably to show some things though light. You can tell if it is light black and white or dark black and white. The most effective part is when Magwitch has Pip on the gravestone, when you see the both together it looks like Pip is in the light and Magwitch is in the dark, this is trying to express that Pip is nice and innocent and Magwitch is the malevolence person, this is done by making the light and setting brighter behind Pip than it is behind Magwitchs this makes the audiences think Pip is nice and Magwitch isnt all though they my not notice it. Nonetheless the light helps you to feel what the setting is like for, example the dark sky suggests it gloomy, if you didnt use lighting it would make it harder to tell. Being in black and white some people say it looks boring but I think it creates a misty atmosphere that adds to build the tension. The camera changes between the two characters Pip and Magwitch and doesnt show them both together to start with, this is done quickly when each one is talking, doing these speeds up the pace of the first scene. It only showed part of their face to start with not all of it. Its also effective when Magwitch looks down at his feet, which shows us the shackles, this is done because it make the audience feel like they know what he is thinking. Having the camera change between the two doesnt give the audiences time to take in the face until it show them together, this makes the audiences eager to see what he looks like.
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