Saturday, August 31, 2019
Marketing and Gillette
1. How is the Gillette Series being positioned with respect to (a) competitors, (b) the target market, (c) the product class, (d) price and quality? What other positioning possibilities are there? a. The Gillette Series is positioned as premium to the competition. b. Using the slogan, â€Å"The Best a Man can Get†appeals to the target market not because it is the most convenient or the most price effective, but because of the value that is added to products by building on the popularity of sensor. c. The Gillette Series is positioned as differentiated due to functional attributes through innovation to the product class. . These products are priced at a premium at an index of 10 to 20 percent higher than competition. Many other positioning possibilities are available for Gillette. This brand can position the myriad of products it has separately, or treat itself as a master Brand. The positioning should be the same as the other series of men’s grooming products if Gillet te positions itself as one Brand. However, if it breaks the brand into classes, then there will be a shaving line, a deodorant line, an aftershave line. 2. Is Gillette making the best use of the brand equity that has been created with Sensor?Sensor has been a huge success for Gillette. It makes sense to use the energy of that to tie into the other products offered. The tagline of â€Å"The best a man can get,†is a solid platform for this brand. Since the equity was established for the slogan used and not just Sensor, Gillette is making good use of the equity, since the Sensor is viewed as a product from Gillette, and one that works very well according to consumer response. 3 What strategies do you propose to Gillette? Address the entire marketing mix.Conceivably, a staggered approach may work better for Gillette. Releasing the products at different times as opposed to all at one time would give consumers time to build a prevailing purpose to have faith in a product. The equi ty of sensor may be diluted with too many different products. I would suggest to first scale not only consumer reaction to product quality, but to gauge consumer understanding of the brand. If the Brand is best known for a smooth comfortable shaving razor, then it would be wise to stagger other products based on customer review. Related post: Advantages and Disadvantages of Administrative Management
Friday, August 30, 2019
A financial quagmire Essay
The whole world is in a financial quagmire. A myriad of financial woes have engulfed financial institutions and any other corporations in this domain all the world round. This financial meltdown came to the light following the collapse of Lehmann Brothers, after which this financial crunch came to be addressed in the open and by all the governments. The United States of America was at the core of this crunch. This was further aggravated by the fact the Bush administration was finalizing on its clench to power. A presidential election was looming and the major rivals; Barack Obama and John McCain were faced with the uphill task of unveiling their plans regarding keeping the crisis at bay and mitigating the effects. Both unveiled their economic plans to the American public and the public chose to go as per Mr. Obama’s plans; a bailout through a federal stimulus package (BRUNE, para 4). After his election, the Congressional Democrats in partnership with President Obama came forth with an $825 billion dollar fiscal recovery package known to many as the Federal Stimulus Package. This would give the unemployed Americans a chance to improve their lives and ensure that each and every American faces little or no difficulty in dealing with the costs of living during this period. Analysts have come forward and allegedly claim that the effects of this crisis would be felt for the next several years. The package would be used on education, aid to states for Medicaid costs, increase in unemployment benefits and on an arena of public works and projects in order to increase the jobs available to the public (HERSZENHORN, para 2 ). The proposal of the stimulus came under serious criticism and has become subject to a lot of intense haggling, fierce lobbying by the Republicans and its core details have come under intense negotiations. A lot of pessimism has been expressed over this stimulus. Many bear the taciturn notion that it will only plunge the country into deeper waters. The Americans would have to face an ugly recession, which is in its all-time high, and a nationwide unemployment rate of 12%. The plan, christened by the Democrats as â€Å"American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009†, has been President Obama’s core agenda as many see it as the determining factor of the direction of his presidency. The fact that it was one of his major campaign promises that gave him an edge over his rivals leaves him with no choice but to be more pragmatic and see to it that this succeeds. A breakdown of the package includes $87 billion towards the aid to states for Medicaid costs, $79 billion for colleges and local public schools to avoid cutbacks, $90 billion for infrastructure, $54 billion to push for the production of energy from renewable sources, $10 for science and research, $6 billion for enhancement of broadband services in rural areas, $13 billion for the disabled students, $1 billion towards technology enhancement and $43 billion to extend jobless benefits and retraining; to name but just a few. Though viewed by critics as a step of misplaced ambitions and misdirected energy, it is a major leap and a good example of walking the talk rather than sitting back to let nature take its course (HERSZENHORN, para 8). Economic experts are quick to add that though the stimulus is huge, it is not close to enough in stabilizing the economy of the United States of America. This is the highest amount of bailout that a single government has ever instituted on its economy. It is a great effort and jolt to the American economy, seen as a move to curb economic catastrophe. Bearing in mind that there is no other viable fiscal plan at hand, the stimulus package is worth a try. Many are wise enough to note from history of The Great Depression that counteraction is the measure and any procrastination would translate to nothing short of economic suicide. Work Cited: HERSZENHORN, D. M., Congress Moves on Stimulus Bill and Bailout Money. Retrieved on 2nd April 2009 from:, 2009 BRUNE, T., Economic stimulus package could reach $1.2T. Retrieved on 2nd April 2009 from:,0,5280976.story, 2008
Humanitarian Intervention in Iraq Essay
In March of 2003 the United States of America invaded the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq. Under many pretenses, the stage was being set for this invasion, one reason calling for the invasion was that Bush administration and its officials assured the world that the Hussein regime was producing weapons of mass destruction or WMD’s, which would pose a huge security threat to all the nations around the world. Another being the fact that Hussein supported the group responsible for the attacks on our country on September 11th 2001, which angered plenty of Americans and seemingly justified violence to be used. And also the fact that Hussein needed to be removed from power as he was a brutal dictator who was committing egregious acts of violence against his own people. Therefore a humanitarian intervention would be called for using militaristic means. The administration under President Bush pushed the idea on the American people and the world that Iraq would be a better place without H ussein in control, also making the world a safer place. This war has cost the lives of approximately 600,000 Iraqis and 3,163 American soldiers, not to mention other soldiers from other nations involved in the conflict. The actions leading up to the subsequent invasion and occupation affected Iraq negatively and caused consequences that harmed all of Iraqi society, mainly innocent people. The way the world dealt with Saddam Hussein wasn’t proper nor in the best interests going forward for the Iraqi people and the citizens of the world based on many factors. Years before boots were even on the ground in Iraq, the world had taken extreme steps to curb Iraqi aggression, most notably beginning in 1990 when Iraq invaded its neighbor Kuwait in August. There were many reasons why Iraq may have invaded Kuwait. Some say that it was because Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil and even the fact that Iraq owed Kuwait large sums of money after the Iran-Iraq war. But one of the very first steps that were taken was that the United Nations (UN) became heavily involved. The UN includes the UN Security Council (UNSC) which is the group that has control over UN military force and is in charge of implementing resoluti ons against regimes that may be breaking international law. The first resolution put in place against Iraq was UNSC 678, which was implemented just a few days after the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard invaded the country. UNSC 678 â€Å"authorized force against Iraq, to eject it from Kuwait and to restore peace and security in the area.†This action was ordered through all necessary means including use of the military. This was known as the Gulf War, but UNSC 678 only applied to the actions taken in 1990 through 1993 and does not include the intervention in 2003 by American and coalition forces. Next was UNSC resolution 1154, passed in 1998 and which mandated that Iraq was not allowed to be in possession or manufacture chemical, biological, or nuclear weaponry. This resolution also stated that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its inspectors were required to inspect Iraq’s suspected nuclear and weapons manufacturing facilities. Iraq did not completely comply with the resolution because they did not allow unrestricted access with what the IAEA inspectors wanted to see. This was seen as a shady move to much of the world and as if the Hussein regime had something to hide. A final warning to Iraq was issued in 2002 in UNSC resolution 1441, which was the last warning to the Hussein regime to comply with the demands of the previous UNSC resolutions and limit their weapons capabilities. In Alex Conte’s book, Operation Iraqi Freedom he states that, â€Å"Resolutions 678, 687, 1441, and 1154 do not legitimize use of force in Iraq†(Conte 139-162). There are only a select few instances in which the UNSC authorizes the use of force, one being if the expression â€Å"all necessary means and measures†is used in the resolution or if a member state of the UN is granted a mandate for action in another state and it is approved by the UNSC. Wording for many of these resolutions was very controversial be tween representatives of various nation states on the UNSC, regarding what powers one could legally take. But overall none of these UNSC resolutions approved of any military action to be taken in Iraq humanitarian or not in 2003; so in other words, all of the military actions that were taken were not legal in any form and against international law. The economic sanctions against Iraq also heavily affected the country before it was invaded by the coalition forces in 2003. â€Å"Iraq’s devastation is not primarily the result of American bombing†¦but the economic crisis that befell the country before the first shot was fired†(Rieff 185). The sanctions placed on Iraq were intended to hurt the Hussein regime, but in fact they just hurt the people under Hussein’s rule and put the entire Iraqi economy into terrible condition. The sanctions were a response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and reportedly used as a deterrent to Hussein’s aggression in the area, but the people hurt most by the sanctions were innocent Iraqis. â€Å"From 1991 until 2003 t he effects of government policy and the sanctions led to hyperinflation, widespread poverty, and malnutrition†(Dodge 706). This goes to show the negative effects that the sanctions had on the citizens of Iraq. Also mentioned in Rieff’s book, Democratic Dreams and Armed Intervention: At the Point of a Gun, is the fact that daily life was getting harder for Iraqis and their ability to receive the same goods as they had before the sanctions diminished drastically; â€Å"Before the sanctions Iraq imported 70% of its food, medicine, and chemicals, UNSC resolution 661 stopped all of that†(Rieff 187). These facts made the Iraqi citizens hate the crippling sanctions that were being placed on them because of the aggression of just their dictatorial leader. Many scholars believe that the sanctions made life already under a brutal dictator even more constrained and restrictive. Iraq before the sanctions was a very strong welfare state just like many of the oil rich nations of the Middle East which gave pensions to their citizens based on oil income, about â€Å"40% of Iraqi households were dependent on government payment†(Dodge 709). But because of the sanctions that same forty percent had to find other ways to receive income in a worsening economy. Many citizens such as Khaled Afra, a student opposed the sanctions just as they opposed the rule of Hussein, â€Å"Saddam was a criminal, the biggest. But the sanctions were also criminal†¦ You see the sanctions really crushed our dreams – not my personal dreams only, but those of my Iraqi people, all of us†(Rieff 193). Hussein did use the sanctions to his advantage though; he used them as premise to form Iraqi public opinion against the sanctions, the various governments of the West, and the United Nations. Huge propaganda campaigns began in the country and in a way were very successful, Hussein, for example, would convince his people that in fact he wasn’t evil and it was the nations of the West that were evil as they placed the sanctions on Iraq to try and starve innocent Iraqis. Hussein even agreed to the Food for Oil program, which help ed relieve some of the pressure and troubles faced by civilians as a result of the sanctions. The program allowed Iraq to sell its oil not for money but for food, medicine, and other supplies that were highly needed in Iraq at the time. Iraqi citizens loved this and praised Hussein for going through and agreeing with the program. A highly questioned component of the sanctions placed on the regime is why did they last so long? As mentioned earlier, the sanctions began right after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 but yet they didn’t end until 2003 when the American invasion of Iraq began. Most in the international community believed that the sanctions should’ve ceased to exist after the Gulf War was over or maybe just for a few more years after Iraqi forces were pushed out of Kuwait, but not for a full thirteen years. â€Å"Even many Arab nations who supported the sanctions at first believed that they should have been removed after Iraq left Kuwait†(Rieff 190). Most nations, even those who were against the Hussein regime saw the sanctions being in place after Iraq was ejected from Kuwait as unnecessary, cruel, and throwing salt on the wounds of a nation. The sanctions just made life worse for the regular citizens of Iraq, but the worst was yet to come. One good thing that may have come out of the sanctions is the fact that they did prevent the Hussein regime from obtaining or creating any weapons of mass destruction because the country just could not afford the types of technology needed to do so. Another factor that made conditions even worse for Iraq was the failed planning and research that should’ve been completed before the invasion of the country. â€Å"Fear that Iraq was developing a weapon of mass destruction became sufficiently unbearable to Bush and Congress that they launched and supported a preemptive war based on a poorly defined threat†(Sheenan 6). For one many were forced to believe that Hussein was in possession of WMDs which he wasn’t, therefore that threat did not even exist at all and should be exempt from reasons to invade and occupy the country. Planners of the invasion came up with a plan to oust Hussein from power using what they referred to as the decapitation thesis. The decapitation thesis is just as literal as it sounds, remove the head of the government, referring to Hussein and other high ranking Ba’ath party officials, and continue to use the body, which would be the institutions still under state control, as the head is replaced with new leadership. But the plan did not work as it was supposed to; after Hussein was ousted the country just fell into a power vacuum. Who would the people turn to for leadership? Because Iraq no longer had very strong state institutions, they were collapsed and were no longer working since the country was invaded. â€Å"In the space of two years, because of invasion a nd then state collapse, Iraq went from Rogue, the first category of problematic state, to the second, collapsed. Although military intervention into Rogue states has become increasingly common since the Cold War, it has to date been largely unsuccessful†(Dodge 706). This goes to show that largely  based on the past and places in similar situations  that Iraq was destined to fail. And besides the fact that the planners didn’t fully investigate the situation it seemed that they have even had other objectives besides the ones being expressed to the public. For example, â€Å"In April 2006, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld visited Baghdad to intervene in internal discussions about the government and to seek assurances that any future government would allow the United States to preserve its military bases in Iraq†(Arnove 116). Why would the U.S. need to establish bases in Iraq if the primary goal was humanitarian and to free the repressed people under the Hussein regime? Humanitarian intervention was also a huge factor in why the invasion and subsequent occupation was being justified in Iraq. Humanitarian interventions are usually mandated and put in place at the request of the legitimate government that needs the intervention. In this case the government of Iraq would have needed to explicitly ask outside powers to intervene, in which they did not. â€Å"The Security Council did not approve the invasion and the Iraqi government; its existence on the line, violently opposed it†(Roth 1). The Hussein regime opposed such an intervention obviously because it would signal an end to their rule. Even if it was to be a humanitarian intervention by the rules of international law the leaders accused of the alleged crimes against humanity should be brought on trial by the International Criminal Court (ICC). This was not the case for Iraq; none of the high ranking Ba’ath party officials including Hussein were even tried.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
China, Asia and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
China, Asia and Globalization - Essay Example However, the article goes on to highlight the flaws and indicators of why people should be skeptical of the present state. It gives a series of factors that are presently inflicting misery on a potential global leader and the ways that can be used to correct these flaws. This is accompanied by comparisons with other similar economies such as India, South Korea and Japan that are all from the same region. The writer takes the audience first through the present vices that are facing the country such as pollution, and the growing workforce (Ebenstein et al 10). This is culminated by the effects that these factors will have on the economy not only in the present but also in future terms. It is an analysis of the indicators and their influence to the economy as global trends that need to be critically examined if a country aims at making it in future (Bremmer 41). These arguments are assertive of the writer’s main theme that is to highlight a skeptic nature of economic trends that can only be compounded by being short-term and not in the long-term. However, the article ends by highlighting that although there may be problems relating with a strong China a weak China is even more catastrophic to the world (Bremmer 42). This is attributable to the level of control that the country currently holds. One of the arguments that the article highlights is the level of control and independent nature of Chinese interactions where they have managed to malign themselves from the West. Western countries have in the past.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Healthcare Plan Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Healthcare Plan Issues - Essay Example nds in the economy have added to the woes of the masses and created a vulnerable segment in the society whose healthcare has become a major concern for the government. President Obama’s national healthcare plans have been hailed as a major initiative in the field. While it is true that the healthcare system of the government has come under lot of threat from various factors like recessive economy, changing socio-economic pattern and increasing pluralistic society, the most damaging has been the insurance sector that has increasingly become market driven. Healthcare plans have just become insurance products and the common man as their consumer. In such a scenario, the poor have no choice but to compromise on their insurance package that may not fully meet their health requirements. The prices and the level of services or healthcare modules become have become crucial factors in the delivery of healthcare insurance. The plans introduce stringent measures to control discrimination based on gender, age and existing illnesses, thereby ensuring limit to the escalating insurance premium. There is protection for senior citizens and extra expenditure on flu shots, mammogram, diabetes tests etc. have now been incorporated within the insurance package so as to improve healthcare delivery and reduce extra burden on the common man. The plans also initiate various fringe benefits like tax credit for individuals and small businesses to get insurance with a ‘real choice’. Public health insurance provides cover to people who cannot afford and has made provisions to protect people with pre-existing condition by creating national ‘high risk’ pool. The cost would be met through savings and extra expenditure, if incurred, would be addressed through cuts and austerity measures. The hospital, doctors, specialists and physicians would be given incentive for improved quality in healthcare delivery. There would be special team of experts that would overseas the waste, fraud and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How will winning this scholarship help you attain your goals Essay - 1
How will winning this help you attain your goals - Scholarship Essay Example I believe that winning this scholarship will get the financial burden off me and grant me an education without giving me additional stress and tension as to where the money is coming from and how it will be paid off. As for my goals, I believe that this scholarship will change my life completely. It will give me confidence and make me feel that I deserve to get an education and that I, too, deserve to succeed and make a good life for myself. The fact that this is a merit-based scholarship will guarantee that I have indeed earned this for myself and as a serious student, I could ask for nothing better at this important time in my education. Furthermore, this may sound technical but I believe that as I have always been good at school and have participated in many extracurricular activities, this scholarship will be a sort of proof of my abilities as a student and pave for me a hopefully long and productive education at culinary
Monday, August 26, 2019
A Profile of Mr Bean's Carrier in Comedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Profile of Mr Bean's Carrier in Comedy - Essay Example Mr. Bean’s humor is atypical for a British sitcom. For example, British comedy series usually employ satire, parody, sarcasm and dry humor. But breaking away from this tradition, Mr. Bean thrives on a mix of visual and physical humor. While it is logical to believe that this type of slapstick humor appeals to children and adolescents, Mr. Bean’s appeal is near universal spanning across age, gender, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Described as â€Å"a child in a grown man’s body†, the endearing character goes about everyday tasks in a disruptive yet funny manner. Mr. Bean, or for that matter any other character in the series, speaks much. This adaption to the ‘silent movie’ genre works very well, as it resonates with classic comic works of Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy, etc. Background laughs are added to accentuate the effect and to imply humor. The recurring motifs of the show, in the form of the troublesome car, the tenuous love affair with Irma Gobb, his most intimate companion the Teddy bear, etc, all help to heighten the humor. Childlike in his behavior and thoughts, Mr. Bean gets himself into various sorts of crises. Though some of the situations he gets himself into are serious, most of them are light and trivial. Moreover, Mr. Bean is always finding new ways of annoying and offending people around him. The plots are constructed in such a manner that comedy takes precedence over realism or credibility of situations. This is not such as bad thing for the audience as they get maximum worth out of the time spent. It is a testament to the success of the TV series, that movie and animation adaptations followed - Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie and Mr. Bean (animated) respectively. Books and DVD’s inspired by the original show also came forth. The outstanding commercial success of the show and its adaptations are complemented by critical appreciation as well.Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Experimental Research in IR Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Experimental in IR - Research Paper Example Reflecting the usefulness and the limitations of experiments alongside evaluating the text of Hudson and Butler, the research question of this paper is â€Å"How can experiment as a research methodology fulfill the aims of social scientific investigation†. The rest of this paper will forge an analysis by reflecting on different issues in political research to answer the question. The question is significant in the field of international relations because it will not only open the discussion of whether experiments could be used as a mainstream method in international studies but will also help us look into the areas of research which has been insufficiently investigated.One of the main aims of a social scientific inquiry is to produce knowledge and objective facts that will not only help to solve real-world problems but will also produce other similar questions that will spearhead the further political investigation. Similarly, the work of a social scientific inquiry is to also â€Å"further the goals of a scientific literature†. The subfields of international relations are constantly growing in areas like Cognitive Psychology, Anthropology, Socio-biology and comparative politics. The fact that international relations are constantly growing in an interdisciplinary manner provides the ground to use the experimental method to fulfill the ambitions of this issue area.The rigorous technique of researching with experiments will not only provide a bridge but will also connect the knowledge gained from the research.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Looking at organizational behaviours such as managment objectives, Assignment
Looking at organizational behaviours such as managment objectives, culture, knowledge about how people- as induviduals and as groups- act within organizations - Assignment Example The easiest probable approach is to promote the common interest of the group first thus, to gather altogether the efforts and interest of each unit and channel it towards the achievement of that goal. This is primarily the foundation of the aspect of organizational management, which is to maintain the necessary values inside the organization’s environment for the effectiveness and efficiency of the member’s efforts (Robinson, 2000). To do this, the management must be able to lead its member towards the tasks and responsibilities and be able to relate to the needs of each of its units. It is through this approach that the management is able to transcend the individuality barriers and diversity environment inside the organization for their productivity towards the common goal. (Sims 2002) On a personal reflection as a member of an actual organization management committee, there are several important concepts and terminologies that one must intricately understand to function effectively as an organizational manager. Most of these key concepts include the values that are important for the functions and operations of the organization and the issues that must be thoroughly addressed inside the organization (Robinson 2000). These important concepts are organizational behavior, organizational culture, diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management. First among the list is the task of fostering organizational behavior within the group particularly the necessary values and idealism that each individual member must possess. In this aspect, the management promotes the ideal behavior that is important for the group for it to function effectively towards the common goal (Robinson 2000). Indeed, the management must primarily establish the concepts of professionalism and teamwork within its member to enhance their productivity as a group. In this aspect, the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Does Technology Make a difference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Does Technology Make a difference - Essay Example Currently, communication has become a massive industry owing to technological advancements. Technological advancements have increased the communication speed immensely. Additionally, it has enabled diversification of the communication sector. Therefore, the communication sector has countless facets. Communication serves a catalyst of other industries. The advancements in communication have necessitated changes in business practises. Acquisition of technology comes at a cost. It is vital to appraise the benefits that will come up from the acquisition of technology in an entity against the resource out flows. In some situations, it will demand setting-up of infrastructure. This comes at a significant cost. Additionally, organizations will require to retraining employees due to advancements in technology. The advancement in technology may also render sections of employees redundant. This would have cost implications on the entity as it pays benefits to the retrenched workers and hires a dditional personnel suited for the new technology. Alternatively, entities may opt to retrain the employees to avoid disruption in the entity (Shoniregun, 2005). Technology has countless benefits. As such, organizations can access many databases that contain vital information. Managers can utilize such information to enable decision-making in entities. Therefore, technology facilitates informed decision making in organizations. This has reduced losses incurred by countless entities. Technology has consequently transformed management radically. Thus, flow of information in organizations has become critical. Technology has enabled faster distribution of information to the workforce. This has enabled increased production in most sectors. Technology has not only increased production through swift flow of information by eliminating inefficiencies. Technology has changed industrial production massively. Introduction of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 3 Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MHE512 Disaster Relief Module 3 Case - Essay Example Considerably, the importance of the mission of relief and recovery operations are practically given way through the application of common good and virtues culture in providing assistance. The value of common good directly implies a rather important sense of realization when it comes to providing help to those who need the assistance.2 The common good allows a better chance for the relief operations to be focused on matters that affect the majority of individuals who were victimized by the tragedies or natural calamities and be able to answer the call for the said need. Directly to, applying virtues in the process would provide the rescuers with the patience that they need to keep on pursuing the matters that the people they are helping really need and stop the deeper sense of discrimination among those who are being helped from the position of those assisting them. It is only through the application of common good and virtues culture of handling relief and recovery service to victims of calamities and disasters that the procedure of helping becomes directly effective and applicative in assisting those in need towards the instance of keeping a great chance of proving the victims with the attention that they need regardless of the differences that they may have against each other. Also, it should be noted that the application of... tivity makes it easier for the providers of service to keep their procedures in line with the law and the different guidelines that are carried on to assure that the victims' welfare are well attended to. Critically, these considerations assist every individual given the responsibility to provide relief the right position and motivation towards actually giving attention to the different approaches used to make it better for the victims to recover from the situations that they ought to grow out from later on to be able to move on in life. 2)In your opinion was the compensation to the victim's families fromthe 9-11 terrorist's attacks on America raised the expectations of a similar compensation to victims from other disasters. If you considered it ethical to provide compensation to the victims of 9-11 would you apply the same ethical approach to the victims of Hurricane Katrina If not, would you apply another ethical approach What about the victims of future major disasters The equalization of the procedures and budget when it comes to providing victims of calamities and tragedies around the different states in concern is a huge matter to be given attention to by the officials appointed for the directive considerations that need to be undergone to be able to help victims recover from the situations that they have been under. Why is this so Likely, the idea of keeping the victims supported for them to successfully recover from the situations that they have to ponder with comes with great ethical balancing of focused elements. This includes the balanced approach of relief and recovery service given to all the victims of such situations. For instance, those who have been under the 9/11 tragedy have been well compensated by the government due to the fact that the fatigue
Alcohol Abuse Essay Example for Free
Alcohol Abuse Essay †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Alcohol is a drink containing ethanol It is a lipid that is highly water soluble A psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. Distribution: Ethanol is distributed equally in all body tissue according to water content. †¢ Metabolism: A healthy body can metabolize 15ml of alcohol/hour †¢ Alcohol is metabolized by the liver but 10% is excreted unchanged in the breath, sweat and the urine Metabolism of alcohol Alcohol Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Acetaldehyde (Toxic) Alcohol Dehydrogenase H2 and Acetic Acid (Nontoxic) Alcohol Abuse †¢ A psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholic beverages despite its negative consequences. †¢ Also termed as â€Å"Alcoholism††¢ Pattern of drinking that results in harm to one’s health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work. Cause of Alcohol Abuse †¢ There is no known cause for alcohol abuse. †¢ The reason for alcohol abuse is complex. †¢ A. Psychodynamic Theory †¢ Attitudes and behaviors of the client †¢ Problems †¢ Stress, anxiety, depression †¢ Peer pressure. †¢ B. Biologic Theory †¢ G.enetic predisposition of the client MANIFESTATIONS OF alcohol abuse †¢ Continue to drink, even when health, work, or family are being harmed †¢ Are not able to control drinking being unable to stop or reduce alcohol intake †¢ Miss work or school, or have a decrease in performance because of drinking †¢ Need to use alcohol on most days to get through the day. Manifestations of alcohol abuse †¢ Do not care about or ignore how they dress or whether they are clean †¢ Try to hide alcohol use †¢ Shake in the morning or after periods when they have not a drink †¢ Poor judgment †¢ Irritable. Complications of alcohol abuse †¢ Elevated liver function test †¢ Alcoholic Hallucinosis †¢ Withdrawal symptoms such as: x Tremors x Sweating x Palpitations x Agitation †¢ Delirium tremens †¢ Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome †¢ Peripheral Neuritis †¢ Gastric ulcers Treatment for ALCOHOL ABUSE †¢ Abstinence from alcohol †¢ Medication treatment such as: †¢ Long-acting Benzodiazepams: tx of alcohol withdrawal †¢ Chlorhexidine (Librium) †¢ Diazepam (Valium) †¢ Lorazepam (Ativan) †¢ Disulfiram (Antabuse) †¢ Naltrexone (ReVia) †¢ Subject to a rehabilitation facility. Nursing Management †¢ Teach the patient the effects of chemical abuse on the body. †¢ In communicating with the patient be in a matter-of-fact and respectful manner. †¢ Maintain a positive, supportive environment. †¢ Build a therapeutic rapport with the patient by providing relief from his or her symptoms and meeting physiologic and safety needs. †¢ Present reality without challenging or escalating the patients anxiety and thought disturbances. †¢ Remain objective to the patient and the family. †¢ Closely monitor your patient during your shift to identify subtle changes and intervene appropriately. †¢ Assess mental status and sleep pattern, and provide emotional support to reduce anxiety.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Engaging With Vulnerable People In Mental Health Social Work Essay
Engaging With Vulnerable People In Mental Health Social Work Essay In this essay I am going to write about vulnerable adults, how I could demonstrate professional values and how I could empower vulnerable people demonstrating respect and maintaining dignity. I will demonstrate an understanding of legislation and policy guidance, noting the strengths and weaknesses in accordance to NMC code of conduct. I will also briefly give the history of abuse, bringing in various Department of Health documents as clarification to demonstrate the need for current legislation regarding the protection of vulnerable adults. I will discuss how the ability to support my chosen case study and careers is seen as the key skill of the nurse, which requires a non judgmental approach which is essential to working in an anti oppressive practice. Definitions of vulnerability and anti discrimination will also be included as it is a comparison of NMC code of conduct. Vulnerable people all are very sensitive to the need of their independence and they can be vulnerable very easily for instance if they are in pain. So nurse should always understand how the impact of loos, change or grieving processes can affect the individual. I have chosen adult case study two which is Mamoun. He is vulnerable because, he has had an operation and he is in a lot of pain. Mamoun doesnt talk about the pain or ask for painkiller but if offered, he will take them. VULNERABLITY Vulnerability is people when support is required to enable or promote independent living and safe and active participation in the Community. To a certain extent some people or groups may be vulnerable because they perceive they are vulnerable e.g. if they believe they live in a high crime area when that is only a perception and not a fact. Iliffe.s et al (1998). Social exclusion is a process in which social, economic and cultural factors can combine to exclude individuals, groups and communities from participating in society and gaining access to economic, cultural and social resources. When combined, they create an acute form of exclusion in particular neighbourhoods. Having identified those groups who might be vulnerable the next stage is to decide the best means of helping them. The Evaluation Panel believes the primary aim should be to give vulnerable people as much control over their lives as possible to mitigate the circumstances that make them vulnerable. Parker. J. (2006) A vulnerable adult is any person aged 18 or over who is or may be in need of community care services because of disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care of themselves, or is unable to protect themselves from significant harm or abuse. Vulnerable adults could include older people, people with a visual or hearing impairment, physical disability, learning disabilities or mental health problem, and people living with illness. Vulnerability can also be described as unprotected, unguarded, open to attack, helpless and weak Oxford. (2002). in another way if anyone walks at night in dangerous area we all tend to be vulnerable or able to be hurt. Mamoun is a sixty two years old Muslim man who is based on in so much pain after his operation and he is vulnerable because he is isolated from his religious or cultural activities. He may have nobody to talk to or no family to visit him as well as language and culture problem. Mamoun may experience from a very limited health care service or he may not happy the way he treated which can make him more vulnerable. So even though he doesnt answer questions politely and never ask for PRN pain relief, it is the responsibility of nurses to give full attention and see his reaction of his pain. When I am on my duty, I must make sure that he is in a good condition by checking him all the time. If he is in pain, it shows when looking at him so it is impossible to wait for him to ask for pain relief. Mamoun may has no idea about medicines and he is unable to talk it may be lack of communication skills or language problem. Having said that I could look in different way for example, get interpret er, being nice, friendly, kind, understand his pain and make sure that he trusts me. According to NMC cod of conduct the following professional values will inform and guide all work with vulnerable adults: Treat people as individual avoid discriminatory in any way against the patients, treat kindly and act as an advocate NMC (2008). Work effectively with a team able to be flexible within teams, respect and support each other. Privacy the right of individuals to be left alone or undisturbed, and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs. Dignity all people will be treated with respect. Each individuals unique characteristics and intrinsic value will be recognised. Independence the right to act and think without reference to another person. Choice the opportunity to make both small and more significant life choices, with assistance as appropriate to understand context and options; the opportunity to make choices in the individuals own interest, exercising the choice to take risks Laverack.G. (2005). . Rights the maintenance of all entitlements a ssociated with citizenship, including full participation in the life of the community Iliffe.s et al (1998). Abuse against vulnerable adults has been noted since the 1960s, although certain types of abuse would have taken place before then, society has changed and what is acceptable now is certainly different to what was acceptable back then. People became quite vocal in the 60s, more open minded and speech and opinions flowing freely an example of this would be the topic of sex and drugs. Iliffe.s et al (1998). Abuse is a violation of an individuals human and civil rights by another person. It may consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be planned or unplanned. It may be the result of deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance. It may happen when a vulnerable adult is persuaded to enter into a transaction to which they have not consented or cannot consent. Abuse besed on many forms some of them that more comenly knowen are include: Physical Abuse for example, hitting, pushing, and shaking over medicating or otherwise causing physical harm. Sexual Abuse for example unwanted touching, kissing or sexual activity. Or where the vulnerable adult cannot or does not give their consent it mayt be. Psychological / Emotional Abuse including verbal abuse, humiliation bullying or the use of threats Iliffe.s et al (1998). Financial Abuse the illegal or improper use of a persons money, property, pension book, bank account or other belongings. Neglect the repeated deprivation of help or care that a vulnerable adult needs which, if withdrawn, will cause him or her to suffer. Institutional Abuse abuse, neglect, withdrawal of rights or continually poor care in a care home setting. Discriminatory Abuse Including racist or sexist abuse, and abuse based on a persons disability, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment. Abuse can take place in their own home, by familly or any other visitor, or in someone elses home, by a relative, friend or neighbou, in a residential or nursing home, by a paid or volunteer carer, in a day centre, adult education centre or other establishment, by an occasional visitor or service provider, in a hospital or GP surgery, mayt happen by a professional worker. ANTI-DISCRIMINATERY Anti-discrimination practice is a positive action to avoid discrimination. It is abut being presenting positive image of people equal opportunities policy in all aspect programs that take place and also challenging any discriminatory or oppressive language and behavior Parker.J. (2006). There are different tyeps of discrimination, such as more commonly known, racism, disablism and ageism. One of the things we do when meeting people is to make assumptions about them which can make them more cnfortable. Discriminatory language often betrays assumptions that have not been based on accurate knowledge or on cultural stereotypes. Often it emphasises the superiority of the speaker or the groups that she/he represents. This need not be conscious for it to be offensive and exasperating. Non-discriminatory language promotes exclusivity by the deliberate attempt to ensure that the language used promotes the equality of all people Parker.J. (2006). The role of training is always to ensure that the maximum number of people possible have access to the information they need. Particular intention must be given to avoiding the use of technical language and jargon. Workers have an obligation to ensure that everyone who can benefit from their service has an opportunity to access it, and whilst they are using it, to be treated in a way that accords their need for decency and self- respect Laverack.G. (2005). As a trainer to model good practice, I have to be serious about my responsibility to ensure that the patients have an opportunity to participate in the event and achieve their maximum learning potential. I also need to have good practice how to speak in appropriated language and behaviour. It is very important to make an action plan for acceptable language and behaviour as a professional. All trainers must avoid using language or behaviour that is in any way discriminatory. Mamoun may be increased risk due to the unaware of his rights, socially isolated, not know how to complain and has communication difficulties. He may also has difficulty understanding certain decisions or transactions and may have limited life experience and find it difficult to anticipate. In this case, there are different kinds of things to think about such as development of social networks keeping in contact with family, friends, and neighbours as he is isolated. I will encourage him to access to social groups which may help him to make friends. Access to support groups I will get interpreter for him if he has language problem. Support and advice, I will support him in caring for him and I will advice him to tell as his problem in order to improve and maintain his health. Assessment of needs, as I mention on the above for client who is unable to talk I will assess by psychologically understanding for example, watching the patient if any behaviour or act change think about his foo d and asking of his needs. REFLECTING From this essay, I have learnt a value of social work for instance philosophical and academic thinking in order to assess clients needs and circumstances. I have also learnt the role of NMC code of conduct and I have developed skills and professional knowledge to work effectively with vulnerable people. The NMC code of conduct helped me to understand how the laws and policies were applied to these such good example cases. Adult Case Study 2 was a unique case for me as although the service user did not have any mental health needs he required help with foll servisce. This essay teaches me the aspect of nursing I can reflect on, the use of the word experience in nursing, how self awareness is central to reflection and how the development of other skills will aid reflection. In the future I believe that I will be able to demonstrate and work closely with both service users to support them, by assessing their needs, reviewing risks, policies and procedures that apply to them. This essay will help me make my work clear to service user and also more open to review so I can improve my practice in the future.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
History KFC Holdings MBhd First
History KFC Holdings MBhd First After a successful restructuring exercise, KFCH has emerged as a strong player in the Malaysian corporate world with a high reputation for excellent products, efficient friendly service and financial strength. Indeed, KFCH is the only KFC restaurant operator in the world whose Western Quick Service Restaurant market share is greater than that of McDonalds. KFCH is part of QSR Brands Bhd (QSR Brands) .QSR brands is a leading and fully-integrated quick-service restaurant enterprise and the local franchisee and operator of the KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants. QSR Brands is a subsidiary of Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad which conglomerated focusing mainly on palm oil operations, oleochemicals, biodiesel production and quick service restaurants. Besides that, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad is under Johor Corporation as well. The first KFC restaurant in Malaysia was opened on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman in 1973. The Company was operating 475 restaurants across Malaysia, 77 stores in Singapore, 9 restaurants in Brunei and 72 restaurants in India as of December 31, 2009,. The Company had a total of 43 RasaMas restaurants in Malaysia and Brunei and 35 Kedai Ayamas stores across Malaysia in 2009. On December 15, 2009, the Company had acquired the entire issued and paid-up capital of Rasamas Terminal Larkin Sdn Bhd and Rasamas Melaka Sdn Bhd. When KFC Holdings (M) Bhd is going successful in fast food industry, it now is more concern toward to charity and community program. In year 1995, KFCH initially launched a Projek Penyayang but now already become a part of Tabung Penyayang. There are more than 66 charitable homes and institutions get the benefit from their fund around Malaysia. In that year, the company also implemented a special programme that each home will be given a meal treat of the finger licking good fried chicken every quarter of the year. The Tabung Penyayang which launched in year 1997 helped a lot of orphans, disabled, homeless and needy children around Malaysia. They get fund from the companys revenue from the collection of 10 cents from the sale every of Chicky Meals Tabung Penyayang KFC Collection Box as an extension to the Tabung Penyayang KFC programme in August 1999. Collection boxes are placed at all KFC restaurants so that customers can contribute and be part of this charitable effort. Tabung Penya yang has helped strengthen even more our relationship with the Malaysian public in the charity program. Financial Performance of KFC Holdings (M) Bhd According to the RHB Research Institute Sdn Bhd on 23 June 2010 of Corporate Highlight about the share split, bonus and warrant issue information, the major shareholder is QSR Venture with holding 50.30% share. The second major shareholder is Lembaga Tabung Hasil with 24.80% while Airsaig Asean Fund also holds 6.9% of share. The share price of KFC (3492) in KLSE is RM10.50 and the volume is 294,000 in last update on 13 August 2010 at time17:10:13. KFC Holdings gained RM167 million and make the profit of RM320, 000 until 30th September 2009. There have a rise of 6% in fast food restaurants profit if compare to previous years profit. The KFC Company reported revenues of RM2, 179.79 million during the fiscal year ended December 2008, and an increase of 25.97% over 2007. The operating profit of the company was RM 175.02 million during the fiscal year 2008, an increase of 8.08% over 2007. The net profit of the company was RM 118.54 million during the fiscal year 2008, an increase of 13.68% over year 2007. The total asset either current asset or non- current asset are increasing from year 2008 to 2009. For the equity part, the retain earning of company increasing RM40, 513 to year 2009. The company still keeps it as reserve for emergency use. The short term loan had been decrease RM20, 000 from year 2008 to 2009. It is a good sign to reduce of borrow loan. But the total equity and liabilities increase from RM603, 539 in year 2008 to RM626, 232 in year 2009. There is an increase of RM22, 873 within one year. KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd. has announced that the company will give a final dividend of RM 0.16 less 25% Malaysian income tax per share for the year ended 31 December 2009. The dividend paid on 27 May 2010. In next year , the KFC Holdings Malaysia Bhd plans to invest RM 45 million to expand at least 20 new outlets in 2011 .Of the 20 outlets nationwide, 12 outlets will be under the drive-thru concept. In this year, KFC also will launch a new menu- Hot Spicy menu in Kuala Lumpur in coming 3 August. The company was expecting has about increase 10 % sales On the new Hot Spicy Shrimp menu, the company was expecting to drive its during the promotion period from 3 August to 30 September 2010. Besides that, KFC Holding wishes to expand the sausage capacity as it Port Klang plant to double digits sales growth at the end of year 2010 from the currently 500 tonnes to 1000 tonnes. Task 1 KFC Holdings (M) BHD has expanded their business aggressively in these few years. There are lots of new branches being set up in Malaysia. Therefore, the management team also exposed to several new challenges in managing or maintaining their profit level. After viewing the information about the company, we found out that the company has well utilized its labor force, machinery, and managerial skill in expanding their business. There is no doubt that they have implemented their plan very well in managing the company because it is easily for us to see that their outlets have been built up in a very fast rate. However, we also found out that there is an unfavorable issue that has occurred in the company which is, the profit of the company is declining slightly in the last few years. This reduction in the net profit is a big deal that the company should pay more attention in solving it in order to place the company in a well situation. But, what is the main reason that caused a company w ith a very nice performance and a well management team to encounter with such problem? Since the management team of KFC Holdings (M) BHD is well managing, they should have an increasing net profit instead of a decreasing net profit throughout the years. However, after a deep consideration on this unfavorable matter, we have concluded that the company should reduce its cost in order to shift away from this situation and thus, increase their profitability. So, we should primarily focus on the cost issue to help the company to overcome this problem. So, we suggest the company to invest in a new asset which can eventually help the company to save their cost. Since the cash flow of the KFC is tighten up by its cash flow, a high-tech machine likes ice cream maker, which require a large amount of fund for the initial investment is definitely not suitable for the company. We should create a product that can help the company to save up their cost and which will not become a burden for the company. After a discussion, we suggest that the new asset that the company should invest in is a new design of sauces container which can be a replacement for the bottle of sauces that the company is currently used. As we know, the KFC Holdings (M) BHD normally served the customers with two kinds of chili sauces and tomato sauce. So, what is the problem with their sauces? Normally, they will serve the customer with their sauces, either chili sauce or tomato sauce in the original bottle of their supplier. Apart from the problem of cost, as the compan y serves the sauces in the form of bottle, it will actually bring a lot of inconveniences to the company. It is because each bottle of sauces requires the firm to leave out a space to keep the sauces in a safety place which will cause the firm to spend a portion of fund to acquire a store. The money that the company used in maintains the condition of store will increase the cost of the company indirectly. So, back to the main reason of our problem, the bottle that the supplier used in filling up the sauces actually will cost the company more due to its high cost in producing it. As we know, the purpose that the supplier use a glass bottle to fill in the sauces is to longer the expired date of their product. However, it will also increase the cost of firm to acquire such product because the material, which is the glass bottle that being used by the firm to produce it is very high. So, we suggest the company to invest in a new design of sauce container which can eliminate the use of the glass bottle in their retail shops. They can actually save a lot of money from using the well-designed container. The design of the container of the sauces allowed the firm to fill up the sauce in it without using any bottles, which can eventually reduce the cost of the firm. We will design the container in a very creative shape and it will require the customers to squeeze on the plastic form container in order to get the sauces. It will not only save the cost but also increase the customers favorable over this new product. Furthermore, the cost to invest in this new asset will not be very high because it is being created in the high quality plastic form. However, we will require a steel stand to support three of the sauces plastic containers. Although the container is in the plastic form, but each of the containers can fill in about ____ml of sauces which require a stable stand to support its heavy weights. Not forget to mention again, the company will serve the customers with three kinds of sauces which mean there will have three containers being supported by the steel stand. Well, we also know that the cost of obtaining a stand that is made up by steel is not that cheap. However, it will also help the company to save a lot of cost in a long term view. Besides that as the container can be refill for many times, the company can require the supplier to provide the sauces in a plastic form which can eventually eliminate the higher cost of obtaining it in a glass bottle form. Moreover, by obtaining the sauces in plastic form from the supplier, the staff can refill it into the new designed sauce containers easily. Frankly, the cost of obtaining the sauces which is packaging in plastic is definitely lower than the cost to obtain the sauce which is packaging in a bottle. Well, we know that the supplier of the sauce, LIFE brand sauce is a _____ with the company which has already provided the sauce to KFC in a lower price. However, the reduction in the cost of packaging the sauce will then reduce the cost for KFC to obtain the sauce. The KFC Holdings (M) BHD can still get the sauces from its supplier in a rate that is far lower than before. Besides that, with the creativity in the design of the container, the company can actually attract more customers into it indirectly. We have confidence that the creative design of the container will attract the attention of customer, especially kids. This is one of the ways to increase the sales and to ensure that the customers will consume in KFC again. Furthermore, we can see that the stolen case can be happened easily if the company served the sauce in a bo ttle because the customers can get it easily without noticing by the workers. Customers who have the incentive in stealing it will find that it is not hard to be done if the sauces are being served in a glass bottle because they can just put it in their hand bag after dining in the retail shop. So, the stolen cases can be prevented if the company served the sauces in the well design container because the customers do not have a container to fill in the sauces. Thereby, increase the profitability of the company. Replacement Asset Installed cost per outlet Cost of new asset (380+10950) 11,330 Installation cost 100 Total installed cost 11,430 After tax from sale of old asset 27,375 Change in net working capital Current asset 39,570.53 Current liabilities 3,867.37 Total changes 35,703.16 Initial investment 19,758.16 Installed cost per 475 outlets Cost of new asset (11,330 x 475) 5,381,750 Installation cost 47,500 Total installed cost (11,430 x 475) 5,429,250 After tax from sale of old asset (27,375 x 475) 13,003,125 Change in net working capital Current asset 18,796,000 Current liabilities 1,837,000 Total changes 16,959,000 Initial investment 9,385,125 Analysis of Replacement Asset The price for a bottle of sauces either chili sauce or tomato sauce will be RM2.50. We assume that a KFC outlet will used up ten bottles per day which cost RM75 (3 x RM2.50 x 10). Therefore, it will cost RM27375 per annually for the company to acquire the sauces from the supplier. For 475 outlets in Malaysia, it cost up RM13003125. However, by replacing the bottle with sauces container it will only cost the firm with the total amount of RM11430 per year which means RM5429250 for 475 outlets. From the RM11430, it consists of RM380 of three containers for sauces, RM10950 for the sauces which is packaging in a more cost efficiency way, and the RM100 of the installation cost for the containers. Assuming a package of sauce will cost the firm RM3 and the firm will consume ten packages per day for a year. Based on the annual report of KFC Holdings (M) BHD, the changes in net working capital is RM16959. With the entire figure above, we can generate the initial investment of RM 19758.16 per o utlet and RM 9,385,125 for 475 outlets. Operating Cash Flow (Present) 2010 2011 2012 Revenue 77635000 85710000 88801300 Expenses 3327300+13003125 16757925 16900425 (16330425) 61304575 68952075 71900875 (Proposed) 2010 2011 2012 Revenue 77635000 85710000 88801300 Expenses 8756550 9184050 9326550 68878450 76525950 79474750 With present asset 2010 2011 2012 Revenue 77635000 85710000 88801300 Expenses 16330425 16757925 16900425 EBIT 61304575 68952075 71900875 Taxes (40%) 24521830 27580830 28760350 NOPAT 36782745 41371245 43140525 Operating cash inflow 36782745 41371245 43140525 With proposed asset 2010 2011 2012 Revenue 77635000 85710000 88801300 Expenses 8756550 9184050 9326550 EBIT 68878450 76525950 79474750 Taxes (40%) 27551380 30610380 31789900 NOPAT 41327070 45915570 47684850 Operating cash inflow 41327070 45915570 47684850 Initial investment RM 9,385,125 Cost of capital 11 % Cash flow Year 1 RM7573875 Year 2 RM7621375 Year 3 RM7621375 NPV RM 9196548.45 IRR 61.87 % Cost of debt 50% from retained earning ( RM4700000) 50% lending from bank (RM 9,385,125 4700000) RM 4685125 Cost of retained earnings 30%, weighted 0.50 Cost of debt, 61.81% (similar with IRR), weighted 0.50 WACC = (cost of retained earnings x weighted) + (cost of debt x weighted) = ( 30% x 0.50) = (61.81% x 0.50) = 15% + 30.91% = 45.91% IRR > WACC, accept the asset 61. 81% > 45.91% Financial leverage Total dividend to shareholders : RM32715000 Total dividend to common stockholders : RM23793000 Total dividend to preferred stockholders : RM8922000 Number of shareholder: 178,275,000 Income statement Of Leverage (RM000) sales revenue 77,365 Less: cost of good sold Gross Profit 77,365 Plus: Other income 35,598 Less: operating expenses 33,273 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 79,690 Less:Interest Net profit before taxes 79,690 Less: Financial cost 1,805 Profit before tax 77,885 Less:Taxes 4,669 Net profit after taxes 73,216 Less: Preferred stock dividends 8,922 Earnings available for common stockholders 64,294 Earnings per share (EPS) 32. 43 Income statement Of Leverage (RM000) sales revenue 77,365 Less: cost of good sold Gross Profit 77,365 Plus: Other income 35,598 Less: operating expenses 33,273 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 79,690 Less:Interest Net profit before taxes 79,690 Less: Financial cost 6,490.125 Profit before tax 73,199.875 Less:Taxes 4,388.333 Net profit after taxes 68,811.542 Less: Preferred stock dividends 8,922.000 Earnings available for common stockholders 59,889.542 Earnings per share (EPS) 33. 59 Task 2 Merging Benefit of merging Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad is the company that we choose to merge together with KFC Holdings (M) Berhad. The reasons that we want to merge this two companies together are because this merger will provide a lot of benefits to both of the companies. However, we will discuss about the type of mergers that we used in merging this two companies together first. As what we know, there are four types of mergers which are horizontal merger, vertical merger, congeneric merger and conglomerate merger. After a deep consideration about the condition of these two companies, we have suggested both of the companies to merge through vertical merger. So, what does a vertical merger means? It is a merger in which a firm acquires a supplier or a customer. It is normally happened between two companies that producing different goods and services for one specified finished product. Since the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad is a company that mainly produces natural and nutritious products tha t people are pursuing nowadays. So, we hope that the merger between these two companies can bring out a new product that is primarily focus on the health of the people. So, we will discuss the product that these two companies will produce in more details after the successful of the merger between them. Firstly, KFC Holdings (M) Berhad which is a fast food restaurant will acquire the natural and nutritious products such as milks or yogurts from Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad . After that, it will introduce a new combo set which comes together with the healthy products that is provided by Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad. This idea comes out from our minds because we know that people are showing their great concerns on the problem of healthy nowadays. Normally people will think that having fast food will affect our healthy and adults will inhibit their children from eating fast food as a result. This effect will definitely affect the sales of KFC Holdings (M) Berhad indirectly. So, we must discuss a method to solve this problem upside down. After configuring the factor that caused this problem to arise, which is the peoples mind set of fast food will bring negative effect to our health, we have also come out with a well solution. The solution is that we will acquire the healthy products from Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad and combine with the products of KFC Holdings (M) Berhad which can reflect a good image that the combo set is something good to our health. Furthermore, we have think of two kind of new combo sets after the merger which one is mainly focus on adults and another set is focus on kids. Firstly, we will acquire the package milks from the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad and combine it with the kid meals. Apart from that, we will acquire the milks not only in one flavor but in three different flavors which are original, strawberry and chocolate. It is because we know that the kids nowadays might have different demands on the drink choices. Some of them might show preferences over strawberry flavor and some others might show their preferences on chocolate. So, it is good to have more choices for them to choose in order to prevent any unwanted consequences. As what we know, milks are the best nutrition that everyone needs to maintain their health. So, the parents might not be so aggressive in inhibiting their children from eating the fast foods if we combine it with milks. Then, the sales in KFC Holdings (M) Berhad will boo st up greatly as a result too. Besides that, we will also combine the three flavors of milks with the normal sets in KFC Holdings (M) Berhad. However, we will also provide the yoghurts as a dessert in the combo set. There are so many flavors of yoghurts that are provided by Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad such as aloe Vera, blackberry, strawberry or mix fruits. Yogurts has provided a lot of benefits to people such as preventing yeast infection, strengthening immune system, enhancing digest system and relieving ulcers. Furthermore, people are showing their great concerns on their weight nowadays, especially girl. So, having a yogurt right after their meals can enhance their digestion system which can help them to maintain their weight and health indirectly. So, we have confident that this combination of normal set with yogurt will bring out a good response from the customers. Well, we will discuss in details about the benefits that come along with the vertical merger between this two companies. The benefits from the merger are: Increased managerial skill or technology Increased the competitiveness in the market Growth or diversification Synergy 1. Increased managerial skill or technology A proper merger can enhance the performance of the company when a target company can provide the managerial personnel or technical expertise needed by the acquire company in expanding their business. Sometimes, a firm might fail to participate in a great opportunity in expanding their business due to the deficiencies in certain areas of management or an absence of needed product or production technology. As in our suggestion, the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad will provide some healthy products such as milks and yogurts to the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad which will then produce a nice healthy image to the public. Besides that, the merger of two companies can improves their ability in research and development as both of them can spend a huge amount of money in such process. This will eventually improve the quality of products for the customers and increase the profit for both companies. Both of the companies can actually cooperate in carrying out a research in how to enhance the qua lity of foods that are expected by the customers. After the merger, they can carry out the research together at a cost far more lowly than other individual company. This is the benefit for a merged company as they can keep improving their products and gain sales from it. Furthermore, by acquiring the managerial skills from both of the companies, they can actually share their opinions or suggestion on how to improve the quality of products and boost up the sales indirectly. Normally, different people will have a different view on something, thus, both of the companies can gain different suggestions and think of a best way to deal with the problem. Thereby, the problem that faces by the company can be solved faster and easier. There is no doubt that a merged company will have a better managerial personnel or technical expertise in managing the company. 2. Increased the competitiveness in the market We can easily see that a merged company can increase their competitiveness in the market when compare to their competitor. It is because that the merged company can gain the asset, skill, technology of the target market which will increase their potential in gaining benefit over their competitor. Besides that, their market value will also increase significantly as a result. As in our example, the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad can gain benefit from the healthy image which is being created by the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad. People will change their mind concept towards the fast food due to the healthy image of those natural and nutritious products provided by the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad. Furthermore, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad can also gain the benefit of the increasing in their sales. Apart from that, they can provide customers with a wide range of services by merging. Nowadays, people are looking for a company that can provide them better services just like what the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad do, such as provide them a product which exceeds what they expected the company can provide. Therefore, the merge company can gain advantages over other company which will help them to hold existing customers and attract new customers into their company. 3. Growth and diversification A proper merge between two companies can help both of them to fulfill a desire rapid growth in size or market share or diversification in the range of their products. Normally, a company will need to pay its supplier the cost to acquire the materials such as the cost of materials or any other extra charges that being charged by the supplier in processing the transaction. Sometimes, the cost for acquiring the materials can be a big burden for the company as it will reduce the revenue of the company. In our example, after the merged, the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad is free to get the products at the base cost and does not have to pay any extra charges to the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad who is currently looking to make a profit from the sale. This allows the company to have less money tied up in production of a good and will increase their revenue. Besides that, the money that being saved up from the cost of material can actually use by the company in expanding their business or ac quiring another asset that is useful to the operation of the company. The company should use the money that is saved from the materials wisely in order to achieve the target of the company which is fulfilling a desire growth. Moreover, the merged company can actually fulfill the target if they invest the money in a profitable investment or use it to extend or expand its product line. By doing so, they can actually experience a rapid growth in their sales and increase the total revenue and net income. Besides that, the growth of the business after merging might remove or scare a potential competitor off. Therefore, the merged company can sustain in that industry with its powerful strength in the future. 4. Synergy The synergy can be considered as the economies of scale that results from the merged companys lower overhead. The economies of scale achieved from lowering the combined overhead increase the earning of the merged company to a level greater than the sum of the earning of each of the independent company. So, what does economies of scale means? An economy of scale is a common thing that applies to most of the company in the market. All of the companies will try their best to strive for economies of scale which is, the average cost incurred in manufacturing a product can be reduced if the company requires a large investment and output. So, when two companies are being merged together, the total output increases can benefit them through economies of scale. When raw materials are purchased in large amount or quantities, the merged company can actually get a huge discount on their purchase. As in our example, after the merger, the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad will acquire the products such as mi lks and yoghurt from the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad and comes out with a new combo set. The product demanded from KFC Holdings (M) Berhad can actually increase the sales of the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad. Therefore, they need to produce the milks and yoghurt in an even large quantity than before in order to produce sufficient quantities that are required by the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad. So, have to get more raw materials in processing the products and they will experience the benefit gained from the economies of scale in the end. Lastly, actually both of the merged company can gain benefit from such merger because the KFC Holdings (M) Berhad can acquire the products at a cost that is far lower than original and the Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad can experience a significant increase in their sales. It has shown that a proper merger will benefits both company and increase their profitability.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Lunar Landing :: essays research papers
â€Å"Its SilverBlade.†â€Å"SilverBlade?†asked Lieutenant Mesa. â€Å"SilverBlade was one of the TDF Veterans who joined to help us when UF was first formed. Once we got going though he effectively disappeared, I wasn’t even aware that he had UF Intelligence Clearance.†â€Å"I was not aware that he was either, Commander; however, the code does match the one he used back when he was with us.†â€Å"Sounds to me like he and some of the UF Forces of Luna may have joined forces. That could explain the frequency he is on could it not.†â€Å"Yes, Lieutenant, that would be my guess as well.†â€Å"Will you send a squad to investigate?†Feret looked at Mosfet. It was clear that he still did not wish to risk the operation, by sending a squad to investigate. However, he had to agree with what was said as well, their mission has always been to protect humanity. â€Å"I still think that it is risky. First, if we send a squad we cannot hang around in Luna Orbit waiting for a response. The timetable for the Earth Strike operation depends on it. Whatever squad I did send might be sent on a suicide mission. We have little intelligence on what the Cybrids actually have on Luna. Logistically supporting such a mission is a nightmare.†â€Å"Well, Commander, some would have said dropping night division onto Luna on its retreat from terra when the Cybrids first showed up was a suicide mission, yet we were able to pull it off and dealt the Cybrids their first blow in their bid for the sol.†â€Å"Yes, Colonel, those same people would have said that by so doing we drew the Cybrids to mars far sooner then they would have normally arrived. Whether that is true or not we may never know. Suppose this is true and the Cybrids capture one of them and extract the information about the Earth Strike operation, the last thing we or the Terran front needs is another Battle of Boulder.†Mosfet shook his head in agreement and then replied. â€Å"True though this may be, Commander, the original UF did what it did because it felt it was the only way humanity can survive. As vital as the Earth Strike operation may be, it has little hope of helping defeat the Cybrids on terra. It is true that destroying the Hydra factories will
Sunday, August 18, 2019
ANCIENT GREEK WOMEN :: essays research papers
Ancient Greek Women In ancient Greek society women lived hard lives on account of men's patriarch built communities. Women were treated as property. Until about a girl’s teens she was "owned" by her father or lived with her family. Once the girl got married she was possessed by her husband along with all her belongings. An ancient Greece teenage girl would marry about a 30-year-old man that she probably never met before. Many men perceived women as being not being human but creatures that were created to produce children, please men, and to fulfill their household duties. A bride would not even be considered a member of the family until she produced her first child. In addition to having a child, which is a hard and painful task for a teenage girl in ancient civilization to do, the husband gets to decide if he wants the baby. A baby would be left outside to die if the husband was not satisfied with it; usually this would happen because the child was unhealthy, different looking, or a gi rl. Women had very few rights, they lived as prisoners, serving men 24 hours a day. Women were sheltered from society, restricted to their husbands and their husbands houses, crying out for help and justice but there is no one to there to hear their screams. In the play Antigone when the title character had to sneak out of the house to meet up with Ismene. Ancient Greek men ruled a lot like over protective fathers with teenage daughters. Men were also scared of women gaining confidence and begin thinking on their own or worse taking action or speaking out against men, like in the play Antigone where Antigone confronts Creon by burying Polyneices after Creon strictly stated that no one bury him. If someone were to bury him, the whole Polis would stone them to death. When Creon found out that someone buried Polyneices, he did not even consider that it could have been a women that did it. Why were women treated like animals? Greek society would not function without women, everything a man needs for proper living, food, clothing, wealth, sex, the continuance of human existence were all traits that women inquired. However women are also highly sexual beings that could overpower, hypnotize, and stimulate men's minds and soles. Similarly in modern society where a lot of men have lost families, jobs, money and their lives due to sexual addiction.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
First of all, the Government starts to create labeling the SACS recipient for reducing t Eire expenditure or other purposes. In 1998, there Is a review on SACS was done by Social welfare Department. [ 1 | The review is full of â€Å"Having a Job is better than none†, â€Å"Low wage is better than no wage†,†SACS should be the last choice†and these kinds of statements against the SACS recipients. Actually, those negative and misleading messages are continuous spreading to the public by the government by different means from the past to now.Thus, the public have an image that there were many people abusing SACS, â€Å"SACS feeds the lazy As we all know, Hong Congers believed on self alliance. When the Government implies that SACS feeds the lazy, Hong Kong people would have negative feeling on SACS recipient s as their act was against the beliefs of Hong Kong people-cleanliness. Secondly, the Mass Media had helped the labeling act. The reports done by the medi a a about the SACS recipients are mostly negative, e. G. Buses of SACS, crimes of the SACS recall .NET, the increasing expenditure of SACS which claimed because of the abuse of SACS, From the attitude of media, we can see that the SACS recipients were treated as offend deer. The SACS recipients are considered as lazy and abusing SACS. Due to the rule create d and applied by the society, the action of applying SACS became a deviant behavior and pee pole labeled the SACS recipients as outsiders. The public had misunderstanding and no idea on the situation of the abuse of SACS.Most of them are affected by the media, thus they label the SACS recipients as the media did. From a survey on public views on SACS recipients[2], 82% of interviewees got the information of SACS from the media. 50. 6% of them agreed that â€Å"SACS feeds the lazy'. In fact the reapportion of unemployed SACS recipients among all the SACS Recipient is Just ABA UT 10% recently. It is better to say that â€Å"SACS is feeding the needs†but not lazy. Most of the labeling act in the public was due to misunderstanding and stereotyping.In fact, there are Just a small proportional of unemployed SACS recipients among all the CSS recipients. â€Å"SACS feeds the lazy' is not support by the fact. That matches what outside theory said,†Some people may be labeled deviant who in fact have not broken a rule. Furthermore, social exclusion is another effect of labeling. Form a survey on psychology kcal conditions of children of the SACS Recipients[4] and a survey on SACS recipients' self images, we can notice that labeling could badly affect the psychological conditions an d the self images of the people being labeling.These people felt negative on themselves. A bout 70 % of them thought that there were less and fewer friends that they could talk with an d their friends would make discrimination against them. More than half of them thought that t their friends would look down on them. Also, 7 0% of them are afraid of being known by 10th errs that they are SACS recipient. These made them don't want to contact with the others. As a result, they isolated themselves from the others.They don't want to contact with their friends, their family or even the society. Finally lead to social exclusion. They were bee Eng excluded from the society. To conclude, the government and the media help to give a meaning of applying SACS alleged abuse and laziness (labeling). That leads to the problem of misunderstanding of the public and the social exclusion. In fact, applying SACS is not a bad behavior as most o f the SACS recipients need it to support their basic needs.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Kashmir Dal Lake
Dal Lake has rightfully become an icon of the Kashmir tourism industry. A Himalayan urban lake, it has five basins and a number of channels that are well linked with each other. There are plenty of fishes in Dal Lake and fishery is the second largest industry of the region centered on the lake. The sparkling quiet waters of Dal surrounded by snow-capped mountains on its three sides, undoubtedly mark it as one of the most beautiful lakes of India. It is also the second largest lake in the State of Jammu and Kashmir with numerous gardens and orchards all along its shores. Houseboats form an indelible part of the scenery of the Dal Lake that are always ready to take tourists to a romantic and peaceful ride of the lake and soothe their nerves as the houseboat floats over the slightly rippling waters. They also offer some of the most exotic views of the splendid scenery of the Dal Lake. There are Shikaras that look like small ornate versions of the gondolas of Venice that offers ferry rides to and from the banks of the lake to the houseboats. The shores of the Lake houses the distinct Moghul monuments and the campus of the Kashmir University while the two hillocks overlooking the lake house Shankaracharya and Hari Parbat temples. The glorious Mughal gardens on its shores contribute to the beauty of the Dal Lake. Out of about five hundred gardens laid down in 16th to 17th century, only a few still survive. There have been controversies about the origin of the Dal Lake. While some geologists believe that the origins of Dal Lake lie in the Pleistocene Oligotrophic Lake that once covered the entire valley of Kashmir, others just believe it to be a flood plain lake. The floating gardens of Dal Lake are considered a beauty in themselves. One can find a number of restaurants and hotels at the lakefront that have sprung up, encouraged by the large influx of tourists here.
A Rose by Any Other Name: the Pros and Cons for Each Alternative Essay
What is the best marketing strategy for Rose Partyware? In both options – becoming a manufacturer for Party! private label line of party goods or launching of a branded line of party ware – Rose company will face some issues and will embraced some opportunities. In my opinion, there are pros and cons for each alternative: 1. Becoming a manufacturer for Party! Pros: †¢The possibility to become the manufacturer for one of the biggest retail chain in the field with 300 stores †¢Access granted to a huge market having in mind that retail chains are more and more developing in to the first choice of customers in terms of shopping †¢The sales of Rose Company made through Party! represent 20% of total sales. †¢ Rose products will have a very good exposure on the shelves of Party!, along with merchandising support and sharply reducing the number of competitors. †¢Eliminating the advertising costs Cons: †¢Risk of product’s cannibalization  †¢Losing brand personality – Having no decision capacity regarding the design of the products. †¢35% of total sale are coming from independent shops. Moreover, Tom consider that this type of partners were always a great source of good ideas and encouragement and he felt that he owns them a part of his company success. By accepting Party’s! proposal Rose company assumes the risk of losing the partnership with independent shops. †¢Rose brand is a strong one in this field. Their products are the best in terms of quality and customers appreciation. If they accept Party! proposal it occur the risk of losing brand awareness among the customers †¢Lack of trust in retail chains policy regarding the amount of payment for the manufactured products. †¢Losing the opportunity to take advantage of a next-generation technology. †¢Lack of pride among the employees 2. Implement the new technology Pros: †¢Increase brand power which allow Rose to stay ahead of its rivals. †¢This next generation technology will give the opportunities of reducing the total costs by eliminating the expensive filmmaking process. †¢A market research conducted by the company it reveal that, both customers and distributors have positive remarks about the new concept. †¢Some studies results show that the customers are willing to pay even more for Rose’s new brand than it was suggested to them. So the company has the possibility to increase the price by 6-7% at their new products in order to cover the expenses with advertising. †¢Keeping the innovative spirit of the company Cons: †¢Risk involved by price increasing †¢Customers inconstancy regarding what they say in a market research program vs. what they do in a real life situation As we can see, both alternatives imply as well opportunities and risks. If I were the decision maker in this case I would surely choose the alternative to implement the new technology that will allow the company to create innovative products. I would take this decision based on short and medium/long terms factors. On short term, in terms of sales the actual partnership with Party! represent 20% of total sales while the one with independent shops is 35% of total sales. The diminishing of eventual loses, it can be crucial for the business. In addition, as Tom stated, the independent shops represented a success factor in growth of Rose Company over the years. On a medium/long terms the company has the opportunity to be the pioneer in developing a innovative product with a positive impact among clients and distributors. Is a great opportunity to increase the power of the brand and to put its mark over the entire partyware industry.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
I Just Wanted to Know About the Present Trends in Housekeeping Department
PRESENT TRENDS IN HOUSKEEPING DEPARTMENT Accommodation Management Staffing The housekeeping department of a hotel is responsible for ‘cleanliness, maintenance, aesthetic upkeep of rooms, public areas, back areas and surroundings. ’ The department is not always given the respect it is due in terms of work load, the size of which can be estimated by the fact the department often employs the largest workforce.There are a variety of areas the housekeeping department must manage, the following table taken from Hotel Housekeeping Operations and Management depicts the housekeeping department’s span of control: Front of House Areas Back of House Areas †¢ Guestrooms †¢ Corridors †¢ Lobbies and public restrooms †¢ Pool and patio areas †¢ Meeting rooms †¢ Dining rooms/restaurants †¢ Banquet halls †¢ Convention Halls †¢ Hotel-operated shops †¢ Games rooms / recreation rooms †¢ Exercise rooms / gymnasium †¢ Building e xterior †¢ Landscaping and gardens †¢ Management offices Storage areas †¢ Linen and sewing rooms †¢ Laundry room †¢ Employee locker rooms †¢ Administrative offices †¢ Cloak rooms †¢ Maid’s service room The diversity of areas controlled by the housekeeping department requires structured planning when delegating tasks to be undertaken. Developing an organizational structure is a process which deals with ‘identifying and grouping work’ and aims to ensure the department works as a unit, with clear lines of authority and good lines of communication and is essential for the smooth running of the department.A Schematic representation, known as an organizational chart, assists in defining roles and relationships within an organization, the following organizational chart has been created for a four star hotel with one hundred bedrooms. ‘Structure is the best way to channel employees’ efforts towards productive efforts ( O’Fallon et al, 2010). It is important to continually review an organizations structure to ensure the structure is aiding the attainment of the organizations goals and proving to be†¦
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Wacoal International Aspect
Thai Wassail's general financial overview, from the year 2007 to year 2010, its total liabilities has been around 500 to 600 million baht, but in 2011, it has rose up to about 1,000 million baht, which will be further discussed in the later topic. As for its equity, it has been quite stable for the past five years, ranging from around 4,000 to 5,000 million baht. Capital Structure: Debt Financing vs.. Common Equity Financing A firm's capital structure consists of debt financing and common equity financing.Thai Wassail's debt o equity ratio is very low, so we can see that it prefers to use equity financing over debt financing. There are several reasons to a firm's financing decision by looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each method. When a firm chooses to use debt financing, it would have to pay the cost of debt, which is the interest expenses. Advantage of using debt to finance is that the interest payments can be deducted from the business income taxes. However, disadvan tages include the high cost of interest rates and high probability of bankruptcy when a rim's unable to repay the debt.We can assume that Thai Waco do not prefer to finance its funds through debt due to these two advantages. Thai Waco instead chooses to use more of the equity financing; it would be through the use of retained earnings or through the issuance of new stocks. Advantage is that it will not have to keep up with the costs of interest payments to bank loans or debt finance, allowing the capital to be used solely on business activities. The funding source for Thai Wassail's operations and investments came from its UAPITA and accumulated profits, without any debts carrying interest burdens.According to the financial statements at end 2010, the company had total liabilities of Baht 582. 96 million and shareholders' equity of Baht 5,036. 50 million. The company's liabilities shown in the financial statement consisted mostly of trade account payable and accrued expenses, which explains why the total liabilities have risen up to 582 million baht in 2010 compared to 2009. Long-Term Investments Thai Waco has registered long-term investments total of around 2,059 million baht, s compared to 1,586 million baht in the previous year, which shows an increase of 473 million baht.This was due to the largely increase in investment in debt securities and debentures. Thai Wassail's long-term investments are classified into three segments. First segment includes the investment in related companies consisting of around 912 million baht. With its outstanding investments in other companies within the same group through cross-shareholding, such investments can support its related industries, which would in turn contribute to the company's operations. Second segment includes investment in other companies consisting of around 41 5 million baht.By investing in several other businesses, Thai Waco could spread its risk over such business diversification. These companies have th eir own management authority, so there won't be any interference of Thai Waco as they are completely independent. As the result of such investments, the company could be well assured of the support in the steady supplies of materials, components, products, services, know-how, together with favorable dividend benefit from the Meany's satisfactory performances.The last segment is the investment in debt securities consisting of around 731 million baht. Reducing Foreign Exchange Rate Risk Thai Wassail's business operation relies heavily on imports and exports in the foreign currencies, so they are exposed to the risks from foreign exchange rates fluctuation. Therefore, the company uses financial instruments such as the forward contracts in order to reduce exposure to such fluctuations in foreign currency exchange. It will help to protect Thai Waco from movements in exchange rate by establishing the ate at which was agreed upon to be settled.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Strengths and Weaknesses of Mainstream Supply Chains Essay
Strengths and Weaknesses of Mainstream Supply Chains - Essay Example As the report declares supply chain management is an essential component of the management tools of organizations dealing in the flow of goods and services. Value creation is important for organizations because the main objective for existence of companies is to make profits. It means that companies must design a competitive infrastructure through which all its supplies and products/services will flow. The ease of flow of which products/services from the manufacturers to the final consumer is tantamount to the efficiency, and largely the profitability, of such manufacturers. According to the research findings conversely, the manufacturers or service providers must design an efficient infrastructure through which raw materials flow from the supplies. Besides the suppliers and the final consumers of products and services, supply chains involve many other entities, who either create value or facilitate the movement of products and services across the supply chain. Accordingly, organizations employ supply chain management as a means of ensuring smooth flow of raw materials from the suppliers and efficiency in delivery of products/services to the end customers. The logistics of supply chain management increase tremendously when it comes to international businesses. The global context of the supply chain involves many middle parties from across the globe. As a result, Global Production Networks (GPN) becomes inevitable, particularly for multinationals with subsidiaries in far-flung countries where the supplies do not have a base.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Operations Management 3-6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Operations Management 3-6 - Essay Example Accessibility to customers is the key factor in improving gasoline sales. A tertiary hospital is also a preferred business for this location. The residential areas are near to it, there is no replacement market for this specialized service and healthcare services is a specific need of residents. The following factors of location B: close to major highways, on the major truck route of large transportation companies, not close to any residential neighborhoods and large open area where new development can occur is best suited for a garment processing company and a coffee processing plant. The location of the operations of a garment vital to the efficiency and profitability of company operations. Choice of location determines the productivity of capital investments. Manufacturing facilities have unique locations and there are transport costs to distribution and consumption, hence, production location affects the costs of distribution and consumption. Accessibility of manufacturing facilities of garment processing and coffee processing plant is important as transport costs represent a significant proportion of the costs of production and distribution. Without cost minimization, there will be no profit maximization. Location has a serious impact on a company’s revenues. 2. â€Å"Aggregate planning in manufacturing is easier to accomplish than aggregate planning in services.†For example, aggregate planning for a textile processing plant is easier to implement than for a business process outsourcing company. A textile company is basically a labor intensive business. This means that the company uses large amounts of labor per unit output, and that wages form the largest single cost (50-70 percent of total costs) faced by employers. The cost of labor is therefore the most important locational determinant in the textile industry. The textile industry has been
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