Friday, December 27, 2019
Ernesto Che Guevara Essay - 2680 Words
Ernesto Che Guevara Ernesto Che Guevara has undeniably been one of the most powerful icons of the past fourty years. The Argentine revolutionary has had his picture widely printed on shirts and posters and has become a symbol for the (often young) anarchist. Yet, how many of us really understand or know what Che stood for? Do we know what his philosophy was about? Very few of us have taken the time to understand the goals and principles of Guevara and what he fought for - to death. Dr. Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna (May 14, 1928 ? October 9, 1967), commonly known as Che Guevara, was an Argentine-born revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla leader. Guevara was a member of Fidel Castros 26th of July Movement, which seized†¦show more content†¦In addition, Cuba?s capital Havana was a seething cesspool of poverty for the city?s poor and a playground for rich Americans with prostitution and gambling. In November 1956, 82 guerrillas in the Granma ( name of a boat) landed in Cuba. Batista?s army was waiting for them and only 18 escaped with their lives, among them a wounded Guevara. Castro and Guevara built a guerrilla army in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra. Che?s writings from this period record his emphasis on the ?iron will? and ?discipline? of dedicated revolutionaries making a revolution for the mass of people. In the mountains Che personally executed several people and severely punished others for behaviour that failed to live up to these standards. At the same time Batista?s regime was losing the support of nearly all sections of Cuban society and even the US began to abandon his regime. Within two years, in January 1959, Batista regime collapsed and the columns of revolutionaries marched down from the mountains and entered Havana. The Cuban Revolution represented a huge blow to the US. With the fall of Peron in Argentina and the crushing of the Arbenz government in Guatemala, the US was hoping to manipulate a whole string of compliant governments across Latin America. But the Cuban revolution inspired millions with the hope that poverty and oppression inflicted byShow MoreRelated Ernesto Che Guevara Essay2914 Words  | 12 PagesChe Guevara, a revolutionary in Cuba, has become an internationally recognized figure. While many people are familiar with his achievements of helping to overthrow and rebuild the Cuban government, his image has expanded well beyond his political success. Che’s picture has been seen all over the world, in every imaginable context. Many people associate Che Guevara with the very word â€Å"revolution,†while others remember Che as a brutal and ruthless guerilla. While everyone has their own interpretationRead MoreErnesto Che Guevara Essay1914 Words  | 8 PagesErnes to Che Guevara Ernesto Che Guevara, a doctor and revolutionary in Bolivia, was assassinated by the American CIA for many political reasons, thus becoming a legend and idol after the Latin American Revolution. In the United States Che is remembered only as a relic of the 1960 revolution. In Europe he became a pop icon among the youth with little or no historical reference. Only in Cuba does his legacy stand for the hope and faith of the Latin American people. Ernesto Guevara de laRead MoreErnesto Che Guevara1643 Words  | 7 PagesA. Plan of Investigation Question: Was Ernesto â€Å"Che†Guevara the revolutionary hero as depicted in today’s pop culture, or was he a vicious murderer, obsessed with the destruction of capitalism? Methods: This investigation will describe Che Guevara’s involvement in Latin American independence movements, focusing specifically on his involvement with Fidel Castro’s â€Å"26th of July†movement. His actions and words will be analyzed, and his conduct this period of political upheaval will be used as evidenceRead MoreBiography Of Ernesto Che Guevara1780 Words  | 8 Pagesthe world. Other people will learn from experiences and those experiences will stick with them as they go through life. Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara learned a great amount from experiences that he shared in his memoir, The Motorcyle Diaries. In this book, he shares the story of his journey through a large portion of South America, with his friend Alberto. Throughout the journey, Guevara notes several differences within the individual countries and between the countries themselves. Some countries, like ChileRead MoreErnesto Che Guevara and His Role in the Cuban Revolution1007 Word s  | 4 PagesIntroduction One of the Cuban Revolutions major figures, Ernesto Che Guevara is widely known as a guerrilla leader and a Marxist revolutionary. However, to some people, he is considered both a mass murderer and a terrorist. Even though some view Ernesto Che Guevara as a murderer, he was an idealist and an intellectual with a genuine desire to change Latin America. Ernesto Che Guevara as an Intellectual and Idealist To begin with, it can be noted that Guevaras revolutionary mind andRead MoreErnesto Che Guevara, Helder Camara and Bell Hooks on Mussolinis Fascist View1918 Words  | 8 PagesLate twentieth century theorists Ernesto â€Å"Che†Guevara, Helder Camara, and Bell Hooks all reject Mussolini’s fascist view, in which individuals’ lives have no meaning outside of their participation in a totalitarian state (Mussolini, 6), and propose ideologies that target an end to limitations in which negate the opportunity for thymotic recognition in individuals. For Camara and Guevara, the poverty based injustices perpetuated globally in underdeveloped nations by world powers is the primary detrimentRead MoreA Journey to Political and Social Activism in Ernesto Che Guevaras Motorcycle Diaries1832 Words  | 8 PagesSocial Activism In Ernesto Che Guevara’s The Motorcycle Diaries Global Development Studies Holler Book Review Emily Gjos November 12th, 2012 Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto â€Å"Che†Guevara is an autobiographical account that outlines the journey of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, then a 23-year-old medical student. Che and his friend Alberto leave their hometown of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in January 1952 on the back of an asthmatic and sputtering motorbike. Guevara inadvertently goesRead MoreBiography Of Ernesto Che 1545 Words  | 7 PagesErnesto â€Å"Che†Guevara was born on June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina. He came from a wealthy upper-class family but leftist ideas. Most of the family’s wealth came from an inheritance left to Ernesto’s mother. Most of that wealth was lost due to different business ventures that the family invested in. During this time the family moved to several areas of Argentina, eventually settling on a plantation in the jungle region of the country. Very quickly it became obvious to the family that ErnestoRead MoreEssay Che Guevara796 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Che Guevara  The late Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara was a genuine leader. His cause was to liberate Cuba from a corrupt military dictatorship, and resist United States interference in Cuban political affairs (â€Å"More or Less†, 2002). In the beginning this cause was just, but his passion grew to hatred, which inevitably consumed him. Che personified a collectivist but real concern for people, and truly came to believe that the key to realising that concern was through armed, savage, anti-imperialist politicalRead MoreResearch Paper on Che Guevara4218 Words  | 17 PagesResearch Paper on Chà © Guevara | Globalization | 11-10-2012 | Table of contents Introduction 2 Revolution 3 Chà © Guevara’s existence, and relationship with revolution 4 The Cuban Revolution 8 The Influence of Chà © Guevara on Latin America 12 Conclusion 17 Bibliography 18 Introduction I decided to write this research paper because we were assigned to find an issue or subject within Latin America to write about. One of the most widely known and influential revolutionary
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Creation Of Music With A Student - 1401 Words
Kodaly is a fabulous method used to facilitate the creation of music with a student. It is efficient, informative, easy-to-use, and successful. Even with everything great that has come from Kodaly occasionally it takes different approaches to help students connect to music on a deeper level. Every student is different; each learns in a unique way. Therefore, a teacher should provide an educational structure that is inclusive to all forms of teachings. This does not mean that one should throw Kodaly out the window, but rather build on it to create a superior fundamental foundation for students to grow in their edification. There are many great methods to teaching that can be incorporated into Kodaly. The first is Dalcroze. This method is fantastic when it comes to realizing music through movement and kinesthetic. Energy plays a pivotal role in music making and expression. An audience reacts to the energy generated by a musical performance. That transferable energy stems from within th e souls of the performers. If a performer does not contain or feel the energy inside of them first, then there is no purpose for the music being formed. This is where Dalcroze comes in. Teaching a child to understand a concept is one thing. Having a child create an internal awareness about a concept and then make a personal connection is what the goal should be. Music is such a personal engagement and must be treated as such. During a Kodaly lesson plan, for example, there is a place to whereShow MoreRelatedArt Is A Nation s Most Precious Heritage922 Words  | 4 Pageswe were to remove teaching the arts from middle and high schools, we would foolishly prevent students from exploring the creative side of learning and as a result, we would see a detrimental decrease in artistic creations. 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Remarkably, neither of Haydn’s parents could read music, but his father was a self-taught harpist. Hadyn’s father and mother had 12 children. Anna Maria died in 1754 and Mathias remarried and had five more children, all of whom died in childhood. Luckily, Haydn’s parents recognized and supported his talent for music. At age five, he became the music students of a schoolmaster at Hainburg, Johann Matthais Frankh. At 8 years old, he worked at the CathedralRead MoreFranz Joseph Haydn : The Founder And Developer Of The Formal And Structural Principles Of Classical Style1268 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Palace of Count Harrach before she married. Remarkably, neither of Haydn’s parents could read music, but his father was a self-taught harpist. Hadyn’s father and mother had 12 children. Anna Maria died in 1754 and Mathias remarried and had five more children, all of whom died in childhood. Luckily, Haydn’s parents recognized and supported his talent for music. At age five, he became the music students of a schoolmaster at Hainburg, Johann Matthais Frankh. At 8 years old, he worked at the CathedralRead MoreFile Sharing and Online Piracy : How Does it Effect Copyrights? Is it Ethical?1535 Words  | 7 PagesGaga album Art Pop into your ITunes Library, you scale back and take a long look at your devoted collection. You’ve collected nearly 2000 songs, 150 movies, and 200 books. From the Beatles to Deadmau3, Miley Cyrus to Nirvana, you have every type of music you could possibly imagine. Worst of all, you don’t even listen to a tenth of it! You’ve collected all this media for an outrageous price too: Absolutely Nothing. After 2 and half years of constant file sharing through Limewire, Frostwire, and VuzeRead MoreImportance Of Music Chair Conposition1069 Words  | 5 PagesI write to express my interest in the Guitar Department Chair position beginning fall 2018 at Berklee College of Music. 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Some people like to go to the movie theatres whereas others prefer going for a walk with friends or family members. Some people desire to go sightseeing in the country in their free time while others go shopping in their free time. Others can go fishing,Read MoreThe Electronic Sound : A World Of Massive Technological Development1703 Words  | 7 PagesLee II Professor Neterer Music 050 6 December 2016 â€Å"The Electronic Sound†In a world of massive technological development, the expansion of the electric sound and the growing cultural society behind it have led to the construction of a number of prominent digitally devised genres seen worldwide. This new music has taken a rise of popularity at an exponential rate and has been accepted and adapted culturally in the mass majorities of today’s population. Though the music today has its different and
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Ireland Irishes Essay Example For Students
Ireland Irishes Essay Like most Americans, my family is made up of many different ethnic groups. Mymoms side is Irish Protestant descent. My dads side is mostly Englishdescent and a little of Native American descent from his mother. There is somein which I do not know because my dad does not know who his dad is. He wasadopted by a man named David Mitchell, this is where my last name comes from. Mygrandmother died and never told my dad who his dad was. My dad could find outfrom his birth certificate, which is sealed in Albany, who his dad is. He has nodesire to do that though. Over the summer, I tried to find out about myfamilys ancestry. I only searched on my moms side since it is easier. Thisis for two reasons, first my moms parents are still alive. Second becausethey came to the United States only about one hundred years ago. Both mygrandparents families came from Northern Ireland. My grandparents were bornin the United States. My grandfather brought me over my cousins house becauseshe had a copy of my great grandmothers birth certificate. This told me whattown she was from. I also found out that I had other cousins that live in Canadathat were from Northern Ireland. Many Irish people immigrated to Canada becauseit was cheaper than going to the United States. She told me that they would havemore information of family that lives in Northern Ireland. My grandfather gaveme a book called The World Book of Craigs which is his last name. Itgave me places to write to for further information and also gave me addresses ofall the Craigs all over the world. I learned that my grandmothers familyis from Belfast and my grandfathers family is from a town called Bellymena. They are both located in the county of Antrim in Northern Ireland. Theydescended from Presbyterian Scots who settled in Northern Ireland in theseventeenth century. In doing further research I found that the Irish, bothProtestant and Catholic, was the largest immigration group in the United States. At one point there were more Irish in the United States than in Ireland. TheIrish immigrated in two waves. The first wave was Scotch Irish from 1760 1775. They found it easy to sustain old world ways because they came over in such alarge group. This is because they settled into towns. They were fleeing fromeconomic distress and religious distress since Irish laws favored Anglicans overPresbyterians and Catholics. They wanted to obtain land and to make a profit inthe New World. The second wave came around 1845 1849. They were IrishCatholics. The reason that they migrated to the United States in such massnumbers is because first of overpopulation and then because of the Great Famine. The failure of the staple crop, the potato, caused many Irish to starve todeath. When my ancestors migrated to the United States around the turn of thecentury, like most immigrants they came for a better way of life. At the time inhistory, Ireland was slowly getting over the Potato Famine and struggling withEngland for independence. My family had an easy transition in the United Statesbecause they already had family in New York and in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unlike Catholics which faced discrimination, my family didnt because theywere Protestant. The Catholics were discriminated because of fear that theunskilled Irish Catholic would displace American craftsmen. Also because theslums inhabited in part by the Irish were undermining the nations values. .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b , .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .postImageUrl , .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b , .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:hover , .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:visited , .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:active { border:0!important; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:active , .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udbe33bbe9b18fbc5d0bd6f987e2add2b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Doll House Essay On How Torvald Treats NoraEvery social problem from immortality and alcoholism to poverty and economicupheaval was blamed on immigrant Irish Catholics. The country was Protestant biased. On my fathers side, I know very little. I have learned that myancestry runs all the way back to the seventeenth century from England. Theywere one of the first people in the New World looking for wealth andopportunity. I had ancestry that fought in the American Revolution. I also haveNative American ancestry from Cherokee and Iroquois. My grandmothers lastname was Partington, which is a name of nobility in England. They wereloyalists. There was a Partington that died in the Civil War at the Battle ofGettysburg. There was another ancestor by the name of Terry that was a commanderin the Civil War. This is all I know about my fathers family. I think thatall or most of our traditions are Americanized. We go to a Protestant church,have turkey on Thanksgiving, put a real Christmas tree up at Christmas time andget together on birthdays. Our family just does not have that many bigtraditions that stand out. Though on Christmas Eve we go over my parentsfriends house and we eat German food, even though we are not German. BibliographyMoody, T.W. (1995). The course of Irish history. Boulder: Robert Rinehart. Vaughan, W.E. (1989). A new history of Ireland 1801-1870. New York: OxfordUniversity Press. Reeves, P. (1991). Ellis Island. New York: Michael FriedmanPublishing Group. (1968). Encyclopedia of Ireland. Dublin: Allen Figgs. Ernst,R. (1949). Immigration life in New York City 1825-1863. New York: Octagon Books.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Twitter for Small Businesses Is it Worth it
TWITTER FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: IS IT WORTH IT? Have you heard yourself saying something similar to this: Social media isn’t for me or my business. Twitter is just for kids. My clients don’t care about that kind of stuff. Well, think again. Nielsen NetRatings just published a surprising research study: Teen’s don’t Tweet. That’s right, 84% of Twitter’s recent growth is due to users aged 24 and up. Chances are you already know someone – a client, a friend, a neighbor, a family member – who’s addicted to Twitter. Read the full article here. So the big question Should you or your business get on the Twitter bandwagon? The answer is yes, probably. You’ll join the ranks of successful companies like Dell, Comcast, and Southwest Airlines that effectively use Twitter to boost sales and keep customers in the loop – heck, even Obama’s on Twitter. But surprisingly, Twitter has been most successful for one group: small businesses. Why? Well, Twitter is FREE (great for businesses with little or no marketing dollars to spend), easy to use, and can connect you with thousands of users that might not otherwise know about you and your business. Users love it because it gives them instant updates, tips, and news about the things they care about. The idea behind Twitter is simple and sweet: 140 characters, send out your news, anyone has the option to follow you or ignore you. Some Ideas to Get You Started on Twitter A lot of people might be thinking â€Å"Oh, I just don’t have anything to Tweet about.†My response is: well of course you do. Surely something cool is happening in your life or your business – did you just get a new shipment in? Did you find a cool article online that relates to your business or clients? Do you have an event coming up? The New York Times’ recent article about Marketing Small Businesses With Twitter outlines some great ways that small businesses are using Twitter to bolster sales and connect with other industry professionals. Their new uses for Twitter may surprise you – like the street vendor who uses his Twitter account to let followers know where his location is for the day, and what flavors of crà ¨me brà »là ©e he’s featuring. Need help getting started? I’ve put together 9 ways small businesses can take advantage of a Twitter account: †¢ Industry news and updates †¢ Company updates from the CEO (a big pull for investors) †¢ As a hub for customer service communications †¢ Networking with other businesses or users †¢ Market research – directly ask your readers questions about what they think! †¢ Event updates †¢ As a communication tool for your team (like chatting, but more mobile since you can do it easily from a smartphone) †¢ Deals/specials of the day/week/month †¢ New products/services/features you’re offering What do you think – are you convinced, or not? Send us your questions about Twitter and your most difficult business idea: we’ll see if we can figure out an angle for you Twitter profile. And check back soon for my next blog on Twitter Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts!
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