Monday, September 30, 2019
Motivation in complex and multilevel learning environments
The development of human behaviour and acquisition is expected to be self-dependent and alone to the person. However, it is become impossible to disassociate this single acquisition procedure from the effects of the societal context, in which this acquisition takes topographic point or decimate the consequence of the instructor as the chief facilitator of this cognition building procedure. That the scholar will be successful in his modulating his enterprise is assumed and dependent on these immediate factors being able to stay changeless and supportive. Deci & A ; Ryan, while suggesting the theory of internalisation, argue that the more internally valued and regulated a behaviour is, the more it is expected as independent ( as cited, in Stefanou, Perencevich, DiCintio & A ; Turner, 2004 ) . The three human demands of competency, relatedness and liberty are identified as the critical facets of motive and hence optimum acquisition. This is echoed by Connell & A ; Wellborn and Skinner & A ; Belmont in showing their motive theoretical account as the degree of battle and a by-product of the above homo needs ( as cited in Veermans, 2010 ) . This battle is highly of import and its absence may be equated to miss of the largest individual ingredient to acquisition. This essay will give a reappraisal of some of the facets of regulation and prolonging acquisition and motive in larning environments. Learning procedure is a critical portion of human development and it is an activity to commence at quite an early age. The cognition acquired is indispensable and indispensable for pilotage through the societal environment. This cognition besides acts a footing for farther hereafter larning. Research has shown that, the kid ‘s head is non ‘tabula rasa ‘ and it is able to develop and heighten cognitive procedures that encompass linguistic communication, figure, facial acknowledgment and the immediate environment in which the kid finds itself ( Veermans, 2010 ) . The human memory plants in apparently simple, yet complex manner. The short term and long term memory exhibit how the human being understands stimuli and is able to enter them for future mention. The both finite and infinite functions of memory have a critical map and consequence at all phases of human development and acquisition. ( Veermans, 2010 ) Learning is a procedure that spans several degrees: what the instructor knows, the direction methods, the scholar reading and the scholars ‘ cognition scheme ( Veermans, 2010 ) . The effectual transportation of cognition from one degree to another is dependent on the systematic organisation of the content, the context and the care of good degree of involvement particularly on the portion of the scholars. The degree of larning results is dependent on the assorted degrees competencies of the portion of scholars. In consequence, similar stimulations can ensue in a multiplicity of reading and significance. The facet of liberty, as manifested in organisational, procedural and cognitive has serious deductions to the manner scholars of all degrees have partake in the acquisition procedure. This is chiefly because, larning is an independent procedure and scholars have to be self-determined, and possess the psychological demands of liberty, competency and relationship fulfilled in societal contexts ( Stefanou et al, 2004 ) The environment in which our scholars find themselves in at nowadays is characterized by a figure of challenges, many of which these scholars have no direct control over. Presence of motive, or its deficiency thereof, is an issue that scholars at all degrees have to cope with. Second, the larning context and environment is an of import factor in the success or failure in the success of the accomplishment of the acquisition aims. The environment can either support scholars in their pursuit of geting cognition, or it has a possibility of decimating their thrust to larn. Third, the instructors, the learning methodological analysis and pick of content are another set of factors that would necessitate to be addressed in order to advance a successful deep acquisition on the portion of the scholars.MotivationThe challenge for the current acquisition environments and the instructors is how to be receptive of their scholars ‘ varied motive degrees. Learners come into the schoolroom cont exts with different degrees of involvements and personal features. It is upon the instructors to hold a good apprehension of the single scholar and assist him/her to set to the schoolroom context and come to footings with the larning group. Since the acquisition group is non homogeneous in footings of their motive degrees, there is a possibility that some scholars will hold small or no involvement. On the other side of the continuum, there will be the group of scholars who will be excessively eager to larn. As a instructor, how do I promote more involvement to larn in these low motivated scholars? The presentation of the teaching-learning aims should be so merely clarified to them, so that the scholars find a relationship to the content at manus. In other words, there should be seen a relationship between the current learning stuff and the scholars ‘ stock of cognition ( entry behaviour ) and the future terminal calling ends. The current acquisition will be seen as a nexus and stepping-stone to the greater highs. Once the scholars set up a connexion, it becomes easier to use their problem-solving accomplishments to undertake the learning stuff. Equally, for those scholars who have adequate motive, the instructor has to assist make an environment that helps to modulate and prolong this motive till the terminal of the acquisition procedure. This is because, even great, extraordinary motive can be vulnerable to disappointment and disillusionment one time scholars fail to see the connexion between their yesteryear, nowadays and the hereafter larning enterprises.The Learning environmentThe acquisition environment is the basic substructure in which the whole acquisition procedure plays itself out. Therefore, this environment should be tailored to suit, support and sustain worthwhile relevant acquisition Sessionss. How can be tailored? Who is responsible for this structuring? It is fact larning starts off at an early age. In add-on, larning takes in many societal contexts, be it at school, place and other societal spheres. Lepola, Salonen, Varaus & A ; Poskiparta ( 2004 ) point out that grownups, parents and instructors have a alone duty of supplying an emotionally and intellectually stimulating context for kids, in fiting the scaffolding to learner ‘s competences and maximising the kids ‘s development. Apart from the place and society as a whole, the schoolroom remains the primary context in which larning through motive takes topographic point, with the purpose of geting and warranting thoughts, building significance and intentionally making independent critical thought ( Stefanou et al. , 2004 ) . It will be of import that this learning environment provides the right tools ( stuffs, undertakings, schemes ) and the conducive ambiance for the scholar to experience free to experiment and seek out assorted picks and possibilities. In add-on, the larning context should besides supply a distinct connexion between pupil motive, instructional patterns and larning results ( Stefanou et al. , 2004 ) . The proviso of such an environment is exciting to a well-motivated acquisition head and freedom to seek out fresh and originative options greatly helps in the acquisition procedure. Well-tailored, the environment is able to prolong higher acquisition and resolution of complex undertaking becomes such an tickle pinking experience to these motivated and good provided scholars thereof. Here, a inquiry arises. How does the scholars adapt, from differentiated socio-economic backgrounds, to an intellectually balanced schoolroom context?The Teaching Style and Communication StructuresThe instruction manner and the communicating constructions are critical to making this balance and advancing a fulfilling, worthwhile, womb-to-tomb acquisition. As cardinal participants in a acquisition procedure, there should be a strong communicating channel between the instructors and the scholars. Teachers should take the taking function in orchestrating this duologue, by understanding the scholars ‘ demands, respond to scholars ‘ inquiries and supply their ain position and feedback to the scholars. Perry & A ; VandeKamp ( 2000 ) stress the importance of feedback. This basically gives scholars an chance and willingness to rectify their errors and be able to place effectual acquisition schemes for covering with larning troubles and bring forthing meaningful results. On the other manus, a free and democratic leading manner has a strong consequence in rising scholars ‘ motive, engagement and completion of the acquisition undertakings ( Stefanou et al. , 2004 ) . Learners should be made to experience that they are in control of their acquisition experiences, and they are free to show their feelings, thoughts and inquiries. This freedom of pick will widen to the solutions that the scholars will research. Once these scholars feel they are recognized, and are free to take part, contribute and explore, this creates a good relationship to the nucleus of the acquisition procedure and are more motivated to larn. Therefore, the instructors will hold to use a myriad of instructional schemes in order to prolong the scholars ‘ response and heighten the scholars ‘ continual engagement in the acquisition procedure. From the above, we can reason that the schoolrooms contexts can either facilitate or thwart the scholars ‘ drift in the cognition acquisition procedure. Authoritarian leading, coupled with menaces, rigorous deadlines and other signifiers of rating and surveillance restrict and impede the scholars ‘ engagement and cognitive development. ( Stefanou et al. , 2004 ) . Teachers has multifaceted function of learning, rating and implementing the direction of the schoolroom. In many cases, instructors have the function of implementing assorted signifiers of liberties. Stefanou et Al. ( 2004 ) place the three signifiers of liberty that these teachers are expected to set into topographic point. These are organisational, procedural and cognitive. From the research, Stefanou et Al. ( 2004 ) individual out cognitive liberty as the most of import signifier of liberty that should be emphasized in order to maximise the larning potency of the scholars. In consequence, the learning methods should reflect a batch of cognitive liberty, whereby instructors are deputing more infinite and chance for scholars to research their possible to undertake, and work out acquisition challenges with small direct aid from the instructors. It is through this manner that focal point on the ends of the undertaking will be maintained, by the scholars ‘ themselves. Stefanou et Al. ( 2004 ) give a word of cautiousness that the overemphasis on organisational or procedural liberty may take to cognitive overload and consequence in less critical thought. The overloading is seen in the inclusion of excessively many not-so-necessary processs and regulations, and there is a danger of these regulations assisting to deflect the end of larning. Since the primary function of acquisition is cognitive development, so the instructors should avail the scholar with more chances for critical thought through the justification of their acquisition picks and autonomous, independent formation of relevant significance. There is demand for larning environments that provide a distinct connexion between pupil motive, instructional patterns and larning results.Inequalities in EducationMany times, the inequalities in educational contexts are an outgrowth of the societal, cultural and economic inequalities that are apparent within the larger society. Therefore, societal cognitive constructions are constructed in interaction and human behaviour is greatly influenced by the context in which the person is situated ( Mehan, 1998 ) . Cases of teaching-learning patterns cabaling with society to propagate the differences, as seen in some trials, experiments and larning schemes, proceed to curtail, and repress the guiltless larning single into the same stereotyping and want of liberty to take cognitive chances. There is great demand of doing schoolroom contexts socio-culturally impersonal and compatible to all single scholars who pass through them. It is up to the learning organic structure to accommodate their learning methodological analysis in accomplishing a larning context that serves the involvements of all its scholars and that minimizes the effects of the entry behaviour differences of its scholars. The general and specific larning ends can be good achieved when there is a better apprehension of the relationship between societal construction, civilization and interaction and assisting to minimise the struggles that might originate thereof ( Mehan, 1998 ) . Going from the individualised acquisition and encompassing collaborative nature of acquisition, among the scholars and instructors, is one of the ways cognitive development can maximise. In this emerging scenario, critical thought, rational debate and the consensual procedure between experts ( instructors ) and novitiates ( scholars ) should be promoted ( Mehan, 1998 ) . In resonance with this position is ‘scaffolding ‘ , which stands out an indispensable manner of regulation and back uping acquisition and motive. The zone of proximal development involves the expert-teacher utilizing his/her regulatory accomplishments in identifying and finding the novice-learners ‘ demands and efficaciously seting the support to fit the scholars ‘ competences ( Lepola, Salonen, Varaus & A ; Poskiparta, 2004 ) .
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The role of originality and creativity in setting out a good marketing communication strategy
Introduction The paper panda tour of introducing 1600 paper pandas in Hong Kong has demonstrated the use of quite original and creative elements, which are important aspects in setting out a good marketing communication strategy (Ng, 2014). It has been indicated that marketing managers have tried their best to use original methods of attracting customers to particular products and services. The dimension of creativity implies one’s talent in presenting projects that not only keep the attention of the audience but also make them realise that creativity is an indicator of long-term success (Thun, 2010). The objective of this paper is to explore the impact of originality and creativity on the process of developing a positive marketing communication strategy. Originality and creativity are major elements in setting out a relevant marketing communication strategy. These aspects allow marketers to send reliable brand messaging across numerous marketing channels, including social media which is associated with adequate creativity (Porcu, del Barrio-Garcia, & Kitchen, 2012). The paper panda tour serves as a proper example of how business should provide customers with more than the standard form of advertising (Thun, 2010). For instance, the idea of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) makes a clear sense in this context by emphasising the originality and creativity dimensions of the strategy behind the paper panda tour. Researchers suggest that marketing teams should focus initially on the customer, which is the case with the paper pandas (Porcu, del Barrio-Garcia, & Kitchen, 2012). Customers are exposed to the original and creative project of paper pandas through a mix of integrated communication methods, which are considered by people eye-catching and trustworthy. According to marketing researchers, IMC is an innovative and creative step because the complete culture of marketing agencies, in-house marketing departments, and marketing consultants had expanded the idea of separating advertisement, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations, rather than the pleasant, customer-centred development process that IMC requires (Duncan & Mulhern, 2004). Integrated Marketing Communication has become an important part in marketing because the technological system has the integration of business stakeholders (Kalamas, Mitchell, & Lester, 2009). According to experts, planning and implementation of all marketing communications are required to be done in an original and creative manner in order to meet the marketing objectives and attract more customers (Vance, Howe, & Dellavalle, 2009). The process of building and applying different communication programs reflects in the possibility to have a solid impact in the future over time (Kitchen & Schultz, 1999). The general IMC method focuses on customers and functions to establish and classify the methods to extend the influential communications programs. For the creators of the paper panda tour, it has become important to plan, develop, implement and assess the coordinated and measurable influential marketing communication programs applicable to external and internal viewers over time (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011). It is a policy in which different marketing communication tools like promotion, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing and personal selling operate together to strengthen the communication process to target consumers. Such holistic and creative approach has led to the popularity of paper pandas. Media has experienced a wide phase of development in the last decade, implying that the creators of this original project have considered the importance of applying essential marketing strategies to reach out an optimal number of customers (Duncan & Mulhern, 2004). Marketing managers were formerly focused on advertising their product/service through traditional marketing forms like TV, radio and newspapers (Gronroos, 2004). However, now the current marketing trend appears to be digital as Information Technology has become an important element of daily lives (Reid, 2005). The digital aspects of originality along with the physical dimensions of creativity evident in the massive project of paper pandas have indicated the use of proper communication strategies. A concept shift has been presented, or in other words, the creators of the project have focused on demonstrating a move from traditional marketing towards digital content that flows across various integrated media channels. As a r esult, more people can be informed about the project of the paper pandas and thus would prefer to see it (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011). The theory definitely suggests about building the marketing communication mix which is considered being interdependent and bringing more incorporation and moving towards having several methods of accessing media, i.e. bringing in more flexibility in the marketing mix by using a combination of traditional and new digital media. Furthermore, it refers to the actions of media audience as being migrant, i.e. changing the marketing form that can provide them with the required experience. In such marketing environment, customers are dynamically involved and looking for new, original and creative content to make proper connections. Transition has played a relevant role in shifting the marketing trends, which is obvious in the formation of the paper panda project. The concept of transition indicates that the traditional media is not being displaced; rather its operations and significance are being shifted with new media options (Reid, 2005). This reflects in providing detailed online information about the project, such as in social media platforms and blogs. For instance, in a blog by Ng (2014), the focus is on describing the paper panda project in detail, with an emphasis on the substantial number (1600) of paper pandas exhibited to the audience in Hong Kong. In this way, media transition is more than merely a technological shift changing the relationship between existing technologies, sectors, markets and supporters (Kelm, 2011). Transition has brought remarkable changes in the media rights and has improved marketing media concentration. The elements of originality and creativity have played an important role in forming a good strategy that involves a combination of different IMC elements (Michaelidou, Siamagka, & Christodoulides, 2011). According to marketing experts, there are five established IMC elements known as Advertising, Promotion, Direct marketing, Personal selling and PR (Public Relations). It has been indicated that the paper panda project in Hong Kong has been successful in covering all these elements and achieving substantial customer interest (Porcu, del Barrio-Garcia, & Kitchen, 2012). A good marketing strategy normally focuses on building original and creative content that creates attention as well as motivational encouragement for users to share it with their friends and families (Kelm, 2011). For instance, the paper panda project can be adequately popularised through different social media platforms because it is a relevant step to rely on the contribution of different users to talk about the exciting project. The keys to social media success are user contribution, user brand loyalty, user enthusiasm, and the communication between people (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011). The introduction of an original and creative design related to the paper pandas, and the creation of opportunities for social interaction, are some of the features making this project quite appealing to the general audience. Many marketing experts long before have recognised synergism and originality as important concepts behind the introduction of a good marketing strategy; the incorporated effect of each effort would force the marketing communication to become more effective (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011). In this way, originality and creativity can enhance the brand image and popularity of companies that consider the importance of endorsing those concepts (Kelm, 2011). Communication, especially if it is done in an original manner, also represents a significant driver of marketing communication activities. Communication, as seen in the paper panda project, is a fundamental element which allows the creators of the project to connect with the audience (Duncan & Mulhern, 2004). This simply occurs through communicating of ideas and seeking to establish particular perceptions of these original paper pandas introduced in a quite creative way. With the rapid development of technology, modern organizations can utilise different communication channels to attract a significant number of customers. As mentioned, the role of social media platforms is important in the process of facilitating organisational communication (Kelm, 2011). The creators of the paper panda project have obviously ensured the creative application of a relevant marketing planning platform in a direction of expanding the positive impact of communication on all stakeholders (Ng, 2014). Commu nication has a strategic role in contemporary organisations. It is important to emphasise its priority of expanding particular marketing activities through the development of diverse communication channels. The emphasis is to deliver a consistent and properly structured message about the original project. Creativity is basically the application of better ways of solving organisational problems. The ability of an organisation to change in the environment provides the degree of elasticity and adaptability in all kinds of situations through creativity (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011). Originality means that a company has promising financial prospects that will ensure increase in profits. It means that whatever changes occur in the market, the company will continue to grow by providing the required services, hence increasing its market share and in the end have high revenues. Thus, originality and creativity can be used as adequate measures of performance as related to the paper panda project (Ng, 2014). It is important to mention that this project is quite flexible and has produced the necessary positive effects that original and creative projects usually produce in the audience. This paper discussed the role of originality and creativity, which have been indicated as essential principles of a good marketing strategy (Duncan & Mulhern, 2004). Details about the paper panda project have been provided, as this information was closely related to the dimensions of originality and creativity (Kelm, 2011). The paper focused on explaining how the paper panda project ensured the use of originality and creativity in the sense that no one has ever done a similar project. In conclusion, the success of this project points out that marketing managers have demonstrated the implementation of a proper marketing strategy combining the dimensions of originality and creativity. References Duncan, T. & Mulhern, F. (2004). A white paper on the status, scope and future of IMC. New York: McGraw-Hill. Gronroos, C. (2004). The relationship marketing process: Communication, interaction, dialogue, value. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 19(2), 99-113. Kalamas, M., Mitchell, T., & Lester, D. (2009). Modeling social media use: Bridging the communication gap in higher education. Journal of Advertising Education, 13, 44-57. Kelm, O. R. (2011). Social media: It’s what students do. Business Communication Quarterly, 74, 505-520. Kitchen, P. J. & Schultz, D. E. (1999). A multi-country comparison of the drive for IMC. Journal of Advertising Research, 39(1), 21-38. Laurie, S. & Mortimer, K. (2011). ‘IMC is dead. Long live IMC’: Academics’ versus practitioners’ views. Journal of Marketing Management, 27(13/14), 1464-1478. Michaelidou, N., Siamagka, N. T., & Christodoulides, G. (2011). Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: An exploratory investigation of small and medium B2B brands. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(7), 1153-1159. Ng, P. (2014). 1600 pandas haunt attention! Harpers Bazaar. Retrieved from Porcu, L., del Barrio-Garcia, S., & Kitchen, P. (2012). How Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) worksA theoretical review and an analysis of its main drivers and effects. Comunicacion Y Sociedad, 25(1), 313-348. Reid, M. (2005). Performance auditing of integrated communication (IMC) actions and outcomes. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 41-54. Thun, J. H. (2010). Angles of integration: An empirical analysis of the alignment of internet based information technology and global supply chain integration. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 46(2), 30-44. Vance, K., Howe, W., & Dellavalle, R. P. (2009). Social internet sites as a source of public health information. Dermatologic Clinics, 27(2), 133-136.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Apple Inc In Malaysia Economics Essay
Apple Inc In Malaysia Economics Essay This stability is an important consideration in these times when it comes to do business. It is part of any business decisions in which a firm operate political landscape makes it an ideal stable country for new business ventures. ( see page ) Malaysia boasts one of south-east Asia’s most vibrant economies, the fruit of decades of industrial growth and political stability. Its multi-ethnic, multi-religious society encompasses a majority Muslim population in most of its states and an economically-powerful. ( see page ) The phenomenon of information sharing is usually associated with social cultural factors beyond information technology. An understanding of information sharing across cultures is still a major challenge and is likely to be more important as global systems are developed. Byars, L.( 1991) In some local cultures the survival of highly competitive organizations is dependent upon having trade secrets. A very good example of this is Malaysia. ( see page ) The technolo gy used within the Malaysia has improved dramatically this has happened especially within the information technology sector with more and more people being trained on how to use these sorts of technology (see page) Apple Inc as a successful company in the world wide market today and the strategies they applied in order to conduct their business smoothly. On which the study details will be based on. SWOT analysis Corporation which is the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats. and applied to the problems facing Apple Inc, include the Porters five forces (see page ) Introductions Perhaps one of the most observations that grabbed my attention in the world was the phenomenon of the open trade or free trade. The simplest definition of free trade is; Trade between nations without protective customs tariffs. It is largely known that America is the biggest market in the world. Technology is the mother of trade. Where there are a high number of digits in a market, there we see technolo gy and prosperity. Life becomes more easy and safer. This creates Tech-Consumptive generation; a quick look at our recycling pin would proof that. Year after year the technology of the mobile industry has changed our life. We, for example without being completely aware of the social change that happened, became a subject of what the market want. Before, we were the force that lead the market. Now TV commercials, billboards and media bombardment are the ones own our paychecks .( Griffin, 2009) Year after year the technology of the mobile industry has changed our life. We, for example without being completely aware of the social change that happened, became a subject of what the market want. Before, we were the force that lead the market. As I have mentioned before, technology is the master of our life. The world had become small village. Time is the impending master not the distance any more. This constitute a huge change every where we look. My social relations and how it’s s haped is totally different ten years ago. America and Japan were the biggest labs which used to fill the global market with that abundance of inventions. It was G6 then G7 then G8 those are Group of the biggest economies in the world. This tells us that the global economy is boosting so does the individual’s life changes within.( Scholnick,2009)
Friday, September 27, 2019
Critique of the play See how they run by Philip King Movie Review
Critique of the play See how they run by Philip King - Movie Review Example The play is not all about slapstick but also has great dialogues incorporated into it. Without the backing of the dialogues, slapstick alone could not have made an impact. And more importantly, the characters in the play are all well created. Each character is given importance and each character has it share in being stupid at one time and witty in another. This combination is what differentiates the play from being mediocre to a classic comedy. The actors have done a good job but it could have been even better. The actors could have been more innovative and induced specific character traits. The need here was to have crisp and quick dialogues. Even though the dialogues are good, setting up of the dialogues was little off. At some places in the play it the punch line becomes elongated. The punch line has to be quick in order to make a better impact. Actors should have made intelligent and intentional choices to differentiate their characters. Another important aspect that can be improved is the stage setup and the use of it by the artists. As the play includes outrageous situations, intelligent use of the stage is vital. At some places, it feels like the actors are moving around just to fill out space on the stage. This takes out the authenticity out of the play. â€Å"See how they run†is a fantastic and very funny play. But the overall success of a play not just depends on the script but also on the various other elements. Even though there were some places that can be improved, I completely enjoyed the play.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Experience Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Experience Economy - Essay Example The importance of themes can be seen in the success that businesses that have identified a right theme for their business activity have attained. It is this right theme that gives customers something to associate with the business activities of the business enterprise. Very common examples of this are eateries that have identified a theme and built their business activities around such a theme. Customers coming to such eateries attracted by the theme put out like Hard Rock Cafà © or the House of Blues and continue coming there because the experiences there have appealed to all the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Chapter One on â€Å"Welcome to the Experience Economy†attempts to convey the message or argument that experiences are a clear and distinct economic offering and provides the means for future economic growth against stagnation since the agrarian economy and the scale economy of industrialization. The book starts with these words â€Å"Commoditized. No company wants that word applied to its goods or services†. (p.1). However, that is exactly what has happened. With the sole concentration on price there is hardly any differentiation between products and services and so margins crash. Coffee is a true commodity. Yet, it also offers to be a commodity, good, or service depending on the how customers can be made to attribute value to it. Sold as coffee beans it remains a commodity, but as coffee powder it becomes a good. However, sold in a restaurant the value of ambience lifts the value of a cup of coffee sold and provides a sensation of experience to the cup of coffee thr ough teasing the senses, through theatre experience or the like and thus the value of the cup of coffee rises even further. This is the economic offering that experience offers and the basis of the experience economy of the authors. In Chapter Two on â€Å"Setting the Stage†the authors try to reinforce this message by taking and demonstrating with examples
The Cause of Aggressive Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Cause of Aggressive Crime - Essay Example impulse control is important in violent crime, as studies have shown that it can be (Roy & Linnoila, 1988), and that this could have come from an inability to manage anger through parenting control. I also felt that this could be linked to seeing others commit violent acts, particularly during development. Many others feel a similar way, as the suggestion that violent video games can be triggering for young people has shown (Siegel, 2011). This is part of the sociological positivism theory of crime , and relies on the thought that a person is not necessarily born bad, but is a result of many different interacting factors in his or her history. However, there are three other theories about the causes of violent crime, including biological positivism, psychological positivism and rational cause (Siegel, 2011). After studying this topic in more detail, it seems as though rational cause theories may be more applicable to other forms of crime (such as tax evasion, which require more thought) than to violent crime. In this sense, my views on violent crime have not changed, as I had never held the belief that someone makes a choice in their own right to become aggressive or violent. However, it is interesting to consider biological and psychological theories for crime, as there appear to be a lot of different elements that interact to create a person susceptible to violent impulses (Fajnzylber, Lederman & Loayza, 2002). Psychological positivism suggests that violence and aggression may be a result of offender mental illness or that they may have a personality disorder (Blackburn, 1993). This illness or disorder may have stemmed from biological factors or be a result of trauma, so it includes some aspects of sociological positivism (Blackburn, 1993). Biological positivism also helps to illustrate that there are different biological features of a person that may cause them to be more violent or aggressive, such as having a lower heart rate (Blackburn, 1993). I fell that
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
1. Asian economic integration and production networks OR 2. Review the Essay
1. Asian economic integration and production networks OR 2. Review the following paper online - Essay Example is that back in the mind of millions or even billions of people who contribute the know-how, skills and labor towards the production of a single piece of pencil, most likely never have a pencil in mind as the final product of their contributions (Read, 2008). The only thing that binds all the numerous people together towards the production of a small piece of pencil, which they may never even use throughout their lifetime, is their personal needs. The people involved in cutting down the trees used to produce the wood pieces that are eventually turned into a pencil, do not even know what the tree will be used for, while the people who make the power saws and logging machines never take their time to think that the end product for their inventions is likely to be (Read, 2008). Similarly, the miners in the Mexico mines who produces graphite, the farmers in the Dutch East Indies who cultivates the rape-seed oil crops in their farms, the farmers who cultivate coffee in Brazil to be eventually brewed and served to the workers in the pencil manufacturing factory and offices, as well as the producers of pumice in Italy, do not know the end product of the labor. The fact of the matter is that all the small contributions that the billions of people make in their respective areas while in different countries, end-up as a piece of pencil in the shelves of book stores and shops. To this edge therefore, a single product that reaches the consumer is a factor of millions or billions of laborers, who do not actually know what they are contributing to, but only understands their desires and necessities (Read, 2008). Simply put therefore, the goods, services and innovations that have transformed the world are a product of people who neither know nor care about them. The desire to exchange the skills, know-hows and labor by different individuals for the goods and services they need is the ultimate source of a consumable product. The second main argument that has been advanced by
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Foundations of biological functioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Foundations of biological functioning - Essay Example Correlational method is considered by scientists in the experimental context as important in the process of validation. For example, if the results of an experiment can be verified through methods outside of the initial experimentation, then there is a higher chance that the conclusions reached are valid or even universal in application. Similarly, if other methodologies fail to produce corresponding results, or even produce data that conflicts with the experiment as referenced, then there may be serious dispute as to the validity of the conclusions involved. In general, experimental results should be supported across methodologies of correlation if they are to be considered valid in practice. 2) Describe the double-blind technique and state the significance of it. The double-blind technique is where neither the administrator of the medicine or the experimental behavior of the research nor the patient / participant knows whether they are part of the active experiment or a placebo tes t group. Both the experimental manager and patient or participant is â€Å"blind†as to whether they are administering or receiving a placebo drug or the real compound under testing. This is said to produce more reliable results as it removes suggestibility and subtle influences from the researchers from the data. 3) Imagine you work for a drug company that just created a medication to decrease anxiety in adults. Design an experiment using the appropriate research method that would allow you to best market your company's new pill. The clinical trial is based on two subject groups in this instance of testing an anti-anxiety medicine. The first patient group is considered to be new anxiety patients who are reporting their first contact with medical professionals for the problem of anxiety. They are given the medicine in a test study by researchers using the double-blind methods and placebos. Their recovery and improvement rate is tracked against the placebo group, and other med icines. In the second patient group, habitual sufferers of anxiety who previously failed to result in improvement with other methods of medication are tested with the new medication following the same double-blind methodology and analysis. 4) Jack was hit by a drunk driver and sustained a severe injury to his left frontal lobe. What should Jack and his family expect now? What difference, if any, might Jack's age make on the situation? The left-frontal lobe is related predominately to language processing and higher critical thinking in the brain, and thus following this injury it can be expected for acute language disruption in speaking, vocabulary memory, and even self-identity structures related to language, as well as motor-coordination problems. Age is a minor factor to consider when structural anatomical damage is present. The ability of the brain to re-route and repair functionality around the missing and damaged pieces of the brain is not overly-determined by age, though young er patients may relearn these abilities easier. 5) Explain at least three of the following techniques used to study the brain: EEG, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, fMRI. What is the significance of these brain-imaging techniques? The EEG or Electroencephalogram measures mental activity through electronic sensors or electrodes placed around the outside of the skull and transferred into patterns of change by monitoring machines. MRI or Magnetic Resonance
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Law Task Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Law Task - Essay Example The third element to be used by Jigger on building his case is that while Frankie was taking his ipod, he used violence or threat to violence. To consider the concept of threat, the law makes emphasis on â€Å"presence†. The property must be in the presence of the victim so that it may be proven that in deed the victim was in apposition of defending his property were it not that violence was used or threat to the violence was used, then the victim would have been in a position to defend the property. 2In this case Jigger was with his property, which means that had it not been that Frankie used threat to violence, he would not have given away his ipod. It should be noted that the concept violence, needs not physical injury or physical contact being made. Had it been that Frankie grabbed the ipod from Jiggers hand, then the court would be able to charge Frankie with robbery with violence. The case of against Frankie falls under two circumstances. While Frankie would argue that he only hit Jigger after he had taken the ipod, Jigger would argue that at the point of taking of the ipod, Frankie had used threat in the case he did not cooperate. At this point, the case of robbery shall have been built strongly. In the next instance, Jigger would file for the case against Frankie to be just violence. There is no certainty that the action of violence directed to Jigger by Frankie was to facilitate the taking of Jigger’s property. This is because by the time violence was being committed, Frankie already had the ipod. Jigger therefore must file the violence case against Frankie separate from the robbery
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Strategic Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free
Strategic Marketing Strategy Essay This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context through which to identify opportunities and threats. Competitor analysis is normally with the focus on the competitors as „rivals? and the objective is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the rivals in order to develop strategies to „fight the battle?. The focus of competitor analysis is thus not only to gain an advantage over direct competitors but also to search for starting points for collaboration. (Jooste, Strydom, Berndt du Plessis, 2008, p. 96). The focus will be to answer the following: Who Woolworths? present and potential competitors are What positions they have established in the market What their strategic objectives and thrusts are What their present and future strategies are What their strengths and weaknesses are What their response patterns are In order to answer these questions effectively, a framework for competitor analysis will be used. This framework is comprised of four main components (divided into sub-components), each of which will be discussed in detail. These four main steps in performing a competitor analysis include: identifying the competitor; analysing strategic groups; analysing key competitors and forecasting likely response strategies. 1. 1 Identifying the competitor The first step or component of this framework is to identify the competitors, bearing in mind that competitors can be classified into different categories. Identifying one? s competitors might seem like a straightforward task, but in actuality the range of actual and potential competitors faced by an organisation is much broader than appears to be, even though it is much more difficult to ascertain who „potential? ustomers are. 3 1. 2 Direct competitors versus potential competitors According to Unisa (2010), competition is an activity that occurs between rival companies that produce similar offerings and between industries that compete to satisfy similar needs of the same customers. For example, rival companies would include BMW, Mercedes Benz and Audi and rival industries would include motor car and motorcycle industries. These rival companies are called competitors and two common methods used to identify direct competitors include customer perceptions and strategic groups. Identifying competitors using customer perceptions means asking customers whom and what they consider when making their purchase choices. The second method involves identifying competitors whose competitive strategies conflict with organisation? s strategies. These competitors can be labelled as „direct?. Direct competition include: competitors competing to satisfy the same customer need; industry competition; product line competition; organisational competition and brand competition. 1. Identifying Woolworths’ competitors As noted above, it is possible to classify competitors according to different levels. Woolworths is a company that competes against different competitors in different product categories. According to Cant and Machado (2010), Woolworths? competitors in the retail super market field include Spar, Checkers, Pick „n Pay, Shoprite and Massmart. In the retail clothing market, Woolworths? direct competition includes Truworths, Foschini, Edgars, Mr Pric e, Jet and Ackermans/Pep. 2.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Theoretical Perspectives Of Multiculturalism And Multiracialism Politics Essay
Theoretical Perspectives Of Multiculturalism And Multiracialism Politics Essay Within any multicultural society lie numerous complexities. From the States definition to the implementation, limitations within the multicultural theory and other contributing factors can however complicate its compatibility to academic, political rhetoric and social reality. For Australia and Singapore, geography, history and political culture set these countries apart in the definition and employment of multiculturalism. Australia is a country with a diverse ethnic and cultural makeup; Singapore on the other hand has a longstanding adherence to the four founding ethnic groups. But within respective cases, discrepancies emerge within the context of academic and public interpretation, making the multicultural affair both a loved and loathed subject. By juxtaposing multicultural Australia with multiracial Singapore, this chapter will introduce a broad overview of the multicultural/ multiracial debate that has challenged the reality of these contemporary nation-states. It will begin with the discussion of Benedict Andersons theories of imagined political belonging. This will be followed by a close analysis of the measures that have been sought to reconcile the nation-state framework within Australia and Singapore. The chapter will then explore the theoretical debates that exist within the State administration before concluding with an overview of these approaches by drawing upon their similarities, divergences and their impacts on their respective societies. Globalisation and cultural homogeneity The conventional notions of citizenship and national identity have been synonymous to the ideology where national belonging is limited to a single nation. More recently however, the processes that drive migration, the influx and settlement of transnational workers and global economic development have resulted in increasingly heterogeneous communities within nation-states (Castles and Davidson 2000; Soutphommasane 2005). Faced with such dramatic challenges to the imaginations of homogeneity, the traditional idea of citizenship is increasingly undermined as states find it difficult to manage their internal framework based on a presumption of ethnic and cultural homogeneity. The core vision of nationalism is the idea that it consists of individual citizens that share a distinct and autonomous national culture. Benedict Andersons whose works influence us on the way we think about nation-states, observes that a nation is a makeup of a political community that is imagined as essentially sovereign and limited through the stimulation of deep emotional attachment: Nationality, or so, as one might prefer to put it in view of that words multiple significations, nation-ness, as well as nationalism, are cultural artefacts of a particular kind. [These artefacts] once created à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ became modular, capable of being transplanted, with varying degrees of self-consciousness, to a great variety of social terrains, to merge and be merged with a correspondingly wide variety of political and ideological constellations (1991: 4). At the heart of Andersons argument is the idea that nationalism is built on what is almost purely an emotional connection that binds communities together. The imagined nets of kinship between persons and the State allows diverse communities to connect with each other without actual knowledge of their fellow members, and these invisible ties that motivate them to risk their lives for the nation-state in times of warfare under the perceived imagining of their nationhood (7). Such imaginings which are based on the ideological construct is at the core of nationalism. When they are absent or otherwise eclipsed by difference, these imaginings are imposed or buttressed by the State. In another influential discourse, Ernest Renan (as cited in Eley and Suny 1996: 42) suggests that national identity cannot exist without first submerging difference, including cultural and ethnic distinctiveness that could prove divisive. [1] The existence of national identity is dependent on the States ability to organise a universal set of values and cultures for its society, or as Castles and Davidson indicate, One has to be made into a national before he or she can become a citizen (2000: 27). Without these national imaginings, the legitimacy of the State probably would not have prevailed. Under the pressures of globalisation and the changing character of migration towards the end of the twentieth century, the traditional notion of citizenship where political belonging is limited to one nation began to evolve. As mass international migration leads to the proliferation of cultural and ethnic diversity within national communities, it consequently became increasingly untenable for nation-states to maintain the ideology of a homogenous national culture (Soutphommasane 2005: 401). Such shifts in migration patterns have undermined even the strongest argument about homogeneity. Japan for instance, where the State has long made claims about the homogeneity of its population, is now forced to recognise the reality of ethnic minority workforces that have become increasingly prominent in Japanese society (Castles and Davidson 2000: 157) [2] . Scholars and political elites have also begun to recognise that new measures were necessary to recognise such social changes, especially the need to accommodate cultural pluralism brought about by the movement of people across national boundaries. In relation to this, scholars have critically studied the multifaceted processes of migration and have produced a vast number of works in this field, including new and plural systems of identification and belonging (Lawson 2000), transnational communities and hybridisation (Bailey and Smith 2004), and new patterns of belonging and citizenship (Castles 2002; Joppke 1999; Law 2002). The multicultural debate: the case of Australia Affected by the processes of globalisation, a number of countries have begun to expand the traditional notion of universal citizenship in legislation and public rhetoric to include every individual, especially minorities, into a re-badged national culture under the new form of multicultural citizenship. Multicultural citizenship acknowledges the practise of culture and formation of identities in a variety of social and cultural contexts, departing from the antecedent understanding of monoculture and homogeneity (Soutphommasane 2005: 403). It also recognises minorities, ostensibly furnishing such communities with stronger voices in decision-making at the local, national and international level (Moodod 2007). The shifting nature of State-society relations in Australia, under the broader ambit of multiculturalism, provides us with one of the most obvious examples in the development of multicultural institutions and policies. Up until the mid-twentieth century, Australian society had been relatively homogenous, with over 90 percent of the ethnic dynamic identified as British during the post-war period in 1947 (Dunn and Forrest 2006: 210). And for most of Australian culture and institutions, the Anglo identity poses as a dominant influence. However in the beginning of the 1970s, the demise of the White Australia policy and the nations demand for skilled labour attracted an influx of non-white groups into the Australian society (Anderson and Taylor 2005: 470). It gradually became difficult for the State to sustain the myth of its national identity on the basis of Anglo-Celtic origins. The dominant community had to accept realities of ethnic diversity and a cosmopolitan identity, although resistance towards this continues at all levels of Australian society to this day. Incidentally, multicultural citizenship is a subject of controversy in the political and academic lexicon. The idea of multiculturalism, which was introduced in Australia as a public policy to manage cultural differences, was condemned in some quarters as being oppressive, undermining the quintessential Anglo-Celtic heritage of the nation (Bulbeck 2004; Johnson 2002), as well as being a threat to national security (Noble and Poynting 2008). The issues of immigration and social cohesion have become widely familiar to the Australian media and public. Today, multiculturalism continues to be a recurring subject of contest as recent events in Australia, such as the Cronulla Riots in 2005 and the assaults on Indian students in Melbourne in 2009 have shown. In each instance, the friction caused by deeply entrenched and unmanageable differences have brought the issue of cultural divides back into the public sphere. [3] The interpretation of multicultural citizenship in Australian political administration has a long tail, and has assumed diverse meanings under various political leaders. When the Whitlam government first unveiled multicultural programs in the 1950s, the purpose of the policy was to direct welfare services and forms of assistance to disadvantaged groups, namely migrants from non English-speaking backgrounds and those with little political and social representation. However when the Fraser government came into power in 1975, this political understanding of multiculturalism changed. Instead of simply being about the provision of welfare services, multiculturalism became a bipartisan policy that underscored the significance of cultural preservation for various ethnic groups, with a pragmatic approach to foster minorities voices within the society (Castles and Davidson 2000: 170). It was during this period that multiculturalism functioned as a policy directive, in hope that it would facil itate access for minorities and marginalised groups to fully participate and benefit from social, economic and political aspects. This continued to the 1980s until multiculturalism began to encompass a wider definition than the mere representations of cultural and ethnic entities. By then, it also (controversially) began to push into a new national ideology where it represented the buttress of national culture and identity in Australia (Galligan and Roberts 2003). From a policy that had been specifically associated with migrant resettlement services since its emergence, multiculturalism in the 1980s progressed to the advocacy of accepting and celebrating cultural diversity within Australian society. [Multiculturalism is] a model to be worked towards-a vision for the futureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Multiculturalism should not just mean majority group assistance for minority cultural groups, but rather should be a way of perceiving Australian society as a whole Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, 1982 (as cited from Galligan and Roberts 2003). The Keating government was keen on creating a new national identity based on the diverse nature of cultural groups within its society, its independence from the British monarch, its propinquity to Asia and its necessity to flourish in an increasingly globalised economy (Johnson 2002: 175). In a radical departure from traditional notions of Australian national identity, Keating wanted a national identity to acknowledge the British and Irish heritage in Australias history, judiciary system and culture, but yet was also distinct from core political values that privileged British identity (176). The new Australian identity, according to him, would illustrate his hope of Anglo-Celtic Australians embracing multiculturalism for the future social and economic benefits of the nation. Keatings policies were unpopular, garnering backlashes from politicians, scholars and public. This largely relates to the notion of multiculturalism displacing the legacy of Anglo privilege with a more cosmopolitan and inclusive national identity. There were concerns that broader conceptions of Australian identity could overhaul distinctive values and qualities that make up the uniqueness of Australian culture and subsequently disregard mainstream Australians for the interests of non-Anglo ethnic groups (Johnson 2002: 177). Hence, fear and tension began to heighten as the dominant group felt progressively pressured to surrender their privileged position under the escalating diversity of ethnic groups. Within the political framework, Keatings vision for new Australia reached an important juncture in 1996 when two public figures publicly opposed to his policies Pauline Hanson and John Howard. Following this marked a drastic decline in the significance of multiculturalism as the usage of the term became eschewed in Australian politics (Castles and Davidson 2000: 165). Beyond what could be described as reflexive ripostes to threats at cultural power, criticism surrounding the idea of multiculturalism have also much to do with its indistinct and constantly-evolving definition. (Ellie Vasta: 212) In some cases, it was deemed to have been introduced almost accidentally by political elites to accommodate the fluctuating diversity of the society. A term that is developed on-the-spot, the understanding of multiculturalism is therefore inconsistent. On one level, it is assumed as an appropriate designation for welfare policies and on another, it merely becomes a term that describes the multiple cultures that exists within Australian society. Hence multicultural critics such as Zubrzycki 1995) blame multiculturalism for being a presupposed concept with its principles couched in jargon, and the extent of its effectiveness is not largely known. Another polemic of multicultural citizenship reveals further dilemmas in the accommodation of cultural differences within a common civic culture. According to the National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia (1989), multiculturalism must be expressed with an overriding and unifying commitment to Australia, to its interests and future first and foremost. Nonetheless Soutphommasane (2005: 408) argues that while it is important for a national culture and a sense of shared belonging to anchor a multicultural society, multicultural citizenship cannot be observed under a civic culture that is impervious to change. If so, this could undermine the political representation of minority cultures at the institutional level, contradicting multiculturalisms pledge to include citizens from diverse cultural backgrounds and provide them equal voices as the majority. Built-in cultural biases within Australian political institutions which have witnessed the entrenchment of traditions first established by the Anglo-Celtic elites would continue to pose a problem for multicultural citizenship unless it provides the basis for a more inclusive form of political identity for multicultural citizens (Soutphommasane 2005; Castles and Davidson 2000). In essence, it is never possible to classify multiculturalism as something that is either good or bad in a society. A recent survey conducted by The Age indicates that most Australians continue to support immigration despite the political kerfuffle that coloured its history (Edwards 2009). This partly points to the fact that peoples perception and experiences of migrants are often fluid and contextual (Wise 2005: 183) and as a result, they may display versatile responses between positive and negative assessments of their migrant neighbours. Drawing experiences from an ethnography fieldwork conducted within a culturally-diverse suburb of Sydney, Wise also concludes that no clear division can sit between the merits or deficits of multiculturalism even though multiculturalism continues to stand as one of the prominent topics of debate in Australias political history. One People, One Nation: the multiracial framework in Singapore Unlike Australia, ethnic pluralism has always been a distinctive and defining feature of Singapore society since its founding as a colony. Long before Singapore established itself as an independent nation-state, its society was already made up of diverse ethnic groups originating from different parts of the Malay Archipelago, Asia, the Middle East and Europe due to trading links between these countries, international migration and settlement (Lai 2004: 1). For Singapore, ethnic pluralism has also been the central challenge to societal cohesion and nation-building. In the colonial era, ethnic communities were deliberately kept apart from one another as a matter of public policy. However in the years leading to the nations independence, as events of internal unrest and racial riots plagued Singapores social order, the ruling regime the Peoples Action Party (PAP) recognised that a cohesive nation was imperative to state survival (Lai 2004: 5). Hence upon independence in 1965, Singapore immediately included the idea of multiracialism in its Constitution, and the notion served as a foundation for other policies (Chua 2003: 60). However, Singapores approach in managing its multiethnic population remains strikingly different when compared to Australia. Multiracialism in Singapore represents an aspiration of the political elites to unite ethnic and cultural differences together, emphasising on bridging social divisions and advocating a shared sense of national culture. While multiculturalism in Australia which is essentially a public policy to manage diversity as well as to police racial discrimination and racism among diverse ethnic societies (Castles and Davidson 2000l; Chua 2005; Moodod 2007), multiracialism in Singapore can be thought of as being the States chief instrument of control in social life; it is developed as a tool of necessity due to Singapores heterogeneity and represents the States opportunity to recognise cultural differences. The policy of multiracialism allows the State to suppress potential tensions among ethnic groups, pre-empting public dissent and disallowing the issue of race to threa ten the States legitimacy of rule (Barr 2006; Chua 2003). On the face of affairs, the Singapore State has been quite successful in maintaining social order and stability with this pragmatic ideology, and has managed to avoid public race-related conflicts since the start of the 1970s. Within the context of Singapore, it is firstly important to distinguish the differences among ethnicity, race and culture because these terms are often used interchangeably in public and official discourse. While ethnicity and culture are forms of social construct where communities or groups seek identification and develop relationship with each other based on differences and day-to-day interactions (Lai 2004: 2), race on the other hand is identification based on the physical attributes of a person, namely the colour of a persons skin (Franklin 2003: 470). Due to colonial history, multiracialism remains as the official term within the political administration of Singapore instead of multiculturalism. Similarly, the State employs the term race instead of ethnicity and multiracialism instead of multiculturalism. Multiracialism expresses the States intention to create social order in the face of potentially divisive issues such as race, religion, ethnic origin and culture (Trocki 2006). The CMIO model of multiracialism is an essential component of the States ideology of pragmatism. Developed as an intentional decision of nationhood, CMIO multiracialism scheme a convenient political tool for the State to homogenise cultural differences within a racial group by attributing race to essentially one culture, language and to a lesser extent, religion (Lai 1995: 179). Prior to Singapores independence in 1965, the ethnic population in colonial Singapore was diverse with many languages and cultures practised within a single race. The Chinese race for instance, constituted of the Hokkiens, Teochews, Cantonese (Chua 2005: 5) as well as other linguistic communities who shared different culture and traditions (Trocki 2006: 139). Under the CMIO framework however, these differences were streamlined and orga nised around the elements of colonial history, language and geography. The heterogeneous population was categorised into four major race groups Chinese, Malay Indian and Others. Each race is attributed to one culture and one language the Chinese race is associated with Mandarin which is the official race-language; the Malay race with the Malay language; and Indian race with the Tamil language. Within the States interpretation, the CMIO model is looked upon to be the most effective approach for managing its society. In contrast to assimilation where the minority races are overridden by the dominant, CMIO model gives fair treatment by recognising all racial groups as equal in policy. It ensures that the interests of minorities and their interests are protected so they are not disadvantaged in the society, as well as providing equal opportunity for them to advance. Most importantly, the CMIO model illustrates the States efforts for encouraging race consciousness and the divisions within the society, advocating tolerance for such differences, and the desire for individuals to mutually accept each other for the benefit of the nation (Chua 2003: 17). However while the CMIO framework allows for the simplification of racial interpretation in both private and public lives, scholars have observed that it is in fact problematic. In recent years, multiracialism classification of CMIO surfaced once again in the light of academic debate as the nation steers itself towards integration of the world economy under the processes of globalisation. The Singapore states desire to attract what it calls foreign talent has opened the door to a high density of transnational relations as economic policies have resulted in a large influx of migrant workers (Yeoh and Chang 2001; Yeoh 2004): It is precisely for our childrens sake that we must take this open, cosmopolitan approachà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ However talented we may be, it is impossible for us to produce in our next generation the same constellation of talent, the same richness and diversity of backgrounds and abilities, just from the children of three million Singaporeans. -The Straits Times, 25 August 1997. Scholars have expressed concerns that the presence of transnational workers could invite a population that is increasingly too heterogeneous to be defined within the parameters of the CMIO classification. As Yeoh (2004) points out, a cosmopolitan Singapore shifts away from the older stance of multiracialism and the nations quest to build a cohesive society based on the four founding races (2442). For the government, it has long since been its ambition to assume individuals to have a fixed and unequivocal ethnic identity under the CMIO model; cosmopolitanism on the other hand invites fluid and complex forms of identification that can no longer be homogenously recognised. Increasingly, individuals of heterogeneous backgrounds would feel suppressed by the state-imposed CMIO model which limits them to negotiate and choose their own identity, leading to consequences where individuals feel unrecognised and separated from their ethnic classification (Lai 2005: 11). Under such circumstances, there would be Chinese and Indian migrant workers that do not subscribe to the CMIO-defined Chinese category, as well as those who feel that CMIO-defined Others is an insufficient representation of their race. Meanwhile the local community is also aware of the paradigms weaknesses: What [does] the CMIO classification in Singapore for? Are you against or for that? I do think its ridiculous that children of mixed heritage have to be forced to take their fathers races as theirs. I think the CMIO classification is merely for the govt to carry out their plans, such as HDB racial policy and so on. However I find it totally unnecessary., 27 February 2005. The indication of forced in the writers assertion explains her belief that social reality is actually more complex than the States simplified view with the CMIO multiracialism model. Instead the writer views the model as a coercive method for nation-building policies, as well as overwriting individualism for the societal good. Another contributor expresses her views on the limitations of the CMIO multiracialism model, and how it critically de-emphasises the importance of dialects that exist within the Chinese language other than the official race-language, Mandarin: An abundance of knowledge of Chinese traditions, values and history is contained in the oral and written embodiments of these southern Chinese languages, such as surviving literature, operas and stories. Sadly, the chain of passing down this heritage is being lost rapidly in Singapore., 7 March 2009. Deng is exasperated that the governments move to suppress the use of dialects with the Mandarin language has a cost to bear. While the present Chinese community are mostly bilingual in English and Mandarin something that the government hopes to achieve, dialects also quickly become a language unknown to them. Chua (2003) describes this phenomenon as one of the consequences of the state-imposed CMIO multiracialism model where the understanding of racial harmony is minimalist and lacks substantial cultural exchange, deep understanding and even less cultural crossing of boundaries (75). This reinforcement is built on the tolerance of differences, as well as the governments aspiration to prioritise a shared sense of commonality and national identity before ethnic identities. The CMIO classification model also has internal contradictions if one approaches the idea of cultural difference within anthropological paradigms. As Franklin (2003) indicates, culture is in essence a complex notion which is malleable, flexible and also contestable (477). Rather than being fixed, it carries a mobile meaning which overtime can be moulded, lost, changed under the conditions of everyday life. Likewise, ethnic identity is a makeup of longstanding history, culture and tradition that equip members with an exclusive shared sense of belonging and membership (Lai 2005: 10). Hence it is not possible for identities, under the circumstances imposed by the State, to be effectively curtailed to a homogenous identity shared by a particular race group and subsequently, a homogenous identity shared by the national community. In reality, identities from cultural context can never be completely displaced by national identities (Bader 1997). The States ambition of protecting minority interests with the CMIO multicultural model also promises more optimism in rhetoric than in reality. Multiracialism in practice does not translate into equality for all races; accounts of marginalisation, especially among minorities, continue to pose a significant problem for Singapores ethnic-relations.The introduction of the Speak Mandarin program towards the end of 1970s which was intended to serve as cultural ballast for the non-English educated Chinese is suggested to reveal biases in its implementation that would in turn disadvantage non-Chinese race groups (Trocki 2006: 153). The program which is seen as an effort by the government to align Singapore with Chinas emerging affluence and to create Chinese cultural elites became less significant when it comes to other second languages. Despite the fact that the Malay and Tamil languages are the nations official languages, there was lesser push from high status institutions to promote thei r usage (Gopinathan, Ho and Vanithamani 2004: 236). Similarly, Michael Barr noted significant levels of cultural bias within the education system which often put non-Chinese children at a disadvantage (Barr 2006). He argues that the disparate portrayal of uplifting Chinese and the boisterous non-Chinese in the school textbooks, along with racial stereotype, depictions of prejudice and racial consciousness, would detrimentally deprive minorities of inspiring role models, undermining the States meritocracy ideal and its emphasis on equality as a method for encouraging harmony and understanding among all race groups. Australia and Singapore compared This chapter has illustrated the differences between the management of multiethnic population in Australia and Singapore. While multiracialism in Singapore has been inscribed in the Constitution since the beginning of its sovereignty and has been incorporated in many of its public policies since, multiculturalism only emerged in Australia during the 1970s as a policy to control differences. Secondly, for reasons of colonial history, Singapore uses the word race in replacement of ethnicity and uses multiracialism instead of multiculturalism as the official term within the political administration. And thirdly, Singapore functions on a political culture disparate from Australia. Being a one-party state, the Singapore government rules in a politically-hegemonic position with little risk of being displaced by alternative sections of parliamentary power, therefore establishing a form of governance that is deviated from the Western understanding of an open and liberal democracy. And unlike Australia, the Singapore government predominantly uses multiracialism as an instrument of social control. And such elements can be illustrated in the CMIO model where the government streamlines cultural differences to simplified classification, as well as controlling and advocating languages deemed as beneficial for the national interest. For Australia, the definition of multiculturalism evolves overtime in political administration as a consequence of responding to realities. However even when both countries have a different inherent understanding of multiculturalism, they present weaknesses and dilemmas that contradict respective political intentions of managing a multiethnic society where minorities risk domination of the majority at the socio-political level, and are subsequently put to a disadvantage. And in both countries, both governments emphasise greatly on national culture and language by placing individuals allegiance to the nation before their own ethnic and cultural values. But in the process of doing so, scholars in both contexts noted the costs of doing so. In the case of Australia, minorities risk being displaced by the dominant Anglo-Celtic group as well as underrepresentation at the political level especially if local institutions remain unreceptive to change. And in the case of Singapore, the importance of dialects and its values that are increasingly displaced by the State-imposed CMIO model, resulting in a minimalist understanding of r acial harmony where race groups do not engage, interact and have a deep understanding of each others cultures.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Titanic Essay -- essays research papers
The Titanic - History of a Disaster On April 14,1912 a great ship called the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. That night there were many warnings of icebergs from other ships. There seems to be a conflict on whether or not the warnings reached the bridge. We may never know the answer to this question. The greatest tragedy of all may be that there were not enough lifeboats for everyone on board. According to Walter Lord, author of The Night Lives On, the Titanic could have been saved in the very beginning of the crisis when the iceberg was first reported to the bridge. If First Officer Murdoch had steamed right at the iceberg instead of trying to avoid it, he might have saved the ship. The author feels there would have been a loud crash and anyone within the first one hundred feet would have been killed, but the ship would have remained afloat (82). This view was entirely speculation and we will never really know if this would have happened. In contrast, Geoffrey Marcus, author of The Maiden Voyage, suggests that the bridge did not receive warning of the ice from the very beginning. One of the messages received was from the Masaba warning the Titanic of a mass of ice lying straight ahead. According to Marcus, the message never reached the bridge, but instead was shoved under a paperweight (126). At 10:30 p.m. that evening, a ship going the opposite direction of the Titanic was sighted. This ship, the Rappahannock, had emerged from an ice field and had sustained damage to its rudder. The vessel signaled the Titanic about the ice and the Titanic replied that the message was received (Marcus 127). At 11 p.m. another ice report was received. This one was from the Californian. This liner had passed through the same ice field that the Rappahannock had reported to the Titanic. Like all the other warnings, this warning never reached the bridge though it was known to both of the Titanic's wireless operators (Marcus 128). By the time the bridge realized the ship was about to hit an iceberg, it was too late. Quartermaster Hitchens tried to turn the wheel hard to the starboard. Twenty seconds later, he had an order for full speed astern but the iceberg was too close. The starboard side hit the iceberg, bringing a block of ice onto the deck (Pellegrino 21). After the collision occurred, there was only one thing open for Captain Smith to do. It was almost mi dnight a... ...ion, thereby opening up the ship to the sea. Another major discovery was that the stern of the Titanic had wrenched itself away from the rest of the ship in its descent to the bottom. (Ward 186) The last survivor of the Titanic recently died in her home in Massachusetts. With her death, many of the unanswered questions of the Titanic may have also died. Hopefully, a tragedy like this will never have to happen again. As stated before, ships are now expected to have enough lifeboats for everyone on board. Ships also route their lanes farther to the south during iceberg season. Hopefully, in some small, way this will make a difference if such an accident at sea should ever occur again. --- Work Cited Eaton, John P., and Charles A. Haas. Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1986. PP 152-184. Pellegrino, Charles. Her Name Titanic. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1988. PP 20-21. Marcus, Geoffrey. The Maiden Voyage. New York: The Viking Press, 1969. PP 35-128. Lord, Walter. A Night To Remember. Mattituck: American House, 1955. PP 152-170. Ward, Kaari, ed. Great Disasters. Pleasantville: The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1989. PP 180-87.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
What Women Imply In Silence Essay -- Identity Style Expression
While walking through a random office the individual would see a multitude of women suggesting many things through their appearance, while all the men in the office will have the same style of slacks, dress shirt, and shined shoes. There may be slight variations in the men’s looks, but none of those variations compares to the variations evident in women. Deborah Tannen uses her essay â€Å"There is no Unmarked Woman†, published in 1994 within the book Talking From 9 to 5, to bring forth the idea that in the professional, working world all men are unmarked basic molds of each other while women mark themselves through the use of particle in linguistics, way they look, fill out a form, and change their surname after marriage. Tannen starts her essay by analyzing the people in her small business conference: Four women and eight men. She notices how each women presents something different through her clothes, makeup, hairstyle, and shoes. While the women separated themselves through their looks the males were the unmarked of the group with no special separate styles. Tannen uses her knowledge of linguistics to try to explain this fact. She uses the linguistics term marked. Marked refers to the particle that has no meaning of its own such as es and s (Tannen, 141). These particles only make sense when attached to the root word like wishes and misses. The root word or unmarked words are connected to the â€Å"male†; while the marked particles such as ess represent the female for example the word actress. Sadly the female endings also bring forth an idea of silliness. Tannen also brings forth the point that women cannot even fill out forms without giving forth information about themselves. When men are asked to fill out forms they chose the... ...rk Times, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. abortion.htm>. Longley, Robert. "U.S. Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low." The New York Times Co., 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. censusstatistic/a/aabirthrate.htm>. Monahan, Michael. "Complications You Can Have with Your Abortion." Abortion Heritage House '76, 15 Nov. 2006. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. . Peterson, Linda H. The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction. New York: Norton & Company, 2000. Print. Torres, Adia Forest, Jacqueline Darroch. "Why Do Women Have Abortions?" Guttmacher Insitute 20.4 (1988): 169-176. JSTOR. Web. 20 Oct. 2010. 2135792.pdf?acceptTC=true>.
Essay --
The Canada-China relationship has been through many fluctuations since China’s establishment in 1949. The Canadian Cabinet decided to give its recognition in the same year as China’s establishment on 16 November. However, the diplomatic relations with China was not formed until 1970, two decades from Canada’s primary consideration. Though there were many factors influencing the Sino-Canadian relations since 1949, due to the limitation in length, this essay will focus on three main reasons, how the political consideration, the attention on human rights problems and Canada’s economic interests influenced its relations with China from 1949 to the 1990s. From 1949 to the 1960s, the relationship between China and Canada was strongly influenced by Canada’s political consideration. With Canada’s gradually pursuing of independent foreign policy together with the change in international climate eventually left the room for Canada’s recogniti on to China. Since then, the Canadian economic interest started to dominate any other factors in this bilateral relationship, even if Canada paid attention to China’s human rights problem. Thus, the Sino-Canadian relationship after the 1970s is a balance between Canada’s economic interests and human rights issues in China. This essay will examine the three factors thematically, and in each factor, it will follow a chronology order. In the first part of the essay, it will discuss Canada’s political consideration in recognition China when taking the U.S. influence and the change of international atmosphere into account. Canada’s willingness in achieving an independent foreign policy led to its formal relations establishment with China in the early 1970s. Then it will discuss how the Chinese human rig... ... China dominated the human rights problems, and enabled Canada-China to be an economic partnership of each other. From 1949 to the early 1960s, the American pressure that Canada received was the fundamental reason for the delay of recognition China. As Canada’s desire of pursuing an independent foreign policy grew stronger, the impact of the U.S. government on the normalizing relationship between Canada and China was less and less. After the establishment of relations in 1970, the bilateral relationship remained steady besides the human rights issue in China. When China dominated on the economic terms in the world, Canada preferred to cooperate with China. The economic trade between China and Canada brought positive influence to both economies, and the Sino-Canadian relationship should maintain at a peaceful and beneficial level if both states worked together.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Impact of the American Culture
Impact of the Popular American Culture Melinda A. Valdez Soc. 105 March 17, 2010 Impact of the American Culture There are many advertisements being held by the media and television commercials that affect the American culture. They do not just affect the adults but the children as well for instants, this week my children and I were watching the Disney channel and we saw a commercial of Chucky Cheese and right away my children say they want to go there, so to satisfy my children now I want to take them there so they could enjoy themselves and now I am going to have to spend money that I was not planning on and it might not even be that exciting to them as it was shown on TV. In the past three days not only was I coming across kid commercials but make up products, red lobster, and movies that are just coming out, and when you see these they encourage you to go out and get them. These advertisements are not things that I have to have in life to survive; they are stuff to pleasure me and to entertain me as well. Personally I know that the media has impacted my lifestyle in many ways even though I am aware of the influence it has on my decision making. For example, the makeup commercials, do I need the makeup more likely no but I see the commercial and see what it might make your skin look like and even though I know that they are doing it to sale there product it just looks so good that I have to try it. I honestly think I have more luxury in my house than what I really do need. Such as my television it is a sixty two inch do I really need a TV that big, no but it looks nice. Overall I do think that the media and advertising has a big impact on our American culture and yes we can say no to advertisements but we are more likely not to.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Hospitality Tips for Arab Guests
THE ARAB GUEST The Arab travel mentality can vary greatly as the Arabian region stretches over a vast area encompassing 22 countries from Mauritania in the west to Yemen in the east. As the majority of Arab guests are from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), consisting of Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait, the advice given here pertains mainly to this important region. The above-named states have in common rapid economic growth due to the large oil and gas reserves.These states have been catapulted from a tribal life to relative wealth, although Dubai has always held a significant role as a trade centre in the Middle East. Tourism in the UAE is booming, and luxuries, the newest technologies and excellent service have become the norm. No wonder then that the most expensive and luxurious hotel in the world, the Burj al Arab, is in Dubai. Apart from expecting exclusively furnished hotels, Arab guests also expect respect and tolerance for their lifestyle. To the majority of Arabs, Islamic rule s are the foundation of daily life. Courteous and attentive service is a prerequisite. 1.Tolerance and Sensitivity Personal recommendations and networking between Arab families are of the utmost importance and recommendations by acquaintances are given more heed than extravagant advertising brochures. The chance of winning over the Arab market through a few families is therefore very high, but at the same time, a single ‘mishap’ by an employee can ruin the reputation of an entire hotel. Family consciousness is highly regarded in the Arab region. Unlike in the West, the family is the basic social unit, not the individual. In Arab society the weak are respected and protected, and the elderly are always afforded special respect.Arabs behave in a reserved manner towards Europeans and react very sensitively to a lack of respect and intolerance. To avoid such conflicts, sensitivity and empathy are of great importance. 2. Travel The majority of Arabs travel with their entire f amilies. Individual tourists and business travellers are still in the minority, although this is slowly changing. Only male travellers will travel alone. Arab travellers are normally well-to-do. They are used to being looked after and often buy themselves certain freedoms using their substantial economic means.Despite their buying power, however, prices are no longer simply paid; comparisons are made, especially when it comes to hotel accommodation. To do this they are using the internet more and more. The main reasons for travel are business trips, visits to conferences and exhibitions and medical visits. Medical trips are most often undertaken by guests from the UAE as their medical schemes pay for hospital stays, drinks (non-alcoholic) and laundry. Medical checks are often combined with family holidays. Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. apetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected ] travel Another reason for travel is to escape the summer heat and for the sake of children, who are highly regarded, with many trips being undertaken purely for their sake and to visit theme parks and shop for toys. 3. Travel Structure and Duration The main travel season is between June and September. Family groups can number up to 60 people during this time. Depending on the rank of the Arab, nannies, secretaries and drivers are often part of the entourage, which makes it difficult to establish an average group size.Ten people per family are an approximate starting point. The duration of trips varies from case to case, but is generally several weeks. 4. Holiday Mentality It is not the norm in Arab states to have to ask for service, nor to thank for services received. Excellent service is expected and a given. Most Arab guests are highly educated and well travelled. They are therefore often seen as demanding. Flexibility and tolerance of their special requests is therefore a must. For example, Arab guests will expect the restaurant times to be adjusted to their daily routine or for room service and room cleaning services to be individually scheduled.Taking time to develop personal relationships between the hosts and the guests is much appreciated. Business and personal relationships are not strictly separated. The Arab guest prefers a designated contact partner that ensures his wishes and interests are looked after, and that keeps up intense communication. These contacts do not necessarily need to be able to speak Arabic. Often this is even seen as a benefit, as it protects their privacy if the contact cannot understand everything discussed. It is not unusual for the younger generation to be fluent in English.Guests from North Africa generally speak French as their second language. Arab women completely covered in black robes are still an oddity to most Europeans. However, the social standing of women ranges between ‘strictly Muslim’ and ‘ emancipated’. The rules laid out in the Koran guarantee her that she will be looked after her entire life. In return, she must acknowledge the man’s authority in society, the family and in marriage. The wearing of veils was long seen as a sign of high social prestige. Only women of high standing were allowed to wear them; slaves and dancers were forbidden to do this, under threat of punishment.Today the veil signifies a close affinity to Islam and is a sign of the honorable life of the wearer. Advances by men are not tolerated. Hoteliers must be prepared for the lobby area to occasionally look like a bazaar. In an effort to strengthen their relationships Arab guests will meet there, drink tea, smoke – and if permitted also their hubbly bubblies. 5. Information and Booking Behaviour Prior to travel the normal booking procedures (internet, advertising, travel agents and agents specialising in medical trips) are checked for prices, availability and decor, special s ervices etc.For guests travelling for medical reasons, local embassies and consulates often take care of these issues. Close contacts with these are therefore of benefit. Often guests book hotels only to then compare offers and prices with other hotels once in the country. Should the hotel booked not live up to their standards and expectations, they Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel will relocate.Reception staff can play a decisive role in this decision. Although low prices and rebates are important, negotiations seldom take place. Representatives of a group are often sent ahead. More often than not however these days, guests arrive without having booked at all. Because guests are not under any time constraints, the departure date is often left open. This fact should always be taken into account and dealt with flexibly. When booki ngs are made, babies up to three years old are not mentioned as they are not seen as children. This often leads to confusion on check-in.A point should therefore be made to specifically ask about babies accompanying the group. When a booking is made, the hierarchy (family, drivers, nannies etc), who will be footing the bill, as well as the individual family members’ names must be established. For long stays, the billing should be clarified at the start, especially when guests are travelling for medical reasons. The health department of the country of origin often covers the accommodation, F&B and laundry. Bookings are often made using the prefix ‘El’ or ‘Al’, a type of royal title, which however is left off on arrival or when telephoning.This often leads to irritations and misunderstandings, which is why this fact should be remembered from the outset. It is also recommended that families from various regions are separated from one another. A good opt ion is to inform guests of the Arabic origins of the other guests. Rooms should always be in quiet areas where no lingering smells are present. There are also often requests for rooms with connecting doors. Should this request not be made, family rooms should be situated close to one another on the same floor. 6. Travel Content The main interests are sight-seeing, casino visits and outings with/for children.Shopping is also very popular, which is why hotels should always have shopping tips at hand. Addresses for oversized clothing should also be included. Apart from shopping, excursions into nature, especially the mountains and such, are enjoyed. Sports events are also favourite pastimes; this includes soccer, which is becoming increasingly popular, horseracing, golf and motor racing. 7. Communication Because the majority of Arab guests are able to speak English well, communication problems are rare. Should the older members of a group not be fluent in English, the younger ones do t he translating.Children often speak English astonishingly well. When it comes to negotiations or relationship building, Arabs use very descriptive language combined with many gestures. Instead of coming to the point they use longwinded descriptions. So as not to come across as disrespectful or uninterested, it is advisable to take time and to adapt one’s way of expression as much as possible. It is most important not to decline a guest’s request too bluntly. This ensures that neither party loses face. The wording: ‘I will try my best’ or suggesting an alternative to the request are often very helpful.But under no circumstances should a promise be made that cannot be kept. Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel Honesty is a virtue: this saying is interpreted very differently in various countries. Because Arabs are so relationship orientated and take heed of harmonies and friendships, it is still considered being honest when unpleasant subjects are simply ignored and positives stressed.Arabs will always be able to ‘fish out’ the truth in a conversation. In contrast to Europeans, Arabs find it insulting to ignore people that walk into a conversation. Making them wait or even ignoring them must be avoided at all costs, even if one just politely acknowledges the guest and advises him that he will be attended to shortly. Interpersonal relationships have a much higher priority than does time-keeping. This is why Arab guests cannot understand it when no time is taken to have an in-depth discussion. Even unimportant subjects offer the opportunity to build trust and understanding.Therefore, when under time constraints, rather tactfully and reassuringly promise the guest a chat at a later stage. Arabs always expect first-class service/performance, and requests therefore often come acr oss as being demanding. Diplomacy and tolerance are therefore advisable. In addition, absolute punctuality and dependability are expected from the hotel. It is advisable to regularly question the guest on his/her satisfaction. Should there at any time be a problem, e. g. the behaviour of children, this must be addressed privately, with the group’s representative. Under no circumstances should the head of the party be confronted or called. . 1 Topics of Conversation A sure way to win the affection and loyalty of an Arab guest is the enquiry into the wellbeing of his family, especially that of the male members. Enquiries about the female members could be misconstrued and are to be avoided. It would be of great benefit to the hotel contact person to have background information on the family ties of guests. It is therefore vital to keep a guest file containing all the relevant up-to-date details. Topics to be avoided are religion and politics, although being knowledgeable about I slamic religion is a sign of respect. This should however not be shown off.The local customs and way of life are interesting topics and offer much to talk about. Most Arabs are pleased by declarations of friendship. In addition, substantiated acknowledgment of their technical advances, art and social security systems helps to reduce feelings of mistrust and is generally appreciated. They also value acknowledgements for the cultural achievements in their respective countries. Positive comments on the high standard of tourism in the Gulf States are also appreciated. Humour is a very difficult thing to transfer across cultural lines and should be used cautiously.Translations of amusing sayings often lose their amusement value and are not easily understood. Sarcasm and irony are to be avoided unless one knows the other person very well. 7. 2 Non-verbal Communication To begin with some Arab guests may come across as being reserved and sometimes even uninterested. Countering this with a s mile helps make the guest feel respected and welcome. Ignoring a guest is interpreted as an insult. As an Arab saying goes: â€Å"Kill me, but don’t give me a funny look! †Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. ravel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel Arab women will generally avoid any eye contact with male staff. Eye contact between women however is not an issue. A male staff member should therefore avoid eye contact with a female guest and should never try to force it. Should a woman ask a question, the male companion is addressed unless the woman actively seeks eye contact. Between men, however, direct and intense eye contact is highly regarded. Arabs generally have smaller personal comfort zones than Europeans. During conversations it is customary to feel the speaker’s breath.Europeans who keep their normal personal distance could therefore evoke the feeling that their presence is felt as repulsive. Pointing fingers at persons is also seen as very impolite. Should one be unsure about how to behave when dealing with Arab guests, the best advice is to rather be too reserved rather than forceful. 7. 3 Guest Complaints As with all guests, voicing of complaints depends very much on the personality of the person. Should complaints arise these are brought up by the family’s spokesperson (interpreter), rather than the head of the family or his wife.It is therefore important to establish a good relationship, based on trust, with the spokesperson. The spokesperson should also be given a few names of people in authority, who are able to make quick decisions that are followed through. This has the benefit that instead of discussing problems with other guests/families, the spokesperson can approach the hotel directly to sort matters out. This is also important as families stay for long periods and tend to develop contacts with other families. Through direct communication the escalation of a problem can therefore be avoided.Even though women are taking up more and more managerial roles, experience shows that Arab guests still prefer addressing complaints with male employees. Even if a guest becomes loud and angry, it is important to stay calm. A good tactic is to remove the guest from the public area and discuss the matter over a cup of tea. Complaints are always to be seen as a chance to improve service. 8. HOTEL 8. 1 Choice of Hotel Luxury is not the deciding factor when it comes to choosing a hotel. A certain standard is definitely expected, but the proximity to shopping centres or supermarkets and the hotel’s atmosphere are more important.Medical checks are often the reason for visits, so the proximity to clinics can be a deciding factor in such a case. Should the hotel not be ideally situated, a limousine service could be considered. Instead of city hotels, smaller, family hotels are becoming more an d more popular. As friendliness is a deciding factor, hotels with a family atmosphere are preferred. 8. 2 Greeting and Check-In The greeting is the first, all-important impression a guest gets. On arrival guests want to feel welcomed and respected. An Arab saying goes: â€Å"A look can kill quicker than a sword! To counter this, a smile or even an Arab greeting can make a big difference. Even though Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel direct communication might not be possible, the effort is seen as a friendly gesture, which in turn will leave a positive memory. Greetings are so important in Arab society that they have taken on an almost ritualistic character. Even when staff are under pressure, they should always stay calm and take their time with this greeting ceremony.Arab men should be respectfully approached, and then one shou ld await their response. Some greet by shaking hands, others do not. Most Arabs however find handshaking strange, and should it take place, only the right hand is to be offered, as the left is considered ‘unclean’. Arab men greet each other in a variety of ways, either with their noses, their shoulders or by hand. Well-known acquaintances of the same gender also exchange three kisses on the cheeks. It is customary to greet the highest-ranking person first. Ladies are usually not greeted by hand; a greeting is merely implied (hinted at).European women may offer their hand in greeting. When it comes to money, however, this should be dealt with by a male. Especially the older Arab generations find it difficult to deal with female staff. Reception should always have the times for sunrise and sunset handy, as these are important for prayer times. Times can be requested from the local mosques. Prayers are said five times a day, facing the direction of Mecca. It is therefore o f the utmost importance that the guest knows where Mecca lies. To assist with this, stickers can be put on the windowsills advising the direction of Mecca.Some hotels even offer compasses or instruct their staff accordingly. The addresses of embassies and Arabic-speaking doctors should also be at hand and are regularly asked for. These can be given with the welcome letter. Further information that is often requested is recommendations on Arabic, Persian or Lebanese restaurants, limousine rental companies or Arabic-speaking guides. For Arabs the weekend starts on Fridays, and Sundays are a normal working day. Although Arabs generally value a calm and relaxed atmosphere, the check-in should proceed speedily.This is especially important for the women and children who have been travelling for many hours. On arrival the guest will want to inspect and choose from several rooms to ensure that they meet his expectations and those of his family members. The category booked by the organiser s hould however not be changed. Special wishes are often only requested on check-in. Staff should therefore be flexible. Even after several visits to a hotel the special requests may vary from visit to visit, which is why requests from previous years should be clarified before implementation. Due to the long duration of stay, many hotels insist on weekly billing.Should this be the case, the guest must be advised of this on check-in. Financial matters must however be dealt with tactfully so as to avoid giving the impression of mistrust. When luggage is taken to the room the porter should always leave the door open and leave the room as quickly as possible. The ladies in the party will often wait outside the room until the porter has left. To wait for a tip is seen as rude. Arab guests tend to occupy rooms in big groups. To check the number of guests in a room it is helpful to consult with the housekeeper, as she is in charge of the daily cleaning of rooms.Guests also like to change roo ms amongst themselves and the spokesperson of the group should therefore be consulted to clarify the room occupancies. Nonetheless, Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel guests are usually quite cooperative should occupancy issues arise. Arabic guests often leave their room doors open or unlocked. It is therefore advised that guests should be informed in writing about the hotels liability policy in cases of theft from the rooms.The issuing of house rules in Arabic is seen as an insult, but should this be a standard, these rules should also be laid out in English and another common language if possible. A friendly welcome letter, which politely requests the adherence to certain rules, will usually be readily accepted. 8. 3 Hotel Interiors/Furnishings Children occupy a very important status in Arabic countries and if possible, designate d areas should be set aside for them. A playroom furnished with billiard tables, computer games etc. is a good idea.The venue should be in an area of the hotel where noise disturbance would be at a minimum and where children can play until late at night. Due to the fact that Arab children are only used to their local foods, it often happens that foods will be heated up in their hotel rooms. This can be prevented by including Arabic foods on the menu. Nannies travelling with children have a purely supervisory and chaperoning function, they are not entitled to reprimand or discipline. Should it be possible, the hotel could offer activity and entertainment programmes for the children to keep them in check.Reception should also advise the nannies of the quickest route to the nearest playground or park. Security is an important aspect for Arabic travellers as the man carries the responsibility for the entire family. The presence of security personnel and/or cameras in the passages is pos itively met. Airconditioning is an absolute must and is seen as a non-negotiable standard. Religion being an integral part of Arab life, guests pray five times a day. A designated prayer room would therefore be appreciated. This room can be very basic, e. g. an empty conference room or guest room in which prayer mats can be spread out.Prayer mats are usually brought along, but some hotels also offer these for loan. It is also seen as polite to remove any items connected to other religions. Arab women appreciate pool times designated for their exclusive use, with only female staff on duty, should this be required. The standard swimwear worn by ladies is leggings and t-shirts. European swimwear is seldom worn. 8. 4 Room Furnishings Although Arab guests are usually quite good at speaking English, signage in Arabic clarifies any uncertainties and helps to make the guest feel welcomed.The room service menu should definitely be translated and guest service directories in Arabic, as well a s a welcome letter in that language, will leave a lasting impression. Guest rooms should be as spacious as possible, as Arabs are used to having a lot of space. Big rooms, preferably suites, are expected. Should no connecting doors between rooms be available, rooms should at least be adjacent to one another. Big beds are also preferred (king and queen size), and baby cots are also often requested. Cooking facilities in rooms are also welcomed, as baby milk can be warmed and water boiled for tea.Many guests do not like ordering room service too often, and should cooking facilities not be available, at least a kettle could be offered as an alternative. Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel Arabic TV channels should be available; suggestions are Al-Jazeera and Nile, which are both available via satellite. Video recorders and DVD players are also an ideal service to make available. Arabic newspapers are a must, as the need for up-to-date information is high.A welcome letter in the room which not only greets the guest but also conveys detailed information on the hotel and its services is much appreciated. Small welcome gifts such as fruit, figs, nuts, biscuits, cakes and alcohol-free chocolates are popular. As the ‘Do not disturb’ sign is often left out during the day, good communication between room service and housekeeping is vital. Small gifts for children e. g. chocolate are very important. Arab guests greatly appreciate finding big bottles of still mineral water in their rooms on arrival. These are especially enjoyed by the children after a long trip.Only still water is drunk and internationally known brands are preferred to the local ones. It should be noted that Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol, but that not all Arabs are Muslims. In addition, this prohibition is treated in a more rela xed manner when in Europe. Alcohol need only be removed from rooms on request or after enquiry from the hotel or when children accompany adults. Minibars are usually cleared shortly after arrival anyway to accommodate water bottles. The stocking of the minibar can be discussed on arrival. As appliances are often brought along, adapters and cables should be available on request. . 5 Bathrooms Arab guests will request a large number of bath towels on a daily basis. This is due to the fact that the entire body must be cleansed prior to every prayer session. A towel is never used twice, which is why the usage is so high. In addition, it is regarded as unhygienic to only use toilet paper after visiting the toilet. Arabian custom dictates that one also uses water to clean oneself, which is done with the left hand. This is why their toilets are fitted with a water spray facility. Seeing that standard toilets are not fitted with this device, a towel is then used to clean the left hand.Natur ally the towel is immediately given in to be laundered. Some adults try to adjust to the ‘strange’ European habit, but this can not be expected from children. Due to the unpleasant smell of these towels Arabs are often labelled as being unhygienic, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Even though towels are immediately sent to be laundered, the provision of white towels is not necessarily doing them a favour. In addition, guests should also be able to make use of a laundry facility. As children often run around barefoot, towels are laid out in the bathrooms to avoid them becoming ill due to the unfamiliar temperatures. . 6 Daily Routine Because of the high daytime temperatures in the Arab region, Arabs tend to be more active during the evening hours. Their daily routine has adjusted accordingly. It is therefore suggested that cleaning routines for rooms are planned according to individual guests. It is also advisable to allocate more time for the cleaning of rooms than Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel usual.Complaints might be received because cleaning staff, for insurance reasons, are not permitted to move items lying around in order to clean the room. The reason for the ‘non-tidying’ should be explained in a friendly and tactful manner. To avoid unnecessary conflicts it is recommended that enough female cleaning staff are at hand to adhere to the strict gender segregation. It is however often difficult to get access to rooms due to the ‘Do not disturb’ sign being out. It is therefore advisable to inform the guests well in advance as to when cleaning is scheduled. 9.Eating Habits The provision of appropriate foods can be a potential area of conflict. Hotels often react negatively to the delivery of food from external sources, or the cooking of foods in the room. There are however several reasons for Arab guests not being able to go without their familiar foods: The length of their stays is often much greater than that of other guests, which is why familiar tastes are missed. In addition, children accompanying adults cannot be expected to adapt. Also, the quality of many exotic fruits is not comparable to that of their home country, which is why special products are often flown in.Not to be forgotten is the fact that the Muslim religion prescribes certain rules when it comes to food and drink, i. e. no pork or alcohol may be consumed, nor any other intoxicating substances. Meat must always be well done as the Koran prohibits the consumption of blood. Many Muslims also insist on meat having been slaughtered according to Islamic rites. Arabic eating habits also vary greatly from those of European cultures. Although European foods are readily tried, Arabic foods are definitely preferred. If possible, Arabic, Turkish or Libyan chefs shoul d therefore be brought in.Some hotels even allow the guests’ own chefs to use the hotel kitchen. The breakfast times stipulated in hotels often do not fit into the daily routine of Arabs, who usually take breakfast between 10h00 and noon. The foods on offer in hotels however are more than sufficient to cover the guests’ needs. Great value is placed on a variety of fruits and fruit juices. Beware: Children often go to breakfast unaccompanied by parents. It is therefore vital to make it clear which cold meats/foods contain pork, to avoid children eating these forbidden foods. Dinner is usually taken between 21h00 and 23h00 and is ordered from room service.Enough staff should therefore always be at hand. Choices should include Arabic dishes, menus should be translated and the various dishes should be numbered to avoid any miscommunication. Should the hotel wish to limit guests from going out for meals or ordering in, it would be advisable to adjust themselves to the Arabi c habits. Some hotels offer Arabic buffets in separate rooms or in a section of the restaurant. Others do not cater for the guests’ needs and have an agreement allowing the guests to order in, but charge a ‘corkage’ fee for this privilege.Should the guests make use of the restaurant, children should be especially well treated and served. Arabic guests go to eat not because the adults are hungry, but because the Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel children are hungry. Due to the fact that children are often ‘neglected’ in restaurants, parents prefer going to Arabic or Lebanese restaurants. 9. 1 Etiquette during meals Despite rumours, Arabic guests do not sit on the floor to eat.This is only done when the table is covered by brochures or is too small. There is little talking during meals, meaning that the noise disturbance is minimal. A small amount of the main meal is always left on the plate, after which dessert and coffee is quickly consumed. It is a sign of politeness to at least try every dish, even if one is not hungry. Eating only commences once the head of the table opens the meal with the words ‘Bismillah’ (in the name of Allah). Everyone helps themselves, and it is an unwritten law that one eats the most from the dish directly in front of one.The host will always ensure that these are the best dishes. After dinner, when coffee is served, only three small cups are consumed, as more would be considered impolite. One can however indicate beforehand when one has had enough, otherwise replenishment will be done without asking. The signal for this in the Middle East is to quickly wave the cup from left to right whilst holding it between your thumb and index finger. In Europe, Arab guests eat with knives and forks. If meals are eaten by hand, only the right hand i s used, as the left is considered as ‘unclean’.In the Middle East meals are served with nan or pita bread, which is broken into little pieces that are then formed into a shovel using three fingers, and the food picked is up with this. Dates are always a welcome offering, although the locally available ones are not of the same quality as the ones in the Middle East. This is why they are often flown in especially by guests. Favoured desserts are heavy and sweet, but usually quite costly as they contain ingredients such as hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios and honey.Baklava, Swiss chocolate and glazed chestnuts are very well liked. It is considered very rude to remove plates that are not quite empty without asking. Arab guests do not necessarily know the rule of laying the knife and fork next to one another on the plate to signal that one has finished. Permission must therefore be asked for before clearing. 9. 2 Beverages In Arab countries beverages are ordered durin g or after meals, not before. They are also used to receiving their food soon after ordering.In the Arab region guests are greeted with a beverage upon arrival, without having ordered. This is an Arab ritual and serves to create a friendly atmosphere. Ordering drinks prior to receiving food is not customary and seen as a nuisance. Apart from mocha, there is no drink that is consumed in larger amounts than tea. Especially popular are black tea with a few sprigs of mint, but also cardamom, aniseed and jasmine are popular flavourants. Tea is an obligatory welcome drink for guests, and is drunk very sweet, and many hotels have started serving tea out of samovars in the lobby area.Some guests however may be irritated by the fact that the same person who serves them the tea also serves alcohol. Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel Coffee i s served in small mocha cups with a lot of sugar (hulwa), half a sugar cube (madbuta) or without sugar (murra). Because the method of preparation and taste of coffee prepared by hotels differs greatly, coffee is often brought along by guests.The water consumed is usually still water, and for cost reasons is often bought in large bottles at supermarkets. To counter this, water can be offered at special prices as part of room service. Because Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol, a large range of nonalcoholic drinks should be made available. Arab Christians however are permitted to consume alcohol. Apart from water, fruit juices and Coca-Cola are very popular, especially with children. 10. Summary of Important Tips Specifics ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Emphasise to staff the importance of offering suggestions Enquire about health and satisfaction on a regular basis Have information about mosques and prayer times at hand Inform other guests that Arab guests are sharing the same fl oor Explain to staff how to offer tactful service by making use of examples Print hotel rules in Arabic, English and German Welcome letters can contain tactful requests about adherence to certain house rules Inform guests about hotel liability policy in writing (when doors are left open) Specify a contact person who is responsible for the group during the stay Show flexibility when it comes to breakfast and restaurant opening times Respect special requests when cleaning rooms Have information on children’s activities and programmes at hand Show the nanny the way to the nearest park Verbal Communication ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Discuss the subject of communication between Arab guests and staff Never leave a guest waiting when they want to communicate Do not be irritated by the emotional expressions of guests Do not deny requests, rather offer alternatives and show that you are concerned and wanting to assist Communicate criticism tactfully Always plan enough time to ensure a trusting rel ationship is built up with guests Show personal interest Be careful when using humour; irony and sarcasm are no-no’s Non-verbal Communication ? ? ? ? Stern expressions are interpreted as arrogant – always smile No direct eye contact between female guests and male staff Eye contact is important between men Accept minimal personal space when communicating Complaint Behavior ? Be sensitive and tactful during emotionally charged complaints ? Should guests retire/leave quietly, assume that there is a problem ?Involve the middle man/interpreter when guest or hotel complaints come up Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel ? Be proactive to avoid a spate of complaints ? Serious issues must be handled by male staff Reservations ? ? ? ? Clarify hierarchical order in advance Clarify exact number of guests including babies and nannie s Internally, ensure that all names are spelt in one way Clarify on arrival who will be taking care of payments Greeting / Welcome ? Allocate sufficient time for the greeting/arrival ? Use Arab forms of greeting ? Discuss the importance of first impressions with staff.Despite reservations, guests will change hotels if they are not happy ? Male staff should not shake hands with female guests ? Handshakes that are too firm are to be avoided ? Never offer the left hand, as it is considered ‘unclean’ ? Ensure that the check-in runs smoothly and speedily ? Financial issues must be dealt with tactfully ? Plan in more time and staff to deal with special requests ? Have city information at hand in Arabic Hotel Interior ? ? ? ? ? Hotels with self-catering facilities are preferred Ensure that guests feel safe Offer play rooms/entertainment areas for children A/C is a must Be prepared that the lobby will at times resemble a bazaar Room Interiors ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Rooms should be b ig with interconnecting doors Check number of guests per room regularly Advise in a sensitive manner the rules for number of persons allowed per room Offer big beds Provide Arab TV channels Prepare friendly welcome letter Offer still mineral water in large bottles Discuss minibar contents in advance Indicate direction of Mecca (remove any other religious symbols/books) Be prepared for increased towel usage Services on Offer ? Discuss cleaning schedules with individual rooms ? Have enough cleaning staff at hand, preferably female ? Offer newspapers in home languages Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel Food and Beverages ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Offer room service Translate menu into Arabic and number the dishes Be prepared for increase in room service between 21h00 and 23h00 Have an Arabic chef prepare Arabic meals Alternatively, allow the g uests’ personal chef to use kitchen Order in Arab catering Adjust restaurant opening times to suit guests Serve children first and quickly Pork and alcohol are prohibited for Muslims Breakfast ? Offer normal international breakfast buffet ? Offer wide selection of fruit and fruit juices ? Indicate which cold meats contain pork Etiquette during Meal Times ? Always ask whether plates may be removed before doing so ? Place big tables in guest rooms to avoid guests having to eat sitting on the floor ? Only eat with the right hand, as the left is considered ‘unclean’ Drinks ? ? ? Offer black tea with sprigs of fresh mint leaves Tea is generally drunk very sweet Offer a good selection of non-alcoholic beverages Be aware that coffee is often brought by the guests themselves Arabic Phrases Good day Good morning Good evening Good night Welcome Thank you Please See you again One moment please Excuse me please I wish you a pleasant stay Salam aleikhum (pronounced: sala male icum) Sabah elkheir (pronounced: sabba elsher) Masah elkheir (pronounced: masse elsher) Tisbah ala kheir (pronounced: tisba ala kair) Marhaba Shokran (pronounced: shukran) Afoin (pronounced: affoan) Maa salama Min fadlak Lau samahat Ekama saida Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. ravel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel Titles The confusing name sequences are constructed with between three and six elements: ? Social status ? First name and family ties ? Father and sometimes grandfathers’ names ? Social and geographic origin ? Sometimes honour titles and occupational titles The social rank is always mentioned at the beginning of the name; this is especially clear for heads of state, e. g. Emir (Arab. Amir), Sultan, Malik (king) or Rais (president). In the UAE the rulers do not call each other Emir, but rather Sheikh. This is followed by the first name, which is follow ed by the description of family ties/connections.For boys ‘Ibn’ (son of), for girls ‘Bint’ (daughter of), for fathers ‘Abu’ (Father of). An especially honorable title is ‘Umm’ (mother of), followed by the eldest son’s name. These are followed by the social or geographic origins. Muslims who have fulfilled their trips to the holy sites of Mecca and Medina carry the honorary title of Hajj, although this is seldom used in the Emirates or Gulf of Oman. The job title is often also part of the title, e. g. ‘Imam’ (priest), ‘Qadi’ (judge) or ‘Hakim’ (doctor). The surname always stands last. Provided as part of the benefits of membership of Cape Town Tourism. For more information visit www. capetown. travel/industry, call +27 (0)21 487 6800 or email [email protected] travel
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